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RAW Open Thread

Hello fellas, it's time for another episode of RAW.

Can't say I'm looking forward to this one although maybe Brock can break someone else's arm (The Miz!?!?!).

Got some Legends roundtable stuff coming tomorrow but looking for a new project. Something silly. Mr. Princess suggested ranting on old Beverly Hills 90210 episodes but I dunno if I'm that mean spirited to such bad television. I'll find something.

And until then come out swinging but keep it clean.


  1. 3 rewrites for tonight. McMahon is back in the saddle again.

  2. Can you imagine being a writer and working under those conditions? How any writer can stay there for more than a year astounds me.

  3. They don't. Unless your name is Kevin Dunn, you have no shot at being their for a long time. I sent a question to Scott about that essentially and are we too harsh on them, they probably have great ideas but Vince just waters them down or shoots them down.

  4. I'm sure he was just working everyone but Punk tweeted out that tonight will be fantastic. So my hopes are raised. 

  5. I hope one of the rewrites wrote out Johnny Ace from this match on the pay-per-view. 

    Seriously, here's a little math for you. 

    Cena < Austin. 
    Johnny Ace < Vince McMahon. 


    Cena + Ace < Austin + McMahon. 

    But they're gonna run those two on top? Fuck that, yo. 

  6. Laurinatis opening up with a promo will get folks to change the channel real quick.

  7. Nothing fills me with hope for this match like still shots from fifteen years ago of the guy wrestling other guys that are now long since dead. 

    Thank god for CM Punk, coming out now... 

  8. Arms? Hell with that! In 2012, Brock is all about breaking contracts! Speaking of, I'm really hoping there will be some more intense contract negotiations! Will Cena get his own dressing room? Will Punk get all the Diet Pepsi he wants? This is the stuff we need to know heading into the PPV!

  9. Holy shit Brian Boyle just did a run-in during the

    Oh. I'm on the wrong channel.

  10. I still haven't forgiven God for turning heel and no-showing in his tag team match with HBK.

  11. How great must it be to run Twitter? Your marketing budget is zero since shows like the WWE give you nonstop free advertising to 3-5 million people every week.

  12. Stupid, ugly, and friendless, PUNK HAS GONE TOO FAR

  13. Ferris Bueller reference?! I love you, Punk!

  14. What a pointless segment, a total waste of 15 minutes.

  15. He could of just told Johnny to kill himself.

  16. Thank god they had Punk out there to tell everyone why Big Johnny attacked Cena. If Ace would have tried to say that, it would have been a disaster.

  17. Here are my Raw comments for the night since the Caps/Rangers intermission is almost over:

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. They might want to work on a 4th rewrite in the next couple of minutes.

    PS- Let's Go Caps!

  18. Oh come on!!! It was just sitting out there for Punk so show some Dynamic Dude footage.!!!

  19. That was just pointless.

  20. Cody and The Miz should team up. They have nothing else going on at the moment.

  21. SMRT move, Show! Just stand there and let your opponent get counted out so you don't win the IC Title.

  22. I'm all for anything that ended that match. It flat-out sucked.

  23. Did they really re-write this show 3 times to come up the theme of punishing those who make fun of Lauriniatis's voice? Terrible.

  24. Oh smart, they just won the tag titles, so naturally Kofi is booked in a singles match.

  25. Every time Swagger comes out with Ziggler, it looks like Dolph is gyrating for Swagger. So funny.

  26. Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler? Whatever have we done to deserve such a rare and original treat? Surely I'd have thought they'd make us pay to watch such an original, one of a kind match. 

  27. I wonder if, when guys get told they're winning the tag titles, they tend to go "aw fuck, guess I'm jobbing for the next few months."

  28. They might as well throw the tag titles in the garbage can and let Hacksaw pick them up a few months later or something.

  29. Watching Big Poppa Pump promos on youtube instead of Raw. Holla if you Hear Me.

  30. HoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO

  31. They have no clue what they are doing with the tag division. They have several teams and they are all trading wins and whoever has the belts seems to lose the most. Its sad.

  32. So is Coleslaw back to being a "heel" again?  I've basically given up on trying to figure it out anymore,


  34. I am... not into this show so far.

  35.  Don't feel bad, I was just YouTubing old entrance themes during Cena's promos. And also the Top Ten Moves of Johnny Ace!

