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Quick note

Please make sure not to post links to piracy or porn sites in the comments because they will be immediately deleted by me.  I can lose the blog or my AdSense account just for having links on my site and I'd rather not have that happen.  Thanks.


  1. Damn, and here I was hoping to get some links to pirated pirate porn.


    everytime that happens my work blockls the page too. I work 60 hours a week in my office and your site helps me get through the week and when some asshole does that I cant access the site...


    Lets Go RANGERS!

  3. on another note I'd like to appologise for being the asshole who did mention a piracy link in the rant. Was not thinking, and it wont happen again.

    sorry doom buggies.

  4. I'll take some blame for that, I asked for a link to a streaming site not long ago. Mea culpa, bossman.

  5. YEAH! Don't get Scott in trouble with Jerry McDervitt or he could end up with millions!

    Seriously, thanks for putting that up. I'd hate to think what our lives would be like without this site for getting a laugh in the day.

  6.  AAARGGH! Follow me to the booty! I'll show ye the real Jolly Rodger!

  7. Seriously if you can't find streams on your own you should have your internet revoked. 

  8. "
    just for having links on my site"

    Just to be sure, he means only the illegal/offensive links, right? My blog just got adsense kicking in, and I'd rather not lose it, as I link to articles on other wrestling sites.

    I'm sure I already know the answer, but I like to err on the side of caution. Such a newb question....

  9. I see now that it was someone else linking on the Raw rant but I'll clarify, I was looking for a recommendation on a good one that wouldn't give my computer AIDS or make me download stuff.

  10. Her specialty is swabbing the poop deck.  You know you've done a good job when she screams something about her timbers shivering.

  11. JH..didn't know you had a blog now. I would love to add it to my bookmarks for daily reading. Love your Wrestlecrap stuff.

  12. u     s      t      r      e      a      m

  13. There's a 2005 porn parody called "Pirates", fantastic.  Look it up.

  14. hamster, with the letter x at the beginning.

  15.  u  s  t   r   e  a  m   i  s  t r e a m w  e  a l  l  s  t r e a m  f  o  r  i  c e c r e a m

  16. Sorry, in reality I only watch wholesome things that are fun and appropriate for the whole family.  Like the 10/21/02 edition of RAW.

  17.  Okay, I'll bite...what was special on that episode?

  18. From the month and year, I'm guessing Katie Vick.

  19. The_One_Millionth_VisitorMay 15, 2012 at 4:27 PM

    You're not the only asshole. I did it too.


  20.  Eh I wasnt a huge fan of the original. Found it rather overrated.

  21. It's a pornography store! I was buying pornography!

  22. Probably my favorite Homer line ever. The delivery and his smile is golden.

  23. Goddamn it. Where the hell am I gonna find people to go visit my Grannies in Stockings sites?

  24. This here's America, boy!  In this country, we don't buy pornography.  We leech it off the interwebz!

  25. Rating for Raw was the lowest since early January.

    Cue the video of Chief Wiggum stuck in the hot dog machine..."This is going to get worse before it gets better."

  26. S    e   r   i   o   u   s   l   y   w  h  o   t   h  e   f   u   c    k   p   a   y   s   f  o   r   c     a   b    l    e   a   n    y   m  o   r   e   ?

  27.  sadly I still do because my area doesn't offer dsl so I have to go through the cable company for my internet and it's cheaper just to get it in a package with phone and channels.

  28. I said earlier my kids haven't even the slightest clue that we haven't watched wrestling in three weeks.

    They simply don't give a fuck, which is weird because they were totally marking out when Cena went over Lesnar.

    I'd ask them why they don't give a shit anymore but I'm too scared I'd remind them and then I'd have to watch again (or at least DVR while Hockey/Basketball is going and watch it later, but I don't even want to do THAT).

  29. Another one is xvideos dot com.

  30. Yeah, like McDevitt could possibly win a case. I seriously think Vince should fire him and put Otunga on. He can't do much worse.

  31. Yeah, that's what i was implying is that Scott would be the one who ended up with millions.

  32. So no more stories on Chyna then?

  33. John Cena ladies and gentlemen.

  34. My little sister saw that episode when she was six or so when it first aired and went around saying that line because it was so funny to her. Really embarrassing trying to explain to her why she shouldn't say it.

  35. Yes. It's John Cena's fault every May is awful. And that Brock went over effectively killing any heat he might of had. And that the next PPV is being main evented by an authority figure.

    Stupid John Cena and all that backstage stroke that he...doesn't have.

  36. John Cena is far down the list of problems. Turning RAW into the Evil Johnny Ace Show and starting HHH/Brock on a shitty note are atop the list.

  37. We're gonna board her amidships, and make sure to claim the head, cause it'll see plenty of use!

  38. Lamar S. Smith approves of this message

  39. I believe that was the night where they did the HHH fucking the Katie Vick corpse at the funeral. 

  40.  So you're afraid of your kids enjoying themselves?


    *site crashes*

  42. Brock went over?  Was I watching a different ppv?

    Anyways, of course it's not all on Cena, but that promo is on him and he's the guy on top.  With that responsability comes the blame or the credit.  Didn't Punk get moved down the card because ratings dropped or whatever?  Well, if he gets blamed, Cena should receive the same treatment.  The leader of the team gets the blame or credit whether they like it or not, that's the way it is.

  43. If you don't think Cena is at least part of the problem, you didn't see that promo at the end of the show.

  44. Aww. I finally got some troll attention!

  45. Sorry, that Cena went over Brock killing any of Brock's heat, that wasn't Cena's fault.

    The leader of the team is Vince, not John Cena.

  46. Rumor from the Observer was that Cena's promo was extra-goofy so it wouldn't seem as though he was upset about his divorce. For some reason WWE thought that one had anything at all to do with the other. They are also apparently doing whatever they can to keep him upbeat and happy, and apparently that includes doing a bad Ace Ventura impression (and considering how bad the source material is, that's saying something).

  47.  I'm being sincere. Why do you torture your kids by not allowing them to watch something they enjoy?

  48. Trolls are never sincere.

    If you'd have bothered reading what I wrote you'd see I said "they didn't even notice". It was a comment on how shitty the May period is for WWE.

    But I appreciate you trying to twist it into me actively keeping them from watching wrestling in an effort to get something going.

    This is where you give up and find someone else to troll.

  49. I'm glad you insist I am a troll when you don't even help your kids remember when John Cena is on the television.

  50. LOL!

    You mean troll knows how to raise kids too?



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