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BOD Team-Up - Mike Bradley & Caliber Winfield

Caliber Winfiield & Mike Bradley review WCW's SuperBrawl 9!
Will Ric Flair win the strap after being beat to death? Will Rey retain his mask & dignity? Will 80% of the matches feature nWo music? Tune in to the horror!

WCW Superbrawl IX
February 21, 1999 - Oakland Arena - Oakland, California
They talk about the tag-team tournament,  as Gene stands by a glass display case with the straps. He shills the hotline. Much like Mike will say, I miss the hotlines too. My parents don't, because I racked up like $100 worth of bills when I couldn't stop calling the JR Hotline. This was 1995, before I had the internet, and to get all of this information was addicting.

Disco Inferno vs Booker T
You have to give it to Disco, because he got one hell of a shitty gimmick, but he actually made it work. Plus, he always gave it to you in the ring. Anyways, Disco & Booker go out there and tear the place up, and the crowd is absolutely on fire. I mean, they're truly more into this match than they are later for the main event it seems. The match is a hell of an opener, and would have been better had Booker not tripped 4 different times. Disco tries a Chartbuster, but it's a no go.
Booker hits Disco with the Harlem Hangover and gets the pin at 9:19

Chris Jericho vs Saturn – Loser Wears A Dress
Saturn was in the middle of changing his gimmick, doing a sort of Marilyn Manson type deal. I'm really not sure what that's suppose to entail, and I feel like Goldust did a better version of it anyways. As for the match, it keeps the PPV going on the good match streak. Near the end, he hits the DVD on Jericho, and then the ref. See, last month at Souled Out, Jericho & Saturn had this same match, but when Saturn rolled up Jericho for the pin, the evil ref rolled Jericho over. He was thus suspended for 30 days, and this was his return. But Saturn fools them all by wanting to be in the dress! Hey, if you don't think this type of gimmick doesn't work, I'd say go ask the Headbangers, but they rarely step foot out of their mansions. Except for the occasional big Wrestlemania pay-day.
Saturn is counted out, giving Jericho the win at 11:17

Chavo Guerrero vs Billy Kidman – Cruiserweight Title
The only thing that really sticks out in this match is when Tony says that when a fellow wrestler joins the nWo, it shocks the wrestling world. Honestly, Vince McMahon could have joined the nWo at this point and I don't think it would have mattered. Chavo hits a DDT off the top rope that only gets 2. Now, c'mon. A DDT from the top rope? That could kill a man. Well, either way, a powerbomb leads to a face plant, aaaannddd....
Kidman hits a Shooting Star for the pin at 8:26

Curt Hennig & What Appears To Be A Drunk Uncle vs Dean Malenko & Chris Benoit
This is the finals of a tag-team tournament. If Chris & Dean win, they get a 30 second rest period, and then they get their shot. Weird, and stupid, but that's WCW. Speaking of stupid, Tony talks about Chris having never held a championship. Well, why should they recognize the TV championship? Isn't it in a trash-can some where? So, Windham is in great shape, you can really tell he was hitting the gym in 1987. Also, judging from his outfit, he put all his Horsemen money into Levi & Strauss stock. Dean locks Windham in the Cloverleaf, and after Hennig makes the save, he does it again, but this time Barry taps.

Round T----nope.
Windham chokes out Dean with his belt and then pins him in seconds. Combined time 20:36. Awesome.

The Outsiders vs Rey Mysterio & Konnan – Liz's Hair vs Rey's Mask
Man, Liz was damn hot. The match starts out with Ray & Hall, and I guess since Rey is giving up his mask, and going back on years and years of heritage & tradition, Hall sells a bit for him. Very nice. I'm surprised that happens since Hall has to work twice tonight, and I'm surprised he didn't demand the right to dominate for him working the extra 10 minutes. Honestly, if they'd actually given this match more time, they could have had something, because it isn't too bad. Rey really works his ass off, big shock.
Hall hits Rey with the Edge, then puts Nash on top for the pin at 11:01

Rey takes off the mask, and he just looks really young. It's this kind of bullshit that sunk WCW. I mean, how on Earth would you find the guys in masks harder to market? And exactly how did the careers of those who lost the mask sky-rocket? Juvi flipped out on PCP, and Rey had to act like Joe C. It wasn't until he put the mask back on that he became a superstar again. It's just bullshit, and the nWo look like nothing more than some bullshit bullies.

