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I was just thinking about something I saw written on a message board (perhaps even you or someone on your blog made this observation but I can't remember for sure) a little while back and wondered what you thought. Wrestling might be the only sport/form of entertainment/business that openly derides its fans for liking their product. They basically lump you into two camps; mark or smark and neither is flattering. If you like the product, get behind the storylines and buy stuff, they call you a mark. If you look at the product with a more critical eye and don't automatically accept what they give you, you're thought of as some basement dwelling, Hot Pocket eating, Mountain Dew drinking, no sex getting Lewis Skolnick. Could you imagine any other business doing that to their fans? For instance, if Mark Zuckerburg openly came out and said, "I can change Facebook all I want and the marks will still keep coming back!" or if Roger Goodell said, "Stupid smarks. They just want to bitch about everything when all I'm trying to do is prevent concussions. I'm not running this league for a bunch of internet geeks anyway." Interested to see what your take on this is and what the other Blog of Doomers think.

Mark Zuckerberg has basically been doing exactly that for a couple of years now.

I think that to a certain degree they're getting better about it because the current generation of guys came along after the carney mentality had basically been flushed from the business by WWE's in-the-bubble indoctrination system.  That being said, have you READ most of the comments on the website or Twitter?  Wrestling doesn't exactly attract a highbrow, well-spoken crowd.  Wrestling has a weird fanbase dynamic of self-hating outcasts following a sport made up of self-hating outcasts, and it always has.  


  1. It might not be this way for the owners, but most athletes regard the fans as rubes. The only difference is that when a NBA guy looks at you with disdain he's a world-class athlete making millions for being one of the best in the world at what he does (sorry Y2J).  When an indy guy making $50 looks down on the 40 people at the local VFW hall it's a dwarf taunting a midget about being short.

  2. To be fair, website comments are pretty much the worst measuring stick for human intelligence. I look at comments on ESPN, newspaper websites or wrestling sites, and they pretty much all consistently break down into vitriolic racism, misogynism and flame wars. In general, it is just a really poorly utilized mode of public discourse. People don't think things out, proof-read, or censor themselves at all, so it consistently turns into a mess.

    In general, I agree with the portrayal of the wrestling fan base as often alienated individuals, though I think that applies more to the hardcore fans than a more casual audience. It still doesn't completely explain the disdain guys like Vince seem to have for those fans. Part of it seems to be that carny mentality you pointed out - wherein the whole goal of the product is to "work" the fans. If you succeed, you get to laugh at them for buying into it; if you fail, you hate the vocal ones for making your job difficult. I have noticed a similar development with the video game fan base as it has become a more acceptable mode of entertainment amongst adults. There are many movies - Doom, Gamer - that both try to appeal to those fan bases, while at the same time ridiculing them. I think it is partially the result of the creators of the entertainment (in this case, Vince) not identifying with their own fan bases. It probably explains why guys like Daniel Bryan, Zach Ryder and Dolph Ziggler seem much more appreciative of the fan base - they are members of it.

  3. I've found that most wrestlers have an over-inflated sense of self worth, which I think breeds the odd relationship they have with the fans. I am friends with an active local indy wrestler and a former wrestler/promoter (again local). They both have a tendency to think they are great and are insulting to fans from time to time. Not that they aren't good guys, but the "wrestler mentality" that comes out gets old at times.

    On a related, side note. My friendship with them has resulted in some great encounters with past and current stars. My favorite being a post show dinner with a hammered Jimmy Snuka, Tito Santana (who obviously disliked Jimmy), and Johnny Devine.

  4. Baseball kinda had this for awhile where a lot of the old school guys kinda scoffed at the baseball equivalent to smarks, the sabermetrics crowd, and would make fun of them.

    It's a barrier that slowly got broken down though.

  5. "or if Roger Goodell said, "Stupid smarks. They just want to bitch about everything when all I'm trying to do is prevent concussions. I'm not running this league for a bunch of internet geeks anyway."

