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Impact Live Thread

Here ya go. Kurt Angle vs. James Storm tonight and much more.


  1. I don't recognize what's happening to start the show. It isn't a 20 minute interview.

  2. Hopefully they can keep the momentum of shows that don't completely insults the viewer's intelligence.  Then again, with the Olympics, hardly anyone will probably see it.

  3. Fun hot opener!

  4. I love everything about James Storm. He's a good talker, good wrestler, and just oozes charisma, IMHO. He's got an aura about him that just screams "big star." I know some people think the southern thing could hold him back if he ever went to WWE, but I don't buy it...I think he'd get over huge if given the opportunity.

  5. I think AJ got raped. 

  6.  I was just thinking that they need to stop showing those close-up pics. It's pretty clear that he's asleep/unconscious in all the pics, showing it's a setup.

    Not that we couldn't guess that might be the case, but we don't need it shoved at us.

  7. I wish they would give him (or ANYONE) the TV belt and let him run with it.

  8. She probably used a turkey baster.

  9. Is D-Von still the TV champ?

  10. Does this make Bully the defacto face in this match?

  11. Tessmacher is wearing the HELL outta those shorts.

  12. Oh man Mickie James is so fat. Look at that fatty.

  13. This match is longer than the last 10 Diva's matches that I've seen.

  14. Get Earl some Viagra, STAT!!!

  15. I wouldn't kick her out of bed.

  16. I'm calling it. Brooke is running Aces and Eights.

  17.  Brooke Hogan and Garrett Bischoff running a new nWo, egads that'd be terrible.

  18. No. Brooke is pissed at her dad and brought in Aces and Eights...probably with Jarrett or some nonsense.

  19.  Ah. I'm on DVR delay so I was just speculating.

  20. Last time I remember seeing Chavo wrestle he was jobbing multiple times to Hornswaggle. Great use of talent there.

  21. Apparently the Guererros constitute 1/3 of the Impact Zone audience tonight.

  22. What the hell, I'll fantasy book this one:

    Want Chavo to REALLY look important? Aces and Eights should've crashed the match right after the frog splash. No reason they (A & 8) should stick to the"usual" targets.

  23. Watching this, it strikes me that TNA in the past always tried to use big, flashy tactics to try to "make a splash" and become competition for Vince, and they always tried to use WWE talent that weren't nearly the caliber of stars they should've been to get there. Now they're getting on the right track by pushing homegrown stars and just promoting a straightforward wrestling show (well, with stuff like the AJ pregnancy angle and Aces & Eights, but still). I wouldn't be surprised if people start to catch on to what TNA has to offer more & more and eventually they close the gap with WWE.

  24. Devon go defend your damned belt.

  25. Into every good show a little shit must fall. Although I do like the AJ "Cabbage Patch".

  26. So they are giving her all the old merch they couldn't move at house shows? They probablly have Beer Money shirts in there.

  27. Daniels is awesome as a smarmy heel.  He's fantastic.

  28. i dont like his mic work. im not sayin he cant talk but its not my cup o joe

  29. c'mon Samoa Joe A&8 connection.

  30. fat ass. she fucked cena and he likes rap and i like rap so by the transitive property i got herpes.

  31. I agree with you.

    I'm not at home but how is the show tonight? I am following Caldwell on PWTorch but he is blatantly anti-TNA.
    His report makes this show seem terrible.

  32. This show is flying. I can't believe it's the main event.

  33.  It started with a match! An actual wrestling match to kick off a wrestling show! That gets it the win this week from me on general principle.

  34. I'd always heard that the rapper gimmick was just a work because of the Vanilla Ice thing he did and that Cena is actually into hair metal (hence, why he used to do the "too much metal for one hand" \mm/ hand sign).

  35. Well she's fucking Magnus and Brits drink tea. I like tea so does that mean if I have a cup of tea I'll get a cold sore?

  36. Good show so far. Hot opener, decent womans match, good chavo match and Storm-Angle on deck.

  37. That match sounded good but he said it was " A very slow developing tag match. " Then again this guy didn't bring up the annoyance from all the replays and same video packages for RAW last week.

  38. I'm on another message board and a dude over there seems to think that Joe Park leads Aces and Eights. I'm not changing my opinion, but that would be interesting.

  39. Storm just did HHH's knee to the face, HBK's skin the cat and Austin's Thez Press in succession, and he didn't look out of place doing them like most guys who copy star's signature spots.

