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Cena and Brock

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Hey Scott, quick question-

What the hell was the purpose of Cena's going away speech after the match with Brock? Not only did it make Brock look even worse after the loss, but by the next day it was rendered moot. Why kill Brock's heat even further for what amounted to a meaningless speech by Cena? Maybe I'm an idiot, but I don't get it.




Hey now, let's see how it plays out.


  1. Imagine Cena Vs. Andre. The big build, the huge match. Two giants of the industry facing off. After a 15 minute beatdown from Andre, Cena gains momentum (TM Michael Cole) and hits the five moves of doom. A broad smile comes across Cena's face as he turns to the camera, bug-eyed and eyebrows raised, and exclaims

    "More like Andre the Poopface!"

    Within 3 months he's in a feud with Santino Marella over who has the most powerful sock puppet to win the advances of one of the Funkettes.

  2. Hold on. I don't want to see Scott and the rest of you twist our position on the whole Brock/Cena thing (yes I have taken it upon myself to speak for everyone). A lot of us (me included) didn't think Cena winning was the right move. We objected to the over the top hysteria that resulted from it. The idea that Brock's entire 12 month run had been RUINED because of the finish of this match. You people were comparing it to the Invasion for fuck sakes! You made it seem like there was only 1 way to book Brock Lesnar, and that was to put him over everyone to build it up to 1 guy (there seemed to be a general consensus on Cena being the guy cause it mirrored a storyline from a Batman comic) being the one to beat him. You ignored the reality of the situation and the people involved (a noted flake like Brock) and declared it a piece of unforgivably moronic booking.

    You complain that Brock Lesnar is "just another guy". Just like you complained at the end of March how Rock felt like "just another guy".

    I haven't heard one of us defend Cena's promo. It was stupid, unnecessary, and like the writer said, moot. But to me it felt like the *vast* majority of the backlash was directed at the decision to put Cena over.

    We said "let this play out". And what happened? Brock manhandled HHH like no one before and put him on the shelf with his BARE HANDS. That *never* fucking happens! Nash used a sledgehammer. Sheamus used a pipe.

    I don't care what you say, Brock's aura is not gone, he's still a monster. And you guys still buy into his aura as well. Cause you'd shit your pants with glee if they put Punk over him clean next week.

  3. I'm guessing that this Cena/Ace match doesn't happen and Cena is taken off TV for a while after getting his arm destroyed at the end of Monday's show. How could that arm possibly be better by then?

    (By guessing I think I really mean hoping).

  4. The obvious endgame of this whole angle is that Zack Ryder is going to end up beating Lesnar at Mania 29.

  5. ...apparently you don't understand Kryptonian physiology.

  6. I agree with you that Brocks "aura" as a monster heel is still intact but its clear to me and other posters here that WWE is going to drop the ball again and job him out because ufc guys aren't on par with wwe superstars and this will show us cena and hhh are tougher than jon jones.

    Many of us love monster heels that can work, and the best way to push a monster heel is for him to win. Instead of giving us that story the WWE jobbed him to cena and will probably job him to hhh.

    I appreciate the idea of wait and see, but I went through with hhh and nash in the sop angle and it turned out that yes huntor and nash killed the angle to get themselves heat regardless of cm punk (hhh best punk, nash got the best of punk, then has blow off with hhh). Then I went through it again with ryder, maybe its not a burial, oh wait its a burial. WWE fucked this up.

  7.  If Cena was Kryptonian, wouldn't Kane's red sun have weakened him?

  8. I get that Vince is worried about Brock flaking and that he wants his product to be superior to ufc but it just seems that he's cutting off his nose to spite his face.

    If you don't want to job cena to him fine, book him against jericho or kofi or anyone else first, then run this program. I've been a huge cena fan ( not even close to my favorite but I think.he's great as a top guy because he almost never fails to deliver in the main event) but after that promo I personally am far less interested in him

  9. Christopher HirschMay 2, 2012 at 12:07 PM

    Yeah, I really have no clue what the purpose of the Cena promo was.

  10. Christopher HirschMay 2, 2012 at 12:08 PM


  11. TheRealCitizenSnipsMay 2, 2012 at 12:10 PM

    Wait, did we ever get closure on who ripped the head off Yoshi Tatsu's action figure? Why, only a monster with the physicality of Brock Lesnar could have pulled off such a feat!!

