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Wresltemania XXVIII Open Thread

We're one hour from bell time and members of my party have started to arrive. Anyone reading that knows where I live and the code into the neighborhood is more than welcome to attend. We have Shock Top on one kegerator and Strongbow Hard Cider on the other.

In case you forgot I love Wrestlemania

I hope you enjoy the show.

Oh yeah, come out swinging but keep it clean guys, it's only the biggest show of the year.


  1. Let the Marksplosion commence!

    Can't wait, got the kids (8 of them) settled on the floor, the couches full of guys and beer, all the wives/girlfriends shipped off to...wherever girls go during times like these.

    Here's to Punk and Jericho stealing the show!

  2. Scott Stanford is the guy Michael Cole stands next to in a bar to make himself look charismatic. 

  3. World title's starting off the show again!


  4. Damn hard to predict:

    Winners - Rock, Taker, Jericho, Sheamus, Team Johnny, Orton, Show, Face Divas.

  5. Here we go!!!!

    And HOOOOOLY FUCK @ that crowd

  6. Got the show going, a buffalo chicken calzone is cooking in the oven and my girlfriend is already looking bored as all hell as Lillian belts out "America, the Beautiful." Jericho-Punk opening? Very excited!

  7. <<<333 Lilian Garcia

    Those palm tree supports for the structure over the ring must be damn annoying for the portions of the live crowd....

    Holy shit I'm having a Mark Attack. 

  8. .....Seriously....

  9. Protect yourself at all times.

  10. Was that supposed to be a goof on Aaron Craft from last night or something?

    I guess the good news is that the WHC couldn't have been any more valueless anyway, lol.

    Horrible opener.

  11. The Streak is the new WWE Championship, the WWE Championship is the new World Championship and the World Championship is now the ECW Championship.

  12. WTF???? I was at least hoping for a Danielson wrestling clinic first....

  13. Pretty sure everyone on the blog's gonna hate that...

  14. Or just, you know, a match of any kind...

  15. Yeah, a match would have worked. I paid $55 for this shit. Is this their way of telling me I'm an asshole for not watching a stream?

  16. Seriously. Even my room full of 6-8 year olds could tell that was a bait and switch at best, just purely a dumb fucking idea at worst.

    But don't worry! Now we'll get 12 miniutes of Kane and Orton to make up for it!

  17. I'm sooo glad I didn't pay to see that. But that's the only thing I'm glad about.

  18. Not a good way to start. Bryan gets beat in a heartbeat, followed by Orton-Kane? I'm underwhelmed so far.

  19. Don't worry guys! We'll give you 15 minutes of Kane/Orton to apologize for that dumbfuck of an opener!

  20. Starting to feel more secure in not ordering the show. Sounds like I'd be uber-pissed right now if I had. Though being the nice little choir boy I am, I can't seem to find a safe stream... If anyone, you know, wants to hook a brother up...

  21. I was literally a minute away from ordering this thing behind my woman's back before that happened.

    Guess I'll wait until the DVD now

  22. Wow. Just wow.

    It takes quite a lot to get a 'bullshit' chant going that quick.

    Even my completely non-wrestling fan girlfriend said "That completely devalues the title."

  23. By resthold #4 this match is already 28 times longer than the last time we saw the World Heavyweight Title defended.

    Thrilling stuff.

    That'll show the whole front row of the biggest event of the ear to care about D-Bry.

    And yes I'm just filling my time with negativity because this match is so boring that not even my kids are interested and they'll love anyone that wears a mask...except Kane.

  24. I'd start by looking around ustream or Asking Jeeves maybe. 

  25. Wow so they've really lost that huge hard-on for Orton haven't they? 

  26. Wow. Kane wins a big match for once.

  27. The ending to that match somewhat redeems it. Hopefully they pick up the pace a little bit, though.

  28. That was a painful 20 minutes for me. I went back to reading a book half-way through it. Can't believe we got such a long Kane Orton match. A now a Deadliest Catch commercial? On a PPV? I can't believe I paid $55 for this shit.

