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John Cena Files For Divorce


This could be nasty but hopefully it won't go on as long as Hogan's did.  I've heard Cena had a pre-nup which should help keep things easy.


  1. I wonder if he'll sit through the whole hearing with a goofy grin on his face making poopy jokes.

  2. If I'm Cena and WWE I'd go to her with an offer she couldn't refuse as long as she goes away and keeps her mouth shut.

  3. I figured things would be over soon after Cena was caught blatantly cheating on his wife with Eve.


  4.  In the deposition, even though his lawyer didn't give him permission to, he'll make a statement that if he was gonna get divorced, he couldn't think of a better place than that conference room.

  5.  From the Big Show thread:

    From what I heard at the time, it was kind of a whirlwind marriage
    anyway, or a Britney-Spears-and-her-high-school-boyfriend-in-Vegas type
    situation at least. He is always on the road, I'd bet he barely fucking
    knows his wife.

    It's funny to read Shawn Michaels' book where he talks about his
    first wife like she's just some stranger he happened to be married to,
    or reading Bret Hart's book where, basically, Julie was just someone who
    lived in his house and raised his children all the years they were
    married, and anytime they were together they just fought. If I'm a
    wrestler and not married, I fucking keep it that way til I'm off the
    road. But that's just me, I like having all my stuff

  6. Apparently Cena's wife hired the same attorney Linda Hogan had... this could be really really bad

  7. Could you imagine if Raw was in a smark heavy city like Chicago or New York this Monday? The chants would be glorious.

  8. I believe she's Cena's high school sweetheart and they were together 9 years before marrying.

  9. I'm actually surprised that he got married in the first place. His schedule didn't allow for much free time. It was only a matter before something happened.

    Didn't his ex have issues with him "allegedly" piping Mickie James?

  10. Huh, I didn't know Shawn had a first wife. Anyone famous?

  11. Shawn lucked out with the second wife because he was "retired" at the time he met her. I don't blame any wrestler for banging a Diva because they work around them all the time.

  12. My gf loves John Cena and i just told her the news. She didnt know he was married. Then I told her the whole Mickie deal (he wasnt married at the time, engaged though) and I told her like im telling you, once he got married Mickie got released.

  13. Thats whats the divas are for. Divas= the new rats.

  14. The wrestlezone comments are hilarious.

  15. It's not just wrestlers, it's athletes in general. If you marry someone when you're an active athlete/wrestler you're on the road and not only are you around temptation all the time but you're establishing a dynamic that will be vastly different than when you retire. Suddenly you have your entire routine changed because your husband is around all the time.

  16. There goes Cena's golden boy image.

  17. Does this mean Mickie gets her job back? Cause I miss her. 

  18. That's why I said the Britney Spears thing, but either way, he got married in 08 I think, so 6 of those 9 years were spent on the road. From what I read they just did a J of P ceremony with one witness.

  19. Well if I were him, I'd be meeting up with Naomi as soon as I got to RAW on Monday.

  20. Nope, just a girl from San Antonio he was dating from before his wrestling days.

  21. I think this announcement coinciding with President Obama's support of gay marriage is no accident.

    FINALLY, Cena and Zack Ryder can enjoy wedded bliss.

  22. I wonder what she did to piss him off that HE'S the one that filed for divorce? Or maybe he's got someone else on the backburner and he's looking to switch up? That would probably mean a Diva, I'd imagine.

  23. No. I think it was like a girl he dated in high school or that year he spent in community college (it's been forever since I read his book). They were married until like 91-92ish. No kids. If I recall, the way he tells the story, he was getting successful in the AWA and his mom suggested he should maybe get his girlfriend a nice ring, so he did, and all of a sudden that meant he was engaged... which he didn't really realize that would be what it meant. Pretty funny, actually. 

  24. Wrestlers schedules are even worse than the average athlete. With no offseason and being away from home 4-5 days a week it must be murder. Plus all the promotional stuff he does I'm surprised he has a life at all.

  25. The next wrestler Cena fueds with NEEDS to do a cortroom skit of this.

  26. Her lawyer submitting that tape from Raw as exhibit A has me in stitches for some reason. 

  27. The fact that *he* filed and she was (allegedly) "blindsided" makes me think she doesn't have much dirt on the guy. I think the 2 biggest things that could hurt Cena's image (at least in the WWE's eyes) are infidelity (like Tiger Woods-levels or a prominant Diva in the mix) and steroids. I'm guessing that Cena just a) isn't guilty of those or b) she has no idea and couldn't prove it if she did.

