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Hilarious Hogan Article

Hey Scott I don't know if anyone gave you a link to this article about the many lies of Hulk Hogan.
It makes me wonder if Hogan knows he's full of it or has he swallowed his own snake oil and has convinced himself it's true like Cartman and the Jewbots. What do you think?

Oh, I'm 100% sure he believes every word he says.  After a while all the bullshit just starts to blend together with the truth and he probably can't even distinguish them himself anymore.  However, you can always tell what's REALLY the truth because he'll finish with "And that's a shoot, brother!"   Important distinction there.  

Plus, while we're mocking him, don't forget his new idea to turn around TNA, by having fans stalk the wrestlers like pararazzi.  Remember, Hogan taught Vince everything he knows about booking.  


  1. Didn't he use some Billy Gunn run-in during a cage match as an example of how he taught Vince how to book? The exact scenario eludes me right now.

  2. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyMay 3, 2012 at 9:09 AM

    Hogan's grip on reality is frightening! 

    Also does anyone else think how absurd Hogan was on the TNA Open Fight Night during the segments when he was trying to decide who should face Magnus and Samoa Joe for the Tag Titles? Firstly no one seemed to batter an eyelid to why the hell Eric Young and ODB were being considered amongst MCMG, Kaz/Daniels and Hardy/Anderson? Also since when has Jeff Hardy and Mr Anderson been a team? So Sabin of the MCMG gives the most passionate speech out of all the tag teams as to why they should be considered, while Daniels puts everyone down on sneaky heel fashion, Anderson makes faces while Hardy looks indifferent, and Eric Young offers Hogan sex with ODB! All these leads to Hogan eliminating the MCMGs first... WTF! Then fast forward to the actual match and Hogan decides that Anderson and Hardy should get the match even though they clearly don't get along and didn't seem that bothered at all about getting the match in the first place. This is just more proof why people can't even force themselves to take TNA seriously! 

  3. That's a whole lot of Bollea-shit.

  4. Althrough Tyson's apprehensions are probably embellished, there was talk of such a match according to WON.

  5. It's always hilarious to Hogan pile it on when he's with an interviewer who clearly doesn't know wrestling. I saw Hogan on a Canadian talk show awhile back where he gave the story about tearing every muscle in his back from slamming the 700-pound Andre the Giant. The clueless interviewer acted so amazed, like he had just picked up on some major scoop, and it was obvious Hogan knew the guy was a total mark and wanted to see how much bullshit he could he could feed him. He then went to talk about how after Wrestlemania III, Vince sent him on a tour of Japan to defend the WWF title every single night for the next month without a day off.
    Didn't Hogan also tell an interviewer once that the Montreal Screwjob took place at Wrestlemania and that Shawn screwed Bret by pinning his shoulders down to the mat when he wasn't supposed to?

  6. I remember reading some interview where he talked about how he wrestled 400 days a year b/c he was crossing the international date line so much that it somehow packed another month onto his schedule for that year.

  7. Sabin's speech was indeed really good. I'm a TNA defender, but even I can't explain what's going on in that company right now.

  8. I find one glaring fault with this article:  Hogan never said those were the boots he wrestled in for Mania III.  What he probably meant is that the yellow boots are the most famous of all time, and that this particular pair was his favorite since he wrestled Andre in them, a few days before he died.  Not Mania III.  Although that doesn't sound right either.  Hmmmm.  Ok, he's full of shit.

  9. the sad thing is I can really imagine Hogan being so screwed up by wrestling for several decades that he is SURE what he is telling is the truth.

  10. Mixing up dates is one thing, claiming you wrestled Andre the giant a few days before he died, when he wrestled his last match almost a year before his death is another.

    And the Elvis thing...did he really claim that?

  11. I think this article suffered from not citing specific interviews where he made some of these claims.  The best parts were when they provided an actual soundbite or direct quote.  The vague "he said this once" references made it seem like the author was deliberately exaggerating Hogan's comments.  I'm sure that wasn't the case, but it would have helped if citations were made.

  12. FWIW I believe the Andre pooping story, although in the same Rolling Stone interview they quoted in that article it says that Andre laid newspapers out on Hogan's bed and left a Clydesdale-sized dump there for him. It stands to reason though: bathrooms, and presumably bathtubs, in Japan are probably much smaller than in America.

    I also think there's an outside chance the Robin Hood: Men in Tights thing could be true. I could see him playing Little John there.

    The rest of it is pure Hogan insanity. As is his desperate idea about having fans take papparazzi shots of TNA wrestlers. Not just because it's stupid and won't make anyone care about wrestling, but because no one really wants to see what TNA workers are doing all that much anyway.

  13. With his limited acting ability, I don't think Hogan could pull off that "I can't swim!" scene.

  14. You end a feud and immediately go onto the next feud by involving the next feudee with the blow-off match of the first feud.

  15. The thing about the 400 dates a year is that it is possible if hogan was working two shows a day.

  16. "Remember, Hogan taught Vince everything he knows about booking"

    lol That's the first thing I thought of when I heard of this new idea.

  17. "Didn't Hogan also tell an interviewer once that the Montreal Screwjob
    took place at Wrestlemania and that Shawn screwed Bret by pinning his
    shoulders down to the mat when he wasn't supposed to?"

    Yep. He just couldn't remember if it was Wrestlemania 16 or 17.

  18.  He didn't say 400 matches though. He said he wrestled 400 days a year.

  19.  After I posted this I had the random thought that, while I've generally never been ashamed of being a wrestling fan and being really obsessed with all the minutiae of it, I think speculating about the size of Andre the Giant's turds is probably a step too far and I really need to reevaluate my priorities.


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