  29. Did Orton shit in Steph's gym bag too? Jobbing to Kane at Wrestlemania? Punk is officially #2 now.

  30. I love the 'E, they're always about five years behind popular culture. Has anyone given a shit about Deadliest Catch since like Season 2?

    I will say though, at least kids mark the fuck out for Santino. My living room has been playing with Lego's the entirety of this PPV.

    I have no doubt that Punk/Jericho/Rock/Cena/HHH/Taker will save this but WOW is the first hour an abomination.

  31. I remember the days when me and my friends would huddle around (a usually scrambled) feed of WrestleMania as kids.  Those were definitely the most fun years to be a fan and it is probably a nice reminder of those times to have so many kids around to enjoy it.  I can't imagine sitting around and watching a show like this with a bunch of us smarky types.

  32. Looks like Cody got his ring jacket from a Jeff Jarrett yard sake.

  33. Seems like they are flying through this show -- 3 matches down in 38 mins?

  34. All of them horrible, maybe they're giving Punk/Jericho 45 minutes or something crazy like that? 

  35. Kids definitely up the mark out quotient by ALOT, that's for sure.

    I miss those old days too, the awful cable scrambling that you could "kind of see through" if you focused hard enough. I bet if I tried that same shit as an adult now I'd vomit.

    The best was going up to my grandpa's cabin in the mountains, he had one of those old monster satellite dishes that you could just straight jack the PPV feed off with no trouble at all.

  36. Your kids have good taste. I'd definitely take a 30 min Santino classic over what we've had so far.

  37. I'm now praying for a 60 minute time limit draw with a 30 min overtime.

  38. Well, Show HAD to win or else continue to look like a total chump.  But I have no idea of where you go with Intercontinental Champion Big Show.

  39. Maybe he'll be super dominant and win alot and bring some credibility back to'm sorry I couldn't keep going without falling over laughing.

  40. Push the end of Rock/Cena past the end time so they have to play the end on Raw?


    Holy shit people would have a fucking keniption.

  41. I expect Cody to win it right back.

  42. An emotional win for Big Show there. That IC title means so much.

    And now we're getting a long Diva video. Has the first hour just been a big piss-break or what?

  43. Why are the DIvas talking about going to premiers and shows instead of..well, you know..WRESTLING.

  44. Damn, this nuts!  4 of 9 matches gone in less than 50 minutes.   That leaves five matches and almost exactly 3hrs if they go the usual 3hrs and 45 mins or so.  36 minutes a match?

  45. Outdoor Arena = none of the big matches can happen until dark so they can have equally big entrances.

    Now that I've said that I'm actually sort of afraid that it really is the logic behind this lineup. 

  46. Yep. A $55 piss break. At least I've almost finished reading the book I was working on.

  47. It's sad.  Kane vs. Orton is the match to beat thus far.

  48. It's the "time to get my Chinese food" match.

  49. Number 2? I think you're ranking him a little too high

  50. Biggest response in my living room full of 6-8 year olds so far has been: DAMN. 

  51. Nice!  We were sort of lucky here -- our cable company used an older PPV scrambling technique for WWF PPVs -- so we got the picture pretty clear (in black and white though) and somewhat intelligible sound.

  52. So I totally didn't know the show started this early (I'm used to PPVs starting at 7pm central), so I unhappily missed....Sheamus beating Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds?! What the shit is that?? JEFF HARDY vs. STING lasted longer than that!

    Seriously, reread that last sentence if you need help grasping the full weight of that statement.

  53. Prediction: Daniel Bryan runs in to this Divas rubbish and gets pinned, forcing him to become the slave of a returning Chyna.

  54. LOL.  Another loud "Daniel Bryan" chant during the Divas match.  I love the Miami crowd.

  55. Is there another Divas match booked? What are they going to use to chill the crowd down after HIAC?

    This is the most bizarre lineup I could have ever expected.

