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The SmarK Rant for TNA Impact–06.14.12

The SmarK Rant for TNA Impact – 06.14.12

Live from Orlando, FL.

Your hosts are Mike Tenay and Taz.

Whoever does those recaps to start the show is doing a great job. Hits the big points without being overblown like the WWE ones. Classy and understated.

Ultimate X: Austin Aries v. Chris Sabin v. Zema Ion

I kind of wish they’d keep the gimmick stuff off free TV, but obviously that’s not the mentality. Zema makes a quick climb to start, but the other two double-team him in the corner and dump him. Sabin and Aries do a gymnastic sequence and Aries gets the pendulum elbow, but Ion puts Aries down with a facecrusher and goes for the climb again. Sabin brings him down and gets a vicious tornado DDT, but goes up and fights with Aries on top. Sabin climbs for it again, but Aries pulls him into a fireman’s carry and gives him an AIRPLANE SPIN. Aries climbs, but he’s too dizzy to get a foothold, so he comes back down and gets rid of Ion again. He backdrops Sabin onto Ion outside and it looks like Sabin hurt his knee on that. Aries hits them both with a suicide dive and takes a victory lap because he’s the GREATEST MAN THAT EVER LIVED. Aries makes it to the belt, but Ion yanks him down again and they fight on the top. Aries goes low and Ion whacks his head on the scaffolding while falling down, like Homer going down the cliff. Obviously the hairspray protected him. He keeps coming, so Aries brings him down with a rana, dropkicks him into the brainbuster, and retrieves the belt to retain at 7:15. Dominating win for the champ, although Sabin disappeared halfway through because of the injury. ***

Aries calls out Hulk Hogan after the win, and he’s looking for Bobby Roode now. Hulk notes that he can make that happen at Destination X…but Aries has to give up the X title. And Hulk wants the answer by next week. SERIALIZED TV. How about that.

Meanwhile, Joseph Park, Esquire, is enjoying a nice lunch when Bully Ray interrupts, and now HE’S the one looking for Abyss. Nice touch with a more confident Park now getting his own verbal jabs in. (“Last time I saw him, wasn’t he putting you through a table?”)

TV title: Devon v. Hernandez

The clearly insane Hernandez hits his MEXICAN OUTTA CONTROL dive even before Devon gets to the ring, and rolls him in for two to start. Apparently he’s a heel again, I guess. Too bad, he did fine as a babyface at the PPV. Devon fights back, but Hernandez puts him down with a back elbow for two. Bearhug follows, but Devon spears him, then misses a blind charge. Hernandez goes for the arm, but Devon puts him into the corner, and Hernandez skins the cat up to the top in a clumsy but neat spot, and gets a flying shoulder for two. Devon catches him with the spinebuster at 3:46 to finish, however. Messy but other fine. ** This wacky idea of putting a champion on TV and having him beat guys every week to get him over will never fly. I thought the way to make new stars was to beat them every week until they proved their loyalty?

Recap of Dixie’s issue with Daniels from last week leads to an ominous backstage conversation between Dixie and AJ about SECRETS and the need to get them out.

Bound For Glory Gauntlet:

We start with AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy. This is basically a Royal Rumble, with new people coming in every 90 second, and the winner getting the first 20 points in the tournament. Hopefully this year is booked better than the trainwreck last year. AJ quickly puts Hardy on the apron, but he slingshots back in with a dropkick and they fight on the ropes. RVD is #3 and he superkicks both guys and monkey-flips AJ out of the corner, and we take a break. Back with Bully Ray (#5) entering the ring, and Magnus (#4) already in. Kurt Angle is next at #6 and he suplexes the crap out of everyone, but it quickly slows down again. THE POPE returns at #7 and he quickly gets hit from behind, but Jeff Hardy is the first one out via Bully Ray. Sadly for Bully, Abyss pops out of the ring and yanks him out, and we take another break. Back with RVD getting tossed out, and Daniels is #9. Robbie E is in there at #8. Daniels tosses both AJ and the injured Kurt, as the Pope dominates Robbie E. Samoa Joe is #10 and he gets rid of Robbie right off. He slugs it out with Magnus and then tricks him into charging, and Magnus is gone. Joe and Pope tee off on Daniels, and James Storm is #11. Pope is gone and Daniels takes a codebreaker and clothesline out of the ring, and we’re left with Storm and Joe. We’re missing a 12th guy, but Tenay clarifies that the last guy will be the loser of the World title match tonight. Joe tosses Storm, but he pulls himself back in and tosses Joe. Joe also hangs on and chokes Storm, but a superkick ends his night and gives Storm the first 20 points at 20:58. Where’s the swerve because we all would be expecting this? I’m so confused. ***1/4 Storm cuts a great promo afterwards, nothing fancy, he’s back and he wants Bobby Roode and he wants the damn title, but whooping Roode’s ass will be a nice bonus.