  36. Oh boy--sign me up for this ppv NOW!

  37. This fucking show is seriously almost half over and the highlight is an ...okay CM Punk promo. Yikes.

  38. Um, shouldn't Johnny Curtis be out there? He and Maxine are supposed to be handcuffed together! Continuity, WWE!

    Yes, I watch NXT...

    I'll just be over here...

  39. Couldn't that just have been a singles match?

  40. Since when has Natalya been heel? 

  41. Shaping up to be the worst RAW show of the year.

  42. My wife: Wanna come watch this movie with me?
    Me; It's Monday, Raw's on. ........Actually fuck that, I'll be right in.

  43. For sheer homo-eroticism, nothing will top Swagger doing push-ups while Drew McIntyre stood over him.

  44. It's already been well established that Big Show could not care less about the IC title, so I commend WWE writers for their continuity.

  45. They could call themselves The Two Jannettys

  46. The lack of comments here basically sums it up. It hasn't been a bad RAW, there is just nothing to talk about.

  47. This RAW is a complete waste of time. Nothing at all of note has happened at this point.

  48. So Punk tweets about a surprise at Raw a few hours ago and now tweets about seeing an old friend tonight. Hmm...(Grasping at straws to keep me interested in Raw)

  49. The whole thing with Steiner started as I was trying to see when the original Big Gold belt was replaced.

  50. Based on today's Blog of Doom topics, if Vince truly hates the internet, he will have tonight's show end with HHH returning, using the power of "this business" to heal his broken arm, and Pedigreeing everyone on the roster.

  51. Not even close. I'll take boring over offensive any day.

  52. I have a joke!

    Q: What do you call one-half of the tag team champions when he's hopped up on caffeine?
    A: Coffee Kingston!

    8 )

  53. What would happen if HHH Pedigreed "THIS BUSINESS"? 

  54. Its been dreadfully boring and as uneventful as any show has been in quite some time.

  55. I hope this leads to an Orton heel turn.

  56. Turning ADR/Sheamus into a Fatal 4 Way doesn't show a lot of confidence in Del Rio. 

  57. Fatal Four Way for the World Title at OTL?! That makes me care slightly more.

  58. It would certainly kick start the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012...or should I say kickWHAMstart?

  59. I hope they go somewhere with Orton/Sheamus because it could be fun. I guess.

  60. It would make things more interesting

  61. The 4-way brawl in the office felt really forced, even more than usual.

  62. You are the winner. And it shouldn't be a bad match, either.

  63. You can make anything more interesting simply by removing Del Rio from it.

  64. I stand corrected. 

  65. Cool, Miz made a reference form 1989 that 10% of the crowd understood.

  66. Making it a 4 way is such lazy writing. I don't know why they don't just run Orton/Jericho separately and pad out the show. Especially since there is prior history there when Orton punted Jericho out of the WWE. 

  67. I'm pretty sure Pacal invented the Stunner.

  68. Man, the crowd is DEAD for this garbage. What a horrible show so far.

  69. I was born in the late 80s and I still got that reference. That makes me feel old.

  70. I actually feel bad for those who paid to see this show.

  71. Because 99% of the crowd understood Punk's Ferris Bueller reference. 

  72. Punk just tweeted a pic of HEYMAN backstage!!

  73. I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority here, but I just can't get into Sheamus. Not as a face at least. He's good enough in the ring, but character wise I just don't find him overly interesting or entertaining. As the bad ass guy I want to see lose? Sure, but as the guy I want to see win? Not feeling it.

    I'm definitely in the minority here, but I like Orton a lot more than Sheamus, I would've enjoyed Bryan/Sheamus more if it had been Orton/Bryan.

  74.!/CMPunk/status/199688152246521856/photo/1      MAJOR SPOILER.....YES! YES! YES!

  75. OH SHIIIIIIIT!!!!!

  76. Ferris Bueller is much more popluar than Mike Tyson's Punchout.

    Then again, no one reacted at all to the Miz tonight no matter what he did.

  77. One percent of the crowd reacted to the Miz tonight

  78. The kids that make up a live audience at WWE these days are as likely to understand a Ferris reference as they are a Punchout reference.

  79. Robo-H!!!!!!!!!!

  80. That has more to do with them burying him over the past 6 months than Punchout jokes.

  81. Heyman looks like shit. Regardless, nice to see him on TV

  82.  I've missed Hyman pronouncing BROOOOOOCK LEEEEEESNAAAR!

  83. LOL to Heyman coming out to silence. Guess the 14 year old marks that make up the WWE's demographic weren't watching ECW 15 years ago.

