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Assorted May PPV Countdown: NWA Wrestlewar 89

(2012 Scott sez:  I figure that May PPVs are as good a theme as any, since there’s some good stuff there with the Wrestlewar shows and Over the Edge.) 

The Netcop Retro Rant for NWA WrestleWar 1989

- Live from Nashville, Tennessee, which is somewhere near Spokane, I think.

- Jim Ross & Bob Caudle are your hosts.

- Opening match:  The Great Muta v. Doug Gilbert. 

Doug would be the Gilbert brother who the distinction of still being alive today.  This match is why I hate Muta so much today, namely because he was so far over what everyone else in North American wrestling was doing it's just sickening, and now he's still doing the same stuff nine years later with no growth or change or effort put into it.  (So this was written in 1998, two years before Muta began his improbable comeback and total reinvention as a worker.)  Gilbert is subbing for the Junkfood Dog here.  Aw, that's a shame.  (Holy cow, Muta v. JYD would have been an epic trainwreck.)  Muta does everything crisp and smooth, and it's still amazing to watch him do his thing.  He pulls out a pescano before JR even knew what to call it (or 1998 Scott knew how to spell it), and finishes Gilbert off quickly with the moonsault.  ***  (No fucking way Muta squashing Doug Gilbert would be ***.  Probably *1/2) Odd stat:  Announced time of match was 3:16.

- Butch Reed v. Ranger Ross. 

This was pre-Doom for Reed, back when the NWA had him and didn't know what to do with him.  "Hey, let's team him up with the other black guy in the fed, there's a great idea."  Well, I guess sometimes racial intolerance breeds good things?  (Good thing we’ve moved past silly notions like teaming up the two random black guys and making them tag champions!  Oh…never mind.)  Ranger Ross is just some guy, basically.  I never heard of him again after 1989, that's for sure.  (Yes you did!  He was around again in 91.  Although he left wrestling after that and became a minister.)  His gimmick is that of an Army Ranger, much like Craig Pittman.  Most of his offense is kicking and punching while jumping up and down and flailing his limbs, which JR calls "martial arts".  Uh huh. This is back before the letters "UFC" meant anything when typed together, of course.  (It’s always funny what was considered the domain of “martial arts” in the days before anyone knew what an armbar actually was. )  This match was heavily edited for time reasons (thank god) but I've seen it in full and Reed basically weathers a bunch of kicks and punches and puts Ross away with a shoulderblock off the top rope at will.  (no rating due to editing).  (Wuss!) 

- I really dislike Gary Michael Capetta's whiny announcing, by the way.  (His book was pretty good, though.  Plus I’d take Capetta’s nasal announcing style over Justin Roberts any day.) 

- Bullrope match:  Bob Orton v. Dick Murdoch.

Oh, this is too fucking exciting.  If you think WCW has a dinosaur problem now...  This match came about because of various nefarious dealings on Gary Hart's part at Clash VI which resulted in Murdoch being punked by Orton.  And since Dick is from Texas, naturally they have a bullrope match.  This is about as anti-hardcore as you can get, as both guys barely make contact with each other.  Finally, Murdoch simply hog-ties Orton and pins him after an elbow.  Orton beats up Murdoch out of spite after the match.  I don't know why the NWA kept hiring these two.  (Because they worked cheap and had connections in the booking committee.)  They do the hanging spot for some extra heat after the match (although the crowd isn't really into it anymore), and the feud never really went anywhere after this match. Heavily edited for time, thank god, but I've seen it in full and it was safely a DUD.

- The Dynamic Dudes v. The Samoan Swat Team. 

