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A Top 4 From Caliber Winfield

Hey guys. First off, I want to say thank you for all those who read my article from last week and had kind words to say. I really appreciate that. Thank you. Now, this week we have another classic from Str8 Gangster, No Chaser. For those who have read it before, it's better the 2nd time around, and to those who haven't read it yet, I hope you enjoy it. 

Wrestling fans can be some annoying people. In this article I’m gonna talk about what I think is the most annoying BS that they pull at live events.

4. Misspelled Signs - OK, so you’re going to make a sign for a live event. There’s no harm in that. You want your favorite wrestler to know that you love them. Heck, who knows, Kelly Kelly may see your sign and take up on your offer of marriage. You’re stoked as you wait for things to get rolling. You enjoy the matches that go on before the main event, and then it happens, here comes your hero! Time to lift that sign up on high, so he can look over and see that you “Heart Brett Hart!” or that “Cane Is #1!” or you’re proclaiming “Go Jon Cena, Go!”.

Seriously? How dumb are you? How lazy are you that you can't be bothered to look up the proper spelling? Funny thing is, as I was working on this I was watching WWE Supertape 92, and there was a Bret Hart match. Well, a person had a sign letting ‘Bret Heart’ know he was number 1.

Really? Yikes.

3. Bringing Signs To House Shows - There are no cameras. There for, there’s no freaking point in you bringing your stupid sign. I mean, do you think that Batista just HAS TO KNOW…just ABSOLUTELY has to know that you want him to Batista Bomb you? I find signs annoying at shows or PPVs, but I can understand the nature of it. At a house show? Really? You have to inconvenience the people behind you because John Cena must absolutely, positively learn that you think he sucks? You gotta get that zinger in, no matter what, huh? You’re an ass. Don’t bring signs to house shows.

2. You Screwed Bret! - Say, did you know that about a TRILLION years ago a couple millionaires got in a scuffle, and one millionaire didn’t want to lose to the other millionaire, so one of them was screwed. If you’re a wrestling fan who’s been into the sport for longer than 5 seconds, you’ve heard about The Montreal Screwjob.

The best thing about it though? Is the obnoxious jerks who go to a live show, and scream “YOU SCREWED BRET! YOU SCREWED BRET!” to anyone who ever had anything to do with the Screwjob. Hell, I’m sure these guys would even yell at fans who were at the arena that night, because they didn’t rush into the ring or something. Are you a guy who once saw Shawn Micheal’s mailman? Well, don’t show up to a live event, because some Canadian wrestling [no offense to my fellow Canadians who just enjoy the show] fans will let you know that “YOU SCREWED BRET! YOU SCREWED BRET!”.

1. WHAT? – I’ll be the first to admit WHAT?! that when Stone Cold WHAT?! started saying WHAT?! that I thought it was really cool. Hell, I think at a live event I even did it with the crowd. Of course, this was the early 2000's, when it was fresh, and entertaining.

It’s 2012, and you guys for some reason still think it’s funny, or entertaining to chant “what?!”.
Why would you think this? How obnoxious do you strive to be? It’s almost been 10 years since it was relevant, and Stone Cold doesn’t even wrestle. So why do you dredges of society still think it’s really rad to chant that when people are talking?

If you guys can think of any other petpeeves that wrestling fans do at live events, do share. Thanks for reading.

- Caliber Winfield
websites: Str8 Gangster, No Chaser - Man Movie Encyclopedia, Top 4's, movie reviews, wrestling
WCW In 2000 - I'm sure by now you know the terror beyond those gates.


  1. Isn't it 'therefore', not 'there for', as you have spelt it? Ouch...

  2. And that's not the only spelling mistake, which is funny considering how he chided the sign-carriers on this post.

  3. I do my best to make sure everything is spelled correctly, but I write over 20 hours a week, so I'll mess up a word here and there.

    If you guys catch any others, let me know, I appreciate it. 

  4. Maybe the sign writers also write for 20 hours a week. Maybe they don't have the time to spell check their work either.

    But I mean, they are just wrestling fans, not someone who writes for 20 hours a week like you,

    Geez.... 20 hours for 1 column?

  5.  I spell check. Honestly, other than "therefore", I don't see any other spelling mistakes.

    Also, no, I don't spend 20 hours a week on a column, I find it cute you think I do, but no. I'm working on my book, then there's both websites, as well as the other websites, including this one that I write for.

    There's no excuse for "Brett Hart" or "Jon Cena" signs. They're stupid & lazy.

  6. Christopher HirschApril 9, 2012 at 1:54 PM

    Is it ok if I wear my Y2J shirt from 1999 tonight, despite it being 13 years old?