Meanwhile, Kurt reams out AJ for letting Daniels & Kazarian get inside his head, because he cares about the tag titles, dammit!

Miss Tessmacher v. Madison Rayne

They trade headlocks and Rayne takes her down and chokes her out in the corner, then follows with a facejam for two. Tessmacher slugs back and clotheslines her, then hits a SUPER CARPET MUNCHER for two. That’s pretty unique. Rayne slugs back, but Tessmacher finishes her at 2:57 with whatever her finisher is called. Big Show called it the Final Cut, not sure what she calls it. Tessmacher has a great look, but possibly the worst name in the promotion. Maybe they should just go with her real name? *1/2

TNA World title: Bobby Roode v. Mr. Anderson

Anderson whips Roode around the ring to start, but Roode dumps him and follows with a pescado that misses. Anderson sends him into the stairs and we take a break. Back with Roode holding a headlock, but Anderson rolls him up for two. Backslide gets two. Roode puts him down with an elbow for two, however. Knee to the back of the head gets two. Roode goes to the chinlock, but Anderson fights back and makes the comeback with a spinning neckbreaker. He misses a high kick but rolls through with an enzuigiri kick, and goes to finish, but Roode reverses to the crossface. He pulls back too far and Anderson gets two, and hits a Regal Roll for two. Roode goes to the arm and hammerlocks him into the corner, then snaps the crossface on again until Anderson taps at 10:53. Hopefully no more title shots for Anderson for a long time now. Good fast-paced match. ***

Meanwhile, AJ is holding in TOO MANY SECRETS and tells Dixie so. She thinks that everything has to come out NEXT WEEK. SERIALIZED TV. Holy cow, someone might actually know what they’re doing.

Sting gets a video package about his career thus far, and everyone has nice things to say, before he comes out to the ring to talk about his Hall of Fame induction. He thanks everyone, but three MASKED MEN attack him and beat the shit out of him. And that’s the show. I don’t think we’ve had a really good masked man angle since the original TNA weekly PPVs, actually. I’m intrigued! I want to watch next week and find out who these gentlemen are and what their beef with Sting is.

The Pulse

This show owns RAW right now. This was FUN and entertaining and didn’t feel like a chore to sit through. In fact by the time I got to the main event I was like “Holy shit, it’s been an hour and a half already?” TNA has got some momentum, here’s hoping they don’t screw it up.


  1. In fact by the time I got to the main event I was like “Holy shit, it’s been an hour and a half already?"

    I noticed that, too.  At some point I looked to see what time it was and it was later than I thought, and I couldn't help but think that part of that experience was b/c the show just moved along nicely.

    Tessmacher's real name is Brooke Adams, right?  They're using the WWE rule of two people not being able to have the same 1st name (I read somewhere that this is actually a conscious decision on TNA's part).

  2. Also gotta mention that I love Roode's entrance.  This remix of his theme is so good (it originally had lyrics), and the overhead camera shot of him with his arms outstretched, looking up at the camera is powerful.

  3. Watched the ppv and my first impact in several years. Yeah, I'll be back nextq week. This show lived up to the impact "wrestling" that's on the marquee. Hopefully they can keep this momentum going.

    Wait, did I just type that about TNA? Lol.

  4. I found myself ACTUALLY NOT WANTING THE SHOW TO BE OVER when I realized what time it was.

    It's positively frightening how much I'm enjoying TNA right now.

    They have WWE dead to rights on producing the superior, logical wrestling product right now. It's not even a little bit close.

  5. Indeed. An hour and a half exactly into the show my 12 year old son asked me what time it was, and was completely shocked it was already 9:30..

    All this show needs is some KEITH LARSON~!

  6. AAAAANDDD here comes fuj to rain on the parade.

    dont worry... they will screw it up.

  7. Apparently, Scott, you've changed your tune on the TNA video packages.  You used to say that WWE dominated in this department, while TNA looked bush league.  Do you think they have new talent working for them, or that the existing personnel simply improved?

  8. I hate to jump on the TNA bandwagon since every time this damn company has convinced me it's about to turn a corner, there's always a huge letdown.  But that said, the last couple of months of TNA programming have been strong and this might've been the best show yet.

  9. Let me look up my Smark Handbook to see how to respond.  Here we are, page 59:

    When the show is bad: "Let it play out and see where it goes..."
    When the show is good: "Don't worry about the future, just enjoy things now."