Wow, how things change. Let's run it down...the Dudes are comprised of former king of hardcore and ECW World champion Shane "I've never heard of the Dynamic Dudes" Douglas, and current God of Japan and former Sheepherder flagbearer Johnny "I've never heard of the Dynamic Dudes or the Sheepherders either" Ace.  (Wow, how things change even further.  Now Shane is desperately trying to revive ECW while still putting himself over, and Johnny Ace is nearly running WWE and main-eventing against John Cena.)  The SST is the team who would go on to be known as the Headshrinkers in the WWF, including Fatu, who would go on to become the Sultan.  (And Rikishi.)  They're managed by Paul E. "What do you mean I used to be a manager?" Dangerously.  (Well, he ended up being a manager again.)  And at this point, both teams represent everything that was wrong with tag team wrestling in North America at the time.  Standard WWF formula tag match, as Ace gets the crap kicked out of him (literally, that's all the SST knows how to do) by the Samoans.  Jim and Bob remind us what a wholesome, all-American pair of kids the Dudes are every two minutes.  And HOW many times has Shane hit a woman, exactly?  :)  (Oh lord, the SMILIE.) At one point, Paul tries to incite the crowd by telling Ace that he's "as useless as a woman from Nashville," thus once again showing his sensitive, feminine side.  (No way you could go on TV and say that today without getting sued and losing sponsors.)  The Samoans are basically wiping the mat with the Dudes when Fatu goes for a bodyslam on Douglas and Ace dropkicks them over for an upset Dudes win.  **  (This was actually the start of the awesome Dudes-Midnights angle that sacrificed the Dudes and revived the career of the Midnights with a fake babyface turn.)  The scary part is, it took the NWA the better part of a year to come to their senses and break up the Dudes.

- US title match:  Lex Luger v. Michael "PS" Hayes. 

This is an interesting match, for reasons I'll get into later.  Hayes, the current WWF huckster Dok Hendrix  (and even more currently, head TV writer Michael Hayes), had turned on Lex in a tag match against the Windhams a few weeks prior, and NO ONE gave him a snowball's chance in hell of winning.  Hayes is not a good singles wrestler. (Now there’s some bold commentary.) Luger was a good singles wrestler back then...honest...but he needed a far superior worker to kick his ass into gear.  You figure out for yourself how good this was.  (Not very?) Lots of headlocks, chinlocks and armbars here.  Hayes works the crowd like a god, but they cut to shots of the crowd reacted way too much.  Boring match, but Luger is a pure babyface and Hayes is a pure heel so it never gets too boring because both guys get monster reactions by, you know, breathing.  (It wasn’t really that bad.)  The storyline of the match has Luger controlling, Hayes cheating to gain an advantage, and Luger simply shrugging it off because he's too powerful, then start over.  Hayes gains a protracted advantage after a long chinlock, but Luger mounts the Big Comeback and just annihilates Hayes.  Luger goes for the rack, but Hayes hits a fluke DDT, but can't pin Lex because he's out of it.  Both guys get up and do an irish whip, but now the ref gets bumped and everyone goes down in a heap, except Hayes.  And then Terry Gordy comes down!  This was out of nowhere, and he pushes Hayes onto the fallen Luger as Patrick wakes up and counts three!  Hayes wins the US title in one of the biggest upsets ever.  (Not really.) 

This is an interesting match because there was no such thing as a swerve back then, because the internet didn't really exist.  The NWA used to have Sting and Luger go out there and manhandle guys who didn't have a chance all the time, and people would think nothing of it because they were so over and needed someone to kill to keep them over.  These matches would be like if WCW had DDP defending the US title against, say, La Parka on PPV.  It'd just be begging for an angle to give La Parka the US title because we expect to be swerved nowadays.  (Nowadays the secondary champions ARE cannon fodder.  Randy Orton beats the minor champions and laughs at the thought of the belts.)  But back then people thought nothing of Sting squashing JTTS on PPV because it was just something he did.  So when Luger is signed to fight a non-contender like Hayes on a major show, no one was expecting Hayes to win because "the cannon fodder" guys never did, and then the NWA surprised everyone by having Hayes win. (I’m still not 100% sure WHY they picked Hayes to interrupt Luger’s mammoth US title run for a week, unless they had some other plan with Hayes joining the faux-Horsemen group and then changed their minds.)  Of course, it had a point, because Luger got so pissed off that he ended up eating Hayes for breakfast in a rematch, then taking out the rest of his frustrations on Ricky Steamboat to signal his official heel turn. Oh yeah, the match was about *1/2  (More like **1/2, I’d say.  Hayes could at least bump.) 

- TV Title match:  Sting v. The Iron Sheik. 

