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WWE begins new viral campaign

WWE has began to randomly play this on its site.
Where does the blog think this is going? Let the speculation commence.

They're adding yet another TV show to their roster of internet properties that no one watches.  I'm assuming this Revolution one will be replacing NXT.  The first set of tapings is currently scheduled for later this month.

What that would have to do with the video shown, I don't know.  


  1. I'll go with Dean Ambrose - he's been doing a lot of Twitter and Youtube stuff lately, "feuding" with Mick Foley.

    Either that, or Chris Jericho is returning!

  2. You have to love shitty marketing consultants. "I know! Let's fabricate a viral video! Kids like that! Maybe we can get on Reddit!"

    Nevermind that almost no "intended to be viral" videos ever actually go viral save for maybe Bruce Lee playing ping-pong.

    Didn't they learn with the Jericho videos that no one gives a fuck about their "mysterious" videos that don't mean anything?

  3. Christopher HirschMay 9, 2012 at 10:36 AM

    The payoff may not have been that great, but I think people were pretty interested in what those videos were leading to.

  4. Christopher HirschMay 9, 2012 at 10:37 AM

    Scott, Tommy Hall watches those shitty Internet shows!!

    I really hope he starts reviewing Superstars... said no one.

  5. It'd be awesome if it was Dean Ambrose debuting on the main roster...with his manager Paul Heyman.  It would be the most hypocritical thing ever, but it'd probably be brilliant.

    That's not it, obviously.  But still...

  6. Ehh...I think we were interested in seeing Jericho return, as everyone knew that's where it was going (or maybe Undertaker if not).

    What did those videos *actually* have to do with Chris Jericho? Exactly nothing. Literally, not a fucking thing. The boy and the girl and the swing and the ball and all that meant NOTHING.

    Why anyone would bother trying to read into any of this when they obviously just smash whatever public domain video they can find together is beyond me. I can't wait to see what Nazi's and A-Bombs have to do with whatever awesome gimmick that crack writing staff has come up with.

  7. Out with Evolution, in with Revolution!!!

    or whatever it was, I can't be bothered to remember accurately

  8. Speaking of new or pending WWE shows, I honestly think they should do a version of Hard Knocks.  Have camera crews follow a set group of guys around for a few weeks, maybe midcarders and lower level guys.  You could show them training and prepping for matches (I mean physically preparing with training and practicing moves, not actually walking through finishes or exposing the business), how they spend their time off, maybe show what happens when a wrestler is signed or released, etc.

  9. I wonder if this is where the AW stuff is going. He could build up a group of midcarders who are sick of being ignored and they decide to start a revolution. The tweets of Epico and Primo seemed to be hinting at something like that.

  10. This is CLEARLY a vignette for the returning group from WCW.  Shane Douglas, Malenko and Saturn are coming back to save the WWE!!!  REJOICE!!!  

  11. That's actually an awesome idea. Which means of course they'd never do it or do a terrible version.

  12. Ok, i'm gonna sound like a total idiot here because I only started watching again recently and I don't know anything about the current indy scene. But who the fuck is this Dean Ambrose guy I keep hearing about? I'm not being sarcastic. I really have no idea who this person is.

  13. Jon Moxley, recent "king of the indies" and rightly so, he is really special. His promos are phenomenal! He has the whole heath ledger joker thing down. Not maniacal, but mannerisms and delivery.

    His work is great as well. Recent follower of him, im very impressed.

  14. Thank you. I guess I should look him up on youtube. Since if he's over with the internet he'll be a JTTS in WWE pretty quickly.

  15. Wow, the blow hard who cant work but can still talk... albeit not in a PG enviornment and the two who can probably still work and cant talk. SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!

  16. "What did those videos *actually* have to do with Chris Jericho? Exactly
    nothing. Literally, not a fucking thing. The boy and the girl and the
    swing and the ball and all that meant NOTHING."

    Yes, that was the point.

  17. Lol, no it wasn't. I appreciate you trying to defend the writing staff like a battered wife but those videos were supposed to have a deeper meaning. Just like these revolution videos are supposed to have a deeper meaning.

    All I'm saying is, don't bother reading into it. These guys love making up nonsense videos and then watching us guess based on exactly zero clues.

  18. I think if its a person, its Ambrose.  If it ends up being a show, I see a NXT replacement which would fit right in with the rumors that WWE (HHH) wants to have a finishing school where the dev guys get ready for primetime.

  19. I bet this "finishing school" is just him Pedigreeing them all while Vince records the whole thing on a handheld and "Bow Down to the King" blares on a stereo.  Then he makes Miz mop the floor when he's done.

  20. The shame is Tommy Hall is a very talented writer and does a wonderful job reviewing the shows no one watches.

  21. I'm pretty sure they keep airing NXT literally for his sole benefit. 

  22.  Don't forget Asya! I could swear there was someone else in the group but I must just be imagining things.

  23. I appreciate that.  Thanks.

    It wouldn't surprise me at all that if they're cancelling NXT.  I mean, it's taken over a year to finally get decent, so it must be time to pull the plug.

  24. Like jizz-mopper? Clerks? No? Anyone? *the sound of crickets and shame*

  25. For what it's worth, on Twitter, Paul Heyman's bio says something about a revolution. I wouldn't have thought anything of it except he was retweeting someone wondering why it's in there, as if there was some meaning to it beyond just a phrase he stuck in his twitter bio. Not sure if it's been in there awhile or if this has something to do with him. Just tossing it out there.

  26. Scott Steiner is coming...

  27. I liked it, Miz mopper gave me a chuckle.

  28.  Saturn can come back for revenge on Damien Sandow for stealing his catch-phrase.  YOU'RE WELCOME!

  29. I don't think it could carry a series, but I'd love to see a 1-hour special on the network on the ring crew... a week in the life of the truck drivers, whatever.  Take a week where Raw is in like Washington, DC one week and then the next week is a tour of California.  Cover the cross-country drive, setting up and tearing down for the house shows, and then setting up the building for Raw... including everything that goes into it -- the pyro guys, the sound guys, production truck and even how the show is produced.

  30. Speaking of developmental shows... the announce team on the most recent episode of FCW was JIM ROSS and William Regal!!  It was the best-announced show in years!

  31. Why would a battered wife defend the WWE's writing staff?

  32. I like Jim Ross a lot...but man, he was over-the-top when he announced Taker vs. HHH at this past Mania.

  33. Methinks that since JR hasnt been in your life for an eternity everything he said was OVERSTATED BY THE FACT THAT COLE AND THE REST OF THE BUMBLING FUCKS CANT CONVEY EMOTION OR TELL A STORY LIKE Jim Ross can.

  34. Don't be angry and use the caps-locks. What I meant was that JR's use of his crazy metaphors was a little much during that match.

  35. How will Mattel feel about Big Poppa Pump screaming "Fuck you" at a child sitting ringside on national television?

  36. You got me all wrong. I was typing as if JR was speaking. I wasnt angry.

    My humor doesnt translate in text...again...  Le Sigh.

  37. Every fan is a bit of a battered wife, we all automatically forgive the bad in the hope our relationship with wrestling will return back to the happier times, lol.

  38. Holy shit that sounds awesome, I could even be convinced to buy a DVD with just a 3-4 hour documentary on their crews. They should do it  next year leading up to WrestleMania to show the planning that goes into those intense stadium sets and stuff.


  40. This thread is more carcinogenic than Undertaker's fists.

  41. Wouldn't be the worst feud I've seen.


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