    Wait, that's not what he's doing?

  6. 'Wrestling might be the only sport/form of entertainment/business that openly derides its fans for liking their product."

    Every form of entertainment, sport, business, etc, ever in the history of anything has done this. I don't know why some smarks get a persecution complex about this shit, like they're special in this regard.

  7. Excellent comparison, but shit, the anti-sabermetrics crowd still exists. We've come a long way to the point where OBP is regularly listed among a guy's stats on his graphic when he comes to the plate, ESPN lists a guy's OWAR on his basic stat page, advanced metrics are regularly discussed on baseball tonight, etc. But there are still dissenters that make me wish was still around.

  8. The Great Brock Hysteria of 2012 has proven, to me at least, that there is a percentage of smarks who are much more interested in being angry and unhappy than they are in enjoying a wrestling product.  How much crying did we see after Brock lost to Cena?  How many people claimed that Brock was somehow ruined, that he was now a jobber, that his losing to HHH was a fait accompli?  And more importantly, when that did not happen, how many people were honestly disappointed, deep down, that Brock went over?  How many "smarks" were secretly disappointed that the scenario they said should but never would happen had come to pass, thus taking away the opportunity to complain?  From what I have seen and read since Sunday, I say many.   I am not sure how much respect that segment of the fanbase can expect when it chooses to carry itself that way.

    PS: If you listen to Lance Storm's latest appearance with Alvarez he has a great takedown of the whole Brock-is-a-jobber notion.  Not usually Lance fan but thought that this time he was pitch perfect.

  9. When did you get so angry, Mike Mears? It used to be a healthy dose of scepticism about the smark mentality, but lately it has seemed particularly disdainful... Have you, by any chance, enrolled in a wrestling school...or planned to start a promotion? Or is it the slow fatiguing of a wrestling fan, just waiting to have his back broken by the Bane that is internet wrestling fandom? You, the viewer, decide.

    Lighten up! Pretending to be the victim is fun!

  10. I will fully admit though that, often times, the stereotype of a wrestling fan has some truth to it. Not the embellishments, like Mark the Smart Mark on Are You Serious, but the general stigma. Growing up I chose to stay at home and watch wrestling instead of going out with my friends. When I wasn't watching wrestling I was playing video games, or reading Apter mags, or playing with my LJN wrestling toys (they weren't dolls dammit!). I was socially awkward and didn't really start to notice girls until my late teens. In college a friend's girlfriend won tickets to Raw in the midst of the attitude era (it was either 99 or 2000). She gave me a ticket because I was such a fan. In return I dry humped her leg. It was weird. Somehow I still found a woman to marry me and I have fathered two children to prove that I am no longer a virgin.

  11. Well said. The whining and bitching about Brock jobbing to Cena was the most pathetically marked-out reaction I've ever seen, and no matter what kind of faux logic people tried to apply to it, it boils down to this: a bunch of marks were mad because they wanted the other guy to win. It was pathetic.

  12. Wait, so I'm Batman in this metaphor?

  13. The thing I think people are missing is that in most the sports leagues, the people with power really cater to the fans.  They want more fans; they encourage geekdom through fantasy leagues, too. It's the underlings or players who may show disdain for fans. 

    In wrestling, the people with power OPENLY deride fans who post things on the internet, all while telling them about twitter accounts and their own websites. 

    HHH, Nash (who had plenty of power in the 90s), Vince--they don't get it.  An intelligent fan that has high standards for entertainment is no worse than a fan who wants to see Hornswoggle beat up Heath Slater while Cole and Lawler fake laugh in the background....BUT they treat the intelligent fan that way.  Even if the intelligent fan is buying PPVs or has a PhD, they want to treat the fans that have more complex thoughts like they're moronic critics or complete losers.  They tend to generalize a segment of their fanbase and show complete disdain for them.  Heck look at this board--I'd be willing to bet that we have fans here with college degrees (or multiple degrees), have jobs that pay them enough to call themselves middle class or higher, and/or have been tested and have IQs over 120, 140, 160, etc.