Remember that little lecture I just gave?  Here ya go.  Sting beats the Sheik from pillar to post and puts him in the Scorpion Deathlock at will, selling not a single move from the challenger.  This was before Sting met Muta and got REALLY good.  The NWA really didn't know what to do with Sting at this point, either.  It was too early to put him over Flair and too late to have him keep squashing jobbers ala Goldberg so they gave him the TV title and let him squash ex-WWF champs on PPV. :)  *  (Why does that rate a smilie?!  SHUT UP!) 

- NWA World title match:  Ricky Steamboat v. Ric Flair. 

Flair brings 46 women to the ring, Steamboat brings his son.  The match is watched by three judges:  Pat O' Connor, Lou Thesz...and Terry Funk.  Funk actually looked YOUNG back then.  Flair was a mere 5-time champ at this point, only barely past his prime.  Funny how he won all his titles *after* he deteriorated.  They sell this match as Flair's last hurrah.  How many times have you heard that one?  (Many more times after this was written, too.) 

Well, what do you say about this match?  It's the greatest match, ever, period.  Quite possibly the only perfect wrestling match in the history of North American wrestling, with the exception of maybe the ladder match from WM10, but that's a gimmick match.  This match needed no gimmick.  The chops *literally* echo throughout the arena.  Jim Ross' hyperbole is not the least bit silly here, as he gets something to work with for once.  Now *that's* how you chop a guy.  Even the armdrags have purpose, as Flair sells the arm injuries like he's dying.  It's ring psychology, people.  ECW take note.  These guys could do *everything* at this point in their careers -- mat wrestling, brawling, flying, you name it.  Steamboat goes for the arm like a vulture circling a carcass, which causes everyone to remember Clash VI, where he made Flair submit to the double chicken-wing to win the first fall.  Storyline, people.  All the punches and forearms actually *hit*, unlike many of the loosy-goosy matches today where punches miss by 6 inches.  I mean, they don't hurt *that* much.  No ugly missed moves either.  This is what happens when neither guy has an ego to speak of:  They can freely beat the hell out of each other because they trust each other not to hurt themselves. There's no "formula" to the match...each guy controls at various points.

Steamboat goes for the kill about 25 minutes in, but Flair gets out of the chickenwing, and then dumps him over the top rope during the flying bodypress setup.   Steamboat hurts his knee, and then Flair nails him with the figure-four, like a sadist.  The knee is eventually hurt so bad that Steamboat tries a simple bodyslam and Flair is able to reverse it into a cradle for the pin and title #6.  Ironically, it was this very move that gave Steamboat the win over Randy Savage in their historic 1987 match.  *****  I'd give it more, but that's as high as the scale goes.  They hug and shake hands in the ring, something unheard of these days, and that's that.


Judge Terry Funk also congratulates Flair, and asks him for a title shot right there.  Flair rightly points out that Funk is a non-contender and Ross tries to shoo him out of the ring.  Of course, Funk is a lunatic so he "apologizes" and when Flair's back is turned, he decks him from behind, then destroys him and piledrives him through the judging table. You see, there was a *reason* for a table to be at ringside.  Take note, ECW.  This was the start of the best feud of 1989, and one of the best ever.  It still blows my mind that even through all the turmoil going on at that time, they were still able to pull off a match and an angle and a feud like that one so beautifully.  They've never matched it since.

(For the sake of having a better version, here’s the full PBP version from the Flair DVD rant)

- NWA World title: Ricky Steamboat v. Ric Flair.

