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Cena vs Lesnar

First to begin based on mania and extreme rules, Cena is on his way to
being the best wrestler of the year. He's always been a tremendous
worker (and if people would look past the thing they hate about him
his character they'd see this) so this is no surprise.
Now then to me putting him over Lesnar is perfect.  What better way of
saying pro wrestling is better and tougher than UFC than the pro
wrestler going over the UFC superstar? Now was it way to early to do
this? Sure. In hindsight they should have had months of Lesnar not
wrestling but just kicking everyones ass. Then Cena comes back from
his movie or whatever and is the man to say enough. You do the match
at say summerslam and Cena goes over.
This then leads to Rock Cena II at survivor series or whatever because
Cena has the cred of doing something Rock never could do which is beat
Lesnar. Heck if you want to do Rock Cena 3 you can have a finish in
which Lesnar is standing on the apron (presumably to mess with Cena)
only to have Rock thrown into him leading to an FU and Cena pin. Rock
then goes off to take on Lesnar and win and then you do Cena Rock III
to finally settle it all. (maybe at the rumble or whatever then do
Cena vs Taker at mania if he can go as it's to me one of the last true
main event matches they have left) Then Cena goes over taker because
really losing doesn't hurt taker imo. Going twenty straight wins is
still impressive and something they can still stress will never be
done again

*Slow clap*


For those wondering how to become a WWE writer, send them a scenario like this and you're a shoo-in.


  1. Jesse Baker approves this idea

  2. Cena is arguably a better wrestler than CM Punk. Not as good as Daniel Bryan, who I feel is the best. But very close. 

  3.  Arguably?  OK, make the argument.  Name 10 moves John Cena does.

  4. and then after he beats Undertaker and breaks the streak god comes back after walking out on Shawn and hits Cena with a lightning bolt but cena has a big grin on his face and no sells it and pins god to become new god! brilliant!

    On a more serious note, one of the reasons there aren't "true main event matches" anymore without going outside the company or using guys that wrestle once or twice a year (Undertaker, HHH) is BECAUSE Cena was going over everyone so decisively that nobody was booked as being on his level and worthy of him. They seemed like they were finally going to go a different route with Punk by having him win twice (albeit not clean either time) and hold his own with Cena, but then they started acting like Cena VS Kane was more important than anything Punk did with the WWE title, and now probably the same issue with Cena/Ace, so again Cena is more important (Cena/Rock and Cena/Brock were fine, those were bigger matches; Cena/Kane and Cena/Ace, no) than everyone else. Then they'll wonder why nobody cares about Cena VS random heel booked to be way below him.

  5. Cena is a good brawler who is good in a "big match". He's not as bad as some make him out to be, but I would say he is absolutely not better than Punk.

  6. Move 1: ARM-bar.

  7. got the part about this e-mailer being able to be a writer right...

  8. I can't name 10...I can name 14!

  9. I am probably the one person who frequents this blog who isn't at all sure he could book better than WWE, and I had no problem with Cena winning, because I hated Lesnar by the time the match was over.  And they made it clear Cena only won because (a) the official was out when Lesnar had him down for a 20 count; and (b) Lesnar had too much hubris to use the chain the same way Cena did.  Everyone watching knew that Lesnar dominated the match, and only lost by luck.

    I am of course judging based on what actually happened during the match, which is an old-fashioned, yet oddly satisfying, way to watch professional wrestling.  

  10.  He also knows the moss-covered, three-handed family gredunzel

  11. There is no worse idea than ruining Taker's Wrestlemania streak. 

    On a related note, I'd love to see some fantasy booking from Scott Keith!

  12. In my opinion, Cena is not a tremendous worker. He's good and works hard but to me, a "tremendous worker" is someone who has a grasp of psychology and can believably sell for an opponent.

  13. I think if Brock's visual-pin and refusal to use weapons were mentioned again afterwards, it would have gone a long way in helping Brock look good in defeat, but they haven't mentioned a single word - all we've heard is "Brock lost". That doesn't do much for Brock's image.

    True, everybody watching knew that Brock dominated, but what percentage of the audience actually watched it? To most of the audience, Brock came in, talked big, and got shut down right out of the gate.

