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The SmarKdown Rant–05.04.12

The SmarKdown Rant – 05.04.12

Taped from Toledo, OH

Your hosts are Michael Cole, Booker T and Josh Matthews.

Sheamus v. Daniel Bryan

Sheamus clarifies in his pre-match promo that he likes to fight. Good to know. Bryan’s graphic is now getting weird, as it uses the Smackdown graphic but with RAW’s red background. I guess that’s what passes for a trade now. Sheamus puts him down with a shoulderblock, and he’s still selling the arm from Sunday in a nice touch. Bryan goes right to the arm and stomps on it in the corner before dropping knees on it in impressive fashion. Sheamus fights up, but Bryan throws kicks to the arm again, prompting Sheamus to get pissed and unleash the CLUBBING FOREARMS in the corner. ADR and Roberto run in for the DQ at 2:50, however, and ADR applies the armbar to really do some damage to the arm. No decision is announced, but logically it’s a DQ win for Sheamus. Nothing to the match. *

R-Truth & Kofi Kingston v. Hunico & Camacho

Hunico attacks Little Jimmy to start, which earns him a beatdown from the champs. I should point out that Josh Matthews called Hunico & Camacho “a formidable tag team” at the start of the match, and then later clarified that they’ve never actually teamed up before. WWE, ladies and gentlemen. The Barrios work Kofi over in the corner and Camacho drops a leg for two. Hunico slingshots in with a mule kick in the corner, which Booker clarifies as “two feet to the mush.” Booker T, ladies and gentlemen. The heels cut off the ring, but Kofi monkey-flips Hunico and makes the hot tag to Truth. Truth throws Kofi at Hunico for the rana, and finishes Camacho with the downward spiral at 4:04. AW and his new clients watch from the ramp, but take no action yet. That’s what PPV pre-shows on YouTube are for! **

Brodus Clay v. Jack Swagger

The overdubbed crowd noise is really noticeable and obnoxious tonight. Brodus with a belly to belly, but he chases Ziggler and Swagger gets a cheapshot to take over. Ziggler comes off the stairs and takes the headbutt bump in a match he’s not even wrestling in, which is probably why he’s gonna have a short career, sadly. Back in the ring, Brodus wants the big splash, but Swagger rolls away and takes the countout at 1:40. If this was the re-taped version I’d hate to see the original. DUD

Meanwhile, Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio DEMAND to Eve that one of them deserves another shot at Sheamus tonight.

Damien Sandow v. Derrick Bateman

Sandow is using the Hallelujah Chorus as his theme music, marking a much welcome return to classical music for an entrance. Sadly, Sandow CANNOT and WILL NOT engage a miscreant. We just wouldn’t get any benefit out of it. But Bateman wants a MATCH, dammit. Bad move.

Ryback v. Derrick Bateman

You know how this one goes. Lariat and muscle buster at 1:10. Moving up to in-house jobbers now, I see.

Kane & Cody Rhodes v. Big Show & Randy Orton

One guess who jobs here. Orton blocks a Cody hiptoss with a clothesline for two, and it’s over to Show. He pounds on Cody in the corner, and Orton drops the knee for two. Dropkick gets two. Kane comes in and slugs it out with Orton, which I guess means we’re getting this AGAIN at the next PPV, and probably Cody v. Show as well. Orton quickly tags out to Show, who spears Kane and tosses Cody. Kane comes back with a DDT and we take a break. Back with Cody beating on Show, and Kane comes in for the headlock (EMBRACE THE HEAD!), but Show escapes with a backdrop suplex and it’s hot tag Orton. Kane breaks up the draping DDT, but ends up taking it himself. EMBRACE THE IRONY! Kane and Orton fight outside, and Kane gets a big boot on the floor. Back in, that gets two. Cody takes over with a dropkick for two. Kane pounds him in the corner, but Orton gets the backbreaker, and Cody sneaks in and gets two on him. This feels like the world’s longest heat segment. Orton finally gets the hot tag to Show, and it’s RKO for Kane and knockout punch to finish Cody at 15:00. Nothing was said about the PPV, so I don’t really know what the point of this was. **

Layla v. Natalya

So is Natalya a heel again now? They trade holds on the mat, but Nattie gets a spinning lariat for two. She goes to the EVIL ABDOMINAL STRETCH, but Layla rolls her up for one. Neckbreaker finishes clean at 1:54. ½*

Meanwhile, Aksana and Antonio are doing a photoshoot backstage, and Antonio just isn’t oiled up enough for Eve’s tastes. So Eve orders Teddy to do it.

Meanwhile, AJ and Kaitlyn get into another confrontation.

Sheamus v. Daniel Bryan

Bryan attacks the heavily-taped arm of course, but walks into a backbreaker. Sheamus misses the Brogue Kick and bumps to the floor, and we take a break. Back with Bryan working on the arm some more and getting a diving headbutt onto the shoulder, but Sheamus fights him off and sends him into the post. Sheamus with the forearms to come back, and a suplex into the ring gets two. Blind charge hits knee, but Sheamus gets the backbreaker for two. Bryan goes back to the arm again and goes up with the missile dropkick for two. Bryan pounds the shoulder again, but walks into an axehandle, which draws ADR into the match again. The heels collide and Bryan goes up again, but he lands in a Brogue Kick at 12:00. Yeah, this still doesn’t make me want to pay money to see Sheamus v. Del Rio, but it’s not like they care anyway. **1/2 Not sure why we needed two matches when they could have made the same point with one.

The Pulse

A throwaway show, as usual. I got nothing else, really.


  1. AJ is working even stiffer than Brock Lesnar.

  2. "Roberto?"