This is the famous WrestleWar rematch, with the judges at ringside. They start with the lockup and Steamboat takes him down with an armdrag, but Flair overpowers him. Steamboat comes back with a hiptoss and armdrag, and they exchange slaps in the corner. Back to the lockup, and Flair gets a cheapshot and opens the chop bidding at two, but Steamboat fires back and the shit is ON. They just unload and it STILL hurts to watch, even after all those times seeing the match. Steamboat finally backdrops him and he bails. Back in, Flair grabs a headlock, but Steamboat powers out with a wristlock and goes to the armbar. See, just to show how much they had to offer, they didn’t even TOUCH on the arm stuff in the 2/3 falls match, and that’s like 20 minutes worth of stuff right there! Steamboat works on the arm and overpowers him, then back down into the armdrag again. They work on the mat and it ends up with Steamboat in control of a hammerlock. Flair fights up, but Steamboat takes him back down again with the hammerlock and keeps working on the arm. Flair brings him into the corner and uses some forearms, and slugs Steamboat down. Back to the chops and he starts working on Steamboat’s ribs with some rights, but Dragon fights back with more chops and Flair is forced to Flop. Back to the armbar. Steamboat takes him down with a hammerlock and bridges off it as Flair argues with Tommy Young in a cute bit. Flair takes him into the corner with a fireman’s carry, but Steamboat jumps over him and hiptosses him into a dropkick, and Flair bails. Steamboat heads up to the top, but Young talks him into staying grounded. That buys Flair some recovery time, as he kicks Steamboat in the ribs on the way back in, but he gets armdragged again. Steamboat cranks on the arm and takes him down, but Flair hiptosses him to take over. Elbowdrop misses, however, and Steamboat goes right back to that armdrag. Flair powers him into the corner and works the ribs over, then goes back to the chops again. He adds a cheapshot and they slug it out with chops, as Flair tackles him again and tosses him. Steamboat jumps right back in and kicks Flair’s ass with more chops, and Flair gets hung in the Tree of Woe. Steamboat adds a shot and Flair dumps him again on a criss-cross. Flair kicks him in the head on the way by and chops him right into the front row. Steamboat gets upset and chases Flair back in, coming in with a flying chop and ramming his face into the mat. Flair Flip and he gets clotheslined on the apron, and back to the armbar again. Steamboat tries a crossbody and flies through the ropes, however, which allows Flair to slingshot him back in and take over. Kneedrop and more chops, and a backdrop suplex gets two. Flair works the count and drops another knee, then goes to a butterfly suplex, which gets two. Elbowdrop gets two. Flair misses a chop and Steamboat goes for a crossbody, but Flair hotshots him and chokes away while arguing with Young. They brawl outside and Flair suplexes him on the floor. He tries a suplex back in, but Steamboat rolls him up for two. Back to the chops, but he misses one and Flair hits him with a crossbody that sends both guys to the floor. Back in, Flair goes up, and you know what. Now Steamboat makes the comeback and slugs away in the corner, setting up a backdrop out of the corner. Flair catches a cheapshot, but Steamboat gets a rollup for two. Flair goes to a facelock, but Steamboat brings him to the top for a superplex. That sets up the chickenwing, but Flair hooks himself in the ropes to foil that plan. Steamboat goes up for Plan B, and the flying chop results. Back to the top, but Flair “accidently” falls on the top rope and Steamboat tumbles to the floor and injures his knee. DUM DUM DA DUM! Might as well toss chum to the sharks. Steamboat limps back to the apron, and Flair zooms in for the kill and suplexes him back in. He works the knee over and it’s figure-four time, as the crowd turns on Steamboat and starts cheering Flair. Steamboat fights his way to the ropes, but Flair keeps on the knee. Steamboat finally fights back with the enzuigiri, but tries a slam, and the knee gives way, as Flair cradles for the pin at 31:31. Watching back to back, I like the Clash match better because of the deeper psychology, but this is still pretty fucking awesome and might be preferred by some because of the faster pace. *****

- Whew.  Well, the rest is pretty anti-climactic, but we gotta finish.

- NWA World tag team title match:  Steve Williams & Mike Rotunda v. The Road Warriors. 

The Varsity Club ripped off the Roadies at Clash VI in the infamous "fast count" match that turned Teddy Long heel (now THAT'S a fast count, WCW) so Nikita Koloff has been appointed special referee. Koloff tosses Kevin Sullivan from ringside in short order.  Williams looks like a luchadore compared to today.  Fairly quick, as the Warriors make short work of the champs and go for the Doomsday Device, but Dan Spivey pulls Koloff out of the ring and beats the holy hell out of him to earn a DQ.  *  The Varsity Club were stripped of the belts at the end of the show because of their actions.  I guess even the NWA knew that it wasn't working with them as champs.

- US tag team title match:  Eddie Gilbert & Rick Steiner v. Kevin Sullivan & Dan Spivey. 