  12. I'll sum up why Brock losing his first match back was stupid real quick. Tensai 1-0 vs Cena. Brock 0-1 vs Cena. Why couldn't Tensai lose to Cena? Because they're trying to keep his heat up. They obviously have big plans for him. But the guy who your paying 5 million dollars loses? And its not like Brock had a ton of matches before. This was his first official match back.

    Of course they painted themselves into a corner by having Cena lose to Tensai in the first place. Because Cena had lost two big matches recently. So they weren't going to have him do another job. Thats why Brock and Cena shouldn't even had a match so soon. Putting Cena over makes no sense. Have a Dusty finish, anything.

    I guess we'll have to wait and see if they have some master plan. I doubt it though.

  13. It was a continuation of Cena v Big Johnny. Cena spent the weeks following Mania saying Johnny was trying to replace him, and he expected to be suspended for beating the new poster boy. He also thought he had a broken arm or torn muscle, so he thought he might be out for that. Either way, Kayfabe Cena didn't expect to be on TV for a while.

    We don't have to wait to see how it plays out, we already know. Cena beating Brock sent Johnny over the limit.

  14. I said this on one of the earlier threads, but I have a hard time believing that Lesnar will be "jobbed out."  I highly doubt that a guy of Lesnar's stature is going to sign a contract without a fair deal of creative control.  The booking decision on Sunday may have been suspect, but I also agree that the idea that Lesnar should have basically been an unbeatable monster to a Wrestlemania payoff is not necessarily the best one.

  15. I completely agree with you. Do they really think prince albert is worth pushing/protecting/will draw more money than cena?

    Just have Brock go over someone else or do a screw job ending. Smh

    Also since im posting sitting here at Seau's in mission valley about to eat lunch I feel I should say rip Jr Seau

  16. I understand your position, I really do, but ultimately (even if they do keep fucking it up) I want to be entertained by what I see, frankly, I don't like bitching about the product because it takes away from my enjoyment of the product and a stress release from the usually crappy Mondays.  So you may be right, hell, recent history says you have a better than 50/50 shot at being right, but I want to give it a little more time before I throw in the towel on it.

  17. I don't know, I've seen a lot of mastabatory booking in my day and wouldn't be suprised if vince is doing just that. Plus hey a 5 million dollar pay day to do some jobs in a worked sport might not seem that unappealing to Brock. Unlike guys like bret, cena, or hogan (I love all three btw) lesnar might not be that big of a mark for himself.

  18. Christopher HirschMay 2, 2012 at 12:48 PM

    I don't find Tensai or Lesnar comparable at all. Lesnar can lose and remain legitimate, Tensai has no reputation wth fans, lose now and he is already a loser.

  19. Good point, and I'll still watch either way too. I'm just trying to make sense of what the help they are doing

  20. Maybe they called an audible, initially intending him to be out with some injury then somebody called it off?  Which goes back to what I was talking about the other day about the company being so afraid to have John Cena take a significant amount of time off/not feature him, they completely hold that over any other possibilities, which makes for boring tv in my opinion.

  21. I see your point that tensai and lesnar are distinguishable but lesnar came in after wm28 as a "legit badass." Wasn't that big johnys thing, that he was bringing legitimacy back? So then he jobs to cena, to me that makes him just another guy like r truth or miz. An entertaining character, yes. But something special, that's out the window.

  22. Why does Tensai wave his hands around like he's The Great Muta? He looks like a total moron.

  23. Wouldn't Cena be Bizarro instead? Because where Superman gets cheered, Cena gets booed, etc?

  24. I was thinking that as well. I think booking Cena to beat Brock was ridiculous but I'm not sure if Brock's particuarly bothered by WWE or Vince's personal issues. He's openly said that wrestling isn't a passion for him, he joined WWE after college because of the money. And now, as you say, he's getting millions of dollars for a light schedule in a worked sport. I can't imagine he cares about how he's booked - the guy's a former UFC champion and a successful amateur wrestler. I doubt he has any insecurities over a character he plays on WWE.

