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Bischoff/Hogan vs. Steiner

Hey Scott, I hope all is well.
I wanted to get your two cents on the most entertaining rivalry in wrestling today (although only on Twitter), Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan vs. Scott Steiner.  I've been following this for a few weeks on Twitter/through the wrestling websites.  My assessment thus far (and for some insane reason), Steiner actually appears to be making more valid points in regard to the current state of TNA's product than Bischoff/Hogan (which could only mean that the world is truly ending in 2012).  I will say that Bischoff definitely had the best hash tag with #steroidjunkie.  Any opinion on the Bischoff/Hogan vs. Steiner feud? - Steiner list of tweets - Bischoff list of tweets
Zach St. Pierre

Why couldn't Steiner find a way to be that entertaining in WWE?  They should hire him to snark on RAW and Smackdown during the show, it would be epic.  


  1. Yup, the frightening thing here is that Steiner is a ranting lunatic who's making valid points and is right, in my opinion, while Bishoff responds with the usual "he's just jealous because we're awesome and he isn't" thing.

    TNA is every bad and outdated wrestling cliche rolled into one show. Dueling figure heads, the heel figure head stacking the deck against the heels, the face figurehead stacking the deck against the heels to give them what they deserves, the power to run the show bouncing around, the undeserving son of a booker getting a push...isn't pushing the untalented son of a booker the most obvious wrestling mistake than anyone with any clue would understand not to do?

  2. Scott Steiner vs Brock Lesnar at WM29. Great main event or greatest main event?

  3. Bischoff's counter arguments to pretty much anything are ridiculous.

    My absolute favorite is his contempt for Internet wrestling fans (we'll ignore the irony of him doing it on Facebook and Twitter), openly referring to them as an insignificant 10% of the audience.  Yet he goes on and on about ratings, which accounts for less than 0.03% of the audience.


  4. That's one contract negotiation that should main event Raw.

  5. I wouldn't just want him to snark, I'd want him to shoot, brother, WCW-style ("When he says Bada bing, bada boom, bada bang....I don't even know what that means! Send his ass back down to the bush leagues where he belongs!")

  6. Point/Counterpoint: Scott Steiner debates the Iron Sheik.

    I would pay for the WWE Network RIGHT NOW if that happened.

  7.  The only thing that could improve this twitter feud is if @crankyvince joined into it.

  8. Funny how he refers to Bischoff as "Bitchoff", lol. I've been calling him that for years.

  9. I will say that Bischoff definitely had the best hash tag with #steroidjunkie. 
    i wouldn't be surprised if he was sitting next to hogan when he came up with that

  10. I smell a WORK!

  11. I love how they're pushing Bischoff's son over everyone else, did Hogan and Bischoff not remember how well David Flair worked out?


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