Missy Hyatt was pretty damn hot back when she wasn't trying to look skanky all the time.  Just a nothing tag match to put the faces over and send the fans home happy.  The Club destroys Steiner before the match (I guess he was injured legit) so Gilbert wrestles the entire match.  Spivey proceeds to wipe the mat with him. Gilbert miraculously tags Rick, but the ref doesn't see it, but in the ensuing chaos Rick nails Sullivan with a Steinerline and Gilbert gets the fluke pin to retain.  DUD

After the match, the faces get destroyed again.  The US tag titles were temporarily dissolved after this match.  End of show.

The Bottom Line:  Were it not for the Flair-Steamboat-Funk segment, this would be one of the worst shows ever.  Everything was terrible, save for the Dudes-SST tag match, which was formulaic at best but certainly not terrible.  Luckily, no one remembers it for the undercard.  They would save themselves with Bash 89, their next PPV, which rocked the world and was, by contrast, one of the *best* shows ever, featuring the blowoff match between Flair and Funk.  Everything else was in transition at this point, and the NWA was also building to putting the World title on either Luger or Sting (Sting got it in 90, Luger in 91) and trying to get rid of Flair.  But Flair doesn't go away easily, as we all know.

Still, the Flair-Steamboat is an absolute must-have addition to any library, so I have to recommend the show on that basis alone.  The rest is okay for nostalgia value at least, I suppose.



  1. I've never seen the Flair/Steamboat match from this one, which I think disqualifies me from most serious wrestling fan discussions on general principle, but I've seen the Chi-Town Rumble one and I gotta say, I still prefer Savage/Steamboat.

  2. Too bad your copy doesn't have the EPIC "Final Countdown" video package. For obvious reasons, you'll be saying YES! YES! YES!

    I seem to remember you mentioning that Ranger Ross got into some real shady business soon after this.  What was that all aboot?

  3. As many different DVDs as its been released on, there's no excuse for that.

  4.  Why didn't the World Title match go on last and was this a common thing at that time?

  5. This is the match where Flair sits Steamboat on the top turnbuckle and then slowly bows his face into Steamboat's crotch like he's gonna give him a BJ (and we hear some uncomfortable groans in the crowd), then he slowly backs off and the announcers are saying "He's covering up!" 

    Can someone here tell me what that spot was all about? I've never seen something like it in another match. Did we all just chalk it up to Flair being the sneaky wrestler that he is, backing off just to run up and blast Steamboat unexpectedly?

    And while I'm bothering you all, what's the meaning of Scott's "s*" and "j*" ratings?

  6. This was the first non-PPV I bought and I was thinking, wow, this is terrible. The two highlights for me was the Flair-Funk segment and seeing Muta for the first time.

  7. If I remember correctly, they gave the main event - with a one hour time limit - with one full hour or so left in the show. When the match didn't go the full time, they ad backup matches to fill out the time. It was one of he differences between the NWA and the WWF back in the day.

  8. I had only been watching wrestling for about a year or so when they showed the Flair/Funk stuff. I remember my 10 year old self being in shock at what happend.

  9. I can't think of another time when a title transitioned so smoothly through so many top notch feuds.  It's amazing how much was accomplished at the end of this Flair/Steamboat match: Flair turned face, Terry Funk was reintroduced to the company, and the Flair/Funk feud was ignited, creating a new challenger and top heel.  This is how you cap off a big match, giving the fans a new direction to look forward to, not with the anticlimactic "meaningful glances between champ and challenger" that the WWE exclusively trades in these days. 

    The undercard may not have been great, but the main event scene was just epic at this point.  Flair/Funk did a great series of matches and then brought Sting and Muta scene as well, while Luger was being perfectly groomed by the US title.  Starcade 89 was a glitch and it did a lot of damage to Muta (who should have been kept strong and given an eventual title program) but at least it set the wheels in motion for what would have been an third strong title program in Flair/Sting.  This was the best chance Sting ever had; once he captured the the title, he could have kept the story moving right into feuds with Muta and Luger.  But then the knee injury absolutely derailed everything. 