    So...don't worry about the future, just enjoy things now.

  10. Yeah, I don't get how Robbie E. gets in but not Kazarian. I mean, at least it's not Crimson or Eric Young, but he still sticks out like a sore thumb.

  11. There's been a significant improvement in the post-Russo era, and honestly, even Hogan isn't bugging me all that much in his current role, let's face it people, it could be worse. 

    While I think the move to live TV is questionable, I don't see them doing any worse.  It seems as if the company is finally concerned about making their product better rather than trying to draw any WWE-type numbers, which is what made the comapny great in the early years.  I'm loving Austin Aries these days, Roode has been an excellent heel champ and buidling him up to the point where the fans will give that big monster pop when he loses it.  Also, nice to see Joe motivated again as of late.  AJ & Kurt just work, everything about them together is right.  And yes, titles seem to matter again!. 


  12. I expected TNA to finally rebound after ousting Russo, but to be as good as it ever was IMMEDIATELY? I feel like my whole world is upside-down.

    Now just find a way to lose the Hogans and TNa would be wrestling utopia.

  13. Maybe they got a hold of that Adam guy Shawn Michaels was talking about in his farewell speech?

  14. Man, you're becoming quite the TNA mark, Scott. I thought Hernandez/Devon was a total DUD, and the Dixie/AJ storyline still blows. But still, they're making improvements.

  15. You've got a f***ed-up copy of the handbook there, dude. Smarks are conditioned to be negative about everything except Dolph Ziggler (previously Benoit, previously Bret, previously Flair).

    Page 25 has the paragraph you need to reference here...

    When the show is good, but it is TNA: "It's just a load of ex-WWE and indy guys, Hogan and Bischoff will ruin it before long."

  16. I really wish it was any one else besides Devon getting the TV title push. Big Mex would of been great, or they could have used it to rebuild Joe. 

    James Storm is great with his weird cross between HBK and Austin and I'm glad Roode got a decisive win. I still think he needs a clean win over Sting and he needs to transition into a more dominant force rather than a chicken-shit heel. Roode-Storm at BFG has that epic big fight feel so Storm can break out, and that wont come with Roode playing the guy who has to cheat all the time.

  17. They really need a few designated jobbers in there though or it would just end up everyone trading wins and losses, or worse, Joe getting that role again like last year. 

  18. it seems to me you have smark handbook 4th edition... clearly you are behind. smark handbook 5TH EDITION. has the addendums and revisions about the whole "letting it play out and see where it goes" and the tried and true "lets just shit on TNA" practices.

    You see... i got nothing...

    seriously, its seems well and i wanna get behind tna (namely velvet and brooke... and dixie and sarita/rosita... fuck it gail kim too) but ive been burned too many times. after brining in russo in 06. the angle show of 07, the mishandling of joes reign in 08. the main event mafia of 09. hogan and bischoff in 2010, roode jobbing at bfg in 2011, its gonna take more than a good ppv and some good tv to get me back into it. gimme like sox months of acceptable tv. not perfect booking (im not an asshole) and definitely not that shit theu have served over the last few years amd ill check it out. its on my dvr and if its good enough ill do a marathon or at the very least ffwd thru the bs.

    im not gonna go "aha!! i was right on the ides of june. i called it. " im not that type of guy.

  19. This is the TNA that they should've put head to head with the WWE.

  20. I believe it was Hogan who decided only 1 person in TNA could be named Brooke, and since Tessmacher isn't related to him... Agree with Scott, it is a stupid name.

  21. What order does everyone see the points table finishing? With everyone fighting every other competitor once it certainly make the tourney far less convoluted this year and it should be easier to follow.

    1-4 Angle, Storm, AJ, Bully Ray. (Storms a lock to win the final, but I think in the round robin phase he'll place second to add a bit of drama, AJ and Bully Ray seem to have a lot of storyline focus lately so hopefully both should get the win loss records they deserve. Angle is Angle, no brainer)

    5-8 Hardy, Daniels, RVD, Anderson. (All of them have names, but cant see any of them besides Hardy posing a threat to win. TNA's midcard mafia should come out with 50-50 records)

    9-12 Joe (Sigh) , The Pope, Gunner, and Robbie. (I'd expect these guys to eat a lot of losses, although they way they booked Joe in the gauntlet gives me a little hope that maybe, just maybe, he'll push up into one of the other brackets.)

  22. Sometimes it seems like Scott is really biased and will compliment everything about the fed when he's starting to like it. Look at the Raw rant after Judgement Day 2001, after hating the product for weeks it suddenly was filled with positive remarks.

