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No Way Out thread

I'm not watching, but you might be!


  1. People might be watching this PPV?

    That's one of the most outrageous things you've ever said, Scott.

  2. Oklahoma and Miami have No Way Out of a seven game series. 

  3. Not that this PPV was going to do a good buyrate in the first place, but between the US Open and the NBA Finals, No Way Out is WAY down on the TV viewing pecking order tonight...

  4. About to fire up the pre-show to see if they can convince me to watch this over NBA Finals. 

  5. (meekly raising hand)  I will be watching it :(

    Look, the E has delivered on almost every PPV this year with multiple four star matches per show. And as good as people say TNA has been, it lacks the scope of WWE and just doesn't feel as important.  I'll be watching to see Punk, Bryan, Ziggs, and Sheamus try to tear the house down.

    And Go Thunder!  O-K-C!  They need to start fast, use their quickness, keep Thabo out there to lockdown on LBJ, keep Durant out of foul trouble, and as long as Harden or Westbrook is hittin', they'll be fine.

  6. As a Chicago native and Bulls fan, I have a natural hatred for all things New York, Miami, and Los Angeles. Provided that the Heat are floppers, cheaters, and act like petulant children, it is really easy to despise them and all that they stand for.  I happen to be staying in OKC at the moment, so I'm finding it really easy to root for them, too.  But I'm likely to have a heart attack if I watch a full game, so I'll be watching wrestling until the second half or so

  7. Crowd chants "you're a jobber" to Otunga

  8. At least the Heat don't have the blood of Seattle on their hands.

  9. NBA Finals take priority, so no PPV for me. Since I'm from the Cleveland area, go OKC!!

  10. I work 3rd shift, so i shant be watching, but Go OKC and Punk.

  11.  The teams look really even right now but if history is any indicator, 7 game series' in the finals are really rare.

    I'll stick by my OKC in 6 Prediction

  12. I was a Sonic season ticket holder for eight years and as painful as seeing our draft pick in the Finals 3 years later is...those fans didn't do anything.

    It's not their fault they've got an amazing team. It's not their fault that Howard Schultz is a pile of shit that should slowly die from fucking asshole cancer.

    (Also, the League was right...that stadium was a dump. I wasn't Oakland or anything lol but it was still horrible...)

  13. Oh shit, the return of Fuj Classic...

  14. The million dollar question - when VKM prepares to fire someone, whose music will suddenly hit and cut him off to save the job?

  15. jesus, that bump.. ziggler is insane.

  16. I like your pick but I have to go with my gut. And my gut says "Any Series That Gets High Ratings Somehow Magically Always Goes Seven Games...Magically...For Serious."

  17. Ted Dibiase!  Who has just purchased the WWE from the WWE Board of Directors (no one will think to question that a person can't just buy a publicly traded company...)

  18. Maybe he can work in a flip into the turnbuckles, a poke to the eye, and a figure-four restlock?

  19. Wow, WWE sure does tell us what to think when Vince is in Lawler's headset telling him to say the ''lets go ziggler'' chants are ''lets go sheamus'' chants

  20. Sheamus is such a piece of shit I'm glad this title reign is a disaster.

  21. I feel you completely but I fucking LOOOOOOOOOOVE Kevin Durant. I LOOOOOOOOOOVED watching him play in The Key.

    If it was any other team I'd be cheering the Heat. Lebron is the best player in the world right now and the fact that he wanted to leave Cleveland after dragging them to the Playoffs doesn't make me dislike him at all.

    But it's stupid Durant. The guy that made the final basket in The Key.

    I'm pretty sure Sonics fans have mild PTSD, hahahaha.

  22.  Piece of shit? Ouch. Why do you say that?

  23. Why would this series get high ratings?  Oklahoma and Miami aren't exactly huge TV markets...

  24. Alot of it probably has something to do with the fact that TNA is *ON FUCKING FIRE* right now, so people are gladly "turning the channel" as it were.

  25. How about 'Skip the shit!'? That seems like a motto that would apply to wrestling and life.

  26. HELLO TOP ROPE X-FACTOR! I know what you mean, though. I love Dolph and he has consistently good matches, but I'm not a fan of his storytelling. Might be just me, though.