    Luger's face turn killed the build toward his next World title program as he was hotshotted into keeping Sting's seat warm.  They cashed their stock on Muta by having him put Arn Anderson over for the TV title, leaving the Horsemen the only remaining heels with any credibility.  By the time Sting made it back, Luger was spent and Sting had to resort to teaming up with a terrible b-team Superfriends gang (JYD, Orndorff, El-Gigante?!?!) to take on the Horsemen and win the title in a match that was overbooked beyond the point of drama (Sting's buddies got to surround the team and Flair COULD lose the title on DQ).  And, since they played all their cards during the chase, there was nothing left for Sting to do once he had the title but take on a secondary Horseman (Sid on his own might have been interesting, but the whole point of Flair's heel turn in the first place was that the lesser Horsemen don't win the big prize) and watch Ole Anderson's imaginary friend do magic tricks.  Bringing Flair back into the picture might have seemed like their only option (and really, what else can you do when The Angel of Death won't return your calls) but it signaled that the company had lost its confidence in Sting to carry a non-Flair related program and brought us right back to where we started, the circular booking the company had managed to avoid for so long.

    Of course, good booking should have been able to get around Sting's injury, but it still has to be one of the great "what if"s, looking at how far the companies momentum might have lasted if Flair/Sting could have been done when the iron was hot. 

  10. I actually have the original PPV version of this show and there was also a really terrible concert by some band I've never heard of called The Oak Ridge Boys that went nearly 30 minutes and damn near killed the crowd until Flair/Steamboat got the crowd back on their feet.

    So it just goes to show that Vince McMahon didn't invent having terrible, completely pointless mini-concerts at wrestling shows.

  11.  Yeah, I'm kind of surprised Ryan hasn't watched it on the first Flair DVD, which is where I saw it and the 2/3 falls match. I thought that was a required purchase for anyone who talks about wrestling on the internet. Then again, I still haven't seen Chi-Town Rumble match.

  12. TheRealCitizenSnipsMay 6, 2012 at 2:19 PM

    Scott, did you coin the term "Blinger Splash" for Shelton Benjamin?

  13. Had they not fucked Luger over at GAB 88 and let him win, he could've dropped the belt back to Flair a few months later (probably Starrcade) in a screwjob finish, and then done the Sting program as planned.  The benefit there is that Sting now has at least one credible challenger besides Flair in Luger who could've turned heel to set off a potentially money-making feud for the first year or two in the '90s.

  14. WWF used to do that for house shows back when there were curfews.  IIRC the main event would air 2nd or 3rd from last so it would always be seen in full.

  15. My WWE DVD collection is small: History of the IC title, Rise & Fall of WCW, Greatest Tag Teams, Stars of the 90s, Jericho, Legacy of Stone Cold. I've watched the Rise & Fall of ECW and the ECW Bloodsport ones when I borrowed them from friends, and I've seen a bunch more of the documentaries that are available on Netflix. A lot of the big DVD sets first came out when I wasn't watching wrestling at all. I'm sure some day I'll catch up on Wrestlewar, but honestly I wasn't really blown away by Chi Town Rumble (on the Rise & Fall of WCW set). Kinda old-school for my tastes.

  16. What the others said. You'll also notice that during the 45-minute draw between Flair and Sting at the first Clash, they keep hyping up other "standby matches" on commentary in case the match ended early and they had time to fill. Wrestlewar 89 is one of the times where the match didn't go the full time limit and they actually put on the standby matches.

    They always found interesting ways to maintain kayfabe back then. The only time they've ever done this in the modern era was the 53-minute RAW match between Cena and HBK where they hyped an Edge-Orton match for later in the show so that you never expected the match to go that long.

  17.  I've seen all three matches and I actually like Chi Town Rumble the most. A blistering pace, JR is amazing on commentary, and while it's the shortest of their matches I think it flows extremely well.

  18. HA! I emailed Scott about that years ago, cuz I thought it was some super smark code that ididnt know about.

    He said it was the way that text files transferred to other formats. Like if you see a rant and all of a sudden you would see #($*% instead of text. Its not curse words, its messed up coding per se.

  19. thats what happen when you have flair booking in 89. he put himself over the guys who could work and not cause static.

    refuse to drop the belt to the hogan clone and gave it to the warrior clone.

    then sat back as his run got sabotaged.

  20. so Muta in 1998 is pretty much like RVD in 2012 (or 2011, 2010, ....)?