  3. Adam Sandler's dad in the Waterboy? How's THAT for an obscure reference?!

  4. I appreciate Ziggler always putting forth his best effort, but dude, you don't need to take a sickest-bump-ever on everything; you're gonna cut your own career short with all those head bumps.

  5. TheRealCitizenSnipsMay 5, 2012 at 3:02 AM

    "Neckbreaker finishes clean at 1:54"

    Yaargh, for who? Presumably for the champ, but given the value of championships these days that's hardly a sure thing. I hate when writers do this.

    Also, Hunico and Camacho= The Barrios? Is that a WWE thing or a Scott thing? Because that would kinda be like calling JTG and Shad "The Ghettos".

  6. While I'm a fan of Sandow and Cesaro, they really need to bring up some face characters. Outside of Funkasaurus, when is the last time they've successfully brought up a face guy? Daniel Bryan? And they ended up turning him pretty quick. 

    Both shows are seriously lacking in decent faces. It doesn't help that they don't do any favors for the current ones outside of Cena and Punk. Bring up Tyler Black and turn some of the heels that are getting lost in the shuffle like Miz and Ziggler.

  7.  Or like calling the Briscoes "The Chicken Farms". I don't really get that.

  8. So, do we think Bryan's off to Raw on a permanent basis? If so, I have no reason to watch Smackdown. I can see that they're trying to bring new guys through, but look at this episode - they needed a Brodus Clay match and two (unnecessary) Sheamus/Bryan matches to pad things out. The majority is stale! stale! stale!

  9. Cold medication + Boring Smackdown = Mucho typos.

  10. Josh was talking about how they grew up in the Barrios.  I figure they might be going that route.

    And don't forget the Barrio Brothers from WCW.

  11. Ziggler could pull it off, but I could never buy Miz as a face (maybe he can change my mind in the new Marine movie).

    But hey, Zack Ryder has done 90% of the legwork for them as far as getting a fresh face character over, that's an option! *gets shot by WWE snipers*

  12.  Actually I think I could buy The Miz more as a face, than a heel. As a heel he never convinced me to be a real threat for anyone.

  13. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyMay 5, 2012 at 8:45 AM

    After seeing the No Way Out poster I'm intrigued whether they might turn Daniel Bryan face after Over The Limit. They could turn AJ on him which is possible due to the direction they are going with her character and give her a new heel boyfriend. They could call up Dean Ambrose or Deth Rollins for this role, or it give to somebody already on the roster like the Miz, Dolph Ziggler or even Cody Rhodes. I agree there are too many heels on the roster and as entertaining D.Bryan is as a heel they could easily transfer that into a face character considering the popularity of the YES chants. 

  14. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyMay 5, 2012 at 8:48 AM

    Didn't Miz get a load of face reaction from the crowd at last year's Raw Money in the Bank match when he continued the match despite that he appeared to or did in fact injure his knee? Under the right circumstances a Miz face turn could indeed work! 

  15.  ...on the ESPN! We could be a team, just like that Tiger Woods and his daddy!

  16. Isn't Ryback a face?

  17.  Was it really necessary to have Bryan lose to Sheamus again here? I know they want to drive home the point that Sheamus is better than Bryan, but shouldn't they be making him look strong since he's the top contender to the WWE Championship now? I know they have weeks to do that, but "I have this feud coming up 4 months from now so I can't job so I'll look strong for it" has been WWE logic for years.

  18. I don't think so.  The Smackdown graphics are unique to the individual.  They incorporate the Superstar's logos and colors.  Like, Sheamus' graphic is green.  Kofi's has palm trees.  Bryan's was only red/maroon because that's his trademark color.

  19. Not to mention the tournament he worked on Raw for the title.

  20.  Yknow it seems like he is, but honestly, has he really done anything to indicate in one way or another what his allegiance is? Since we haven't known anything about his opponents we don't really know which direction he's going in. Still it'd be smart to make him a face, because he could really do well for himself as a monster face.

  21. He was getting a lot of face pops after WrestleMania last year and I'm pretty sure they would have turned him if Punk didn't cut that promo. Same thing when he was teaming with R-Truth. If Truth doesn't get popped for wellness, I'm pretty sure they were gonna turn them.

  22. It actually took over a year before Bryan turned heel, but otherwise I agree.  The best face after Cena and Punk is... I guess Orton but fuck Orton so I guess Kofi.

  23.  Yeah, they seem really hung up on this idea that they have to bring a guy up as a heel first. I'm sure by the time they get him over as a heel they'll turn him face.

  24.  I think they could get Miz or Ziggler over as a face if they put them against the right heel. That's the key. If they get someone over to the point they want to see anyone beat them I could see fans rallying behind those guys to do it. Not to draw another Ziggler/Perfect comparison but there wasn't a much hate-able heel than Mr.Perfect, but when he stood up the Ric Flair, he was massively over.

  25.  This is how Goldberg started out, and they are booking this guy exactly the same, maybe even more obvious.

  26. Just look at how Sheamus "turned." Mark Henry was destroying everyone, and was so over as a heel that when another big, bad-ass heel stepped up to face him, the audience turned him -- "Holy shit, Sheamus and Henry are going to go at it! Awesome!"

    You don't have to explain a turn if it's somebody stepping up to stop a big ass heel.

  27. I think the Orton-Show/Kane-Cody match was underrated by a star, I enjoyed the hell out of that match. 

  28.  On Smackdown it's easy to tell by the nature of the canned heat.

  29. WHO? 


     Oh, Fidel Sierra and Ricky Santana.

    I repeat the question: WHO?

  30. Might have been, I was pretty medicated at the time and this wasn't the show to retain my attention 100% of the way, that's for sure.  


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