    I turned it one late, just caught the Joseph Park promo backstage. Not sure where it's going to end up but I sort of want it to turn out that he has legit split personalities - not mind games, he literally doesn't know where Abyss is because he doesn't know he is Abyss.

    And hey, they announce three matches for next week! I don't know where to start with that. It's just impressive that they know a week in advance what matches they're going to have. And that they're all matches I want to see. Actually that they're matches in the first place. You mean wrestling matters? Who knew?

  40.  No it was very good. Don't listen to him, he's obviously got an axe to grind.

  41.  I know they don't have the star power or recognition that WWE guys do, but TNA's roster is just so much deeper. There's like 6 guys in or around ringside right now and they're all important. I much rather a bunch of guys being portrayed as big deals than one or two being portrayed as mega stars.

  42. Yeah, he has a clear bias towards TNA. I don usually care do him or that site but it was the most updated live thing going.

  43. Solid show tonight.  Can't believe I a) look forward to TNA's on Thursday night and b) still look forward to a wrestling show as a 31 year old man.  Oh well.

    Glad to see Aces and Eights not show tonight....didn't need a third or fourth straight episode with them attacking.

  44.  Smart, too, because that way it gives the impression that occasionally matches will actually end and you don't have that whole nWo "just wait for the run-in" thing going on.

  45. Nice to have an angle with a slow build. I too am looking forward to next Thursday.

  46. Caldwell used to be very opinionated about every segment. Since he's been blasted countless of times, he's very vague in his reports now. I just think he hates wrestling period. To his defense, if I had to recap almost every show on TV every week, I would be just as bitter. 

  47.  Best Pay off, Cris Daniels is the real daddy

  48. AWESOME show tonight

  49. Really enjoyed the show again tonight.  Simple, coherent storylines revolving (mostly) around in-ring action and moving storylines forward at a normal pace.  Very happy I don't have to watch a show with the finger on the DVR fast forward button (i'm looking at you RAW).

    After over a month and half to two months of good shows, it's finally safe to say they've embraced the word "wrestling" on their marquee.

  50. Agree with everything you just said.

  51. Damn just finished watching impact. Really good episode. If they can keep this up the ratings have to go up. It's definitely a legit number 2 wrestling company with a good tv show. I remember when impact was like parody of the attitude era. It has gotten sooooo much better. I guess we can all agree russo was destroying that company.

  52. That's how you start a wrestling show. Tna can definitely put on great matches with this roster.

  53. Christy Hemme>lilian garcia

  54. So as far as using social media to enhance the show I like what tna is doing. Showing tweets from fans about what's happening on the show is kind of cool.
    Meanwhile the tout shit on raw is horrifying. Like meltzer says, they aren't breaking any stereotypes with that shit.

  55. Also lol @ the women champion having to put over brooke Hogan on commentary

  56. Interesting how they switched up the A&8 tonight. That was actually really smart.

  57. Uh...Angle isn't star power or recognition?  He could go to WWE on Monday and would get a HUGE pop over ANYONE on the current WWE roster.  Other than that, yes, TNA does have a much deeper roster.

  58. the smarks know he aint the baby daddy but to the "still real to them " crowd u gotta lead them in that direction sometimes.

    its harmless and inoffensive and like others say, they are on a creative hot streak one or two miscues can be overlooked.

  59. thats one elaborate work cuz he dropped a rap cd with his cousin in. 05.

    it went platinum.

    exec producer: stephanie mcmahon-levseque.

  60. I agree with others in that it was refreshing to see them hold out the Aces and Eights guys tonight and go for the slow build.  I'm still not sure I'll like where this angle will go but I'm not going to bail on TNA if it flops because just about everything else on the show is clicking on all cylinders.  Something tells me Scott Steiner will be revealed as the guy behind this and that the Hogan and Bischoff Twitter war he's had with them lately has all been an elaborate work.

  61. Did Sting really say "kayfab" to Joseph Park? The fuck? 

  62. hemme > most chicks

  63.  I wondered about that. Have I been saying it wrong all these years?

  64. He did a song with bumpy knuckles. Wtf

  65. Too hillbillyish to get over as a singles star but he's perfect for a tag team (duh right) or as a comedy act.

  66. Marty jannety>james storm

  67. I think Park (who said it first) mispronounced it on purpose as the Joke, and then Sting played along

    P.S. on your next ROH post can we get a tangent talking about Richards and Team Bandit's recent behavior :)


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