  21. I actually think Luger not winning the title in that first feud worked out because it set the table for Steamboat's win.  If Luger had won the belt, it would have just been title trade after title trade throughout that period. Luger's loss was a sacrifice which made Steamboat's win a big deal.  Plus, it's not like Luger jobbed out in those matches, it was always a stroke of bad luck which cost him.

    Luger still had a shot at credibility after he rejuvenated his character with the heel turn, though maybe he should have gone over Steamboat clean (could have even done an injury angle) at GAB. I think the Pillman feud did a great job of making him look like a monster heel with the proper diversion during the Flair/Sting feud, he could have established himself with his US title as the first in line for a title shot.  The challenge, I suppose, would have been finding a strong face to occupy him at that time after Pillman, but I'm sure it could have been done.

  22. I like all the matches but Rumble always makes me grin to see Dave Meltzer marking out at ringside afterwards. :D

  23. Another thing they used to do that I loved is showing the Top 10 rankings onscreen each week.  That way, when they talked about wins and losses moving you up or down in the rankings, you could see for yourself how much a single match could mean to your favorite (or least-favorite) wrestler.

  24. I loved the Top 10 too, I wish they'd bring it back

  25. The thing that sticks out the most in my mind in the Flair/Steamboat match is the nastiness of the chops.  At one point Steamboat is throwing them hard enough to make me wince, but then Flair ducks one and returns fire and it sounds twice as loud as any of the ones Steamboat just threw.  Just ridiculous.  This is definitely my favorite of the three, mostly because of the fast pace and also the angle at the end.

  26. Enjoy:

  27. Totally agree about Steamboat/Savage being better than Flair/Steamboat. While I like the Flair/Steamboat trilogy, I can only watch it once. 

  28. Am I the only one who thinks Flair/Funk I Quit is the most overrated match of all time?

  29. Well I'll split the difference and say I love them equally and watch all of them at least once a year haha. 

  30. Fair enough, I've just had no desire to ever rewatch a Flair/Steamboat match. 

  31. I actually agree to some extent -- I definitely think it's a solid *** 1/2 to **** match, but I think the GAB 89 match is amazing in comparison.  The atmosphere and nearly palpable hatred between Flair and Funk at that show lends for a much better match IMO, even though the ending is somewhat less than decisive.  It just felt more like the culmination of a blood feud to me and the after-match brawl is awesome as well. 

    The NY crowd is good, but just not as hot as the Baltimore crowd.  The big thing about it that I don't like is the quickie Funk face-turn, though I understand their reasons for doing it.  Still though, you shouldn't offer to shake your opponents hand after you try to break their neck and when you lose, you defenitely shouldn't actually do it.  To quote Scott (and a great line it is) regarding Hogan/Rock  "Afterwards, Hogan and Rock make nice-nice, as presumably Hogan is all
    "Sorry about the attempted murder, brother" and Rock is all "It’s cool, I
    didn’t sell the injury anyway" and they shake hands."

    I've always wondered if the main reason people prefer the Clash match is because they saw it first -- Clash IX did a very good rating and the Flair/Funk segment in particular did a huge number, averaging a 6.3 for the segment.  Who knows though, different strokes for different folks -- I saw the GAB 1989 match in 1991 and the Clash match in about 2000, so perhaps I only like the GAB 89 match better because that's the one I saw first.

  32. Like picking your favorite child, but this is my favorite of the three.  But yes, Ryan, I'm dumbfounded you haven't seen this.  

  33. I definitely understand where you are coming from -- I have matches that beloved by many people, but no matter how much I try, I just can't get into it on the second time.  Probably the biggest one is Rock/Austin from WrestleMania X7, I just flat out don't enjoy that match save for the ending, which is odd because I find their match at WrestleMania 19 very watchable.

  34. I've actually never seen the GAB match in 89. It was a little before my time, and when I first started watching wrestling in 92-93ish, I was straight WWF all the time. Still to this day catching up on early WCW/NWA stuff. 

  35. I'm so weird on what matches I can enjoy multiple times. Most of Foley's big matches I can watch over and over again. 

  36. Yeah it was a little before my time too, I started watching in 1990, but my local grocery store at the time had a bunch of NWA/WCW videos that I discovered in 1991.  Oddly enough they never stocked any of them after Flair left WCW, but you could get pretty much anything from between 1985 and 1990 there.