  14. "Name 10 moves John Cena does."

    Has Mick Foley taught you nothing?

  15. Yeah, naming moves is silly.  However, as far as wrestling psychology and selling, Punk is still better than Cena.

  16. I couldn't possibly top the awesomeness of ending Undertaker's streak and showing up UFC, so why try?

  17. Well, when he takes off his hat, that's move #7 in his arsenal, so he has more moves than Kevin Nash at least.

  18. Hey, does anyone know why Dustin Runnels got fired? What was the "incident" that earned him his release?

  19. Is anyone really on the level of Cena right now in terms of greatness? Is it HHH?  The guy who is a part timer and only faces top legendary stars and his friends?

    Speaking of HHH, I wouldn't be surprised at all if HHH goes over Lesnar whenever they face off after Triple H's arm heals. Is it my imagination or did Triple H heal rather quickly from his arm breaking? Oh and the reason HHH needs to win against Brock is because he is an up an comer you know who needs the rub from a former UFC megastar and not someone like Punk.

  20. Christopher HirschMay 8, 2012 at 10:32 AM

    Because he was a lemmule.

  21. Is that what you get when you cross a lemming and a mule together?

  22.  Yes, 100%. That was actually really good storytelling and helped with Lesnar's character. Why didn't we hear abou tit again?!

  23.  There's not enough people secretly working with other people.

  24. Christopher HirschMay 8, 2012 at 10:40 AM

    Haha, I'm not sure but Goldust calls people that on Twitter all the time.

    Slightly related note, was Ted DiBiase/Goldust feud over the Million Dollar Belt one of the worst feuds ever? They really wasted Maryse, she was the most charismatic Diva they had. Much better than Kelly Kelly and her dumb smiling for no reason all the time.

  25. That's a fair point, though seriously with the power of social media these days (as the WWE likes to remind us) I would back a Ryder-esque petition to get you involved in WWE creative. IF of course, your ideas were up to par!

    Would be interesting to read regardless :)

  26. Probably not one of the worst feuds ever but definitely forgettable (I had a hard time remembering it when I read your post). The worst feuds are generally reserved for whatever Kane is involved in.

    Absolutely one of the biggest wastes was Maryse. She had a great heel charisma but, like so many other women in the business, she was happy to leave wrestling. Let's face it, it's not the most female-friendly biz there is.

    Maryse leaving reminds me of how Stacy Keibler got blasted from wrestling fans for leaving to do guest appearances on George Lopez or perform in Dancing with the Stars. Let's see...make some comfortable money on TV or travel the world performing lap-dances for Scott Steiner or bending over for Bubba Ray Dudley's benefit while fans scream at you to "show your tits!"? Not really the hardest decision if you have a bit of self-respect for yourself. 

  27. I think the Maryse/DiBiase pairing was a waste and all around bad for everybody involved.  I was personally digging the DiBiase Jr./Virgil pairing, and I think others did as well.  DiBiase and Maryse had 0 chemistry though, and neither character recovered from that.

  28. You are completely correct on how they should have mentioned the weapon thing, but I think you're off base with how all we've heard is "Brock lost."  I don't frequent many wrestling blogs other than this one, so this is my only frame of reference, but people here mention Brock losing far more than WWE has.  The day after Extreme Rules, the talk was all about Brock's domination, and fans were the ones who were upset that they acted like he won when he lost.  I'd say that people who didn't watch the show, but also don't visit the Internet and only get their info from WWE TV, are probably under the impression he did win.

  29. Agree, Virgil was a much better fit.

  30. Christopher HirschMay 8, 2012 at 11:15 AM

    They teased pairing her with Miz, who she obviously would have had chemistry with, but didn't pull the trigger for whatever reason.

  31. Right-hand punch.

  32. where has jesse baker been these days?? is he under a new alias?

  33. ummm lets see in the past year cena has 2 - 5 * matches in the past year (the lesnar match was 5 in my book) in the past year. If anything the man is underated and hes getting better imo. I rewatched the Lesnar match last nght and enjoyed it more than when i saw it live.

  34. Attitude Adjustment, STF, Proto-bomb (variant), Gut Wrench Suplex, Fisherman Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Shoulder-Block, Throwback, Diving Rocker Dropper, 5 Knuckle Shuffle, Sit-out Hip Toss, Emerald Flowsion...