  25. Work or not, I think because it was in Chicago, which completely crapped on him at MITB and accelerated the "hate Cena" vibe that permeated though the night after Wrestlemania, that he felt vindicated by their cheers and cut the promo in that manner.

    that's all I can guess..

  26. Christopher HirschMay 2, 2012 at 1:10 PM

    I look at Brock Lesnar and know that he would beat the piss out of Miz or R-Truth. He lost to the #1 guy in the company, I don't see the shame in it.

  27.  Andre was a headlining veteran and an absolute spectacle.  Lesnar only wrestled for 2 years.  No comparison really.

  28.  And I'd venture to say that most wrestling fans like myself don't care about UFC.

  29. Lesnar is absolutely a spectacle. He's a massive beast of a man with crossover appeal and an unmatched intensity, power and speed. 

    Also, Kane is a headlining veteran and, in the mask, a spectacle. And he had to deal with Cena wisecracking to the camera before every weapon hit at Elimination Chamber.

  30. Nah, that wasn't it. Cena says he's going to go home for awhile, and then says his boss might make him "anyway", as if he's going home whether Johnny (or Vince if it was supposed to be a "shoot") wants him to or not.

  31. If the criteria for "get a win over Cena" is "must be expected to draw more money than Cena", this company is absolutely fucked and I don't want to watch anymore because Cena's just going to continue running roughshod over the entire roster.

  32. Here's WWE's kayfabe medical diagnoses, just this year:

    Zack Ryder: Broken back, downgraded the next day to "injured back, not that bad"
    John Cena: Torn bicep with a possible rotator cuff tear, downgraded to "not torn but serious shoulder injury" downgraded to "just some muscle strains, he'll be fine"
    HHH: Broken arm, downgraded to "Eh we're just gonna put him in a sling and check again next week".

    I'm waiting for the announcement that Cena's arm has severe nerve damage that threatens his career followed by an update of "bad bruise" the next day.

  33. Agreed. What are people going to do, taunt Brock Lesnar because he lost a match in what is universally acknowledged and recognized as a scripted performance? I think Brock puts only slightly more stock in his WWE wins and losses than he would in being killed off in a WWE Films film.

    That being said, still seems silly to job him so early.

  34. This, a thousand times this. I agree that Brock should have beaten Cena (and now that we know Cena probably isn't taking time off, his promo was especially stupid...I was willing to let it go when I thought he was going to be gone for a few months). The issue I had was with the crazy overreactions of "It's all over, man!" because Brock lost a match after dominating the vast majority of it and losing because he got too cocky (as opposed to Cena just no selling the whole match and heroically defeating him before posing like he hadn't been hurt at all, like he did against Miz last year).

    It's bizarre to me that people on this blog will complain and complain and complain about how wins and losses are meaningless now (and I agree with those complaints) and then turn around and act like the entire angle is over because Brock lost one match, or act like Tensai beating Cena due to Otunga interence and Brock losing after dominating the whole match and getting cocky equals Tensai >>> Brock. Do wins/losses mean virtually nothing in WWE anymore? Or are they extraordinarily important to the point where one loss ruins a year long angle? I don't see how you can have it both ways.

  35. The whole "Brock flipped out backstage" thing strikes me very much as WWE working the dirt sheets.

  36. The Love-Matic Grandpa!May 2, 2012 at 2:14 PM

    Please tell me more about what I think and how I feel.

  37. The Love-Matic Grandpa!May 2, 2012 at 2:18 PM

    I'm still amazed that so many people still fail to grasp the concept of "monster heel". 

    Well, maybe I shouldn't be.

  38. Junior Seau killed himself. :-(

    I'd bet a lot of money that his brain looks a lot like Chris Benoit's. I've said it before, I'll say it again - Vince gets a lot wrong, but trying to minimize overly dangerous spots and eliminating shots to the head is a good thing. Hopefully the NFL will follow suit.

  39. He's being controlled by a flailer who can't get D+F during a Hadoken right.  If they ever do, it will be AWESOME.

  40. This wouldn't be such an issue if the WWE had not fallen into this pattern a long time ago of taking the short money and sacrificing everything to keep their pet project "strong."  

    And no, I wouldn't want Punk to go over Brock.  Certainly not right now.  Maybe CM Punk lasts long enough to make it a match, learns from Cena's mistakes etc, but in the end, Brock should be pinning people with one foot on their chest.  