    It's a great show, just an amazing crowd and a great atmosphere.  It's funny how much ahead of the game WCW was with cool entrances in 1989 than the WWF was until much later.  If you do get around to watching the show, try to find a good quality copy of it at least audio wise, it's worth it.  I have a pretty stellar looking/sounding VHS to DVD convert of the Turner Home Video version if you're interested, I'd be happy to send it along for the heck of it.

  37. Summer Slam 1990 and 1991 are like that for me.  I've probably seen both about 100 times.  The 1991 version people can understand as it is a pretty solid show, but the 1990 version is inexplicable haha (it was the first PPV I ever watched though, which probably makes a difference)

  38. You sure you're not thinking of Craig Pittman or something like that?  Ranger Ross' wiki page doesn't mention anything about getting into trouble after wrestling.  

  39. I can watch any WWF ppv from 1990 to 1995 multiple times just on a nostalgia kick because those are the years that got me hooked on this crazy drug. Case in point: WrestleMania 9 is one of my favorite ppvs ever and I've seen it at least 20 times.

  40. Thanks to youtube I can probably just watch on there easily enough. Honestly, youtube has to be the best innovation for a wrestling fan in the past few years.

  41.  I vaguely recall this too.  I believe he was arrested for armed robbery at one point, I forget where it is mentioned -- perhaps in one of the old PWI almanacs?

  42. Yeah it has come a long way especially in the past two to three years!  Although even the best quality stuff that comes from VHS sources looks too pixely for me in full screen mode, the sound is pretty close to perfect though.

  43. Still love my Classics on Demand though. For a guy like me who missed out on early 90's WCW, it's awesome getting to relive Worldwide with Ventura ripping it up on commentary and Sting destroying jobbers. 

  44. Just found the reference from your Clash 14 rant:

    "They were making
    yet another try for a Ross push under the guise of Gulf War Patriotism,
    but Ross fucked it up by getting involved in some VERY shady dealings and ended up spending significant time in prison for beating his wife."

  45. What's the world coming to when Wikipedia doesn't tell the truth?  I do remember now you mention it again.  I should check the Observers around that time and see if Dave mentions it.

  46. Yeah, holy shit, dude got arrested for armed robbery and tried to burn down the police station to destroy the evidence!  He spent a bunch of time in prison, which wikipedia totally omits for some reason.  

  47. Dino Bravo is impressed. 

  48.  Me three. The 56 minute 2/3 falls match at Clash is damn near perfect, but for me the pacing and drama of ChiTown Rumble is unparalleled. Its like a 4.99 over 4.98, really. Wrestlewar, the standard favorite of most enthusiasts ranks third for me, but the aftermath with Funk is beyond awesome.

  49. Rock/Austin at X-7 takes a while to really get going- they do a lot of "WWF Main Event Outside Brawling" until they get a groove on, and it's annoying. The ending stretch is like a ***** match, but it comes at the end of a lot of basic punching.

  50. I'm glad you went to the effort of e-mailing him, I wondered the exact same thing, assuming s* was '1 Shit-Star out of 5 Shit-Stars' or something. 

  51. Yeah, I'd also add that the work is a bit sloppy at times, with them missing quite a few moves. 

    The match is also guilty of my personal pet peeve, which is spending long stretches of time outside the ring without actually doing anything notable or just a bunch of weak brawling to kill time. It always seemed to me to basically be the 1990s equivalent of a rest-hold.  I prefer a rest-hold though, because at least then you can work the psychology.  Kind of a common issue with both the WWF attitude era matches and the WCW late 1990s main events as well.

    I agree about the ending though, it's great.  I think in the end it's a match that would be eons better if you cut about 10 minutes out of it.

  52. "s" and "j" are the result of 1/2 and 1/4's poorly translating from HTML to Word and back, or some such. I believe "s" is "1/2" and the "j" is "1/4".

  53. Watched Flair/Steamboat at That was insane, but I think I still prefer the rapid pace of Savage/Steamboat.

  54. There's another thing I didn't like about the HHH/Rock 60-minute Iron Man match- they brawl into the outside at least ten times over the course of the match, for lack of better things to do. It was like sixty straight minutes of punching and kicking.


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