Scott Steiner [C] vs DDP – TV Title Match
Before the match, Steiner grabs a girl from the audience to bring into the ring. It's an obvious plant, because I truly cannot believe that there would ever be a woman attracted to this idiot. Especially when he gets on the mic and basically says that if Big Poppa Pump wants rape, then Big Poppa Pump gets rape. If Steiner wasn't such a useless lump of shit, this would have been a better match than it is. Buff comes down, and they start with the double-team before he's sent back by the ref. As it goes on, DDP just won't die. Top rope Frankensteiner, DDT, being mashed into an exposed turnbuckle, none of it gets the 3 count, as DDP just keeps holding on, it's some decent drama.
Steiner puts Page in the Camel Clutch. Although it's so bad, I'd down grade it to The Burrow Clutch. Page passes out at 13:53

Roddy Piper [C] vs. Scott Hall – US Title Match
Seriously, it seems like every other match, if not every match, I hear the Wolfpac theme song. Bischoff truly was trying to recreate 1996. I have little faith in the match, and that's reassured as they blow the first spot, a hip-toss. This is a terrible match full of punching, eye pokes, and the match's only high-spot; the abdominal stretch. Inferno comes out, he gets laid out. Same with Nash. Although the distraction allows Hall to pin Piper with his feet on the ropes. 3 guys to beat Roddy Piper in 1999.
Hall pins Piper at 8:19.

Piper responds to his travesty by saying “bah so ugh”. Bummer that never made it to a t-shirt.

Roddy Piper – BAH SO UGH - $14.99! +$2 for any sizes above XXL.

Goldberg vs Bam Bam Bigelow
There's a sign in the crowd that says “Goldberg Kind To Animals” and there's a drawing of Bill with a kitten on his shoulder. Then we see a guy with the same tattoo as Goldberg. I bet he's LOVING that now. I remember in 1999, there was a guy at the video game store I'd frequent who had a Brahma Bull tattoo. But it wasn't the cool one like The Rock's, no, it was that big blue one from his t-shirt.
Tony makes sure to talk about Goldberg challenging Stone Cold on The Tonight Show, saying Goldberg doesn't back down from anyone. Well, yeah, I suppose it's easy to never back down from a challenge that isn't there. The crowd is dying for Goldberg to kill him, but instead we get a match that goes over 10 minutes, and it doesn't involve DDP. Ugh.
Goldberg hits the Jackhammer and scores the pin at 11:36

I don't get this. Goldberg was screwed out of the title. Then the nWo gets back together. He takes on Hall at Souled Out, and that's it? They could have drawn some money with him tearing through the nWo. Instead we get Ric Flair being beat up by a group of guys who just held up a 7-11.

Hollywood Hulk Hogan [C] vs Ric Flair – World Heavyweight Title Match
For those of you who saw my post last week, you know a good chunk of this match's build. I remember reading Scott's review of this months ago, and just checked before writing this to confirm. He said if Ric won, he'd withdraw the Hot Poker System forever. Does Scott retract and quit the plug for Surge? Nope. In a match I was actually looking forward to, since Ric is the man, they went in there and gave us quite a boring, Nitro-quality match. I mean, they literally tried to KILL Ric Flair! And he can't muster up the rage to put down Hogan? The ending is the real sweet piece, as David Flair comes down, ski mask and all, tazers his dad, and joins the nWo. You see, this is what they call in the business, a SWERVE, because the nWo beat the hell out of David a few weeks before. So, you'd think he wouldn't, but...HE DID! You know, I'm shocked they didn't try and market nWo ski-masks.
David Flair tazers his dad, then Hogan pins him at 12:02