    I said in another post, and the more I think about it the more it actually sounds logical: Outdoor show = all the big matches have to be back-loaded since you have to wait for dark for the entrances to be suitably epic. 

  56. What's even worse is she's had the best selling of the night....

  57. It's the "Time to sneak outside and smoke a bowl where your kids can't see you" match.

    Or yeah, food too. Sure. 

  58. Eww....what you say is right but I 'm going to ignore it anyway. 

  59. Uh oh... The crowd is chanting for Bryan... That means.... Gah! Bryan better get the heck out of the arena before Kane tries to kill him and AJ starts making out with Cena and Rock at the same time!

  60. Damn, this Miami crowd is just as good as NYC or Chicago.

  61.  Yeah you may be right!  The sun should be setting as we speak there.

    Makes me wonder if they are planning something big for Brock or just planning to throw about 30 minutes of filler out there to fill the rest of the time.  I just don't see all the big matches going that long, although I suppose with entrances that they could.

  62. Still hot as fuck, though.

  63. I wonder if Menunous knew she was playing Ricky Morton.

  64. My kids are shitting on this match. That's right, 6 year olds are shitting on this, even they know the Divas suck.

    I told my oldest, "Why do you think I always tell you to not act like a girl? I don't want you to be a Diva."

    For his part he seemed to understand completely.

  65.  So I see the official BURIAL of Bryan is complete.  How DARE he and
    guys like Ryder get over on the own!  Didn't they get the Vinny Mac

  66. I'm trying not to let the Bryan-Sheamus stuff continue to leave a bad taste
    in my mouth, but my god what a horrible way to start a show.


    And it doesn't help that Kane-Orton & Show-Rhodes were bores. Oh hey a celeb just beat the Divas champ. Sure, why not.

  67. They just had to give Daniel Bryan and Sheamus 18 seconds so we could completely digest this riveting Diva tag team storyline. FUCK YOU VINCE.

  68. Maria Menuos has been worker of the night so far....

  69. I'm not saying I've hated the 1st hour of wrestlemania so far.  I'm just saying that when Scott does his rant, he might need to bring back the SMURF gimmick.  

  70. That a way, job out the only competent female wrestler you have that crowds take seriously to an actress. And IN WHAT UNIVERSE does the Divas tag match get more time than the World Heavyweight Championship? This company needs to die.

  71. HIAC next!

    I think all three main events could easily burn 40 minutes apiece, particularly Cena/Rock as the crowd is going to be FREAKING OUT for that entire match.

  72. Um, who else but Cena is Punk behind in the full time WWE hierarchy?

  73. Woah! JR!!!!

    And he looks like Bossman!

  74. Prediction: JR's pants fall down, he trips over and then Michael Cole bum-rapes him whilst shouting 'Trending! Trending! Trending!"

    Then they announce the cancellation of Rock-Cena.

  75. Ooooooh boy, and now the event actually starts. Thanks for tuning in to Heat everyone!

  76. The over/under on the combined time of the Undertaker and HHH's entrances: 15 minutes.

  77. I'm looking for them to push Rock/Cena so it ends after the PPV stops airing and they have to replay it on Raw.

    I'd have to laugh so hard at the sheer balls of it that I couldn't even be pissed for wasting the money.

  78. Hey, it's 8 pm, time for the event to really start. We've even got JR in the announce booth!

    By the way, when did they drop the heel Michael Cole act? He's been very unbiased today, and even greeted JR. He's been - dare I say it - tolerable tonight.

  79. Great. Now a faulty camera feed blows the money shot of HHH's entrance. This really isn't going well.

  80. By the power of Greyskull, that was an entrance.

  81. Well, I think it goes Cena-Punk as 1-2, so Orton is at least third there.

  82. I'm actually sort of disappointed with HHH's...ALL that Metallica build up and we just get a fairly standard entrance?

    Here's hoping UT rocks that stage. 

  83. After D-Bry if they make the mistake of having UT lose this crowd is fucking DEAD.

    I'm surprised after all that Metallica build-up we got basically standard entrances from both guys, no special music at all? 