    I mean, take Devon VS Hernadez. He'd NEVER say "Messy but otherwise fine" about a WWE match today that went 3:46. It would be "too short to be worth anything, this fed is a mess" and other negatives. I'm not denying that TNA is definitely better and more focused than WWE right now, but recently it seems Scott has had a personal bias against WWE and is openly gushing over anything he halfway found amusing in TNA.

  23. My only real gripe with TNA right now is that they give most matches the same amount of time. Any given PPV most matches will range from 10-20 minutes. Looking a Slammiversary I just think what could have been if they'd given Aries-Joe and the Tag match 5-7 more minutes. Small gripe but it seems we get a lot of great matches that would be classics if they were given 20-25 minutes rather than 13 or 15. 

  24. wont AJ and Bully Ray have pre-existing storylines to pursue? not saying they wont do well bu i can see Joe and Hardy being in that top tier instead of them if the Abyss/Dixie stuff gets too demanding

  25. In Joe's case I certainly hope your right, just been burned too many times there to have any faith. As noted Hardy's the other guy who could be in that top tier, but they don't seem to have any faith in him (and justifiably so).

  26. This is a huge peeve of mine as well. One thing WWE does well is differentiate the importance of matches via time length. Before Mania you just knew HHH/Taker were going 25 mins plus, that extra ten minutes that regular matches dont get always puts those big time encounters over the top and makes them special almost by default. Sure you still have to back it up in ring, but you know a match and its competitors are a big deal when their given 20+

  27. I don't think it's a bias as much as it is human nature --- it's easier to overlook small faults in an otherwise very good show.  There were some crap matches at Wrestlemania 17 (Chyna/Ivory, the Right To Censor bout) but it's easy to gloss over them since the rest of the show was legendary.

  28. Since 2005, most of the time TNA had better shows. When WWE bored us with Batista and HHH in the main event, TNA had AJ Styles, Abyss, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels and were 100x more interesting. 

  29.  I haven't been watching yet but it does seem to me like the whole endgame in continuing to push Devon is basically "we wanted to push Bubba as a singles wrestler and didn't want to leave anybody out, so Devon gets a push too". Respectful of them, but Devon was never gonna be the singles star of that team. They also need to start using his last name, he sounds like a Diva with only a first.

  30. I bought (!) the replay for Slammiversary based on Scott's recommendation. It was the first TNA PPV I had ever paid for (as well as the first PPV replay I had ever paid for), but I wanted to show them their new product was worth paying for.

    The show was indeed great (but WM and ER were still better) and I know I would have enjoyed it even more had I ordered and watched it without spoilers.

    Impact was pretty great too, I have no real complaints. There's a lot of guys in the company I can see myself becoming big marks for, like I already was for Bully Ray and AJ. Joseph Park being #1 on that list of course.

    I will say that reading this review was a little jarring, I can't remember the last time Scott was *this* positive in a review for anything WWE/TNA. I'm not surprised he likes the TV champ formula, but I expected him to bemoan it being "wasted" on Devon. Did I misread or did he refer to Devon as a new star?

    And I thought the one thing we ALL agreed on, smark or "anti-smark", was that no one does recap videos like WWE. The TNA one was good, but WWE can make *any* storyline look epic.

  31. I'm fine with it, I just hope Scott (and his "anti-anti-smark" disciples who seem to loathe contrarian opinions) understand that's how some of us watch WWE too.

  32. I'm just glad that TNA finally has this much focus. They have a pretty incredible talent roster, and it's finally being utilized properly. I haven't watched WWE since Big Show helped Johnny beat Cena...for whatever reason, after 20+ years, THAT was my breaking point. My point being that if TNA can keep their shit together and continue building momentum, MAYBE they'll finally be in a position to give Vince some competition and light that fire under his ass that he's been missing for about 10 years now. That may seem a little farfetched just because TNA has managed to string together some shows that were coherent and entertaining, but in the early 90s nobody would've ever thought that WCW was going to compete with the WWF, and they eventually did.

  33. I dont think TNA has done a very good job with WWE castoffs.

    I saw that because they've done a great job Tessmacher. Yes, she's absolutely smoking hot. But they've actually sort of developed her into a wrestler. The WWE just had her bumping & grinding with Kelly Kelly (NO COMPLAINTS!) but didn't actually do anything with her.

    You look at the underutilized WWE talent -- I think there's more potential TNA talent there, especially in the women's division since the WWE doesn't has one and women's wrestling has shown in the past to be a draw & entertaining (think mid 2000s, with Mickie, Lita & Trish)

  34. Devon's a weird case because personally I don't like him being pushed up to that level, but he is pretty over and in wrestling you need to push the wrestlers that connect with the fans despite how you feel about them.