  84. Man Heyman rules. They just don't have anyone who can speak like he does anymore.

  85. Did the Beat the Clock Challenge happen?

  86.  Chris Jericho


    Hell just froze over....

  87. Where is Raw tonight? They really, really don't care about Heyman. He's getting the WHAT? treatment....probably shouldve done this in a Philly or Chicago.

  88.  But I guess they were around for the WHAT chants. Kill me now.

  89. They reacted to the punchout joke as much as they did Heyman, which came before he did.

  90. Heyman better be careful. If he gets over HHH will come out a Pedigree him.

  91. Well, that was a waste of time. Guess I'm a bit interested in where this goes but not too promising 

  92. Based on the crowd's reaction, he won't have to worry about that.

  93. D-Bry to run-in and help Tensai beat Punk, obviously.

  94. Heyman still got it. And I like the angle of Brock quitting. Brock isn't and was never an unbeatable monster like Goldberg, he was an asshole jock. Fine with everything they've done with him so far.

  95. Thought it was a bit better than the crowd but not special. Still, where it goes from here is what matters.

  96. The crowd completely no sold that return. That was pretty stunning. Im not a huge Heyman mark but I didn't expect his big WWE return to be met w/ complete silence. Geez.

  97. HHH would have a cgi image of him Pedigreeing the arena.

  98. WTF am I watching. Who are these clowns with Big Show?

  99. I'm calling rewrite on this right here.

  100. I'm shocked.

  101. Hey, it's Lord X-Pac Heat in another main event! Click...

  102. CM Punk is up against the white, used-to-wrestle-in-Japan portion of the roster with Laurinaitis, Bryan and Tensai.

  103. Should the face that Bryan is so over cancel out Tensais uh...non overness?

  104. Good Christ, A-Train is gonna kill someone soon.  And all to crickets.

  105. WTF.  Worst Baldo Bomb ever.  Tensai sucks as a character and is awkward-looking as hell but he's usually at least solid in the ring.  Blech.

  106. Ouch. Botch City on that Baldo Bomb. 

  107.  I don't think I've EVER seen anyone less over after pinning the two top babyfaces in the company!

  108. I don't get it . Pinning Cena did nothing for him, did they really think pinning Punk would?

  109. 115 rants? This has to be a record low right? 

  110.  It's too bad Punk re-signed last summer, Brock's contract negotiations vs Punk's contract negotiations could have carried them for six months.

  111. The announcement of another F'n A-Train Main Event scared everyone away.

  112. Heyman's promo and the end of Raw was great but yikes what a boring show otherwise.

  113.  WWE Creative


    This is a lesson to all WWE Superstars: you have to find something to blackmail us with like Lord Tensai clearly has #RAWTonight

  114.  I don't understand how writers who don't know wrestling can write wrestling. Not to blame them, it's a job, but it would be hard to write a show when you're not familiar with the characters, or understand how wrestling works. I partially blame that for why guys don't seem to get over anymore - writers just write things for characters to do, without understanding basic wrestling tactics for getting people over.

  115. Heyman might just be the greatest talker in the history of the business.

  116. Be a S.T.A.R.!!!

  117. But then when guys do get themselves, WWE buries them immediately(see Zack Ryder, Ted Dibiase Jr). It's you have to work with creative gives and don't dare to get yourselves over. 

  118. They've got a TV show on USA next week. Although the white one was in Avengers (a crewman on the giant ship thingy) and the other is in "Think Like a Man." Not sure if they were announced on Raw ahead of time, but they have a new buddy cop show on Raw this week. 

  119. They've got a TV show on USA next week. Although the white one was in Avengers (a crewman on the giant ship thingy) and the other is in "Think Like a Man." Not sure if they were announced on Raw ahead of time, but they have a new buddy cop show on Raw this week. 

  120. I know Raw tonight wasn't absolutely horrible, but I finally decided to move on from it.  There's just not enough here for me to be as emotionally invested as I try to be with the current product.

    I'm not interested in John Cena.  I'm not interested in HHH.  I'm not interested in Randy Orton.

    I don't want to see comedy acts like Santino and Brodus Clay, who I do find entertaining as crowd warming role players, going over formerly credible heels like Dolph Ziggler and The Miz just because there is literally no one else on the roster for them to go against at this point.  How does that make CM Punk and John Cena look if the guys they had to battle on PPV for 15-20 minutes are getting beat by Santino in less than 5?