    On the flip side of things, sometimes performers have an intended audience and don't know what to think when their actual audience is different.  Someone like Kurt Cobain got really weirded out when he saw the preppy and jock-like crowd take to his music when he was only writing for himself and other misfits.  Maybe that happened with Vince and HHH--they never thought people who owned computers would like them. They wanted MANLY MEN to like them. But--guess what--the computer-owning crowd is a lot bigger and diverse than it was 20 years ago.

  14. Sure! Now give us a smile! It is much easier to sympathize with someone of different opinions and tastes if you turn them into a tragic figure. Now, I see your anger as a brave struggle to overcome insurmountable odds. can't succeed...otherwise, you're just Cena...

    In all seriousness, though, you seem to be heading to Bret Hart, c. 2002 territory sometimes. We are all people here, and big fans of wrestling. No need for such harsh attacks.

  15. "Wrestling has a weird fanbase dynamic of self-hating outcasts following a
    sport made up of self-hating outcasts, and it always has."

    You nailed it, Scott. It's why you hardly see my face on here anymore, brother.

    I could make the most intelligent argument possible about something, and somewhere there is come contrarian who's going to divebomb on it, just to get a few "likes" or to just be argumentative. Most of the time, it's because you're coming from a place they don't understand...and as the song says, "You kill what you fear, and you fear what you don't understand."

    Even if you have conviction, and you stand up passionately for what you believe in, someone's going to shoot it down. There comes a point where you just take a hard look at what some of the people here are saying, and a lot of it is just plain psycho-babble out of both sides of the neck. The number of people making rape jokes (even you, Scott) after the AW thing was all the proof I needed to understand that there are a lot of angry men making obliviously hateful remarks towards women (cue for someone to say, "Take a joke, Magnum", fuck you. You haven't been a counselor for rape victims, so fuck you). After awhile, you learn that it's not worth the time and energy because you'll never make everyone happy, and you'll never be able to make anyone understand the gravity of the things that they say.

    It's the truth. You just have to walk away the better man.

  16. I think this is spot on but wonder if it is more an indictment of the internet in general than it is of wrestling fans?  The anonymous nature of the web makes a lot of people much braver (and ruder) than they are in everyday life.  That doesn't help foster intelligent debate.

  17. No I was annoyed by the petty booking of jobbing a guy for leaving the company for greener pastures, when he has the capacity to be a money drawing monster heel, to a (talented) douche. I think the anti-smark whining about the whining of brock jobbing is just mark cena fans made that everyone wanted lesnar to go over

  18. Lets wait and see if there is a rematch booked for survivor series before you accuse us of being chicken littles

  19. This was actually my question. I didn't mean that Goodell and Zuckerberg aren't doing exactly what I outlined in the email, it's just that they're not as boldfaced about telling you about it like wrestlers/promoters are. It just seems to me that people in the wrestling business revel in the fact that they "duped the stupid mark" or "busted the smark down to size" whereas a person in almost any other business wouldn't out and out condescend to their fans. Facebook gives you some lame ass excuses about all of the changes they make but they don't just come and say, "stupid kids on facebook will be back no matter what we do".

  20. That was my first thought as well exodus. I don't think what he's describing is specific to wrestling. I go to a few message boards for my football teams, comics and books I follow and it seems like the same things happen no matter where you go.

  21. What are some specific examples of someone in the wrestling business who's comparable to Goodell or Zuckerberg within their field openly reveling in duping smarks?

    Sorry, but this issue is a total scarecrow. Sure, wrestlers do things like this and work fans on Twitter and other dumb carny stuff, but athletes and entertainers rip their fans all the time, too.