  35. Since I have started paying attention to wrestling again, maybe four years ago I have lost all interest in any storyline that is more then "this guy is a badass and is going to stop at nothing to destroy this other guy!" Watched my first RAW in ten years this week, but I have been DVRing TNA on occasion because when they have good matches it usually is not with the boring main event style that the WWE is stuck on. So at the risk of sounding like a Scott Keith mindless zealot that people get annoyed with on this site, I really enjoy Scott reviewing Impact because it tells me me what matches to fast forward past. Abyss storyline? Couldn't care less. Decent Ultimate X match, I'm there dude!

  36. Please TNA... PLEASE don't fuck this up... you've burned me in the past so many times but I've forgiven you once again. I feel like one of those dumb girls who continually takes back their douchebag boyfriend after being cheated on a 100 times. Ahhh I feel so vulnerable!

  37. If only they could change their name. I would call it GLOBAL WRESTLING FEDERATION BROTHER! 

  38. The New and Improved Sixth Edition of the official Smark Handbook is set to be released soon, through Via Negativa publishing (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vince McMahon's chin cleft), and will be found at Emo bookstores everywhere.

  39. The Anti Anti Smark. I love it.

  40. you and me both.

  41.  D-Von duddley is probably trademarked by the WWE

  42. The serialized TV emphasis was a bit odd as well.  It's not as if WWE doesn't have several stories going on right now that are built off of what happened the prior week, and are designed to make you watch next week to find out what happens.  If you're not into the story, that's just fine.  But that's entirely different from saying the story doesn't exist.

  43.  That theme is 7 kinds of epic, but as a whole i think TNA REALLY needs some more distinguishable music for these guys.  most of it was just so generic, Even ROH has more recognizable entrance themes

  44.  I suspect Robie E will go 0-11

  45.  Exactly. How many WWE matches this year have gotten 20+ minutes? Not counting the Elimination Chamber matches(both went 30 minutes) Undertaker vs. HHH went 30 mins, Rock vs. Cena went 30 mins, Punk vs. Jericho went a little over 20 mins, Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan at Extreme Rules went 25 mins, Jericho vs. Punk at ER went 25 mins, and Punk vs. Bryan went 25 mins.

    Now I'm not one of those people who thinks that just because a match is longer that means it's better. But in these cases it did help. In TNA you just don't see a whole lot of matches go 25-30 mins.

  46. Christopher HirschJune 15, 2012 at 8:43 AM

    NBA Finals means no hope of me watching this show but with the positive reviews I may have to start DVRing it again.

  47. I am happy to see Devon have some success as a singles star.  I had my doubts on both he and Bully Ray being able to succeed on their own.

  48. Correct me if I am wrong: Were you the person that said you would eat your hat if TNA had Robert Roode and James Storm main event a pay per view?

  49. I hated the three masked men attacking Sting because it's probably going to be a major letdown when or if these guys get unmasked.  Or if this leads to a return of Jeff Jarrett.  major disappointment. Now if you gonna tell me that the masked men turn out to be Batista and John Morrison. 

    I was hoping for a rematch between Samoa Joe and Austin Aries for the x title at Destination X.

    I don't know what the deal is with Joey Ryan.  But if he does get a contract with TNA, that TV title would be tailored-made for him.  He would be playing the same role as Robert Roode: Jerk champion who fans want to see get beat but manages to escape with the title.

  50. I don't watch TNA much at all, but when I check out a segment or two, that's the first thing I notice: you can't tell anyone's music apart.  It's all generic rock, and they don't play it loud enough for you to hear it over the crowd and in-ring action.  I think that can be chalked up to production values...pretty much everyone on the WWE roster has music that stands out.

  51. Since this is an Impact thread... is anyone else sick of Joey Ryan bitching and moaning all over the web about his Gutcheck?  He's reaching Matt Hardy levels of whining.

  52. I like him.  What I am trying to figure out is whether those youtube videos are worked.

  53. I love the thinly veiled jabs at WWE. Impact has really got its act together, especially since they went live. I wasn't expecting much, but in a subtle yet significant way, it's a whole new show.

    Sort of like how a series of subtle but significant tweaks have turned a tired ex-hardcore wrestler into Bully Ray, a character who always manages to entertain.

  54. Robbie E is one of those guys who are simultaneously big and destined to lose. Makes it look more impressive when the main-eventers throw 'em over the ropes.