Caliber's Final ULTIMATE Solution: The PPV started off great, but it slowly went down hill after that. One would assume the Main Events didn't deliver, but they did. They expected exactly what I thought they would. Naturally, WCW's brilliant decision to remove Rey's mask kept WCW in the black for years to come, as well as having Goldberg wrestle long matches with people who aren't DDP. Next month would see Hogan v Ric Flair in a barbwire steel cage First Blood match that ends in a pin after two guys bleed like they stepped on land mines. So, I'm not sure what Mike saw in this before when he recommend we do it, but I think now he regrets the decision.
Overall Rating: **1/2
- Growing up in the southeast, WCW was more of a focus to me than WWF/E. Even in its worst days, I pulled for the underdog. When Caliber and I decided to review a show he asked me for something WCW. I told him even though it gets bagged on, WCW Superbrawl IX was a card stacked with a lot of superstars (past, present, and future) plus it also was "Vintage WCW" with plenty to pick apart. So here is my take on one of many nights that I am sure Tony Schiavone described as a "night that will change our industry forever".

- We begin with Torrie Wilson talking to the mysterious man behind the camera. She asks if he is nervous while she is wrapped in a bed spread. I personally would be high-fiving myself if I conquered that mountain.

- Your hosts are Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Bobby Heenan. They welcome us to Oakland and preview our night of action. We then hear Tony doing voice-over work as he runs down the WCW Tag Team Tournament. Imagine that! A WCW tournament that actually completed without shenanigans, midgets, bookers dressed as wrestlers, or females competing in male matches.

- Gene Okerlund pimps the hotline as he stands next to the encased WCW Tag Team Titles. I miss the hotline, even in the early stages of the internets.

1. Disco Inferno vs. Booker T
- This match came about because Disco referred to Booker and Stevie as brothers. Booker goes all Spreewell on him and thus we have an opener for Superbrawl. I would have figured it was a sucka thing. Disco opened by stalling and dodging the attacks of Booker. Booker beats his ass from pillar to post with Disco catching him sleeping a couple of times. As it progresses, it turned into a damn good see-saw affair. Booker wins with a Harlem Hangover @ 9:17. Book spuds him with a knee to the head on that finish and Disco's fucking shoulder is up? Come on! Rating: C+.

2. Chris Jericho (with Ralphus, in a dress) vs. Perry Saturn
- If Saturn wins, he gets to put a dress on Jericho. Ralphus looks like an old woman, complete with clip on earrings. Crowd shot shows a woman or man...not sure. Kind of ironic. Saturn shows up in a dress and Jericho ridicules him on the mic. Nice rack on Saturn. Crowd loves Jericho and rightfully so. Hell I rocked the Monday Night Jericho shirt in high school proudly. Saturn spends the whole match beating Jericho on the floor. Ralphus gets stripped in the ring allowing Jericho to take over the momentum. It occurs to me that WWE kind of took this idea and used it for Big Vito on Smackdown. Saturn lays out Jericho and referee Scott Dikinson and then walks out giving Jericho the count out win @ 11:21. Kind of booked weird and the finish didn't make sense to me, at least. Rating: C-.

- At the WCW.COM location, Konnan and Rey Mysterio talk about their upcoming match against Luger and Nash later. Konnan uses "strawberry" no less than 4 times.

- Later Scott Steiner plans to make a real woman out of Kimberly when he faces DDP. If his plumbing was still working properly at that point. Hell, who am I kidding?

3. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Kidman
- Chavo never got the proper respect in WCW, in my opinion. The Pepe thing was horrible and the guy was a true pro in the ring, even back then. Cruiserweight style match mixed with Chavo being an old-school heel. Great action with equal offense. Crowd shit on it and shit on the whole match. I liked it. Chavo must have never read the internet back then, because any number of writers would tell you that you can NEVER powerbomb Kidman. Kidman faceplants him and nails the Shooting Star Press @ 8:26 to retain. Rating: B-.

- GOLDBERG...BAM BAM.....later.

4. Barry Windham & Curt Hennig vs. Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko
- Since the tournament was double elimination, Malenko and Benoit had to beat Hennig and Windham twice to win the belts. Really a great job by WCW to have these four put on an absolute clinic in this one. Only problem I had (and I guess it is just a nuance of mine) was Windham dressed in jeans and a tank top. Just weird to me. Malenko grabs the first win @ 19:33 making Windham tap out to the Texas Cloverleaf. Moments later, Windham uses his belt and lariats Malenko to win the belts @ 20:36. I didn't like the finish (again), but the match as a whole was great. THAT is how you do tag team wrestling. Rating: B+.

- We take a look back at how Roddy Piper won the WCW US Title with FAT Will Sasso cheering him on at ringside.

5. The Outsiders (with Lex Luger & Elizabeth) vs. Konnan & Rey Mysterio Jr.
- Luger's arm is injured thanks to it getting slammed in a car door on Thunder. Luger and cars don't mix well. I still remember the Horsemen beating his ass against a limo at the second Clash of Champions. Nash and Hall tease working the mic and the crowd still loves it. Konnan comes out and works the mic the crowd loves that too? I really hated the fact this was done to Mysterio and the Outsiders did him NO favors in the ring. Complete burial of Rey Rey. Outsiders win it after Hall hits Rey with the Outsider Edge and pulls Nash on top @ 11:01. Fuck everyone who thought this was a good idea. Rating: D!

- Post match, Rey unmasks. Wolfpack make fun of him. Tony says he is handsome. Nash puts Rey's mask on and mocks him. Fuck Kevin Nash.

6. Scott Steiner (with random local stripper) vs. Diamond Dallas Page
- This match is shit. Pure shit. Steiner's pre-match promo has to be floating around on youtube somewhere as a montage of horrible promos. Buff Bagwell comes out during the match for blatant interference and no disqualification is called. I'm sure someone backstage just said "yeah go out there" with no plan as t what to do with the finish. Steiner wins it after DDP passes out to the Steiner Recliner @ 13:53. Rating: F.

- Post match, DDP is stretchered out in full back and neck brace. Elsewhere, Bam Bam Bigelow tells Mark Madden that he will defeat Bill Goldberg tonight. Not sure who weighed more in that interview.

7. Scott Hall (with Disco Inferno) vs. Roddy Piper
- Tony tries to be clever by calling Disco, "The Disco Schmoe". How clever. Interesting enough, Hall is the one trying to wrestle as Piper brawls throughout the ENTIRE match. Then Kevin Nash comes out and this abortion gets even worse. Hall wins the US Title with his feet on the ropes @ 8:20. Rating: F-.

- Now Hall wants to get on the mic. Piper won't give up the belt. Poor Piper. He would do anything for the company and the nWo just used him as a prop to get over...ALWAYS! Piper gives him a crotch chop and Hall, Nash, and Disco beat him down anyways. I used to like the nWo beatdowns, but nowadays, I can see how it just got stale. Oh shit, Piper escapes and doesn't look like a giant stinking turd after being buried.

8. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Goldberg
- Can we all stand up and appreciate how DAMN good Bam Bam was. He was another willing to put anyone over, yet he always looked great doing it. Plus he never aged over his career. Bam Bam slows the pace trying to wear down Goldberg, but eventually Goldberg wins it @ 11:38. Gotta say Goldberg was still the man even then. Good match, Bam Bam made this thing entertaining. Rating: C.