  22. JBL used to frequently make fun of "internet fans". He's the guy who comes to the top of my mind first and there are others like Mark Madden who've been in the business who've done it. Jericho went on his angry rant about people on the internet who didn't think his match with RVD was a classic. On the flipside, you can listen to almost any shoot interview of any wrestler who was around in the 80's and 90's talking about marks. I'm sorry but you don't see a bunch of athletes out there out and out calling fans derogatory terms like that. Sure it happens but I just think it's more prevalent in wrestling. I think MrH's comments later on in this thread are pretty spot on as well. This isn't some sort of "oh smarks are so persecuted" thing or whatever, I just found it odd that wrestlers do tend to be more open about their condescension towards the people who they should be catering to.


    Ok... first off this blog is hardly what i would call a moral compass for anything. throw that shit out the window.

    its the fucking internet. dwarfs type like they ten feet tall. nuns will have cybersex. its a release.

    its not that serious.

    come here talk about wrestling, move on to the next topic.

    Scott posted some Linda McMahon shit. You wont see one Fuj post in there. DGAF. Rape draws your ire, but guess what? Doesnt draw everyones. People have a stance on it, and it might differ from yours. Its not contrarian, its a difference in opinion.

    Or they might feel the same way as you do and dont wanna be preachy about so they will say the exact opposite just to fuck with you.

    WHo cares?
    You care.
    You get butt hurt.
    The terrorists win.
    Get over it and talk about wrestling and leave the shyt that will get sand in ur vag alone.


  24. I can't be the judge of that. I hope not. But the stroke and recovery was a big turning point for Bret and saw him really start moving forward again. 2002 seems like it was about rock bottom for the guy and the height of his bitterness towards wrestling and everyone else. You just seem pretty bitter.

  25. Please walk a cliff

  26. Not one person made a rape joke. Some people said its okay to joke about anything if your funny which is 100% true. I personally said, based on all available evidence vanessa bryant is doing ok. You accused the entire blog of being misogynistic based on your own insecurities. No one misses your shitty posts. Also your tagline is embarrassing.

  27. So a rematch is the next thing that will cause the sky to fall?  I just don't see it.

  28. "self hating outcasts" Ah so THAT explains the irrational hatred of Hulk Hogan and Triple H.

  29. I hear you Magnum. I am an unabashed fan of Hogan and Triple H and if I say anything positive about them or in their defense the venom is turned on me. Just last night I made the point that the Triple H bashing has gotten old, and I got responses about how I don't "get it" Their right, I don't. I was a fan of Hogan and Triple H. They won a lot. I was happy. Whats to get.

  30. Why is hhh even involved in this?

  31. Because whenever HHH is not in the discussion all the other posters need to ask "What about HHH?"

  32. You nailed it, Matt. Bingo.

    It's more than the Blog of Doom, it's everywhere. It's this passive-aggressive bullying nature that is weird and sad, especially considering the people it comes from. Sometimes they'll make a great point, and then they'll say something where you're like "Yep, this is an angry 18 year old guy with social problems."

    Fuj makes a fine point that you can't take it seriously. I try not to, but man is it hard when people come off this dense sometimes.

  33. Wow so people are on the internet are assholes!!! Please share with me whatever other 10 year old insights you have.

  34. So you're thin-skinned and oversensitive and can't handle people disagreeing with you.


  35. I like how when someone calls this weirdo out on his horrific posts (racist kobe bashing/9,000 word letters to bit players fired from raw) it's because people fear him. Wow maaaaaan u think so far outside the box

  36. What's pathetic about being a mark?  I'm still a mark, I still believe wins and losses matter, I still want the guys I like to win and the guy I don't like to lose.

  37. Jobber123, you have got to be the saddest case of them all.

    Here's a guy who spent this past Raw's Open Mic taking up almost 50% of the comments (had to be 200 comments out of almost 400 by you alone). Think about this, readers...that's one out of every two comments were typed by Jobber123.

    You must really like the sound of your own opinion.