  55.  Well, they could always call him Double D!!! Or D Squared? Maybe I shouldn't give them ideas?

  56.  With Devon defending the title every week it makes the title mean something. When he finally loses it, they'll be able to make a star out of that person. It's actually a good use of Devon. Better then the storyline with him and Pope.

  57. Re: "serialized TV" 

    Someone mentioned in the comments that WWE does this, too, but usually it's about something non-wrestling related, i.e. WILL VINCE MCMAHON FIRE BIG JOHNNY? TUNE IN NEXT WEEK! Aries having to give up the X-Title is a good twist. 

  58. With regards to TNA needing longer matches because WWE does it, I think we need to think of the issue in terms of longevity.  Would you rather see Aries regularly wrestle 10 *** to **** matches that are about 12-15 minutes each or ONE **** a year from UT just because he went 20 more minutes in his match?

  59. Losing a shit-ton of weight and giving a crap also helps. SHOOT MY CALVES!

  60. The serialized "bit" is something you're misunderstanding from Scott.  I think he's just trying to emphasize how unusual it is for TNA to go this route now.  In the past, with Russo, they've been all over the map with their storylines but they're finally focused now. 

  61. Why yes... yes I did. Took 6 months for it to happen and its gonna take another 6 months for them to hook up.

    Hopefully they dont fuck it up this time.

  62. I didn't find Batista/HHH boring at all; Batista's six-month turn from heel to face to begin the year was a hell of a trigger-pull that made him a star, HHH getting put in his place was extremely satisfying (he pretty much never really had an upper hand, which was fine by me), and they had a hell of a, erm, Hell in a Cell match at Vengeance 2005. 

    TNA had a great product in 2005-2007, but they've been slipping for a while once they got enamored with WWE castoffs at the expense of the exciting, fresh, non-WWE talent on their roster, and the product was unwatchable for the first 12-18 months Hogan and Bischoff came aboard and turned TNA into Nitro 2.0.

  63. Good thing: FIndong out you have a blind date with a chick who works for TNA named Brooke.
    Bad thing: Finding out it's Brooke Hogan.

  64. Funny how if you favor the WWE, you're just a wrestling fan but if you like a few recent TNA shows, you're a TNA mark.  Haters gonna hate.  

  65. The product has obviously gotten better since Russo got shitcanned but it's also coincided with hardly any Eric Young on TV.  I never got the deal with that guy.  He's not funny, mediocre in the ring, and doesn't even have the look to be taken seriously as a star.  Maybe he was one of Russo's guys and he'll now be on the backburner, if not let go from the company. 

  66. I think I read he just had surgery.

  67. Aries and Taker aren't the only two usage patterns. Punk (who's a lot closer in age to Aries than to Taker) manages to go 20-30 minutes every month on PPV.

  68. It's just an expression. If Scott suddenly thought Heath Slater was the greatest thing since sliced bread, I'd say he's become quite the Heath Slater mark. Calm your tits.

  69. Oh...wonder how long he'll be out?  Thanks for the scoop.

  70. How about just Impact Wrestling? It lacks the traditional three initials, but it already has brand association, and it's light years better than what sounds to the average American like Tits N' Ass Wrestling. That name was a bad joke right out of the gate, and I can't believe they still have it ten years later.

  71. This isn't a guess of how it will finish but more fantasy booking:

    Switch Joe with Anderson and switch Storm with Daniels (in your placements) and you have an entertaining-as-hell tournament. Robbie might be the only major question mark here in terms of having consistently watchable matches

  72.  You must be talking really really recently (like only in the last few weeks). I thought Scott was way generous with Extreme Rules, for example.

  73. Yeah but in the long run, those long matches will take their toll on Punk.  That's where I was really going with it. 

  74. How about the IWC? Impact Wrestling Coalition? 

  75. TheRealCitizenSnipsJune 15, 2012 at 1:20 PM

     In Scott's defense, if you're enjoying a show and a company's overall direction it's probably inherently easier to take a more charitable view of the middling stuff. Probably something about a rising tide lifting all boats.

  76. I just know it was throat surgery.  

  77. I wonder if King Mo will turn out to be one of Sting's attackers?

  78. I totally agree that the Devon role was tailor-made for Joe. I hope they just think he's already above it on the card, and not that they actually see more in Devon than Joe. Even if they do think he's above it, he should've been begging for it backstage. Better to have something to do on TV every week than be stuck in midcard purgatory. Who knows, maybe he'd have caught fire and ridden it all the way back to the main event. Or at least enough to be fed to Roode in PPV main event.