    When was the last time this company was in a dark period (Kayfabe)?  Like a period where everything looked hopeless and on the brink of the bad guys winning?  For me it was McMahon Helmsley era.  True that was Attitude Era, and would not fit in todays environment, but they need something like that again, something that forces the main face to elevate his game, and something that unites the faces even if they don't like each other.

    They HAD it.

    If Cena loses, it's not because of Brock being "better."  It's because Brock came in playing by a different set of rules and standards.  Just like Apollo thought his match with Drago was an "exhibition" match, Cena didn't realize just how sick this guy was.  So he loses, he goes away for a while, then he comes back ready to fight when things look at their worst.

    That is what Cena has been lacking, a guy who can push him too far.  They keep saying it in promos "This is the fight of my life!"  "If I'm going to get the ass whooping of my life...!" etc

    Show, don't tell.  Stop telling me that Cena NEEDS to win x and x fight, and SHOW me that Cena needs to win.

  41. UFC and WWE share a pretty sizable crossover fan base which is something WWE did to themselves, using Raw as the leadin to TUF1 when they were both on Spike TV (or whatever they were calling that channel at the time).  Despite what HHH and Vince may say publicly they are absolutely competitors for the same eyeballs.  Even though WWE PG is aimed more at children and families that tasty 18-25 male demographic is something that WWE would definitely like having on board that the UFC has taken from them in recent years.

    In other countries (Japan specifically) pro wrestling and MMA are heavily intertwined with wrestling stars competing in MMA matches (some of which are occasionally even real matches!) and MMA stars appearing in wrestling promotions. 

  42. The Love-Matic Grandpa!May 2, 2012 at 2:33 PM

    Guy 1: Hey man, you should totally start watching wrestling again. Brock Lesnar's back!

    Guy 2: Really?

    Guy 1: Yeah, and he massacred Cena at the last PPV!

    Guy 2: Wow, so Brock won?

    Guy 1: Uh, no. Cena did.

    Guy 2: ...

  43. I think I know those guys!

  44. The NFL *has* followed suit, look at the harsh penalties for those involved in 'Bounty-gate'. No league has done more to protect its players recently than the NFL.

    And for good reason, the next decade is going to be fascinating to see what happens with all those class action lawsuits being filed by former players.

    I've heard the saying numerous times but have no idea who said it: "if football was invented today it'd be banned tomorrow".

    R.I.P. Junior Seau

  45. Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, can everybody let go of the "poopy" thing?  He said it once nearly five years ago.

  46. I'm amazed that you continue to miss the point. We're not saying you're wrong, we're saying you're overreacting.

    I brought this up in a different thread, but to my knowledge the Morishima saga in ROH was well received. He lost his first match with Samoa Joe.

    I agree with you, I think it would have been better for Brock to win at ER. But I'm not letting my frustration blind me to the awesomeness of what he did to HHH and how I can't wait for that match.

  47.  I was referring more to the fact that they were very slow to implement policy changes as the neurological data piled up. They still don't mandate equipment like more protective helmets and double sided mouth guards. And their steroid testing policy is a joke (Merriman suspended four games and then winning DPOY is the most famous example - there are more) making it easier for guys to get bigger and kill each other more effectively. Yes, they are certainly better than the NHL, but they still have many simple improvements that need to be made.

    Regardless, RIP: Junior.

  48.  Guy 1: No, come on, don't go! Wait and see how it plays out!

  49. If the blog can still complain about the Invasion, I can still make poopy jokes.

  50. This is not meant to be funny at all: the dead football player count is beginning to rival the dead wrestler count, and these guys are killing themselves. I saw the headline and I knew it was another suicide. Ugh.

  51.  Yeah, it's true and there's nothing funny about it. :-(

  52. I know this was just a hypothetical discussion, but I'm not sure it even gets across what you're trying to prove.  Guy 1 is clearly enthusiastic enough about Brock being back that he's telling people to watch again.  And Guy 1 clearly took away from the match that Brock Lesnar is a monster that massacred Cena, not that he lost.  And I just don't buy that somebody would say "Wow, so Brock won?" in response to "Yeah, and he massacred Cena at hte last PPV!"