    I refuse to dig up anything that might offend your hero, Kobe Bryant. I'm done talking about the rape thing, and if you don't understand what I was upset about, then it's not even worth it to try to explain. Oh, and the "wishing me death" thing? That's all on you, and it should show everyone who we're dealing with.

    People see you for what you really are when you type this garbage. Not just this, but the fucking dominance you've had on this site (replying to every single thing during all times of the day) tells everyone exactly what you do with your day, and your life. Nothing.

    So take your sad "Top Commenter" spot and go fuck yourself, Jobber. You are an answer to a question nobody asked.

  38. Arrogance is about swagger, not actual prestige.

  39. "Sand in Your Vag."

    Dude, you said everything right there. Everything.

  40. and it begins..
    Jobber vs. Magnum

    Round 1.

    *grabs popcorn*

  41. I like how I do "nothing" because I post on the exact blog you just did. Yes you got put in your place re: your racist accusations against kobe. I post on the blog anytime I want because I work for a commodity brokerage firm in san diego so it leaves me with lots of downtime sitting in my office. Not the office, my own office. Guess whatever job you have doesn't afford you that luxury, that sucks because I can post here, watch netflix, post on various golden state warriors blogs (I'm not even a lakers fan so again i don't love kobe I just hate racists like you) message friends and still make more money than most people. Not that it even matters but since you tried to say my life is nothing I feel I'm allowed to respond.
    But I will definitely take my top commentator spot on this sweet ass blog! Thanks 4 the Congrats.

  42. You know who make up a lot of the wrestling fanbase?

    Special needs/mentally challenged people.

    I have worked in special education and now work as a job coach with adults with MR (mental retardation).
    There is one guy who I have barely spoken two words with in a few weeks.  Today I found out he likes wrestling and I could not shut him up.  He could name every wrestler/angle/ppv for the last decade or more.   Funny, I asked him if he liked Eugene and he said "no that guy is stupid."
    Of course I think, "What does that make me?"

    Then I read the Masked Man's intellectual breakdowns on and marvel at the broad appeal of this unique form of entertainment .  

  43. Wish death on you? Yes because walk off a cliff hasn't been a dismissive phrase to use toward douche bags like you for hundreds of years. It must be i'm literally wishing death upon you. With your razor sharp wit I bet you are a real hit to be around.

    "Hey c'mon guys don't joke around, i'm too brain damaged to understand the humor so no one else is allowed to have a laugh." Magnum DA

  44. Hey magnum its only 2pm here, I can go back and forth all day because I have "nothing" to do. Might have to take a phone call re; the price of copper in about an hour but i'm pretty sure I can talk and type at the same time.

  45. Man and I was seriously just thinking a good flame war with someone would get my comment count nice and high to give me some buffer between murphy and chin. He's too sensitive to get into an argument though I guess. Too bad because now I have to keep stretching to boost my comment count.

  46. I saw oWAR on's main stat page last night for the first time and about fell on the floor. 

  47. That last sentence is a great point. It's something that those who make fun of wrestling fans will either never get, or willfully remain ignorant about. It might appeal to the lowest common denominator in our society but it's also an artform and a relatively unique business that can engender itself to intellectually stimulating thought and discussion.


  49. That's exactly what I said: wrestlers themselves do that shit. It's the individual opinions of individual wrestlers who are spiritual descendants from carnies.

    When do you see it done at a basically state-sponsored, organizational level like we ACTUALLY have seen from Goddell and Zuckerberg?

  50. If you don't understand that smarks aren't gonna love Hogan and Triple H, I can't help you. And I say this as an unabashed HHH fan myself (Hogan I don't give a fuck about one way or the other). I've argued HHH's side numerous times when the bashing gets patently absurd, but intentionally "riling up smarks" makes you just as lame as you think they're being. Arguing a different viewpoint is one thing, being a douchebag is another.


  52. In and of itself, nothing. (Personally, I've come to side with the viewpoint the Masked Man took in his Grantland column after Extreme Rules about how wins and losses don't matter, and never mattered as much as people thought they did, but that's another story.)