  84. LOL

    UT looks like the later Spawns where McFarlane was like "What? People hate my writing? ADD SPIKES!"

  85. Triple H...just sold a hair cut.

  86. 20-OHHH is kind of genius.

    I always love when they get the guys in the ring and then drop the cell down on top of them. It makes it feel SO much more epic.

    That first hour was fucking horrible but I'm no back to marking like a child, and my living room full of kids is FREAKING OUT. 

  87. Jim Ross: "What's happened to The Undertaker?"

    I dunno Jim. He cut off his hair?

  88. Is it just me or does the Undertaker look like a hussy with that all that rouge?  

  89. It's a Mohawk, JR. It's not like the dude has a lobotomy scar.

  90.  Right...that was my point..."Punk is officially #2 now" that Orton is jobbing clean to Kane at Wrestlemania. Clearly Orton no longer occupies that position.

  91. "Carcinogenic right hands" and "dehabilitating" from JR less than a minute into the match.  Welcome back, JR.

  92. The big question is if we will see blood.

  93. By the way, regardless of how this match turns out, hearing Jim Ross makes me feel like this is REALLY FUCKING IMPORTANT.

  94. I laughed out loud on "carcinogenic right hands" and the extra letters he threw into debilitating.

  95. Doesn't look good for blood... all these good spots for juice, and nada. 

  96. Wow, I totally misread that, like, 15 times. I blame the shitty first hour. My bad.

  97. It seems like the Cell is actually sort of limiting them. It looks like we aren't going to get the annual UT dive too.

    Watch now that I've said that they'll both dive off the top onto JR's new abs.

  98. This match has a good aura about it, but it is certainly ... cerebral as JR might say.

  99. "Sinful strength by Triple H!"  LOL, JR is in rare form tonight.

  100. Hunter's bleeding hard way from the eye it looks like 

  101. HHH is bleeding but it looks hard way

  102. "A treacherous thud". How did that thud betray him exactly?

  103. My room full of kids is FREAKING THE FUCK OUT at this stuff. 

  104. The malignancy! Of the Hell's Gate!

    Holy shit <<<<<333333 Jim Ross

  105. Ok, that was awesome.

  106. HOLY SHIT that was an awesome near fall.

  107. I knew Shawn would take the best bumps in the match.

  108. Slobber! Slobber! Slobber!

  109. The Undertaker should have a burst of energy. He was laying on his back for half of the match.

  110. THIS IS AWESOME *clap clap clap clap clap*

    My room full of kids is actually chanting at the TV.

    This is the shit lifetime fandom is made of.

  111. Think Shawn's turned from face to heel and back again 10 times so far this match.

  112.  By the way Michaels is doing a HELL of a job (as usual) of playing the tweener who can't decide who he wants to win. GREAT stuff from the GOAT.

  113. Why this "end of an era" stuff? Is this Taker's last match regardless? Triple H? Who what why?

  114. HOLY. SHIT.

    That was the most epic match I've seen since Rock/Austin 2 at X7.

    Good luck Jericho. Good luck Punk.

  115. Absolutely.  This blows away last year's match by a mile.

  116. I am shocked he didn't pull out the jumping tombstone. Shawn IS better!

  117. That was definitely better than their match from last year.  Shawn helped to add some drama to the slow stretches.

  118. I'm pretty 'eh' on that cell match to be honest.  I didn't expect the cell to come into play since they didn't do blood and all that, but I don't think they had the storyline (not to mention the offense) to support a match that long.  WAY too much laying around.  Punch, punch, punch, finisher, weapon shot, resthold, repeat.  Slobberknocker indeed.

  119. Undertaker: Any last words?
    HHH: Yeah, I got two words for ya...

  120. I'm not sure what purpose of the cell was, but great match nonetheless.

  121. Undertaker's music seems so apporpriate in some situations.

  122. That was beautiful. I don't know how they did it, but they made me think the streak was in doubt not once but TWICE during that fucking match.