  53. So it's that cool lone wolf against authority figure thing again? Wow! Will Cena become CEO at some point? Will Randy Orton be the corporate champion?

  54. Sorry pal, you can't just snap your fingers and get us to let something go. Take a number and have a seat. I'm pretty sure the "Montreal" guy has been waiting a while...

  55. Question: who gives a shit about putting out HHH? Why is that supposed to matter?

  56. Why do you care if this angle does big business (which I assume is the point you're making, that Brock losing kills the potential for more casual/lapsed fans tuning in)? What does it matter?

    I loved the build to HBK/Taker, thought it was fantastic. But your 2 guys must've hated it, cause it did a shitty buyrate (for a Mania). Doesn't change how I feel about it.

  57. I, for one, am on pins and needles over the excitement of seeing HHH get his revenge. All he was trying to do was be a company guy and fight for the boys back in the back. Brock Lesnar doesn't deserve a private plane! Contracts are contracts and Brock will pay for breaking it.

  58. I love how waiting to see how something plays out instead of jumping to conclusions is this laughable concept.

  59. Maybe Cena is trying to be Peter Parker.

  60. Lesnar is one of the biggest PPV draws in the past five years.

  61. I love how the WWE deserves benefit of the doubt.

  62. HHH is pissed Brock broke his arm, not his contract. I get that you're trying to say the confrontation was lame ("they're arguing over legalese!"), but come on, it was just a reason to get HHH and Brock on opposite sides. Why else would HHH oppose Brock Lesnar, what reason would the CEO have to confront the guy?

  63. Oh good!  An authority figure being the driving force behind a storyline!  That justifies it all.  

    Just because there is logic behind it, doesn't mean it's the right logic.

  64. This thread started with the assertion that the Cena promo was meaningless and rendered moot on RAW. It was neither. Both the promo and his win over Brock advance the story being told. Whether you personally like the particular story is another matter.

    Those upset about another corrupt authority figure should stop watching until Teddy is returned to power.

  65. You clearly haven't been watching WWE for the last 12 years.

    There's no bigger name to put on the shelf with your bare hands (not even Cena or Taker). And that's an opinion shared by smarks and marks alike, a rarity in today's world.

  66. You said "Nah, that wasn't it," and then repeated exactly what I said. Cena expected to either be out with an injury or sent home by Johnny. Either way, he didn't expect to be on TV for a while and was giving a farewell to his fans.

  67. Story matters. If HHH is going to come out and be a badass, then he deserves to have his arm broken. He's not a retired wrestler; he's semi-retired, and he got what he asked for.

    If they so desperately needed HHH and Brock to wrestle, then just wait it out a few months. Let's say Brock wins on Sunday, and he breaks Cena's arm because he refused to let go after Cena tapped. Then at the next PPV he puts someone else on the shelf. Then again the next month. Then the next night on Raw Big Johnny tells him to stop. So he breaks Santino's arm for the shit of it. 

    THEN you can have HHH, who hasn't been seen since WrestleMania, come out and tell him to knock it the fuck off or he's going to do something about it. So they run the angle from Monday night in August and have a SummerSlam main event. At that point, there's actually a compelling reason for HHH to come out and confront Brock and HHH would actually be viewed as a hero. That would actually be a story that progresses longer than three weeks and it would be way more entertaining.

  68. I'll disagree. This isn't HHH in his TV-hogging prime; it's HHH in his twice-a-year feud. 

  69. It's because it comes on the heels of so many bad decisions.  This was IT.  This was the chance to have a long term storyline with real drama instead of Rock and Cena doing endless promos TELLLING us how they feel.  This was a story with meat.  With drama.  And they decided to toss it out the window.

  70. He just made a toilet paper joke on Monday. People don't mean that Cena is always making jokes where he literally says "poopy". Cena's "poopy jokes" are just a catch-all term for his juvenile sense of humor.

  71. Sheamus put HHH out for nearly a year and he was wearing a leather crown within a few months. Didn't really do much for him, I'd say.

  72. The problem is, the best helmets in the world won't help against concussions. A concussion involves the brain slamming against the side of the skull; even if the head is protected the jarring force is still the same. 

  73. YES! YES! YES! YES!

    YOU get it.