  27. Howard Finkel is to Tuxedo matches what Taker is to cell matches

  28. Listen to the fans, they're not chanting boring they're chanting exciting!

  29. Mr. Booerns is in the house?

  30. Is the SMURF or Hot Poker system more appropriate for this shit?

    glad i'm not paying for this show...

  31. Because the Big Gold Belt has become the Curtain Jerk Championship?

  32. Dude dunno what your problem is here tonight. I think he's a piece of shit because he's being forced upon us as Cena-lite, and this is coupled with being a Ziggler fan.

  33. Fair point, but it's not like WWE hasn't provided its fair share of snowflakes, and, to be honest, that's what I want. The rest is gravy. Or in WWE's current case: gold speckled shit-vomit.

  34. Okay, Lebron goes around calling himself "King."  Wade falls down half a dozen times per game after shots despite no contact.  Wade also likes to whine after every call or no call despite being one of the dirtier players in the league (anyone want to be jumpkicked? Call DWade). Lebron... made "The Decision."  LBJ also can't understand why he's hated even though he, too, is a flopper and will do things like hold a basketball in KG's face for about five seconds while blubbering the words, "Yeah...yeah...yeah."  Have I mentioned the party/parade when they boasted winning 7 or 8 championships... when only one of them has won a championship (in the 2006 Finals, which might be one of the worst officiated playoff series along with Kings-Lakers '02 and Bucks-Sixers '01).

    The fact that there may have been participating in illegal collusion between LBJ-Wade-Bosh since around 2008 is only the whip cream on the sh*t sundae served to basketball fans everywhere.

  35. it's come such a long way from being the Circle Jerk Championship in HHH's hands

  36. That's what happens when you think carrying a thermos is a gimmick. 

  37. Are people still bitter over Lebron or does anyone not care. Legitimate question. 

    The real reason why people can't stand the Heat.  You may sit corrected.

  39. Ratings failure, maybe, but entertainment is all I care about, and I'm entertained. So I don't find it a failure. I couldn't care less about ratings unless they get bad enough to cancel.

  40. It's not even Schultz really, Nickels more than anything sold you guys out.

    Btw, Sonicsgate is an awesome documentary. Highly recommended.

  41. 75% of the nba fanbase is still bitter for reasons that continue to elude me. None of them *actually* give a fuck about Cleveland. None of them *actually* give a fuck about "super-teams".

    They'll say: "Well the Cleveland fans got fucked over!" You know...while they're cheering for the Seattle Sonics playing in Oklahoma City.

    I don't know why. I assume people just hate him because he's legitimately the best player in the world right now and we *LOVE* hating the top dog.

  42. Considering the ratings were enormous for the first two games, we're not discussing it in hypotheticals: it IS getting high ratings. 

  43. Unless of course you start crying four and a half minutes

  44. I forgot this show was even on tonight. 

  45. I agree, I mean how it's it affecting you and your not even a fan of the Cavs. 

    I also tend to blame ownership too, they had 8 years to get legit free agents(Sorry, but a past his prime Shaq doesn't count) and every year they didn't.

  46. I would LOVE to hear a crowd chant "exciting" one time.

  47. I'll admit I do read Scott's Rants on RAW or a PPV and usually it's not worth it. The only thing that was even keeping me slightly interested was the AJ/Punk/Bryan/Kane angle. 

  48. It's funny how you said Flair is the "GOAT"...because he kinda resembles a real goat nowadays.

  49. I might be in the minority, but I absolutely fucking love the Uso's entrance. And I dig them as a team, as well.

  50. "you're all jobbers" for the tag match

  51.  Sports Illustrated Gave Lebron the King monicker, that's not self applied.  Wade falls down after no contact...just like a ton of other superstars. It's an effective means of getting foul shots, and almost everyone who complains about it in relation to certain players has to turn a blind eye to it in relation to other players they like.
    The decision and the stupid party were poor choices, but I'm willing to forgive people the occasional stupid mistake.  That's human.  Also, you do realize that KG is just as guilty of this kind of crap as Lebron is, right? Bullying guys, being a general jerk?  That happens during competitiveness, it's just that Miami's two PR mistakes have essentially made it so any mistake they make is over scrutinized.
    Also, I'll take "players deciding where to play in free agency" over "rip a team away from a devoted fan base" every day of the week.

