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Hall of Fail

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This week's WWE Are You Serious saw the Road Dogg and Josh Matthews induct Sid and Scott Steiner into the "Hall of Fail".  While this is a great gimmick for the show, it's also an interesting concept.  Who would you nominate for possible induction into the WWE Hall of Fail?


I was kind of disappointed by that show because they were way too nice to the DX segment.  That whole era deserves skewering.

My nomination would be Billy Gunn.  Theres a reason why Edge tried to make his name into a verb.


  1. You could tell Road Dogg was ready to go after the DX little people's court thing and it would have been great. Scott Steiner and Sid are two worthy additions into a Hall of Fail. I would nominate Vince for his Dual Quad Tearing Dive at the Rumble.

  2. I think the fact Vince stayed in character and continued the storyline disqualifies it as a fail.

  3. Damnit, that is true. The fact that he stayed in character and sat in the ring barking orders also made it more hilarious. 

  4.  Tearing both quads like that is normal, right? What I mean is, is that something that could happen to anyone? Or was something "funny" was going on with Vince? lol

  5. I just watched the DX little people thing for the first time a couple weeks ago (I was on a wrestling vacation during that era) via a post from another site's mailbag and I was in complete shock and awe. I huh??? How did that get on the air?!?!

  6. Do you mean the little people's court? I remember being blown away that got on tv

  7.  Even better with Little People's Court, they announced it for one week and then didn't have it until a while later because someone forgot to hire the midgets. By then everyone had forgotten what they were even doing. I was still bummed that they didn't bring Boogeyman back for a token appearance, he was supposed to live in that mythic "under the ring" world.

  8. What exactly were they inducted for? I hate both of those guys, but both of them had a better career than the Road Dogg, and the Steiner Brothers are one of the all time great tag teams.

  9. These videos are funny, but nothing beats Colt Cobana's $5 Wrestling

  10. Because of their gaffe's. Like Sid's "I have HALF the brain that YOU DO!" Or Scott Steiner's constant word jumblings. C'mon, you gotta admit, Sid admitting he has half the brain of someone else is pretty funny. 

  11. That's fair.  Both of them were horrible on the mic. 

  12. I have a feeling that the "Jushin Thunder" Josh Matthews nickname is gonna stick!

  13. But if that's the case, then Ahmed Johnson should have been inducted long ago.  Or is this an Affirmative Action thing?

  14. But if that's the case, then Ahmed Johnson should have been inducted long ago.  Or is this an Affirmative Action thing?

  15. I thought that he only tore one quad doing the dive into the ring, and the other one was torn attempting to walk to the back?

  16.  It's too bad they didn't hire the midgets on the correct week... as I had to sit through watching that crap TWICE on the Titantron while live at Raw in Tampa that week!  It killed the crowd for the whole show.

  17. Sid yelling GOOOLLLDDBBEERRGGG like a bad cross between Capt. Kirk in TWoK and a Saturday morning cartoon character is reason enough for him to be inducted!

  18. Wow...that makes it even more insane.

  19. Yeah...after I watched I was like "this HAD to be a exclusive, right?"

  20. That incident proves Vince is indestructible. He tore his quad like it was nothing.

  21. Not sure, but I gotta respect that Vince tore 2 quads and was recovered in a few months.

  22. That, or the one time he flubbed a promo and asked to start over. On a live PPV.

  23. Vince is friggin' insane - he treated it like a papercut or something.

  24. You can see it happen in his face it's fucking amazing "Oh shit my legs don't work and are in horrific pain....sit down AND CONTINUE THE SHOW~!"
    I think Austin once said he was the toughest guy he ever worked with, I'd believe it.

  25. Nathan.


    *drops mic*

  26. Was that the Reby Sky vs Sunny stuff over Sid? Sunny's facebook posts are like really bad reality television to me. I can't believe someone I watched on television is like that in real life, but I can't turn away at the same time. Dramatic teenage girls don't air their dirty laundry as openly as she does. 

  27. Pfft, it's only a torn quad.  What's the big deal?  I tore mine this morning and look at me, I'm jumping around!

  28. Of course, when Kurt Angle said it, he probably meant it...

  29. Care to elaborate?  I really don't have it in me to read/decipher Sunny's facebook posts.  Believe you me, I do not believe there was a sexier woman from 1996-98, but the thrill's been gone for a long time now (not that she still can't rock a skimpy dress now and then).  

    I'm genuinely interested on how far she takes things against Sky and others.

  30. If by horrible you mean absolutely awesome.  I'd rather sit through a lifetime of goofy Sid promos, and rot in an eternal hell of Scott Steiner gibberish, than listen to half the dorks they put on camera now.

  31. She has a new boyfriend now, Damien Darling. In one post she talked about how she thought she loved Candido, but now she's found her true love, which seemed completely unnecessary and she didn't get why some people seemed bothered by it. She goes on about his boyfriend constantly, putting things in her status about how great their sex life is. It blows my mind that a grown woman, in the public eye, is working "we have really really really really great sex" into facebook status updates. Then if any of this news travels to wrestling websites, she throws a fit because the "marks" are running to "the sheets". You know how a celebrity will complain that everyone pays too much attention to them when you know they enjoy the attention? It's like that...she posts pitchers of her tits (in a bikini) at the beach. Like, no face, no legs, not standing up, just a pitcher of her chest to get her horny "marks" going.

    She hasn't done it as much lately but she gets people to buy her stuff from amazon. When she was moving a while back she had a wish list of things she wanted her facebook followers to buy her...

    I don't know who it was she took to the Hall of Fame ceremony this year, but apparently he didn't want to see her again afterwards. She posted a link to his facebook account and encouraged her "marks" to harass him.

    Reby Sky complained about Sid no showing some shows and that he didn't deserve to be on Raw. Sunny started ranting about her not being in "the business" long enough to say something like that about Sid. Which is understandable because Sunny herself no shows quite often and then tells facebook that she's just sick. This really just led to them bickering back and fourth about who's a bitch and who's not. It seemed to be settle with Sunny is a bitch and everyone has a "Sunny story" but Reby has been in the business 2 years so she can't say anything. The "Sunny sucked Sabu's dick for pills" story was confirmed at least.

    And there was an incident over a gay slur a couple of nights ago. There's a wrestler who's either legit gay or it's his gimmick and I guess he was on Reby's side - she called him a faggot and threatened to knock him out....she did say her account was hacked after people pointed out who stupid you look using gay slurs openly this day and age, but it was obviously her.

    Now that she's settled it's calmed down, but she seems like the Jennifer Aniston on wrestling. From one man to another, nobody seems to want to keep a teenager I thought the guy who got to bang Sunny every night would be the luckiest guy in the world. Not quite. I mean, I'd still do her, but keep it casual.

  32. lol.  Wow.  Just wow.  Thanks for the long post and explanation. 

    Someone really ought to write a book about her. I remember reading about her several years ago screaming at Bret Hart at some fan convention how "she was the best f--- he ever had." She seems to be a little unstable.  Her life almost reminds me of Sharon Stone's character arc in Casino, only with a slightly healthier ending. 

    Love your last line, btw.


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