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hey scott,
            been reading your stuff for over 10 years, been a wrestling fan since 1988.  Your awesome, yada, yada, yada.  Just read from 411 that a possible plan for the WWE title is Cena winning at Summerslam then dropping the title to the Rock at Royal Rumble, culminating in Punk beating Rock in the main event of Wrestlemania.  While i personally LOVE this idea,  I don't see it happening.  Thoughts?


Sorry, lost my train of thought there.  Where was I?  Oh yeah.



  1. 411?  Hard to beat for reliable information... *snicker*

    Not to totally threadjack but, is there any update on the WWF attitude era blur situation?  Last I heard it was unclear whether it was allowed to be in DVD releases and such or if it's just not required in video packages.

    It sounds like the settlement pertains specifically to the scratch logo -- so not sure about the instances of the letters 'WWF' in non-logo form or the audio references.

  2. You know what? I want exactly that to happen. Which means it won't, but seriously WWE, your fans have spoken in that Twitter poll, more fans want to see Punk/Rock than Cena/Rock.

    (and no, those polls aren't fake)

  3. I want to "like" Scott's response about a thousand times.

    Where do I click?

  4. It's behind the f4wonline wall, should you prefer your rumors mongered by dirtsheet tier.

  5. Anyone care to translate what Scott thinks about this?  As usual, he hasn't made his feelings very clear.

  6. Why can't Punk just take the route Edge took in 2006?

    Lose the belt at the Rumble, and you flip the fuck out. Some legend says that it's a disgrace to act that way, Punk says "FUCK YOU, OLD MAN" and then destroys said legend at Wrestlemania.

    Stone Cold, anyone?

  7. If I were Punk, I'd go down to visit Austin, have a heart to heart, and basically beg him. There's no way this 411 scenario is happening, because there's no way Cena's going down 0-2 to Rock. Cena's beating Rock for the title at Wrestlemania. And for Punk, the alternative to Austin is probably challenging Sheamus or Orton for the WHC. Punk probably wins either of those match-ups, but if he has designs on being a "legend" himself, the WHC is a definite step backward.  

  8. So after Wrestlemania XXIX, when the booking clock "resets" again, will they finally be willing to make Daniel Bryan a true main eventer?

  9. Wouldn't it make more sense (and money, not that WWE has shown a willingness to do either lately) to have Punk retain at Summerslam and continue to badmouth Rock up until Rumble.  Rock beats Punk to win the title.  Cena wins Rumble match itself to setup big money rematch at Wrestlemania?

  10. At this point, I'd rather they do Cena/Austin and just give Punk/Orton a lengthy program to fucking bury their long-standing storyline issues with Orton as the villain and him reuniting Legacy to try and destroy Punk, because Orton is jealous that Punk is more popular than him while no one gives a fuck about Orton.

    Austin/Cena could be fun if only for the numerous ways Austin can verbally destroy Cena. Cena can take the heat more than Punk.

    As for Rock; have Orton "cripple" him at Royal Rumble to make his big heel turn moment (causing a DQ and him getting another legend under his belt as far as destroying) and toss in Punk being kicked in the head and a big build-up of Punk being unable to compete and Orton just licking his lips at the thought of Punk being made to forfeit the belt once again, thanks to Orton. Only for AJ to give Punk a break (and to punish Orton for hurting Rock, making it so that Rock can't be at WM) and moving his next "he has to defend his belt or give it u" title shot to WM.  

  11. Either Scott has given up to the Anti-Life Equation that is Cena or he knows from what sources he has in the company that the rumor is BS....

  12. I need you to book all of this, Jesse. There is monopoly money involved.

  13. YES! YES! YES!

    Monopoly money is IN THE POST.

  14. I dunno.  If he takes the WHC and makes it an equal to the WWE championship cause Vince doesn't give a shit about SD, then he might not be a "mark" legend, but that'd put him up for GOAT discussion.

  15. Phredhead, that's hard as fuck to do, man.

    That title could never be taken seriously after it was handed to the Boss' Daughter's Husband. Literally.

  16. They'll probably put the belt on Rock at some point, but it's hard to imagine him walking out with it at Mania. So he's got to lose it somehow. I don't think it's that far-fetched to say that Punk could beat him.

  17. Yes. This is what they will do. Yes.

  18. I don't think it's that far fetched. If someone told you Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit would be closing Wrestlemania in an embrace after going over HHH, HBK and Kurt Angle you would have scoffed at that one too.

  19. That is the most obvious scenario, so that is most likely what will happen.

  20. That would be my preferred scenario because if anyone needs The Rub from The Rock it would be someone like Punk or Bryan, but there's a fat chance WWE puts either one over him. 