  123. Yeah I still think the Cell sort of limited them, they could have had
    that exact same match without the cell and been able to do more
    outside-the-ring stuff.

    I think it was better than last year,
    technically not as good as any of the Shawn/Taker stuff but the emotion
    was fucking insane.

    And we STILL have two epic main events to look forward to!!!

    Worst opening hour of a PPV maybe ever but now they're fucking ROLLING. 

  124. I hated that match.  What a horrible wankfest.  I really hope this was the end of an era, and that we never have to suffer through another Taker Wrestlemania match again.

  125. I'm guessing it's the last Wrestlemania for each of them,

  126. Wow. Perfect. Fantastic match.
    I don't think we'll see any of them wrestle again.

  127. And now we're getting MSG Curtain Call 2.  Please let this be the end of it...

  128. ^ The reason everyone hates "hipsters"

  129. Beautiful ending to a beautiful match. We're truly looking at the last of their kind.

  130. After the Super Kick and Pedigree, I thought it was over for sure. 

  131. The superkick/pedigree combo had me believing that the streak was really going to end.  What a great nearfall.  

  132. Very Shakespeare-esque ending with the three guys past their prime enjoying one final Wrestlemania together.

    I enjoyed it.

  133. Yeah, I absolutely would've bought that as the finish. 

  134. Why does Dillion look younger than Flair?

  135. It's interesting to think about now, what other opponent could make a Streak match nearly that epic?

    Maybe that was the end. If so, I can't think of any better way to go out. 

  136.  Dillon hasn't been falling on his back for two hundred and seventeen years.

  137. Wow, great to see Barry Windham out there. Didn't he have a stroke relatively recently?

  138. Storyline wise it was outstanding, exactly the kind of thing sports entertainment is all about. JR was amazing on commentary. A palpable image of three giants walking away from the performance of a lifetime.

    Wrestling wise? Taker was right. Shawn's better.

  139. Glad they gave Edge the star treatment there. Poor guy looks like he's struggling to not cry.

    Meanwhile sign up Yoko's son, kid has the look.

  140. The *real* streak continues!  Howard Finkel 28-0.

  141. I think the point of the cell was to prevent Taker from trying a plancha or something else crazy since he has a habit of almost killing himself going over the top.

  142. Triple H vs. Undertaker: This wasn't a battle. It was a war. *This* defines sports-entertainment. There's a difference between being overbooked and heavily booked. This was heavily booked. A lot of stuff happened, but it never took away from the match's momentum and all fitted the context of the story. And speaking of the story, how many times did you believe the match's story was heading in one direction and then completely shift in another direction? That's called having the fans on the edge of their seats and in the palm your hands. Plus, there was other great stuff in here as well. The selling, intensity, great acting of desperation and peril at the same time, and ability to convince us nobody was in control and it was anyone's match, and the incredibility close, perfectly timed near-falls and dramatic false-finishes by both men. The finish might've been cliched and not a spin-off like everything else, but it made perfect sense to sell the point Undertaker can't be beaten at Wrestlemania. This match sold me that the Undertaker is truly immortal.

  143. The purpose of the Cell was to allow them to throw chairs, stairs, and sledgehammers with impunity.

  144. I know you guys hate these long "cool down" periods but for someone with a living room full of children they're a god send. I have to feed these fuckers after they just completely blew themselves out on that last match. 

  145. Haha, no worries, man, after that hour I don't blame you.

  146. Finkel's the last of his kind, a ring announcer who isn't doing everything he can to copy Buffer without getting sued.

    If I'm not mistaken (and I probably am) Fink even said "Let's get ready to rumble!" back in the days of the first few RR's.

  147. That's what I was hoping for though! It doesn't feel like a UT@Mania match without his patented lolparalysis plancha.

  148. No one. Whilst the clue was big and obvious ('End of an Era') - I think they're all finished wrestling.

  149. Johnny must've borrowed that suit from Bruce Pritchard

  150. Did Miami just BOO Ryder? 

  151. I felt sorry for Edge. Age-wise, he should still be out there - but instead, he's stuck surrounded by old (and in the case of Flair, pathetic) men.