    Hire some damn jobbers or use the NXT-level talent that is getting paid for nothing as such.  The company has sold out their future (Ryder, Ziggler, Swagger, Miz, Kofi) and there's no turning back.  There's no reason for me to care about the next crop of hot prospects since I know they will just be fodder for Cena or Orton or Kane or Big Show or someone else who really doesn't need to get more "over" or fall into the dead end trap of 50/50 booking.

    I've lost my faith and I don't see a reason to care about WWE at all anymore, if they aren't going to care about themselves.

    At least I have Mondays free to catch up on the TiVo now.

  121. Seriously Heyman comes out and cuts the best promo since CM Punk last June. He needs to be teaching the boys how to cut promos, but I'm sure this was just a one-time thing to shock the crowd. Doesn't sound like it worked though. 

  122. I don't think you're in the minority on Sheamus. I'm not seeing it either. As a face, he's about Hacksaw Duggan, not a top tier World Champion babyface. Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio is barely a IC or US title program to me. I think the WWE agrees, since they added Jericho and Randy Orton to the title match and now the World Champion is probably the 3rd most over guy in that match. 

    But, he and HHH lift weights together, so.... 

  123. And Jericho is the only one who can actually be defined as "an entertainer".

  124. Holy shit, that was a pretty uneventful and just boring show.  I think I watched the show in about 20 some odd minutes via DVR.

    PS  Heyman is still awesome and deserved a better crowd.

  125. Yeah. They cant be serious about pushing Tensai any harder. Its failed

  126. Yeah, seriously. I wasted at least 75 seconds on the post tonight. I DESERVE BETTER!

  127. Ziggler won, interesting arc for the Big Show, Lauranitis was pretty funny in the opener (and so was Punk), Funkasaurus vs Miz was pretty good, the ADR/Jericho/Orton/Sheamus tag match was entertaining (and found a way for Jericho and Orton to be relevant again), another solid Cena promo without happy-go-jokey supercena appearing, and PAUL F'N HEYMAN came back. 

    I would possibly poo poo on the last few weeks' worth of shows, but this one was decent.  Would've been really good had they focused on Bryan and Punk w/o the Lord Albert involvement, though.

    Then again, I didn't have high expectations.

  128. He needs the championship.  That'll put him over the top.

  129. Southern_DiscomfortMay 7, 2012 at 11:51 PM

    That...existed. It had bad parts, it had some good, even great parts (Paul E!), but was just there.

  130.  Apparently three times in the 24 hours leading up to the show...

  131. Writing for wrestling is essentially no different to writing for any other medium; it's all structure.

    Most storytelling follows the same structure Aristotle formulated in The Poetics a couple of thousand years ago. Antagonist Vs Protagonist, First act introducing themes and concepts of the story, inciting incident at end of act one kicks the story into high gear and the stakes continually rise through act two before they reach a denouement and act three ties up all the loose threads.

    It's not rocket science and you'd have to think that the writers the WWE brings in would know this. Hell anyone who has rea the most basic screenwriting 'How to' would know that much.

    I'd say the problem is that there are too many people involved in the creative team who do 'understand' wrestling. Wrestling hasn't ever been booked according to structure or what services the story, wrestling booking is based on politics and the bottom line.

    Things like this show being rebooked on the fly are testament to the interference of wrestling in the creative process. You wouldn't ever hear of a show like Homeland, The Sopranos or Mad Men being rewritten on the fly. No, they're meticulously planned out and whilst each episode will tell its own unique story, they add up to an overall series/season long arc.

    I'm not saying creative are all frustrated David Simons but they're really not given a snowballs chance

  132. Heyman talked superbly... and the promo fell flat.

    We dont care about phony baloney contractual  disputes. Are we all just too insider and in reality, a 'Brock quitting' storyline is enthralling despite the fact that anyone with a brain knows its a work? Are we supposed to not get behind the main event angle featuring the most interesting superstar in years?

     RAW is bore. Totally.

  133. oh no.....

  134. What was it that Vince felt the need to re-write the show? Then re-write it again, and again. 

  135. At least they didn't repeat the spot.

  136. It's not that the young'uns in the crowd were around for the origin of the "What?" chant, it's just that - to them - the chant has always been around. They chant it because everybody else does.


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