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Midget mania

Had an idea I wanted to run by you and your bloggies. Three words: midget ladder match.
Don't think it's ever been done, but picture this - two midgets fighting for a new midget world championship, with the belt suspended six feet above the ring, and a three step ladder at their disposal. They could parody all the common spots; the midgets could step up to the first or second step and swat at the belt for a while instead of climbing up high enough to grab it. They could pull out the standby stepladder and set it up next to the other one for some more complex stuff. And the idea doesn't have to end there. When the Royal Rumble comes around, we could have a mini midget battle royal. Now you're probably wondering how that's possible. Well, the midgets could have their own special ring off to the side which is only half as high as a regular ring and has only two ropes. And the winner of the midget battle royal would get a title shot against the midget champion. Meanwhile, the next Wrestlemania would launch the new Midget Money in the Bank match, featuring ten midgets and the aforementioned three step ladder (which could also be a hot merchandise item). We could even have storylines where some of the shorter wrestlers, or maybe even Triple H, try to enter these matches and create controversy. After Triple H wins the midget championship, he'd assert to us that he's truly a midget, just a taller one, but the other wrestlers would argue that he's not. The WWE would then put a poll up at and the fans would vote whether he's really a midget or should have to forfeit the midget title. Would also be cool if they created a midget Undertaker and started a streak for him.

My inbox, ladies and gentlemen.  


  1. Hey, Brian Gerwitz can contribute to the blog too if he wants! Don't hate.

  2. This sounds like something CHIKARA would do.

  3. Some people come up with big ideas, others come up with "little" ones.

  4. This dude has to be high.

    Must be nice.

  5. " When the Royal Rumble comes around, we could have a mini midget battle royal. Now you're probably wondering how that's possible."No, I'm not -- Just paint the ring to look like a yellow brick road, duh...

  6. Wouldn't this fall under the category of "Don't put this idea out in public, because WWE creative might see it and use it"?

  7. So Jesse Baker sends you E-mails too?

  8. no. because the new WWE policy is: "if it's already on the internet we DON'T do it because otherwise it would be "too obvious" or something".

  9. Didn't they do a midget Royal Rumble with midget versions of Batista, etc?

  10. I think this idea could work. Everyone loves Hornswoggle, right? I would much rather watch Hornswoggle run around than great matches involving CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan and the rest of those hacks.

  11. I wouldn't want to see this, only because they'd make D-Bry compete in the Midget Rumble.

  12. Can I please have some of the drugs you're taking? Oh and how could you forget about a midget War Games!

  13. Plus it would require Vince & co. to have a sense of humor.

  14. The running joke response seems to be don't let Vince see this.

    The real response is don't let Hogan and Bischoff see this, because not only would they put it on TNA, they would manage to get this its own show.



  16. This is Russo as hell - if you had said that the championship would be on a pole, then I'd really think you're Vinny Ru.

  17. I'm not gonna lie, I would like to see a midget ladder match.

  18.  and it would still be better than Impact Wrestling.

  19. Remember a couple of years ago Smackdown began a minis division for a month? I bet this is where it was headed.

  20. I'm gonna tell you something about me, Joe Rogan, that you might not know.

    I smoke rocks.

  21. This sounds awesome. I am intrigued by this emailer's ideas and would like to subscribe to his/her newsletter.

  22. Hey, Hogan's little midget promotion came down here yesterday.

    I didn't get within 5 miles of the bingo hall (no joke) it was held at, but I heard they had a GREAT turnout of people. They outnumbered the teeth in the building, from early returns.

  23. Hornswoggle vs Tyrion Lannister at WM29. BOOK IT!

  24. This guy won me over at Midget Undertaker. If only he too would go through the full gambit of gimmick tweaks.

  25. TheRealCitizenSnipsMay 13, 2012 at 4:27 PM

     Maybe if it had mentioned Max Mini paying off Kane to take out his competition...

  26. I don't know how many around here remember this, but during the talent sharing deal with AAA around 1997, the WWF had Mini Goldust, Mini Mankind, and Mini Vader occasionally featured on their shows. Mini Undertaker would have fit in perfectly with that group. I thought it was a solid idea, as it at least gave the fans something to help them decide whether they should cheer or boo the minis. Compare that to the regular sized Mexican guys that they were using in that era, such as Cybernetico, Pierroth, Heavy Metal, Latin Lover, and many others that the fans couldn't have cared less about. Plus, Mini Vader was so much bigger than Mascarita Sagrada (later known as Max Mini) that it pretty much exactly duplicated what a Rey Mysterio vs Vader match would have looked like.

  27. Remember how awesome Kennedy Anderson destroying the leprechaun at Wrestlemania was? Picture Danielson destroying a bunch of midget versions of past wrestlers (classic purple gloves Undertaker, midget Warrior, a tiny Hacksaw Duggan whose 2x4 is bigger than him, Andre the Midget). I'd pay to watch that.

  28. That would be worth it for the epic "Yes!" session after his hard fought victory. And yes, Hornswoggle's bump off the ladder that year is the best (only good?) thing Kennedy ever did.

  29.  YES to this, to win you have to be the first competitor to sit in the Iron Throne

  30. Can we bring back wrestling bear while we're at it?  I'd rather see him take out Cena for the summer than Lauranitis, I tell you what.

  31. I've heard great things about their live events.  Their TV show ranks up there with the best "so bad it's good" TV shows.

  32. Serious question: Does anyone legitimately like little person wrestling? I cannot see the appeal, under any circumstances.

  33. why not? to me, this is like asking if someone likes female wrestling?

  34. The one Mascarita Sagrada/ Mini Goldust vs. Mini Mankind and Mini Vader match from Raw was actually half decent, because Sagrada did a bunch of high flying lucha stuff, and after the match he dove off the stage onto Mini Vader. And if you're a fan of hardcore, some of those Half Pint Brawler matches are no different than if full size people were doing them. But in general, it's just the typical comedy spots and biting the ref's ass, so there isn't much to see. 

  35. Now I can't stop picturing a mini version of Sugar Dunkerton.  Awesome.

  36. I guess I should have added a disclaimer. As Ryan notes, above, the vast majority of matches (at least the ones I've seen) are played for comedy and that seems stupid, at best, and exploitative, at worst. I was more wondering how anybody could like that shit. I'm sure little person matches in which they're actually allowed to wrestle can be pretty decent, but we just don't get a lot of that.

    To draw an analogy with women's wrestling - I like it and women can clearly put on great matches. But, I couldn't care less about the "divas" division b/c they're not given the time to do anything.

  37.  The one Shimmer show that I've seen was pretty frickin good


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