    I think Cena will be fine.

  28. Not to piss off any female commenters here...but what are here "rights and entitlements?"  This isn't a case where they had kids so she had to be a stay-at-home mom.  She could have pursued a career, especially since he was always on the road.  I don't understand this notion where she's entitled to half, or even part, of his earnings simply because they were married.

    Alternately, this could all be part of Vince's scheme to win the male audience over to Cena's side!

  29. "Not to piss off any female commenters here"

    I don't think you have anything to worry about.

    Preach on, brother!

  30. I figured they're few and far between but still.

  31. It's also possible he's guilty of something big, it's about to break, and he's covering his ass now to save as much of his money as possible.

  32. Welcome to the current laws regarding divorce!  Basically it's a tax on being a man.  And yes the tax code is gender neutral however in reality, men do not get alimony even if they don't work at the same rate as women do.  Or anywhere even remotely close. 

    In most states (and I'm assuming this is one) who initiates divorce and who is at fault (infidelity, complete inability to manage finances, abuse) are more or less irrelevant.  The wife is not just entitled to half of community property she is also entitled to keep the same "lifestyle" she had before.  The thought process behind this under no fault reasoning makes sense if you step waaaaaay back and think about it.  You shouldn't be forced to stay in a marriage just because without it you'd be poor.  OK, I guess that makes sense.  However as is most commonly applied what this means is that the wife will almost always be getting away with more than half because she's not only getting half the property she's getting alimony now also. 

    While it is good that John Cena has a prenup, a good lawyer will use lifestyle adjustment and eat the prenup for breakfast.  If she really did hire Linda Hogan's lawyer, John should probably look to cut her a giant check to go away because this will get way worse before it gets better.

  33.  Cena dumped Ryder a while back, he got tired of always having to rescue his ass.

  34. Could you imagine if this was the beginning of a huge scandal with Steph cheating on HHH with Cena? The internets would explode.

  35. Hey!  We have The Princess and...and...err, but we have The Princess!!

  36. Hey now, let's see how this plays out

  37. Given Cena's track record at overcoming the odds, I bet his wife's lawyer rakes him over the coals in court and wins her 80 % of his assets, but then he'll pop up and no-sell it, give the lawyer the Attitude Adjustment, and then she gets nothing!

  38. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyMay 10, 2012 at 5:03 PM

    I swear I read an interview a few years ago before he got married about him boasting about shagging fat chicks!  In fact I googled it and found out he admitted it in an interview on the Howard Stern Show:

  39. Yep, I remember the story in Dynamite Kid's book about how his marriage was fine when he was on the road all the time, but after he got his back injury and actually had to stay home for awhile, him and his wife realized they couldn't stand each other!

  40.  That'd be funny, but I think Cena can get better ass than Steph at this point in her life (*ahem* kids * ahem*).

  41.  Yep, it's hilarious.

  42. "I've heard Cena had a pre-nup which should help keep things easy."

    Heard or read it in the article? TMZ said that she signed an airtight pre-nup, which is why she got the big-time lawyer.

    She won't take Cena to the cleaners, she's just going to try to get more than the prenup. Unless Cena is hiding a Tiger Woods-like harem or is outed out of the closet, this will likely be nothing except Cena cutting a big ol' check.

  43. What more has to happen for them to turn him heel? Even his wife is sick of him!

  44. ...and they do a DAMNED good job.

  45. Maybe he came home and found out someone was screwing someone behind his back, like Shaq's wife did with the PT.

  46. And here displays the problem.  I have read this blog since its inception....and am a HUGE wrestling fan since '92.  I think the "smark" view of the product is totally acceptable, and I agree with most of it. However, I still try to fight for the fact that we are ALL fans, and every once in a while we need to watch the current product (Whether it be WWE, TNA, ROH, or anything else) as FANS....

    This is a man's marriage... and regardless of who filed for what, and regardless of if you like John Cena or Not....Let's all just chill on the storyline chat and just let the REAL John Cena, not the CHARACTER John Cena, deal with his life. 

