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Any Requests?

Given that it's a pretty dead time of year for WWE, I was thinking of doing some 2012 Scott Sez stuff this month to fill time.  Next month obviously would be King of the Ring / Great American Bash, but May isn't exactly a well-worn time in wrestling history.  So if anyone has any requests, now's the time.  A run of ECW stuff?  Old RAW rants?  Random May PPVs?


  1. Your infamous King Lear and Lazarus rants?  To add some perspective maybe

  2. I vote May PPV's (which would also encompass pre-PPV ECW shows). You'd get WrestleWar 89 & 92, Capital Combat (w/Robocop), SuperBrawl I, The 1st IYH, Good friends, better enemies, and a lot of crap that would be amusing to mock. Also, looking back, it seems quite a few SNMEs took place during may, and those might be good to take another look at.

  3. Disqus doesn't update real-time unless you pay them a shitload of money.  Clearly that's not my gig.

  4. How about the new WWE Extreme Rules shows? Since we just had one, the older ones at the Hammerstein would be cool to revisit

  5. I like some of the suggestions so far. The King Lear and Lazarus rants would be wonderful, SNME is intruiging, and Wifflebat mentioned some good May PPVs. All good nominations.

    Thinking a little out of the box (kind of a theme for the month), what about some smaller groups (SMW, Stampede, PWA) and/or foreign groups? You've done lots of Japanese stuff, perhaps some Lucha Libre (if you did any), or European. I think it would be a good time to do some different stuff.

  6. Clash of the Champions.

  7. 1998 Over the Edge, please.  Love me some Austin vs. Dude Love.  One of the most underrated feuds of all time.

  8. I say do a comparison between GAB '91 and Heroes of Wrestling to determine the worst PPV of all time once and for all!

  9. A New Heroes of Wrestling or WOW: Women of Wrestling would be great. Those rants always made me laugh. 

  10. maybe some WWE PPVs you missed in the period when you weren't watching?  Also liked someone's idea of comparing the worst PPVs in history

  11. 1999 Over The Edge.

  12. some wrestlewar/uncensored would be very nice indeed(i know the months might be off a bit. WCW is always good. . . 

  13. Since the Best Of set is coming soon, a look back at Clash Of the Champions?

  14.  How about some UFC / MMA rants?

  15. I'd like you to come up a list of the top 10 worst PPVs, or shows in general, and give those the 2012 Scott treatment. Heroes of Wrestling, GAB 91, N2R 97, maybe some XPW thrown in there... the original rants tearing that sort of garbage a new one were your best work. IMO, and I'd love to see what you have to say about them today.

    Off topic: Anyone catch Mayweather coming to the ring with Triple H, 50 Cent, and Justin Beiber of all people tonight? Bet that's the only time you see those 3 in one place together.

  16. The Clash Blu-Ray should be coming to my mailbox soonish.  I guess the DVD distributor changed PR people, which is why I stopped getting WWE stuff for a long time, but apparently I'm back on the mailing list again.  

  17.  Wasn't HHH arms broken, did he have a cast on?  ;-)

  18. 2012 Scott reviews Juggalo Championshit Wrestling, Volume 1.

  19. I second the King Lear and Lazarus rants, and also the second ECW invasion the night they aligned themselves with WCW, I remember an interesting rant you did mid-show about Paul Heyman being a snowflake...or something like that.

  20. Any WWF PPVs in need of re-dos? I'm down with that.

  21. SuperBrawl. Some interesting cards WCW put on that ppv over the years. Some classic matches and also some terrible matches. Would be fun to revisit. 

  22.  Like like like like.

    Another SNME that might be fun to relive is the late April 1991, I always dug that Battle Royal.

  23.  That was pretty hilarious.  No, he didn't have a cast.  He may have even used his "broken arm" to hold up one of Floyd's title belts. 

    The Floyd-Cotto fight was right up HHH's alley.  It looked like a Jericho-HHH match.  Some hope spots for the underdog here and there, an entertaining match, but the winner was not in doubt.

  24. Alvarez/Mosley was pretty good. I thought it was funny that Mayweather had damn near more belts than Ultimo Dragon, but Cotto was the champ in that fight. And a couple weeks back we were talking about WWE having too many titles...

  25. I vote for the May PPVs. While they're not always memorable, there is still some pretty interesting stuff in there, The IYHs, Over the Edge, Slamboree etc.

  26. Raws or IYH's from 1997 would be nice.  That and Season 7 of DS9...

  27. Because your angry rants make the best readings, I'd love for you to add a little 2012 snarkery to the horrible slate of post-WMXIX 2003 WWE PPVs (Vengeance included). I believe May 2003, Judgment Day, was the start of the Hot Poker Up the Ass rating scale, and I think everyone could use a reminder that John Cena and Chris Benoit once curtain-jerked a PPV in a shitty five-minute six man tag match.

  28. You'd have to throw Halloween Havoc 2000 in there, too.

  29. It wasn't horrible before the accident happened, but afterwards, obviously no one's mind was on the matches.

  30. A shame.  All of the reviews of that show that exist are pretty terrible.

  31. I'd like to see SWcott Sez for the WWF/E DVDs/coliseum videos that you used to review, thus giving you the widest possible range of topics/people to go off on tangents about.