  74. Pear, it's over for YOU. YOU don't speak for the populous.

  75. Aw, Love Matic Grandpa this week is brought to you by Kleenex, when you need someone to tell you how to think and feel because the tears won't stop.

  76. That's a fine story also but you also need a reason to drop the whole "Monday Night Raw STARRING BROCK LESNAR" story they wrote in a couple weeks ago and to give Brock a reason not to appear on TV for a bit seeing as how he only signed up for 30 matches.

    And also if dirtsheets are correct to give them an out just in case Brock really was that mad with Cena and he really was going to just go home. 

    Out of the many things they've done wrong with Brock since getting him back, the way they started the path to HHH/Brock at Summerslam (or whenever they want to pay this one off) barely even registers.

  77. Ha ha ha. THIS. I started watching wrestling again to see Rock vs Cena and later Lesnar vs Cena and now that they already blew any worth Lesnar would have had to the company I'm back to reading recaps about Raw instead of watching Raw.

  78. No, we aren't being worked.  Being worked would mean that the WWE knows what it is doing and leading us towards something bigger and better that we didn't expect because we were to focused on the details.

    Vince is just screwing with us and we're well aware of it because we've seen it happen before.  I can't tell you which flavor of screwing he's using, but it's screwing.

  79. i was thinking the same thing monday night. total tool. i did however love the theme music,

  80. I wouldn't have minded Brock losing at Extreme Rules IF Cena had gotten stretchered out. Cena wins the battle (and saves a little bit of face) while Brock wins the war. It sticks in my craw that Cena took such a savage beating and then comes out like nothing is wrong (It's Malibu Cena! He's different because he's wearing a sling!). 

    I have a bad, bad feeling that the main event to OTL is going to be Cena/HHH against Big Johnny/Lesnar. Or that DBD/Punk is going to be the main event with that shitshow under it tanking the butyrate. 

  81. Called it above (and will probably do so again) it's going to be Cena/HHH against Ace/Lesnar.

  82. That's simply not true. But it's not just the NFL. How many concussions do you think he had from pee-wee, middle school, high school, and college football?

    Seau's the second guy ex-NFL guy in two weeks to kill himself.

  83. Wait, what happened with Cena on Raw? I didn't see Cena on Monday, my Raw ended with Daniel Bryan being the #1 contender and Punk walking out and holding up the title. It was awesome.

  84.  For years the go-to line in the media (and often from people like Meltzer) was "if any legit sport had the premature death rate of the WWE the media/government would be all over it."

    Here the most popular pro sports league in US history is approaching those numbers, and beyond a bit of appropriate mourning and handwringing in the media nothing is going to change in terms of viewership or oversight.

  85. Brock/Triple H should be a good feud, though I wouldn't expect Brock to win. Triple H wouldn't even put over CM Punk last year.

  86. He drove Johnny Over The Limit! And now they will fight at Over The Limit!

  87. From the Observer daily update: 
    --With the suicide death of Junior Seau, that makes eight players from the 1994 San Diego Chargers Super Bowl team who have passed away.  Seven people who wrestled at WrestleMania that year passed away. (thanks to Brian Hoops)   

  88. I think HHH will win just to swerve the net. Seriously. 

  89. And then was back the next night with a match for the next PPV.  So the promo was effectively rendered moot.

  90. Maybe meaningless wasn't the right word, but it was still counterproductive.  Honestly, did the speech add ANYTHING to the story?  It was (I assume) meant to be a "special" moment that turned out to be not so special when Cena returned the next night.  On top of that, it completely killed the story of Lesnar beating Cena within an inch of his life at the ppv.  They could have done the same story on Raw without the speech.  Plus, the fact that the Brock match was just a transition to the Cena/Big Johnny feud speaks volumes about where this company is headed.  I wouldn't be shocked if Cena is selling Johnny's week-old beating next week worse than he sold Brock's minutes-old beating. 

  91. And you're not nearly as tapped in as you think you are.

    It's over for me?  What kind of meat head bullshit is that?  You gonna use that caps lock a bit more?  You gonna call me a jabroni?  

    I'm not speaking for the populous I'm speaking for myself and a lot of people that are tired of getting jerked around.  Loyal fans.  People who have seen a story done right, and want to see it again.