    Come out Fighting, but keep it clean:)  

  47. A huge public scandal might be her best bet. The media, especially
    tabloids, would kill to have a huge wrestling scandal, especially with
    the WWE's squeaky clean poster boy at the heart of it. The WWE might
    just make Cena cave into her demands to make it go away/preserve Cena's
    slot as the poster boy since God knows Vince doesn't want a public
    relations nightmare, especially after all the money and time and energy
    spent putting Cena up as the top guy. 

    The Mickie James thing alone might be enough to get leverage against
    Cena, especially if James confirms that she fucked an engaged John Cena
    and was fired once he married.

    The real question will be how much pressure the WWE puts on Cena to make
    it go away and how much the wife will be able to extract pound of
    flesh-wise. Or make him go crawling back to the wife for the purpose of avoiding the bad PR of a divorce.    

  48.  Oh c'mmon, you're not gonna fantasy book this?

  49. Legitimate media barely cared about Hogan's extremely messy divorce -- and this was still in the heat of Nick's car accident -- so I highly doubt they care about John Cena divorcing somebody nobody knows and sleeping with a Diva that isn't exactly a household name.

  50. He'd have to be banging a Kim Kardashian for the media to care.

  51. Not to mention wrestlers can continue for much longer than pro athletes.

  52. THANK YOU!

    I don't want to come across as sexist but the treatment of men in divorce is disgusting.  And when I saw the word "entitlement" in the lawyer's statement, that hit the nail right on the head.  She thinks that because she was married to him and supported him, she deserves a shit ton of money.  Why?  Because she's accustomed to a certain lifestyle?  That logic wouldn't fly anywhere else.

    The fact is that they don't have any kids.  Supporting him is not worth millions of dollars. 

  53. John Cena's wife doesn't deserve half, and neither did Linda Hogan.

    I don't remember either of them ever selling out an arena, or main eventing Wrestlemania. I don't understand the "raising kids" argument. They were Linda Hogan's kids. Who else should have raised them? Why should she be paid for raising her own kids?

    If they want to stay in the lifestyle they are accustomed to than they should stay married. 

    Personally, I've never understood why any man would get married, under any circumstances. No one would sign a business contract that lopsided in any other venture.  The tax breaks and other financial perks of being married are not worth the penalty of divorce for a man.

  54. You don't think at any point it was made clear by Cena that she was marrying a very successful man and wouldn't have to worry about anything else? Does it make any logical sense for her to devote herself to a career (and I'm just assuming, for all I know she does have a career, I know nothing about this woman) and sock away enough money to be able to keep herself at the same lifestyle she's used to? That's part of being married, you pool your finances and share your fiscal lives together. Regardless of whether there is a possibility of divorce (which there always is), if she was somehow bringing in as much money as he is they'd likely just be spending twice as much as they do now, because that's generally how having money works. So he decides he wants a divorce, and now she's not entitled to any of the money that she had previously lived on and counted as "theirs"? She's out on her ass and has to find a job after several years of unemployment? Say she is working and making good money: how do you determine what amongst what they have saved is "his" or "hers"? How do you determine who "bought" their house? It just doesn't play out. Now granted, Cena shouldn't have to put himself in the poor house while she lives high on the hog like Linda Hogan is, but 50/50 is more than fair.

    And pardon me for assuming, but you aren't married, are you?

  55. First person to track down her address and send her a "Cena Sucks" t-shirt goes down in internet fame forever!

  56. To be honest Cena's wife is a bit of a minger.. he can do a lot better than that, I was always curious why he settled for such an average looking girl when he could easily score with much better talent. 

  57. Yeah, nobody outside of pro-wrestling's niche audience gives a shit about John Cena, at least not for a story as "pedestrian" as a celebrity cheating on their spouse.

    If he had gone nuts and killed his family, then, yeah, but otherwise? No.

  58. "Personally, I've never understood why any man would get married, under any circumstances."

    No offense, but that's a pretty bleak outlook. I mean, if marriage isn't for you, fine, but you really don't understand why two people would want to make the ultimate commitment to each other?

  59. Friggin' BRILLIANT!

  60. Thanks for your reply, it was really well thought out and laid out sensibly.  My only issue is that I think there's probably a big difference between the Hogans and the Cenas.  For one, there's the relative short length of the marriage (a few years vs. a couple of decades) and the fact that they don't have any children.  You're right that it could get nasty and the prenup may not hold up, but I'm not sure it'll get quite as nasty and expensive as it was with Hulk and Linda.