  7. 'GOAR GOAR GOAR' is my favorite bad sign. 

  8.  Yeah, you're in the clear. However, if you have any replica belts, please don't bring those. For the life of me I can't understand those massive dorks who bring their belts to the wrestling events. Really? Do you think we're dying to see the belt you spent $300 on?

  9. No I haven't been able to spot any other mistakes, and I only pointed the first one due to the irony of it.

    I agree wholeheartedly, by the way; I always remember an 'AUTSIN' sign from years' back. D'oh.

  10. Check your second paragraph here.

  11. It's hilarious when the crowd chants "What?!" at a TNA show or some indy show. Cracks me up every time.

  12. I have to comment just based on that goofy kid in the picture with the bowl haircut, lol.

    BTW, as for the WHAT?, here's all I have to say....YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!

  13. You got Shawn Michaels wrong in the You Screwed Bret section, dude.

  14. (Michael Buffer shamefully hides his Bret "The Hitman" Clarke sign)

  15. Cool, too bad there's freedom of speech and so if I wanna chant "WHAT", and it's not in the context of a restriction such as spreading hate, then I can. Furthermore, I paid money to exercise my constitutional right.

  16. I don't have any replica belts but it seems perfectly reasonable to wear or take one to a wrestling event.  It seems like the one place you could wear it that people wouldn't look at you funny.  I don't know whethere the people that do it think others will be impressed to see them; it might just be a matter of finally getting to wear it somewhere that it wouldn't draw strange reactions.

    Oh and Christopher, wearing the Y2J shirt seems reasonable since Jericho has said he never wants any more shirts released for him as long as he's a heel. Thus, it's not like you can get a more up-to-date one, even if you wanted to, and I don't know if you do.

  17. I remember one time, must have been 04 or 05 when the fans were chanting "you screwed Bret" at Shawn and be basically told the crowd, "it was 7 years ago, get over it."

  18. See, i would argue that a grown man with jeans, t-shirt and a BIG GOLD BELT looks ridiculous, even at a wrestling event.

    It's like wearing a football helmet to a game.  If you're going to do that, go all the way, right?  The pads, the pants, etc. and some people do.

    So, Ipropose that if you're going to wear a fake belt to a wrestling event, you have to don the whole wrestling attire, with robe and all.

  19. So ironic you spelled "Shawn Micheals" wrong....bwahahaha. I suppose it's much more difficult to spell than John Cena eh?

  20. But like the author of this post, I wonder what the hell would possess someone to still chant "WHAT" 11 years after it was relevant or the slightest bit amusing.  Especially when a wrestler is trying to say something of some importance to an angle and the idiots in the crowd are ruining the effectiveness of it with this moronic chant.

  21.  That seems like a perfect opportunity for an autism joke, but I can't think of anything, and it really wouldn't be funny.

  22. TheRealCitizenSnipsApril 9, 2012 at 4:19 PM

    My all time favorite sign-


    That sign was 100 percent spelling errors. 

  23. Kind of like its stupid and lazy to not check whether or not "pet peeve" is one word or two? 

    It's two. I can't wait to read your book! 

  24.  Maybe he can still support Jeff Harvey and Kofi Johnston

  25.  I want to be diplomatic here, but most of these Winfield articles (or articles he wrote under another name) come off as pretentious and/or self-righteous.  It's just not the type of stuff I am used to on this blog (which, quite frankly, seems to have some of the most educated discussions on the net regarding wrestling).  I appreciate the effort and I agree with about roughly half of what Caliber is saying.  However, he's constantly plugging other projects, acting like we've read everything he's done, and shaming people who disagree with him.  The way he interacts with those with dissenting opinions rubs me the wrong way.  Maybe he should only write about the manly movies or pop culture to continue his Bill Simmons meets Daniel Tosh style of writing.

  26. You come across as a pompous ass in this article. Wrestling shows are a traveling circus, a live action "Rocky Horror Picture Show". And if fans want to go the show with a sign in hand trying to get the attention of their favorite wrestler, or wear whatever they want, they have that right. It's part of the spectacle, and the fans ARE a part of the show.

    I read this thinking that we'd get a "Cracked" style of article that brings the funny. Instead, we got a "rasslin snob" who seems to think he's above the product.

    I look forward to your next article: "The Top 7 Reasons You Shouldn't Enjoy Your Favorite Band"

  27. Nothing is worse than "Rick Flair" signs. Seriously.

  28. how bout the time someone clocked bret with an egg on an episode of thunder! haha

  29. "What?" has become the scream for Freebird of pro wrestling

  30. Most annoying things fans do? Sitting on their hands throughout a show creating a dead atmosphere. Quiet crowds suck the fun out of everything.