9. Hollywood Hogan vs. Ric Flair
- Poor Ric Flair. I mean, I'm a Hogan guy, but you can see the defeat in his eyes before the bell is rung. Hogan was still OVER especially in front of the Cali crowd. Slow pace to start, but Flair is busted open by the 4 minute mark. Flair really gets things going by beating Hogan from pillar to post. A FRESH Torrie Wilson comes out at the 9 minute mark and slaps Flair. Then back to business as usual. Hogan busted open at this point and BLADES ON CAMERA! We have a ref bump and NOW a masked man walks out to the ring. Not keeping his nWo shirt covered up too well either. He stuns Ric with a stun gun. Hogan covers and wins it @ 12:00. The masked man is David Flair. He adds insult to injury by stunning Flair again with enough voltage to explode a bison. Rating: F-.

- The Cruiserweight title match and Tag Titles match are memorable. Everything else with nWo smeared all over it is just SHITTY! I take that back, Bam Bam-Goldberg was entertaining. Just too much of the nWo spoils the show for me. But they were selling tickets so churn it up some more I guess. In retrospect, I liked it. Now I hate it.

Thanks for reading, guys. Hope you dug another Doomtastic team-up. If you have any team-up request that you'd like to see covered, either shoot one of us an email, or leave it in the comments.
Mike Bradley - you can find him here every Thursday with his iMPACT reviews.
Caliber Winfield - Str8 Gangster, No Chaser - Top 4's, wrestling, horror talk & movie reviews
WCW In The Year 2000 - recently updated with a Nitro, and next up is Uncensored 2000.
The Man Movie Encyclopedia Vol. 1 - My book is finally out. You can hit up and order it for the cool price of $2.99. Scott Keith dug it and gave a kind review, which you can read at my website. It currently as an average rating of 5 stars, so, that's the tops, really.


  1. Christopher HirschJune 14, 2012 at 11:30 AM

    I was a huge nWo mark, especially Hollywood Hogan at the time. Everyone else loved the Wolfpac but I couldn't stand them, always was on nWo Hollywood. Was really excited when they reunited, too bad injuries and everything killed the angle dead quickly.

  2. "In
    retrospect, I liked it. Now I hate it."


  3. my oppinion mirrors yours. for some reason I even dug nwo 2000 with bret lol.


  5. Christopher HirschJune 14, 2012 at 4:45 PM

    Haha me too, still have "the band is back together" shirt.

  6. If you couldn't stand the Wolfpack, why were you really excited when they reunited?

  7. I believe it was this show where Scott Steiner said that if he won he would get Kimberly, which of course the announcers played up as a binding stipulation. Then the next night, or whenever, they just said that DDP had never agreed to that so Kimberly didn't have to submit to being enslaved/tortured/raped/murdered by Big Poppa Pump. I can't remember, but was DDP hurt around this time? I'm sure he had his usual taped ribs, but did he have some other legit injury? I can't remember what he did for the next couple of months after this, as he wasn't on the Uncensored ppv in March, then by Spring Stampede he had been thrown into the World Title mix and wound up winning the belt in the 4-way at that show.

    Was Goldberg also injured around this time, because he was left off Uncensored as well, before resuming the feud with the nWo by taking on Nash at Spring Stampeded. Maybe Ready to Rumble was being filmed at this point, which would explain both Goldberg and Page's absences? I could of course go to the history of wwe website and look up Nitro summaries for this time, but spending too much time researching WCW from 1999 or later always tends to lead to massive headaches and the possibility of brain damage.

  8.  Hey, I'd rather have to watch WCW 1999 Mel Gibson/Clockwork Orange style with my eyes held open, than watch WCW 2000 by choice the way I am now.

    Also, Goldberg left at this time to film Universal Soldier: The for Page, yeah, Ready To Rumble makes sense. It's great that they set up Goldberg for something huge like the nWo or something, and he just leaves. Brilliant. Then he comes back, and the idiot almost kills himself elbowing out a window.


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