  52. This is a sweet match, just no one cares. It's a shame.

  53.  No, I still think you're deciding who you like or dislike, then applying whatever evidence you can find that fits your preconceived notions.  but have fun with acting like one video makes definitive evidence.

  54. Not a huge fan of PTPs in the ring, although they're improving, but I'm glad they won the match because they're really the only team with a personality.

  55. Its 2000 all over again.. 20 minute HHH interview

  56. It's an improvement... Back in 2000, he took that long to recover completely from being dropped in a car.

  57. People in Cleveland are still very angry, yes. I don't think it will ever end there. It's kinda fun to have a villain to actively root against. I think everyone else is upset over how the Heat flop, complain all the time, and act like petulant children when they lose. I think if the Heat acted a bit more professionally, the league wide hatred would die down.


  59. Umm, check out Lebron's twitter handle and then tell me that he doesn't call himself the king

  60. Nor was I discussing hypotheticals; I genuinely don't get why a strike-shortened season playoff game is getting such high ratings.  Sheep will care about what the mass media tells them to care about, I guess...

  61. This was before they were free agents.  In 2008 they were all under contracts to different teams.  There's a lot of smoke coming from the story that they had agreed to play together around that time when they were in the Olympics.  The fact that Bosh gave up for the last half season in Toronto and LBJ shrug his shoulders during the last couple games of the Celtics-Cavs seasons shows what can happen.  

    The collusion accusations refer to agreeing before they were free agents to get together.  Thus, not fulfilling their contracts to the best of their abilities and stringing along their franchises instead of giving them time to restructure

  62. soudnas liek I'm nomt muissing much by not swatching. althoaugh I think Primeew tmime players needat tathtag title run sooon.

  63.  He might refer to himself that way, but he didn't self apply the nickname.  there's a difference.

  64. So it just comes back around to the people pretending to care about Cleveland. For people *from* Cleveland I totally get it, I would hate the guy too. It's this huge majority outside of Cleveland that I don't understand.

    Nevermind that every star gives up when they know they're leaving, making Lebron/Chris no different from...anyone.

    I watched Gary Payton do it in person. Ray Allen too.

    I'll just never get it man. The same way people used to hate Kobe because...he was good.

  65. It would be great if we could get a live blog - something like Cover It Live (I know it won't be free soon, so something like it) - for the pay per views. I have a feeling that Drunk Murphy would be fun on one of those.

  66. Judging by the "likes for the comment", I'm not certain you are in the minority.  I know Heyman, too, gave them a big shout out a couple weeks back.

  67. Haven't seen a card made up on the fly this much since December to Dismember!

  68.  Rose's play the right way argument is sort of undermined by his bitching about not getting superstar calls:  He also complained about Indiana celebrating excessively when they beat the bulls in a regular season game.  I just can't buy Rose as some bastion of the league with all the crap that comes out of his mouth like that. This is what I'm talking about: all superstars come with baggage.  Rose whines as much as anyone, it's just about weird stuff so it doesn't get the attention.  To act like your guy is the right way while the team you don't like (and most chicago fans don't like the heat) is the wrong is to be a bit disingenuous with yourself about how all of this really occurs.

  69. haappy fathere ss day to scott ekieth, chin, comduskakais, staggeer gee, and any othe rdads Im nto reremembering right now for fathersi day!

  70. I *knew* you'd hate Kobe. Lol.

    Edit: Or at least have reasons. None of them explaining why he was widely hated by the time of his first title. (People were pissed before "repeat" nevermind "threepeat")

    I'm guessing, like Lebron, it had something to do with him being the best in the world.

    Also: Lol at that Kate Faber trial, wonder if she ever had to get a job again...

  71. What the fuck are you, 12?  I've been drunk many times and I don't type like that when I'm drunk.  Have some pride in yourself.