  31. Ehh, can't blame a crowd for not reacting if they're given a crappy product.

  32. #1: They sold out. Their old stuff was SOOO much better.

  33. From my personal experience, the only people I've seen bring signs to house shows are kids and they might not even know there are no cameras there, so I don't begrudge them for it. In fact, if you're sitting very close to the ring, a wrestler is more likely to acknowledge your sign since they have more freedom to cut loose and not have to follow a rigid script. I once went to a house show where Cena took a kid's "SHEAMUS IS AN ALBINO" sign into the ring to garner a pop from the crowd, and that was probably one of the biggest thrills of that kid's life.

  34. One thing that drives me nuts is people that chant "This is Wrestling!". No shit, what gave that away, the ring? That and people that scream "Hey [insert wrestler's real name]". Might as well yell "I have an internet connection". This reminds me of a clip I saw once where some guy yelled "Go back to Toronto!" at Jericho and he responded with "I'm from Winnipeg, dipshit". If you're gonna talk shit, at least be accurate about it.

  35. Southern_DiscomfortApril 9, 2012 at 11:18 PM

    It does get to a point where you have to think some of these people are doing it on purpose.

  36. Southern_DiscomfortApril 9, 2012 at 11:21 PM

    I'm sure I've brought it up here before, but I'll never get over being at HIAC in New Orleans this past fall and jumping out of my seat for Punk's entrance, only to hear "sit the fuck down!" come from behind me. I turn around...and it's a guy in a CM Punk shirt. Come on, buddy.

  37. Can't lie when I was 9 I went to my first house show and I was really excited and made a bunch of signs. I had no idea it wasn't televised I just knew it was SmackDown and damnit I was bringing signs. 

  38. I brought an nWo sign to a WWF house show when I was 13, and I wasn't the only one. Bet Vince loved seeing that...

  39. Never get sick of seeing 'Ray Misterio' signs!

  40.  I gotta say, saying that I'm a mix of Bill Simmons [Ah, Dear Tom Brady, GO PATS!] & Daniel Tosh is a HUGE compliment, I really do appreciate that.

    Yeah, of course I plug projects, why wouldn't I? It's like saying "Man, did you see Bruce Willis on Jay Leno? He was plugging the new GI Joe movie! Then a comedian came on, and he plugged an appearance!"

    That's how I look at it. I'm a guest here at Blog of Doom, and I appreciate every second of it. So, at the end of my articles, I plug my other stuff. If Scott tells me not to, I won't do it.

    Also, when do I shame people who disagree with me? People have their own opinions, that's that. If I ever get into a war of words with people, it'll usually be when someone just says "You suck and you're article is crap!!!11". I hate it when people just want to talk shit, you know? If you have some critism, I'd love to hear it. I'm not a touchy guy. Like, your statement here, I wish all statements that were against me, were like this. It's well worded, coherent, everything is spelled correctly, and you don't come across as an obnoxious prick.

    Also, the character of Caliber Winfield is just an over-the-top dude. If I had to describe it best, I'd say a more educated Kenny Powers.

    Again, thank you for providing a prime example of how all people should post criticism. Awesome. Oh, and thanks again for the Simmons/Tosh compliment.

  41.  Eh, a child is given a pass in any given situation. He doesn't know better. Matter of fact, when I was at Chamber 2009, a kid in front of me kept holding up his mom's sign that said "Batista Bomb Me!". That's great his mom never told him that he was asking Batista to have sex with him.

  42. It's still real to this 'mo

  43.  I dunno, a simple typo in a sea of about 3,000 words as opposed to misspelling the name of your favorite wrestler on a sign that's going to be on national TV.

    Yeah, I'd say that's the same thing. bwahahahahah!111LOL!!!11

  44. [Ah, Dear Tom Brady, GO PATS!]

    Was that an Adam Carolla reference?  Love when he does Simmons.

  45. If you spend that much, time writing, it might be a good idea, to learn how, to use a comma the right way, because, it makes you seem,dumber,than, you, probably, are, and, it, can,,, make,,, it,,,difficult,,to,,,,,,read,,,since, everything,,,turns,,, into a series,,,,of long,,,run,,,,,-on,,,,,sentences,,,


  46.  I knew someone here would have good enough taste to catch that.

    Yeah, Adam is pretty much my hero #1. I've been listening to him every day since he started his own show on KROQ back in 2007. I never tire of his Bill Simmons impression.

  47. The difference is this: you fancy yourself a writer. They likely do not fancy themselves signmakers. It's a game of expectations, and when you fail to meet a certain's difficult to take you seriously.

  48. Why do you feel the need to portray a character? I mean, to be submitting pieces to a wrestling blog, it seems completely unnecessary. 


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