    What was pathetic was how so many people shared their opinion in the guise of it being bad business, bad storytelling, or whatever else smarkish opinion, when it would have been so much more palatable to say, "Man, I wanted Cena to lose."

  53. I wish there was a standardized one so I wouldn't have to decide which one I like between theirs, Fangraphs, BP, B-R, etc, but yeah....progress is progress. I wanna say ESPN's had that up for maybe only a month or so.

  54. Well, I really liked your point above about the wrestling business and its appeal. And you had some good stuff in the private life wrestling fan thread. I guess I was over-reacting to a few posts. 
    Would it be weird if I asked you to dress up as the genie from Aladdin?

  55. Man, you get Jobber started, and it gives him enough juice to take MY title while I'm at work. Fucker.

    I've been wanting to say, too, regarding the AW thing. I agree with you in spirit that making rape jokes isn't funny and is unacceptable for someone to do. But I wasn't bothered by that joke for one reason: he was mocking Kobe. Even though he was making a positive comparison to his charge, the crux of the joke is "Kobe's a rapist". Had it been some form of a "girl accuses player of rape for money" joke like everyone else in the media spewed about that, it would have been more offensive to me. But mocking an accused rapist for being a rapist? If he really did rape her he deserves to be mocked. That's the only reason I was okay with it.

    However, just to not have sand in my vag, I'm going to tell the best and most offensive (although outdated) joke I've heard recently: "You know why Michael Jackson dangled his baby off a balcony? He was taunting Eric Clapton."

  56.  Hey look me up on Facebook or whatever, I'm sure you & me would have a lot to talk about. A few of my clients are wrestling fans, one in particular that's pretty high functional, and he gets the same exasperated smark reactions as any of us. He knows when stuff is fake and he knows when stuff is stupid. He missed the "Anonymous GM" payoff with Hornswoggle while he was watching baseball or whatever that night, and when I told him what had happened, he rolled his eyes and said "that makes no sense! That's pretty stupid." It'd be a great humbling moment for a lot of people to realize their expertly worded and highly self regarded opinions are shared by people with single-digit mental ages, who came to them organically.

  57. Too sensitive?

    How about you're just an antagonistic ass who will be right whether I say the right things or I don't.

    It's a waste of energy. You are not worth the effort.

  58. This is all really sad, jobber. Really sad.

  59. I love how when people act like assholes, and they're called out for it, the person doing it is suddenly an "oversensitive" pussy.

    You guys are completely out of touch with reality.

  60. Lulz, I will be right but thats just because you're an idiot and an easy target. Not having a comeback isn't the same as not being worth the effort

  61. Mike, I know the smarks aren't going to change their opinion and I am cool with that. Its just funny when they get upset about any views that differ from their own.

  62. Yes its heartbreaking being able to talk on the phone and type on the computer simultaneously but somehow I've made peace with it.

    Hey my conference call is over. Issued my highly valuable opinion on the zinc and copper index for the day. Now I can leave anytime I want (since the calls get forwarded to me anyways if I want em), but I just sent an intern out to get my ride washed and I'm watching x-files on netflix in another tab so I think i'm going to kick it until I get hungry. Feel free to explain your racist posts from earlier or explain how i'm a misogynistic or a kobe lover. You're just a complete idiot.

    I almost feel bad giving you shit because you seem really slow, but you did start it after all.

  63. What I want to know is why this guy keeps going on about kobe. I'm a fucking warriors fan. I definitely respect the fuck out of kobe since he plays through insane injuries and proved everyone who trashed him when shaq left the lakers wrong, but I'm a warriors fan. If I have irrational idol worship of anyone its Run TMC or steph curry or even big baron davis and captain jack.