  72.  I love the Ryan Murphy Drunk gimmick.

  73. I mean, there were rumors about Moolah and Mae...

  74. I'm stunned they haven't split them up yet.

  75.  No, I'm making the argument that they're actually on equal footing. Superstars in sports come with baggage.  period. I think Who we are a fan of has more to do with how we view these players than their actual actions. Hypothetically, if someone is a fan of Chicago, they might be more prone to see what Derrick Rose does in a positive light and Lebron James in a negative light and vice versa.
    Also, How are you getting so worked up about this, dude? You're kind of starting some fairly strong smack talk levels and then acting offended when I get about half as far as you do.  It's all okay.

  76. danheooanywone who doub sts myh durnkenensnes can call 3152501785 and I'll prove it.

  77. lol.  I'm sorry. I'm having visions of the sloppiest of drunks right now


  79. So... no comments on Punk/Bryan/Kane?

    That was a fantastic match. I was fully expecting something along the lines of Rock/Angle/Taker or Brock/Angle/Show, and they certainly delivered.

  80. ok afdokls fokls I'm gonna go fuck my iwife, gonite.

    drunk murphy anshas left the buildign!

  81. Since Punk actually had to look at AJ in order to time the spot correctly, the company has the option of kayfabe acknowledging that Punk saw her there.

    Did the Punk character not see AJ? Did he see her and still choose to shove Kane into her? Are Punk and AJ in cahoots?

  82. Ahhhh....the most entertaining part of the game...A MILLION FREE THROWS!!!


  83. Falling Skies so far has been TREMENDOUS.

    Oh, was there a ppv or something?

  84. Wow, Cena AAing the Big Show!  Never seen that before!

  85. Yeah, if they were going to keep the title on Punk, I'm a little surprised they didn't let Ziggler win.  But I'm guessing he has to dump Vickie and get a new manager (or slight tweak to his character) before that happens.  I thought that maybe Sheamus would be in the doghouse for giving ADR a concussion, but a friend of HHH could never be sloppy in the ring so I don't know what I'm talking about.

  86. I missed the first hour due to work, but from what I saw, the show wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting.

    Punk/Bryan/Kane was fantastic. One of the best Triple Threat matches the company has ever done (probably third behind "WM20" and "Vengeance, 2003").

    Cena/Show was decent, if not from an in-ring standpoint, than at least from a booking standpoint; I can't remember the last time their main-event over-booking actually HELPED a match instead of detracting from it, but it worked well. I was actually reminded of Scott's line about the Vince/Shane match at "WM17" when he said "if you're going to over-book, do it with style", and I thought they accomplished that here. Brodus' presence was much appreciated, and a Brodus/Show program is EXACTLY what Show should be doing right now, not main-eventing PPVs against an opponent we've already seen him face a million other times. Plus, considering that I (and, I'd imagined, almost everybody else) was expecting Vince to turn on Cena, I'm glad they didn't give us yet another nonsensical swerve.

    Oh, and I'm probably reading WAY too much into this, but seeing as how Kofi was the only one of the mid-carders to do any damage Show, could that be a sign that Kofi might be pushed up the card? I've been waiting ever since the Orton feud to see Kofi get another push, so I hope I'm not getting my hopes up for nothing.

    Anyway, yeah, decent show (from what I saw), and not the abomination I was expecting.

  87. I hate you. It's so embarrassing it makes my teeth itch.

  88. Or it's the two best players of the year going against each other.

    People like when the best play. Or sheeple, I guess, because you're that

  89. Pretty good. In the *** area, but I feel like Cody isnt fully committing on selling some of these moves. His taking of the tornado DDT on the floor and then the rope neck snap inside come immediately to mind.

    ... and it looks like hes wearing Hanes drawers in the ring

  90. You know, I'd really have NO objection to Flair coming back to manage Ziggler.

  91. It didn't help when LeBron did the interview saying that he'd go back to Cleveland at the end of his career. That's like telling your wife that you're leaving her for an 18 year old supermodel but you'll come back to work things out once she hits 30 or so.

    Besides I think Seattle fans are more upset over losing the Thunder than Cleveland is over LeBron.

  92. Dude. Seriously. Lebron and Tiger.


  93. Reminds me of Big Bang Theory:

    Leonard: Sheldon, do I need to where my sarcasm sign around you all the time?!

    Sheldon: have a sarcasm sign? Oh.

  94. I'll be watching thanks to the Interwebz and free streaming sites. I want to see how the Punk/Bryan/AJ/Kane thing pans out. Also, just AJ.

