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Joe Gagne Reviews Virtual Pro Wrestling 64!

I had heard about this game (VPW2 mainly) via my wrestling nerd friends and RSPW, but of course never had the opportunity to play it myself.  Now I wish I did still have my N64 and a converter, because I'd probably spend the next few months in a state of perpetual nerdgasm.
Wrapping up the THQ/AKI series.  Thanks for all the support.
Thanks for the awesome video reviews, Joe!


  1. My first year in Japan I had VPW 2 on an N64 and it was FANTASTIC. From what I remember, the mechanics and the gameplay were even better than the WWF games (though, of course, play modes and the like were far more limited). I spent a bit too much time on it...

  2. As a huge No Mercy fan, this game looks totally awesome.

  3. I watched the video this morning and have already located and decided to drop $85 on VPW2 and a converter.

  4. I played VPW 1 quite a bit, my friend had it (for anyone still using the old school console, you can play it with a regular Game Shark converter). It was hella fun, with all the cool Japanese guys (and the rare appearance of pre-Crow, post-surfer Sting, with the long brown hair but the colored face paint still). One thing this didn't mention that was different from the US AKI games was that there were some guys that could do multiple moves from the corner. Guerrero had, I think, a top rope rana as well as Splash Mountain. Very cool.

    I never played VPW 2 but it seems like it's better than pretty much everything else. Being able to have regular wrestling matches AND MMA matches? Cool. Cool cool cool.

  5. I must say, WCW vs The World was a pretty damn good game too, I'm looking forward to the review for that one.

  6. I have very fond memories of VPW2. Only one of two games I ever imported.

    Also, surprised they haven't made more of a deal about Johnny's years in Japan. I guess for purposes of character, they're trying to make him look like a career underachiever.

  7. Scott, and anyone else looking to play this game in North America:

    there is no need to buy a converter or remove the security tabs inside your N64 to play this game!  Simply exchange the back plate of VPW2 (or any Japanese game, for that matter) with the back plate of any American game (one you don't play or some crappy game you can buy for $0.50), and voila!  Simple ~

  8. you wasted money on that converter, bud.  see my comment below!

  9. What an awesome solution!  I had no idea you could do that.

  10. it's pretty kickass, the only thing more to purchase is an N64 cart bit driver to remove the screws.  You can get one on eBay for about $5.  I forgot to mention that part!

  11. Yeah, I wouldn't mind getting a copy just to play on the real thing.

    Running it directly on my PC using the Project64 emulator is a good compromise though, as I have one of those USB adapters that lets me plug in an N64 controller.  I think I spent $15 on it. 

    The best part is you can speed up a game like No Mercy that plays a little slow compared to more modern games.  I usually do 2x or 3x the original speed and it plays much smoother in some of the modes.

  12. Looks like I made the wrong choice.  The only games I bought in Japan were All Japan Pro Wrestling Featuring Virtua for Sega Saturn, and Royal Pro Wrestling for 3DO.  I reckon we're not going to see reviews for either of those...

  13. Haven't checked, but aren't there any N64 emulators out there by now?

  14. Boy, did you ever! The other great Japanese wrestling game (though it has more of a niche audience) is the AJPW game (King's Soul) for PSX. Just a great simulation of All Japan style wrestling, with some crazy cool features. Of course, there were the Fire Pro games, too, but you can get R in the US, so it isn't as exotic anymore...

  15. there are, but for me, there's no real substitute to playing the real deal with your friends on an actual console.  plus, I've used N64 emulators, and the controls are shotty with the controller adapter.  

  16. I have all that stuff too, and the controls don't always work properly for me.  I'll try to recalibrate.

  17. Well, they brought it up a lot in the run up to the match with Cena (and I remember Punk tossing out a few references during their many pissing matches),  but given that Cole was the one who couldn't shut up about it, I don't think it was supposed to make him look better. And, you know, it's WWE, so because he didn't make it there none of his other success means anything (which Punk pretty much said during their feud).

  18. A 360 controller works remarkably well for me and is easy to plug into the computer with the USB dongle.  Plus even my crappy laptop absolutely crushes the system specs for Project64 so everything looks pretty sweet and runs much better than my original recipe XBox did.  

  19. I haven't had any issues with the one I have, but several companies make adapters for the N64, so perhaps some of them are duds.

  20. I'd love a similar engine on one of the new consoles. Surely the demand is high enough?

  21. How did you get it to work? I tried playing Project64 with a 360 controller and it wouldn't recognize it.

  22. The made a wrestling game for the 3DO? Better yet, you actually had a 3DO?

  23. I haven't actually bought the stuff yet, so replacing the back plate is gonna save me $40. Excellent idea, man.

  24. Are you using PJ 1.6?  I just went into Controller plugin options, selected the Xbox controller, and then went through and mapped all the buttons.  

  25. I'll try it, thanks.

  26. Joe "Murphyspub" MurphyJune 5, 2012 at 10:28 PM

    I tried to sell my copy on ebay a couple years ago, left it up for awhile and never had an inquiry.  Since this review was posted it's going for twice what I trying to sell mine for.  I'm glad I still have it though, this game is the best wrestling game ever made.  If it happened today, a game came out on a modern version of this engine, and there was a super awesome Japanese version, I would probably buy a Japanese XBox just to play it.  Though it would probably only come out PS3 over there, and those games are region free.  Point is, I want more awesome games like this.


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