    Any joke is funny if its funny. AW told some stupid ass hack joke and got fired. This weird magnum guy came out and made some racist post about athletes like kobe beating their wives, and I merely pointed out kobe has never 1) been accused of beating his wife much less convicted of it 2) not all black people are wife beaters 3) vanessa bryant and kobe got back together so she is probably happy. Somehow these 100% correct points were skewed into me being a misogynist and people who post on wrestling blogs hating women.

    But more importantly...ryan I jacked your top spot dude!!! I

  64. These posts just get more and more pathetic, man.

  65. How we know this is guy is full of shit reason # 4,655. You were never a rape counselor dude. A women who is raped isn't going to sit down with some MALE mentally unstable wrestling fan to share the details of her horrific attack. Maybe if you were dealing with guys in prison or something but that is a bald faced lie. Men are not counseling women who have been raped. Thanks for the bullshit story though dude. But please continue to make every single thing about you.

  66. These posts just get more and more pathetic.

  67. Almost as pathetic as you lying about being a rape counselor for women to make you sound cool. See my posts are funny cheap shots are the douchiest poster of all time, and you're lie about being a rape counselor is just creepy.

  68. Yes facts:
    1) You making sweeping generalizations about black athletes, thats racist.
    2) You accuse an entire blog, but also me singled out, as a misogynist because I pointed out that kobe and his wife got back together
    3)You have zero sense of humor thus have no standing to comment on the tongue in cheek posts some people put up here
    4)I believe I weirdo like you who tries so desperately hard to make people posting ON A WRESTLING BLOG think you have a feminine side has a girlfriend like I believe that TL hopper was really a plumber.

  69. There's the second bit of libel you've thrown my way, after saying I made racist remarks about a dude.

    Ask Scott Keith, he's my Facebook Friend. He can tell you exactly where I work, and what I do for a living.

    Go ahead, ask him. You've got nothing but time.

  70. You're not a rape counselor for women. Stop it.


    Here's the company I work can also call them at the Bloomington Office (where I am located).

    Leave me alone, for the last time.

  72. That link you put up is for a mental health services place. Maybe you work with other types of people, I never disputed that, what I said was you don't counsel female rape victims, which you 100% do not. Magnum, take a deep breath, its okay. I don't care what you do for a job. I just want you to know everyone knows you do not/have never counseled a female rape victim.

  73. I don't have anything more to prove to someone so pathetic. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.

  74. omg how did I miss this post!!! Well who ever had MagnumDA in the BoD meltdown pool you win. Yes magnum its a meathead tactic to disagree with a moron who is 100% wrong. I can't speak for anyone but i'm "flaming you" because you are an asshole.
    Also if thats the group of posters i'm lumped in with, that actually makes me very happy. Those other four guys are some of the best posters (also love zannadude, murphy and a dozen other guys) on the blog. You are clearly an idiot, and you got torn to shreds today so hopefully I saved those other four guys the trouble of having to deal with you. But then again maybe they will pile on because your such an easy punching bag.

  75. Lots of Ryan Murphys on Facebook.  If you're in New Haven, we have a mutual friend. 

  76. well, the guys you are talking about might be thinking the same about you. = vicious troll circle.

  77. weird how that went from a magnumda post to a guest post

  78. Ladies and gentlemen....the magnumDA era has offically closed

  79. I'm in Massena, New York. I think if you click on my name on here you should be able to find it.

  80.  Then you're like the young'un I told that one to at work who doesn't know who Eric Clapton is, I reckon.

  81. Oh no!! he called me a troll!!! the one insult I can't handle!!! (mike puts his hands to his knees and starts rocking back and forth)

  82. He left?!

    What the fuck...

  83. Like Scott said, go to WWE's webpage and just read some of the comments that are posted under articles. 

    Half of the arguments are women and kids saying "JOHN CEENER is the BESTZ!" and the other half are guys arguing that it's all fake and he's booked to win.

    The Facebook page on the other hand... holy shit, it's like watching someone eat a dictionary and then shit it out all over the screen. I don't think I've seen a wrestler's name spelled correctly once in any of the comments, not even Cena's.