  95. It dawned on me watching the little bit of Smackdown I watched on Friday that this has actually turned into a pretty good little storyline, it's just that I can't bring myself to give a shit. I'm with Scott, TNA is way better right now. Now that I discovered that my local ABC station airs ROH on Saturdays, I'm kinda done with WWE for at least a little while. (I mean, I'll still DVR Raw and check it out in case something interesting actually happens, but I'm done with active interest and, y'know, giving a shit unless Brock comes back.)

  96. Oh NOES! People are starting to cheer Ziggler. How long until we get a Ziggler/HHH program to get the heat back where it belongs?

  97. Because saying "I'm done with watching bad matches and angles!" doesn't have quite the same impact.

  98. Ricardo is good in his role, I'll give him that.

  99. As long as he cuts good promos (IMO, he does) and have good matches (IMO, he does) then I wouldn't consider his reign disastrous. Daniel Bryan was in the same spot as champ, I'm sure people didn't think his reign was a disaster.

  100. TNA being hot as well as NBA Finals have killed my interest in WWE. Don't know when I'm going to watch again, besides I really don't care for sitting through weekly shitfests.

  101. At least they had a creative way to abort the Patterson/Brisco bra and panties match...

  102. Like he said, the only good reason he had was he wants the other guy to win the fake fight, making him the markiest mark in all of Markville. 

  103. and, oh yeah, hate 'em for all of the content described in Lebron's Las Vegas party article that was quickly pulled by ESPN an hour later

  104. Totally digging this match. They're finally doing something with the tag division.

  105. I'd make a .08 joke but that would only work for TNA's PPVs.

  106. "two woman eat a time wrestlinag"


  107. I'm intrigued that they're doing more of a slow burn with this love rhombus.  I thought for sure we'd see an AJ turn, a change of title, or something. But I'm also very concerned that this turns into another crappy Kane angle.

  108. Is that part of the "12 days of Christmas" song?

  109. I love Dolph as much as anyone, but he really needs to expand his moveset. He bumps like a champ, but it's dropkick, restholds, Zig-Zag.

  110. Hmm. Could've sworn I heard King say, "They're chanting 'Let's go Ziggler!'"...

  111. Oh yeah, last year's Finals, too.  When LBJ and Wade were cuttin on Dirk and then doing their little sniffles routing to poke fun out of a guy with the flu.  Petulant, spoiled brats.  

  112. What's with the dramatic/gleeful 'I'm done with WWE' statements of late? Okay, a lot of it's been shit, but then a lot of it has always been shit. Watch the good stuff - we have the technology!

    EDIT: I wrote this before they put the WHC match first. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Ah well, I'll be watching the two matches I'm interested in on an internet streaming site tomorrow.

  113. I'm surprised WWE never did a parody of "The Decision" with some wrestler choosing between RAW and Smackdown.

    Of course, no one would care because wrestlers work on both shows anyway.

  114. I see what you did there. But comparing Ziggler to arguably the GOAT is a bit premature, no? Even if we indulge the comparison, Flair still had a bigger moveset, however limited. The back suplex, double underhook suplex, vertical suplex, knee drop, working over the leg like a predator with the chop blocks, knee breakers, etc., better brawling with the chops, et al. Then there's the whole matter of whether a 31-year-old Flair would even be pushed in the WWE today.

    Like I said, I like Ziggler as much as anyone, and I want him to expand his moveset so he can get to the next level. That heat segment on Sheamus was rough, because it was all chinlocks and sleepers (which isn't even over as a finisher for him). I guarantee this is the criticism taking place out back about Ziggler's work. There is such a thing as constructive criticism.

  115. Nice IC Title match. Could've used 5 more minutes of that!

  116. No. those are THE reasons why I dislike them. Refer to my prior list of reasons if you can't remember. The flopping/cheating was listed.

    Have fun being an arrogant twit who says he knows what I think and the reasons why I think them when all I was doing was trying to have a little fun with that video.

  117. It would be awesome if Vince turned on Cena, and the next night on RAW cut a promo saying "C'mon!  Look at the video!  Big Show missed me by a foot!  How dumb are you people??"


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