  61. she has no talent, but damn her body (ass... ) is rediculous.

  62. I could see her cheating on him with Edge.

  63. I'd be disappointed if he didn't.

  64. Seems far fetched.

  65. Oh who cares besides you? This is Scott Keiths blog of Doom, not Politically correct theatre.

  66. Maybe he loved her as a person? It does happen, you know.

  67. I realize that Cena is the rich, famous celebrity that gets to travel the world and probably has twenty women per night throwing themselves at him, but it IS possible that she was cheating on him. SHE was the one at home, all alone, waiting for her husband to come home from another long business trip. Plus, the fact that HE filed first does support the idea that he was the one displeased with her for some reason.

    Or, believe it or not, maybe NEITHER was cheating, but they instead simply started growing apart. There are plenty of couples that don't get along for reasons other than cheating: maybe they were concerned about finances (maybe one wanted to blow millions on a solid-gold statue of themselves, who knows), maybe one was hoping that Cena would retire early while the other pushed to keep working and making as much money as possible, etc.

    Let's not sensationalize things just yet.

  68. I for one think kids made her more hot. When Steph came on TV in 09, i was like PAPOW!

  69. Well, CrankVince give us his thoughts:


  70. He'd probably say The Rock hired Kane to seduce Cena's wife into a torrid affair.

  71. I was thinking from a storyline standpoint.

  72. i miss that ass. but he had Punks sloppy seconds...

    BTW, looking at Punk and knowing his (alleged) track record, thats one guy i would not go behind. He's Straight Edge, so he doesnt take Valtrex.

  73. Wow... I might have to follow cranky vick.

  74. ive dated chick for thier personality, turns out they love anal too.

  75.  Lots of philosophically strong points there.  I agree with most, if not all, of them. 

    But there's something incredibly irksome or grating about how the ex-wife can be set up for life even though she signed a pre-nup, and yet, she'll still ask for more.  It's disgusting.  Running the home, raising kids (not that Mrs. Cena has any in this case), keeping the finances in order are all things to be considered and rewarded for in a divorce.  A wife's support of her husband is very hard to measure, but she should be helped out so she doesn't have to worry for a while.

    However, this sense of entitlement does get on my nerves.  We're not in the industrial age anymore--we are in this post-modern information age where women are almost in the workforce in the same numbers as men (but only make like 73 cents on the dollar that men do...but that's another issue).  Marriages these days in these economic times (2000-present) have been more like partnerships where both parties have to contribute.

    The salary Cena makes--yes, she deserves her share for quite some time (or in the terms of the pre-nup).  But Cena The Brand?  Cena built that brand on his own and deserves to hold onto all of the residuals in the future.

    This is coming from a still married but newly separated man. 

  76.  I think we're talking about the philosophy behind divorce, for one.  For two, we're talking about Cena the man maybe because we respect what he's given to us fans and to the different charities and foundations.  For three, some of us want to make hilarious jokes about a Cena match in a courtroom. it's harmless stuff or well-intentioned stuff to me.

  77. Not if SHE was the one cheating.

  78.  ...or Kourtney... or Bruce

  79. Looks like she is in for...*Puts on shades* attitude adjustment....YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

  80.  C'mmon bro, it's not like Cena is reading this blog.  Don't be so serious.

  81. I'm not answering the are you married question because it's irrelevant to the point.  The fact is, almost every financial adviser and marriage counselor today would advise against pooling your finances together when you get married without keeping an alternative for both partners.  It's an outdated concept from when women were seen as little more slaves and weren't expected to have anything of their own.  Today, you're stupid if both partners don't have separate accounts and a joint account which they can put money into.  So if Cena was that dumb then so be it.  But I don't think he is.

    The reason?  He had her sign a pre-nup before the marriage, which shows he was clearly seeing divorce as a potential outcome.  Which is why I also don't think he ever made it a point of saying she'd never have anything to worry about.  But in the event he did, it was still her choice to forgo a career.  You don't have to work just to make money.  People commit themselves to all sorts of near moneyless careers (artists, clergy, etc.) all the time simply because its something they want to do.

    But let's say she decided to not work because she's married to John Cena.  That means she isn't bringing in an income.  Which means he's bought almost everything.  I don't think it'd be very hard to determine what's his and what's hers.  And I'd say this if the roles were reversed.