    WWF Hardcore was a paticular favourite.

  32. Not wrestling related, but the Clueless rant generated a Brock Lesnar-like amount of comments so why not run with some more classic 80's/90's films. I dunno Dazed and Confused, American Pie, Clerks, Fight Club, any of the old John Hughes classics, Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction, any Keanu Reeves movie from the period but especially Point Break. 

    I'm pretty sure you've done a few of these but more movie rants would be welcome. Loved the nostalgia kick on the Clueless thread (Sublime still rules and will easily outlast Hulkamania).

  33. I think the King Lear, Lazarus, Want of a Nail (or whatever that WCW one was) would be interesting. Some early '90s to late '90s WCW shows would be fun as well. Since WCW died, they kind of get glossed over in many ways, as do many of their solid stars from that time period.

  34. I was just thinking of asking you about old ECW shows, Scott.   What about good ol' ECW in 1995?  Return of the Funker, Three Way Dance?  Double Tables?  Classic shows!  Return of the Funker has Marty Janetty vs. Shane Douglas for the ECW Heavyweight Title in a ****1/4 star match!

  35. The only things I remember about the show are the Owen events, Jeff Jarrett cracking in his pre-match promo a bit, and some bullshit ending where Taker fell over Austin and pinned him to cheaply win the belt. In retrospect, they probably should've stopped the show or something (and done a "Beware of Dog" re-do later), but I can definitely see why they didn't. Not that the "it's what Owen would've wanted" wasn't just a piece of shit excuse to cover their own asses or anything.

  36. Hey Scott, I'm sure someone will correct me but did you ever rant on Unforgiven 2006?

  37. December to Dismember.

  38. This show was also the blow off to the New Age Outlaws feud, and the one and only time that The Union would appear on PPV.

    Oh, and also The Rock and Triple H, looking a little too willing to try to steal the show after the Owen Hart fall.

  39. I was just thinking about emailing you and requesting some Scott Sez on some of the forgotten shows: XPW, Juggalo Championshit Wrestling, Heroes of Wrestling, and whatever else. I'd also really love a run through of whatever ECW stuff you have.

    I also agree about doing more movie/TV show rants, those are always fun and something different.

  40. I don't care about May PPVs in general, but I would like to see a 2012 Scott Sez of Slamboree 1994.

  41. I'd say we go with some old RAWs (Late 99/Early2000) OR some ECW PPVs

  42. The Raw from 2002 with Austin vs. Flair. I felt you criminally under rated this match and it deserves a second look. Also this was Austin's last Raw match.

    As for May, any Raw or Smackdown from 2001 would be awesome. That was a peak in ring work time periord for WWE.

  43. Just throw around some random older WWF/E shows with 2012 Scott Sez, not exactly May shows, but just random WWF/E PPV's in general

  44. Or maybe some of the shows from 09-11 that you missed. Not the absolute shit ones like Bash '09 or Capitol Punishment, but like both Money in the Bank events, Summerslam '09 and '11, Survivor Series '09 and '11, the three TLC shows, etc.

  45. Actually, maybe not even a 2012 Scott Sez, but I remember reading or skimming through an Arrested Development review way before I even watched the show, and I'd love to read it now that I've watched the show a gagillion times. Any chances of a link? =D

  46. My personal fav ppv as a kid slamboree '98. Love the cruiserweight battle royal, that was Jericho at his finest doing the ring intros.

  47. My request would be doing random May PPVs.

  48. I vaugely remember the tag title match on OTE 99 being on a "match of the year" list.

    Let that sink in: X-Pac/Kane v. Mark Henry/D'lo Brown, and the match didn't suck.

    Not stopping the show was the smart move. Picture the psychological damage done if they just ended things right there. "Ladies and gentlemen, you have just seen a man plunge to his death. GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY! DRIVE SAFE! TUNE INTO RAW TOMORROW!" The fans needed a palette cleanser.

  49. I've always wanted to see a rant on the Samoa Joe v CM Punk series in ROH.

  50. That's kind of another shitty thing to add to already shitty events- the NAO feud should have been HUGE, but was totally overshadowed here.

  51.  Seconded. Actually I'd love to see more ROH stuff from Scott. If anyone's got the interest in retro ROH recaps, I have a few random old DVDs I can do up.

  52. Have you watched "The Shield", "Dexter", or "Breaking Bad" yet? If not, uhh... why?

    Also, I dunno why, but I think it'd be interesting to hear your take on certain old movies - something like "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari", since the impact it had on modern cinema is obvious.

    I'd also like to see more non-wrestling discussions started, like asking what everyone's favorite movies, songs, shows, etc. are. Just throw a topic up, like listing your ten favorite movies or something, and let us follow from there.

  53. The always great JD did an admirable job of breaking down the show.  

  54. Just keep up the tradition, and do random May stuff, like WrestleWars and whatever is lying around.  


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