    I never understand where people get the argument that the guy has a small moveset.  Most guys in the WWE don't have more than a handful of trademark moves beyond their finishers, that's what the WWE style is.  Cena actually has a comparatively moveset which he definitely has added to throughout his career.   Off hand, I'd have a hard time naming 10 moves Daniel Bryan or CM Punk use in the WWE.

    Not that move-set size means that much, but that is definitely not a department of deficiency for Thuggie Houser M.D.

  35. btw: I think it's funny that even when Cena is "away" (in storyline terms) he still competes (for example, in the dark match on monday).

  36. Saskatchewan Spinning Nerve Hold.

  37. 2: Shooting star staple shooting press.

  38. she is figuratively the female john cena.

  39. I can totally see where people would think WWE is better than UFC because the UFC guy laid down for the top WWE guy in a scripted match where the result is predetermined.

  40. cuz it would of been right. as much as i hate miz

  41. juan cena anyone?!

  42. ThatsMrMcMahonToYouMay 8, 2012 at 2:27 PM


  43. My problem with Cena's moveset is not it's size, but more that there is no real rhyme or reason to how he uses it.  He just kind of does whatever move he feels like without any real progression or logic.  This is similar to the whole five moves of doom thing, but Cena kid of stretches it across the entire match.  

  44. Yup. At least the Five Moves of Doom made sense for Bret because it was his comeback sequence. Cena just does his moves all over the place.

  45. I am still really bummed that Juan Cena never really happened. If I was a WWE producer, I'd have hired a mariachi band to play an instrumental version of Cena's theme, just guitar and trumpet to play him in before every match.

  46. "
    (maybe at the rumble or whatever then do
    Cena vs Taker at mania if he can go as it's to me one of the last true
    main event matches they have left)"

    You know, you're obviously entitled to your opinion, but I have to disagree. Take this with a grain of salt as I've only seen 3 matches this past 12 months that I've liked, and they were all WWF matches. I'm not really a fan anymore. But...I got opinions!!

    I don't think it's the last main event they's just the last main event Attitude era and prior fans are interested in seeing. The problem, I think, is obvious - this "Era" just hasn't caught the long term fan's imagination. It certainly didn't mine. Couldn't care less about any wrestler without the word "rock" in his name. (Kevin Steen is kinda interesting, but not interesting enough for me to seek out his work and invest the time after a 50 hour work week. Sorry. No offense to the guy.)

    Some say its because we've seen every permutation of matches possible already. Maybe, but we've seen Rock v Austin about 90 times and Wrestlemania 17 STILL kicked ass. I say its because Randy Orton is just not interesting. John Cena is just not interesting. Miz was KINDA interesting, but a shit worker. 

    The only matches that I liked this past 12 months were storyline matches. Rock v Cena. Cena v Punk. LOVED H v Taker. (Could care less about the workrate, obviously.) Brock v Cena wasn't a match, it was an ass kicking with a pro wrestling finish. Loved it. Otherwise...I just...don't really care much anymore.

    Now, the question is Why? I was a SUPER fan. Loved it all...ROH, WWF, Japan, even TNA. Was it oversaturation? Did I get burned out? Has the product just staled? (I don't think so, as even ROH bores me these days...just seems like an athletic exhibition.) Style is not as hard hitting. (That actually is a factor for me.) But maybe...I'm not a college kid anymore. I'm looking to start a family. Make some money. (I can't wait to sell out.) In the past two years, I've really given up my two biggest passions since childhood - wrestling and comics. And I wonder why.

    Scott, I been reading your stuff since Wrestleline. (OG Cred!) The cool thing about internet writing is that we have seen you change through the years without ever knowing you. WE knew when you started seeing Jody, because your style got a little softer, but more passionate. (Something changed, and as a writer that was my guess. That and Hyatte outed you.) Now here you are, mid thirties. Just like me. You have a family. (I don't yet.) Is it just our priorities that have shifted? Is this what my parents used to call "growing up?"

    Hope I didn't sound condescending with the above. This is seriously a theme I've been grappling with for over a year. Wonder if I'm alone.


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