    Look, I'm not saying she doesn't deserve anything.  I'm saying she deserves whatever was outlined in the pre-nup.  I was irked by the lawyer's wording of rights and entitlements.  She signed a legally-binding contract.  The fact that she thinks she deserves more, to me, speaks poorly on her as a person.  She knew what was up going in.  She's going to get something.  It looks like a money-grab at this point.

  82. Maybe is she was more willing to take the "5 Knuckle Shuffle" he wouldn't have filed.

  83. Still can't believe he dumped her for Sherri. 

  84. Pussy.

    Only bitches who can't get hot chicks say shit like that.

    Now I have to leave, those manly things I'm about to do (motorcycle racing, cigar smoking, beard growing) won't do themselves.

  85. he can become juan ceno and keep all money from hence forth.

    they are lookin to mexico for new talent now anyways. Match. Game. Set.

    The Fuj.

  86. Marriage is the ultimate commitment ?

    Have you seen the divorce rates lately?

    Look, if you love somebody, that's great, if you want to live the rest of your lives together, swell, but to think marriage has to be a part of that is downright medieval.

  87. I can't hear the word "cigar" without thinking of George Carlin's take on them.

  88. Think about big brown dicks a lot, do ya?


    Lol I try not to get too crazy about the idea of wrestlers actually caring what we say on the internet but there have been so many stories over the years that it has to be true in some way. Edge contacted Scott that one time, and it seems like Santino quotes something that we joke about on here at least once a month.

  90. Eh I could still see it getting some tabloid play. Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian weren't really famous at all apart from being celebrity socialite fringies, and they still were all over the tabloids. People at least kinda know who Cena is.

  91. There are more than a couple coincidences out there; but I just think they're that.  It'd be cool if they read all us nerds that post on here; but I doubt it.  Scottie is a different animal though, he's a published author and has been around forever, plus he has some great and funny ideas like naming teams and moves.

  92. Something about the word "knuckle" in that joke that just makes me crack up.

    Yes, i'm 10 years old.

  93. Marriage is like Social Security, in that it's become embedded into the fiber of society in ways that were never intended.

    Let's take away all of the discriminatory tax breaks and return marriage to a symbolic, religious ceremony, leaving it up to the religions to determine who qualifies.  Then, if people want to unnecessarily bind themselves in some contractual manner, then any combination of any number of willing adults should be able to do so in any manner that they see fit.

  94.  And I'm still not convinced that The Princess is an actual female.

  95. Norm McDonald's bit on them is pretty good too.

  96. Artist_Formerly_Known_as_KtuluMay 10, 2012 at 10:04 PM

    I'm not really surprised; weren't there rumours that he and his wife had an open marriage?

  97. I'm down.  Where do I vote on-Oh wait we're not getting to vote on that.  What do you mean that's never been brought up on the national level to discuss?  Well then.

  98. This demands an onscreen feud with Otunga, who announces himself as Cena's Ex-wifes lawyer.

  99. People can do what they want, and I mean no offense if you're married, I just think it's too big a risk. With the social taboo of divorce practically gone, all you're really committing to are legal proceedings and debt if one of the partners decides to leave.

    And I don't mean to sound bleak. I've been with my girlfriend for forever, and don't see us ever splitting up. But I don't want to deal with the cost and stress of a divorce if she finally gets tired of me.

  100. Let's just blame it on Eve. 

  101. Since you brought up Naomi, here's the obligatory DAT ASS.

  102. That makes me think of a funny thought I had once, where someone sends Vince an envelope with a bunch of different pictures of Triple H kissing and otherwise acting intimidate with another woman (proof he was cheating on Stephanie.) I can only wonder what his reaction would be.

  103.  Pretty sure this is the reaction your looking for.

  104. Women don't deserve any of the man's money in any case, especially when they sign a prenuptial agreement. Nothing her lawyer can do about that. If he ends up getting her money from Cena, then what good is a prenup to begin with? 

  105. 73 cents on the dollar?! That's not fair. That leaves the man with 27 cents.

  106. She could take every dime he has in the divorce, and he would just stand outside the courthouse smirking and mugging for imaginary cameras.