  84. i know who clapton is. I SAW THE BEHIND THE MUSIC!!!!

    I just dont know the correlation

  85. Yeah.  I totally get you.  Honestly, wins and losses might now matter overall.  But I can't see Jericho as a main-eventer simply because he's a loser.

  86. class > swag

    swag is a stupid, fudging phrase and I hope it takes a long walk off a short cliff.

  87. It's funny. Part of me goes "boy, maybe I shouldn't have spent all those hours in the computer lab at school looking up old Scott Keith & Herb Kunze rants and reviews", but then I actually found doing that fun, so it's hard to regret it. The whole "socially awkward fanboy" thing does hold true in a great number of cases, though.

  88. I think Wins & Losses matter, but you can ALWAYS rebuild someone. It's when you pass them off as main guys WITHOUT rebuilding them that you have a problem.

  89. Golden State represent!

  90. Thanks for the suggestion Mar Solo, I just went to WWE's webpage and yikes you're not kidding, those comments actually make the trolling idiots at 411 look good.

  91. Noticed how I said swagger and not swag.  Pirates have swagger, Soulja Boy Tell Em has swag.  Big difference.

  92. are more wrestling fans "socially awkward" than the average public? maybe.

    but that doesn't mean all those guys and girls don't go out and have fun. prime example: if you are into punk it is very likely you are sort of an "outcast". the chances of you getting out partying and drinking with other punks (of course, only if those exist in your city) and eventually having sex too are pretty high.

  93.  As a guy who knows plenty of socially awkward people, drinking and having sex are not marks of being cool or not socially awkward.  Nerds have plenty of sex, weird, strange, awkward sex.

  94. oh, I know  you didn't, yourself, say "swagger."  It just reminded me of the word and I had to vent.

  95. exodus316 exodus316August 24, 2012 at 8:32 AM

    Well...this thread went off the rails after I left work apparently. 

  96. I def agree with you re: generalizations of black athletes, but women stay in abusive relationships and leave/get back together with abusers all the time.  Not saying that's what happened here by any means, but you can't really use that as any kind of meaningful evidence.

  97.  "its okay to joke about anything if your funny"

    This is a classic example of the Internet culture war that's been going on recently, and many would call this very statement misogynist.  Rape jokes help establish a culture where rape is seen as not a big deal and something bitches make up because they're lying gold diggers (even though only 1-2% of reported rapes turn out to be false).  They can also bring up extremely painful memories in rape survivors, which is why many places on the Internet use "trigger warnings" on posts mentioning such loaded topics.

    Wonder why wrestling fans aren't respected?  Stuff like this doesn't help - it's also become a huge black eye on the gaming community as of late, with even the New York Times chiming in there.

  98. Can't use what as any meaningful evidence? If you have proof that kobe bryant is a wife beater please share

  99. You're wrong. A joke is a joke. A rape is a crime. Big difference. If you can't differentiate between the two you are hopeless.

  100.  lmfao @ mentioning Chin in any "best posters" list

    You mean the guy who was whining about Radiohead not playing Creep and honest-to-God called it "the only song of theirs anyone cares about unless you're one of those weirdos who reads ROLLING STONE"?  Dude couldn't even get with the 2000s and say Pitchfork, I laughed irl when I saw that post

  101. His young son fell out of a window and died, he wrote the song "Tears in Heaven" about it. The best jokes are the ones you have to explain!

  102. my fault homie.

    I heard of the song though. He played it on Unplugged back in the day.

  103.  What makes that joke even worse from me is that my wife's biological father died when she was only 3, she doesn't have a real good memory of him, and that song sends her into fits of guilt and spasmodic crying at the thought that she wouldn't recognize him if she saw him in heaven. So of course I deter that by making the most tasteless Michael Jackson joke that doesn't involve child molestation. I'm a hell of a catch.


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