    Unfortunately, it's going to be the young up-and-coming Cena getting his "WrestleMania moment" and the torch will be passed. 

  21. Fwiw we knew for months that benoit was getting the belt at wmxx

  22. It seems like they're making the Punk holds until Rumble, loses to Rock, who loses to Cena at WM scenario a little too obvious, right now. And, as we all know, when something is too obvious Vince will change it just to fuck with people. So, while the 411 scenario is unlikely, I bet we do get something "unexpected" between now and the RR.

  23. I don't know. The whole deal with Big Show being "fired" and returning to go heel during the Cena/Laurinaitis match at OTL was so predictable it hurt. And they still ran with it. 

  24.  It's going to be interesting to see how they fill time between SummerFest and the Rumble.  I think we may see Cena win at Night of Champions then have Punk win it back at Survivor Series.  Hopefully, Big Show will be replaced by Daniel Bryan as the third wheel during that time.

    It's clear that the WWE title picture is going to consist of Punk/Cena/Rock until after WrestleMania.  I don't see the point in having someone else actually winning the belt between now and then.  However, Daniel Bryan is arguably the most over guy, period, in WWE right now.  I think getting the WHC back on him would do wonders for that title.  Unfortunately, the focus around that title doesn't really fit in with him.

    I think a Bryan/Orton feud for the fall would be a fresh and interesting way to go.  Maybe have Orton and AJ form some sort of quasi-relationship/alliance that truly causes Bryan to go off the deep end.  These two should actually be fighting at SummerFest instead of Bryan/Kane which we've seen a hundred times this summer.

  25. Will never happen, but I'd love it if Rock beats Punk, Rock beats Cena, then Dolph cashes in on Rock and beats him at Mania.

  26. There are few things that would kill my interest more than seeing Cena beat The Rock for the title at WM. It would be on par with the Fingerpoke for me. 

  27. It shows what a sorry state they're in when there's such a distinct pecking order that it's completely unfathomable for established made man main eventer CM Punk to beat The Rock.

  28. If that happens I hope the NY/NJ crowd throws garbage at Cena to close Mania.

  29.  Really?  Because after HHH making Booker T look totally weak in their Wrestlemania match the previous year I don't think anyone knew that Benoit was getting the belt.  Everyone was pretty worked up at the time with Shawn being added to make it a 3-Way as it looked like they were finding a way to ensure that Benoit wouldn't win. 

  30. Yeah meltzer was saying it since the fall and I believe even scott was stating it back on the old livejournal blog.

  31. Supposedly it's been cleared up in a settlement with the panda people, but they aren't going to go back and unblur old stuff. 

  32. Here's the thing about that, if it's a hot angle and everything is performed well, then you can get away with predictable.  Take Batista finally turning on Evolution for an example.  It was pretty obvious how that story would end up, but everything was extremely entertaining up until it happened, you didn't care it was predictable.  I also think about the HHH/Stephanie/Kurt Angle LOVE TRIANGLE OF DEATH (sorry Scott).  All signs seemed to point to Stephanie screwing over her husband and being with Kurt, and back then you could tell that crowd was just DYING for HHH to turn face and get revenge on them, but they didn't.

  33. with the smackdown briefcase??

  34. Question you want no rock v cena 2? or you want it, and you want a part timer to go 2-0 over cena?

  35. Totally agree. I'm not suggesting that sticking with the obvious is a bad decision at all - but the last few years Vince has (usually) been loathe to do so.

  36. I don't want Rock-Cena again. 

  37. holy shit colin cowherd wnt H.A.M on CM Punk today over his twitter comment on the UFC fighter.

  38. Cowherd has just never been very good toward wrestlers.   He was an absolute jerk after Eddie Guerrero died.  

  39. what'd he say about Eddie?

  40. I would pay whatever they asked me to to see Steve Austin beat the piss out of John Cena. I don't even care if it's a match. If they can promise me that Austin will give him the Stunner I'm in. 

  41. Eh, compare Triple H as super dominant heel champ to JBL as super dominant heel champ and that question gets less easy.

  42. I think Scooter found some Vicodin.

    Actually, this might be double-reverse psychology.  Steph will see this post, and in a twist that has "nothing to do with Twilight" will actually BOOK this to happen, because we will NEVER SEE IT COMING.

    Of course, it will then happen with Hurricane Helms returning to screw over the Rock, because Punk cant win clean. 

  43. Just typical "no big loss, he was just a roided up freak wrestler" crap.

  44. I never understood why they didn't put the IC title on him. It's not the WWE or WHC but it's better than nothing, I think he would bring some more prestige back to it. 

  45. not only that, but Vince will get to pop another big buyrate for next year's Summerslam. 


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