  107. That gets Kevin Nash over how?

  108. I didn't mean to imply that everybody should get married, everybody's different and should do what works for them, I just meant that I didn't agree with your statement that nobody should.

    As for all the ramifications of marriage and divorce, that, to me, is exactly what makes it a huge commitment. I didn't get married because it's what God wanted or anything (I'm an atheist), but I wanted to show my wife that I love her so much and feel so strongly about wanting to spend the rest of my life with her that I'm willing to put myself at risk to show it. To me, it's more about making a statement to her and our families that I will never hurt her, and that I fully trust that she will never hurt me. It's basically the biggest promise I could make.

  109. Well, I meant that marriage - in THEORY - was the biggest commitment you could make.

    My wife and I almost divorced last year, believe me, I understand, but I also feel like marriage is (or is supposed to be) the biggest promise you can make: to put yourself at all sorts of legal risk just to show how much you love and trust someone is, to me, a pretty significant thing.

    Again, not saying that everybody should get married, I totally understand and support all sorts of arrangements (if you're a polygamist, and your wives or girlfriends are cool it, then stick with it and be happy), but I do think that calling it "downright medieval" is a bit of an overstatement.

  110. I could see it getting some tabloid attention, but I don't think that's enough to make WWE panic and start paying out millions.

  111. I don't come to the internet to be reasonable, Stuart.

  112.  The Fuj was on fire for this thread. Great stuff. Or as Gorilla would say, he was literally a house afire

  113. That logic doesn't swing with me.

    I mean, that's the same sort of thinking that leads to getting a tattoo with your GF's name on your arm, or moving to another city because your girl is somewhat interested in going there, or getting into a fight because somebody was looking at your date, or any of the other countless stupid things that young stupid people do. 

    Putting yourself in a bad situation unnecessarily to prove how much you love somebody is incredibly creepy.  I get proving your love and devotion, but there are ways to do it that don't fuck yourself over.  Relationships work because both partners give equally to create something greater than themselves, if all you're doing is giving and sacrificing and compromising then you need to leave, because that isn't a healthy for you, and if if your partner doesn't care that you're hurting yourself?  Well then you might want to find a new partner.

  114.  This reminds me of Chris Rock's routine on divorce. Women will say what they're "accustomed" too. What about guys? "Well...I'm 'accustomed' to fucking her four or five times a week, so uh..."

  115. Cena doing a backstage bit with Otunga, only to dismiss him because he "doesn't like lawyers", would be the greatest inside joke in wrestling history.

  116. On even days.

  117. Bo Burnham!

  118. Just a quick note on your "73 cents on the dollar" comment - men hold more full-time jobs, and work more over-time.

    It's easy to see a statistic like that and automatically deduce that it comes down to simple sexism, but there are other factors. Not that the opposite argument of "men deserve more because they work harder" is necessarily true, since there's (to my knowledge) no real evidence either way that supports or refutes that argument, I'm just saying that a stat like that isn't as clear-cut as it may seem at first.

  119. pussy payments. classic

  120. I get your point, but to me but to me, true love can survive that, it's not about throwing caution to the wind and embracing something wholeheartedly, it's about loving someone even if they keep separate accounts. 

    Love isn't about money, so why is it bad to keep your money away from your love?

  121.  Fair enough.  I still believe sexism is prevalent in today's workplace, but--like most things--it's gradually changing.

  122. It's not necessarily bad to keep your money away from your love, just like it's not necessarily bad to keep a joint account - it's about what works for you.

    Personally, I think of true love as sharing everything, but everybody is different - some couples have separate accounts, some couples have separate homes, some couples believe in monogamy, some couples believe in open relationships. Some married couples live on opposite sides of the planet and barely communicate.

    For instance, I know a woman that has gotten married, multiple times, to men that she had never met (who were using her for a green-card). To me, that's not true love, that's extremely low self-esteem, but if you spoke to her, you'd see that she was over-the-moon happy over the idea of somebody loving her enough to marry her. So who am I to judge? If she's happy, she's happy, no reason to dissect it and try to talk her out of it. We can all examine it, and say that there's something seriously wrong with her, but if she's truly happy, and not just putting on a front, then who's to say that her happiness is less "real"? Some people are in love with inanimate objects; again, whatever floats your boat, if you feel fulfilled with your Real Doll, if you're really, truly happy, then so be it.

    As long as you're not hurting anybody, go for it.


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