  79. I see what you're doing there with the IWC; clever. I kind of favor IWF, as a little dig at WWE.

  80. As a guy who never really watched TNA, outside of a blip for a few weeks during Christian's debut combined with interest in Samoa Joe being at a peak right around then, what exactly has happened with Joe in the past six years or so? judging by this and the recent PPV, he's still crazy over, and he got that world title run according to wiki, but he's got an "04 Jericho" feel to him, like he's sort of damaged goods? is that accurate?
    but the interest here had me fascinated, so I gave a watch, and there was some definite stuff to build on.  Hogan makes for a weird authority figure, and everyone acting like if you just wish hard enough Sting will still be relevant is kind of funny, but a lot of the wrestling is very good and James Storm as the seeming top face doesn't bother me at all, from what I've seen.

  81. Amazing...A-MAZING the turnaround in quality once Russo was removed. Good god if they keep this up it'll be like 2006 all over again, I'll pledge my allegiance (IF they keep this up) and finally be SATISFIED with wrestling again. And also pissed Carter let Russo ruin was was once such a good thing for over 5 goddamn years...the end can't ever justify the means in this case. But in any case, this was indeed a damn good show. Please keep it up guys, please.

  82. Maybe you're right, but I'm okay with that. Like a "legitimate" athlete's prime, I'm okay with Punk or Aries going 20-25 minutes every month for x-number of years, and then progressively cutting back on the number of dates rather than minutes. Almost like the Roger Clemens half-season model, which Pedro Martinez used with the Phillies, and Roy Oswalt's doing this year. I'd rather x-number of years of monthly **** to ***** star matches gradually reducing in frequency, but not quality, than x-number of years of consistently monthly *** to **** matches.

    And there's the fact that Aries is working a lighter schedule in TNA than Punk is in WWE to consider, with less travel. 

  83. I'm trying not to get too excited about this.  TNA's done this to me before.  I threw myself all in at the end of '09 when it looked like they had gotten their shit together.  I even tried again earlier this year just after Roode first got the title.  But they're slowly pulling me in again. 

    In fact, their entire vibe right now is eerily reminding me of WWE in late '96/early '97 when they had all these awesome characters and storylines falling into place for the first time in forever.  Storm is clearly their Austin, but Roode seems to be falling into that Shawn Michaels territory of can't do no wrong, and Aries has that '97 Rock shine to him (a star about to break out).  They've also balanced the show to where there's an equal ratio of entertaining crap (Joseph Park) to good storytelling and good wrestling (Aries in general), and in some cases even combined the two (Daniels & Kazarian blackmailing AJ).

  84. I've watched TNA off and on for years. Maybe I'm all wet, but James Storm has "it." He made Chris Harras seem like a threat in the AMW days and Bobby Roode looked like a joke before Beer Money. And his solo work just seems like he's about to really take off. I think you could build a promotion around him. 

    Following the old Heyman philosophy of building around 2 guys and a tag team, I'd pick Storm, Ares, and...hmmm...not sure of the tag team, but TNA has a deep enough roster to build some good ones. 

  85. James Storm gets you wet?!

  86. I like IWF. Or if I bought the company I'd call it Global Championship Wrestling.

  87. The first thing I thought off after Impact was that it's entirely possible that the masked men turn out to be something stupid, but it's just the type of thing we don't see on Raw. An ending to the show that's out of the ordinary and leaves you wanting to watch next week to find out what happens. Imagine that. It's not "Will John Cena be fired again version 4" but I'll take it.

  88. It seems like he's going through the motions a lot of the time now. I'm not sure he has any fucks left to give most of the time.

  89.  I was thinking more like Devon Hughes. I'm pretty sure cat's out of the bag on keeping kayfabe that he & Bubba are actually brothers.

  90.  I wish people would get off Scott's jock about changing his tune on TNA.
    TNA is different, Scott likes it better, Scott's opinion changes. I'm
    not really sure what people are looking for; writers who have one
    inflexible opinion that they won't change no matter what different
    information is shown to them aren't very interesting in my book. And
    believe it or not, him liking TNA better than WWE at this moment doesn't
    mean you aren't allowed to disagree.

  91. i only read the impact reviews, as its not broadcast in Australia, but id hazard a guess at joey ryan? was that his name? the indy guy that got rejected a few weeks back and some of his mates to make a splash.

  92. You're not familiar with the transitional phrase, "maybe I'm all wet?" How about, "maybe it's just me, but...."

    If you're attempting to be humorous at my expense, you could be more creative than taking a phrase out of context. Or maybe you can't, I dunno.

  93. This was fucking FUN. This is the first time  I've (and my kids) seen an Ultimate X match or a Bound for Glory series so it was totally different and exciting.