  92., another main event-caliber match and a high-profile win to satisfy his ego?

  93. Are they like Thing 1 and Thing 2?

  94. I thought he'd be meant he'd be sent home by VInce. If anything, Vince should have sent someone to put Cena out for the comments from the night before.

  95. If everybody is so convinced that everything is going to be handled so incredibly terribly, why even watch?  I'm not even making that tired "if you don't like it, don't watch" argument.  But honestly, it feels like so many people here act like every single angle of the past decade has been terribly mishandled and ended awfully.  And this doesn't even fall into the category of "yeah, but I keep watching because I want it to go well."  That can't possibly be true if you're predicting the entire time that it'll go to hell.

  96. Watching his mom's statement fucked me up:

  97. I'd guess that Cena is forced by Laurinitis to wrestle despite wearing a sling or something, to create the impression that 'hey, Cena will really be at a disadvantage fighting with just one arm.'

  98. It would explain the stupid-ass smile.

  99. Cause it's a drug and I'm addicted.

    Seriously though, I want this era to work.  I want to see a new generation of stars like Ziggler, Cody, and Daniel Bryan take the reigns.  I want to feel like I did during the attitude era when Vince really gave a damn.
    I love wrestling.  Always have, and while I'm fine with ROH and Indie stuff, most of my memories are from WWE/WWF, so I tune in.  And then I get frustrated.

    I do like this company, it has a lot of great matches and a lot of great talent, but it misuses the talent, and now we have a roster full of talented workers who are not being given direction, assistance, or even the time of day from creative/booking.  Sometimes it seems like they're turning it around, like how they book 9/10 of the Brock/Cena match.  That was a GREAT match, and one of the reasons I watch.The promo after it is the reason I had to take a break for several years.

  100. The Love-Matic Grandpa!May 2, 2012 at 9:25 PM

    Shouldn't the end result of a "work" ultimately be someone like me desperately wanting to spend money on the product to see what happens next? Because if that's the case, they're doing it wrong.

  101. How is it a swerve? Most are expecting HHH to go over now because of Extreme Rules. 

  102. Cena/Ace at Over the Limit. So many buys!!!!!

  103.  Hmmm.... legalese.

  104. Usually I can watch a loved one's statement and get through it no problem. This one was hard to watch, I can't even imagine what she's going through.

  105.  so you're basically saying "unless my favorites win all their big matches, I won't watch"?

  106. THIS! x100.

    there were dozens of terrific programs/matches in the last few years (from Undertaker vs. Michaels to Cena vs. Batista) but despite that a lot of people here act like the WWE screws up everything all the time.

    and if you really didn't like ANYTHING (or hardly anything) in the last ten years, it might really be time to find yourself something else.

  107. I think the Cena promo was a shoot. I think he was supposed to do, if not a stretcher job, a prolonged injury angle (helped to the back)... Cena even said something to the effect of the boss will probably fire him or he'll be forced to take some time off or some crap... I don't know. Couple that with the reports of Brock flipping out backstage about it, and I think it might've been off script.

    Which if true, is really shitty of Cena. (and I'm actually a guy who is more likely to stand up for Cena)

  108.  No, I'm saying why bother watching if they're just going to do the same old shit that they have been for years? And honestly it's not that Cena won it's the way he won. CM Punk and Jericho hit each other with everything but the kitchen sink and I'm supposed to believe Lesnar is going down from a chain shot? Making matters worse Cena cuts a promo and laughs the whole thing off which makes Lesnar basically just another victim like everyone else.

    So yes, I totally want to continue watching as a purported bad ass breaks an aging wrestler's arm and gets kicked out of the building for the rest of the night while the guy who beat him laughs off the beating he was given instead turns and focuses his attention to face a retired wrestler who most casual fans wouldn't have even remembered that he was one had CM Punk never pointed it out.

    Man, who wouldn't tune in to that compelling television every week?

  109. This is not a shot at you (althought it may be if you fall into this category), but when you write off an entire year's worth of story because of the way one match has ended -- and you openly mock people who say they're willing to see how it plays out -- then you don't want the company to succeed.

  110. Don't worry, Brock will be fine. Its not like his next 3 matches will be against hhh or anything


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