  152. Fucking Shawn, we know he's the GOAT and all but he has to be the Greatest Guest Ref of All Time too?

    His part in that story was fantastic.

  153. One other thought. Unlikely perhaps, but maybe that was JR's last match as well?

  154. Not if Austin comes back for a match. Guaran-goddamn-teed Steve requests JR call his comeback.

  155. Man I hate matches where the wrestlers have to wear t-shirts.

  156. Sun Life Stadium just broke the record for most beer sales in a five minute period...

  157. I don't know, in a way it's got to be nice to look to his left and right and KNOW that he will never end up like some of these guys. 

  158. Ooooh you raise a great point actually. They got to look TOTALLY frustrated without fear of hurting someone in the front ten rows.

    Great point. 

  159. Random thought/prediction that will not happen: If there is a nWo-type event tonight, the 3rd man will be Punk.

    He mentioned Brock and Batista during the summer, and something like this is just begging for the "old man and the snake" story.

    I don't think that there will be anything like that happening, but I just wanted to get it out there.

  160. In hindsight, this Team Teddy v Team Johnny thing would have been a perfect place to do a fun spotfest match. 

  161. That's exactly what I kept saying to people that thought this would be better than a MITB. At least MITB we got two or three crazy spots. This is just filler because we ALL know that Johnny is winning this thing. Or maybe he's not. Who give a shit either way really? 

  162. Everyone celebrate your payday!!!

    Ok, on to a match people give a fuck about, thank you. 

  163. Oh Ziggler, you fucking king among sellers.

  164. As a chick I must admit Evil Eve is pretty fucking hot

  165. The Zack Ryder/Eve angle is one instance where I really wish they'd allow man-on-woman matches.  That woman deserves an ass whooping of the highest order.

  166. Another example of the 'E being behind the times, nothings been "EXTREME" since the very early 00's.

    They should be trying to sign the small letter i.

  167. Eve and Miz need to become a thing.  It would at least give Ryder someone to direct his anger towards since he can't hit Eve.

  168. If nothing else, sign the Dudz to a one-PPV deal and let this dumb character get powerbombed through 50 tables.

  169. That's really the problem, you have a Woman/Man feud where the Man NEVER EVER goes over.

    Poor Ryder. He did everything he could. 

  170. SECOND Johnny promo longer than the World Heavyweight Title Match, in case you're counting at home. 

  171. Yeah, he REALLY sold the drama.

  172. My oldest son, who is six, just said "That means Punk is winning right?"

    I said..."Yes. Of course."

    He's really getting the hang of being tortured by the McMahon family.

  173. You got that right.

  174. I can see that. Not my cup of tea, but the evil edge usually helps the Divas. 

  175. Orton loses and Punk gets a huge pyro/blimp entrance.

    Thank you Christ it appears they might actually be listening. 

  176. I like the way Punk does acts like he's putting dirt on his hands like Maximus did in Gladiator.

  177.  Except for the BURIALS of Bryan and Ryder, sure.

  178. Well sure but neither of those guys brought me (and my kids by extension) back to wrestling last year, Punk did.

  179. Jericho's brilliant. I love that Jericho's trying to get into Punk's head knowing he's gonna take and ass kicking, but also knowing he'll win the title.

  180. None of the kids understand this but "The Temptation of Punk" is tremendous character stuff. 

  181. Craig Sager is home watching and wondering where he can get a jacket like Jericho.

  182. Someone said it before but WOW has Cole  been bearable during this show (with the exception of the Team match which was fine anyway since that match was purely for payday/storyline purposes anyway)

    Cole never gets any credit but he almost sounds like a real PBP guy here.

  183. Wow they are out there stiffing the FUCK out of each other. 

  184. Ok, now its picking up steam.

  185. If I could, I would press the Like button until both my hands broke off at the wrist. 


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