    I like knowing exactly as much about what's going on as my kids do. It's fun to be able to say "Oh I don't know WHO Joseph Park is...", which is true, I mean I figured it out but I don't *actually* know who he is because at this point I've never seen an Abyss match.

    TNA has been great fun the last month or so. I'm finally able to mark a little bit again and IT'S FUN.

    I hope they keep it up because it's been fucking wonderful to enjoy WRESTLING with my kids. They're monster marks for "Awesome Aries" now.

    Also, LOL@all the No Way Out commercials during the broadcast, because WWE isn't worried about them, totally...

  94. I would comment more on TNA, but we don't get impact in the UK until sunday nights, and PPV's don't air till the following wednesday. But I have been enjoying the product a lot this year.

    So now you all know.

  95. There's no way this serialized TV thing will last. I mean, Vince McMahon doesn't remember things that happened on TV 3 weeks ago, why would anyone else?

  96. I've always liked Storm. In fact, what made me stop watching TNA (the first time) was an Impact that had Storm and Harris putting on a hell of a match which I believe was the 2007 King of the Mountain qualifier. It was terrific, like ****-quality on TV, but ended with some random brawl (I forgot who it was, I think it was Angle and Joe) coming down to the ring for no reason to fight each other, while Harris and Storm got counted out on the side (you don't even see them being counted out) and Tenay does the Nitro-style "WE'RE OUT OF TIME, SEE YOU NEXT WEEK ON IMPACT!" Pissed me off so much that I've pretty much stopped watching, aside from the first few weeks of the Hogan carwreck regime where they trotted out The Band and The Nasty Boys and that awful red birdcage match, until now.

  97. No need to be perturbed, my friend. It seems like the wrestling industry is "wet" for James Storm!

  98.  Let me help you out: Gut Check is a work

  99.  His SIXTEENTH throat surgery since 2004, to be specific, to remove polyps from his throat.

    Throat cancers seem to be a real bitch, it seems like no one gets out of them with less than a billion surgeries, and they all end up with raspy voices (Pillman, Stevie Richards, EY).

  100.  I'm not calling for Aries to wrestle 30 minutes every night. I'd just like to see him get 20-30 minutes on a PPV every once in a while. Working 15 extra minutes every month or so won't kill Aries. Remember this is the guy who went over an hour with Danielson. He's no stranger to long matches. And look at Flair. He used to go Broadway everynight and he's STILL wrestling(though he probably shouldn't be WOO!) I just think it'd be nice to see some longer matches on PPV's. It doesn't even have to be the same guy, they have plenty of talented people who could use that extra time to do something special.

  101. I'd say if WWE is willing to let one of their current champions appear on one of their PPV's (and even allow them to promote it ahead of time), I'd say they're not particularly worried, no.

  102. I don't know, I guess that's true. I think the IWC GROSSLY overestimates Christian's importance to...anyone.

  103. Unless I'm reading the comments wrong, I don't think anybody is criticizing Scott for changing his tune on TNA.  It more seems to be about how Scott praised the show, and suddenly there's a boatload of posters talking about how great TNA is.  Not saying I agree or disagree, just that that's how I interpreted it.

  104. Joey Ryan rules, so I'm not.

  105. these guys were big, definitely wasn't Joey

  106. Okay, when I get home tonight, I'm watching this episode of Impact.

  107. They shouldn't be worried, but TNA also shouldn't be trying to compete. When they try too hard to compete, that's when TNA falls flat. 


    So apparently Hogan's putting over of A-Double was just a passive-aggressive rib. Oh well, it still makes him look good. And Chris Sabin tore his ACL and had to have surgery on it today. Between just having come off a long injury not that long ago, and now being on the shelf again, and his partner leaving the company, I think Chris Sabin might be done with the world of wrestling, unfortunately. Maybe he won't but at this point he's gotta be pretty down about where he's going.

  109. I don't think that cat was EVER in the bag, I thought that was the joke of the team

  110. But if it were all just production values i wouldn't know who is coming out for ROH either, Granted the Jobbers all have pretty generic stuff, but i know in seconds if Davey Richards or the house of truth or Kevin steen are coming out.  Interestingly the Davey and HoT examples provide the easy fix for TNA, stick a hook that's not part of the song at the begening (A wolf howl for Richards, a movie quote for HoT)

  111.  It was like on the first open fight, Hogan called Joe/Magnus the greatest team in history or some shit, after a promo the week before with teh MCMG where the two teams basically blew each other mid-ring. Obviously, that was a rib. I thought so then, and I think it just was confirmed.

  112.  Impact is on Fuel TV on Saturdays and Sundays in Australia, Chris.

  113. What about IPW Impact Pro Wrestling?


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