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Speaking of Cena...

What exactly was the storyline purpose of Cena winning the briefcase and failing?  He's just getting another shot at Summerslam anyway so why didn't they give the MITB to someone who could have used it?  Plus they haven't even hardly mentioned that Cena cashed in and failed!   It's all very weird to me.


  1. Maybe just to be known as the guy who got the case in lost.  Maybe he essentially fell on the grenade as it were for a lesser known person getting hassled for being the first one to lose. 

  2. This guy gets it.

    Cena is bulletproof. He can do jobs and still be over.

  3. exodus316 exodus316August 8, 2012 at 11:44 AM

    A stepping stone to build up the Raw 1000 match.  Nothing more.  Completely unnecessary and I agree that it is strange nothing has come of it since, but that is all it was.

  4. I guess they were starting to feel that everyone who cashed in Money in the Bank won the title was becoming a monkey on their back. If Ziggler cashes in an doesn't win the title he looks like Jobber McJobberson. Cena? It's business as usual. He's probably one of the few guys who can lose without making it seem like he's just blown the biggest opportunity of his career.

    I don't know if this was actually in anyone's thinking but for me, 1 MitB winner and cash in per year is the perfect amount. Now they've kind of booked themselves into the corner of having more than 1 by making a PPV based around the concept but regardless...they've managed to pretty much reduce the de facto amount of MitB winners this year to one without anyone noticing.

  5. I think it was partly to finally get the "first guy to cash in and lose" thing out of the way, and partly to continue the Big Show/Cena feud. I agree though, they could have done both things without Cena winning. Probably just a case of GOTTA KEEP CENA STRONG even though Cena is eternally over, but whatever.

  6. Trying to decifer a current creative answer is very weird as well.

  7. AND....

    I was expecting Cena to be the first guy to cash in & fail, but what BUGS THE SHIT OUT OF ME is that he WON the match by DQ. I mean fuck, even in circumstances where he's the first guy to fail at something he gets the victory. Fuck.

  8. But it didn't even go down like that. He won the match by dq b/c somebody else got involved b/c he was going to win. Fuck.

  9. Probably because it looks like Ziggler is going to be like Edge and the Miz and hang onto that briefcase for a good long time while they rebuild his character.  When the Miz had it, Kane had the other briefcase and got it out of the way right away (same night IIRC) so Miz could use the briefcase as his gimmick. 

  10. Wait Scott, are you asking us a question?

  11. I think that is basically meaningless. When it gets brought up now and in the future, they will probably just say he is the first one to not cash it in, I don't think years from now they will be talking about how he still won by DQ.

  12. When I start thinking about this kind of stuff and it makes my head hurt, I just pop in a DVD of Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels' best matches.

    And then I become whole again.

  13. exodus316 exodus316August 8, 2012 at 12:11 PM

    You seem very upset about this.

  14. I can only assume that the 100% Success Rate of the Money in the Bank was a dead-end, in their eyes. This was their way of hyping Raw 1000, having someone lose their shot, keep their heat, and that sets up a future opportunity where the cash-in can be a little more unpredictable.

    Again, just trying to get in their heads.

  15. If Ziggler, Bryan, del Rio, or Miz had been the first ones to win the MitB and lose the title shot, that would severely hurt their career and be labeled as chokers (especially del Rio). Swagger is another story altogether. If it was someone like Kane, people could live with it because he had a long and storied career.

    Since it is Cena, he is bulletproof and everyone knows that he will get another shot in a month or two. For people like Bryan or Miz, who knows if/when they would get another shot if they lost that title match.

  16. I think the sole reason was to get past the "everybody who's cashed in has won the title" thing.  Money in the Bank on its own is a great concept, but it had become so automatic that they should've just had the winners just win a title match instead.  Cena was just about the only guy who could lose the cash-in and brush it off.

  17. Even when John Cena isn't on the screen every character should refer to how John Cena failed at cashing in his MITB briefcase.

  18. If he was going to fail on the cash in, why not have Punk actually win? 

  19. The Love-Matic Grandpa!August 8, 2012 at 12:28 PM

    This guy gets it.

  20. Hey, back off.

    Eddie Guerrero never drew a dime, you know.

  21. exodus316 exodus316August 8, 2012 at 12:30 PM

    They should change the name of the show to Monday Night Raw Starring John Cena Who Failed At Cashing In His MITB Briefcase.  Ratings gold.

  22. Because they wanted Cena as part of the title match at SummerSlam?

  23. Another case of indecisive, on-the-fly booking by Vince & co. No balls!

  24. It's not like losing has ever stopped Cena or anyone else from actually getting another title shot on the fly?

    See: Ziggler, Dolph.

  25. A bit peeved

    It just illustrates the lengths they go through to protect Cena and prove to the audience how much better he is than everyone else. It's ridiculous.

  26. I don't mind that for if anyone deserves a character rebuild and renewed push, it's Dolph.

  27. Given the schizo nature of Punk's character, I think that they intended on him winning the belt/Punk going heel but backed off and the clusterfuck ending we ultimately got instead. 

  28. Cena won the MITB because it was that time of year when they have a MITB pay per view and hae to give two people title shots and typically promise title reigns. Only they didn't have two guys they wanted to give title reigns to and until Dolph actually wins the belt I doubt they even had two. But it's MITB and someone's gotta win, so they give it to Cena because he can lose and not have it hurt him.

  29.  I don't know if Scott watches SmackDown anymore, but they DO bring it up a lot whenever Dolph is around. 

    They talk about how Money in the Bank is now proven to be no longer invincible, thanks to Cena, and how this means that Dolph has realized he needs to be more careful about when to cash in, as opposed to how brazen about it he was being in that first week.

  30. exodus316 exodus316August 8, 2012 at 1:10 PM

    I agree that Punk could have won but this is all building to a 3-way at SummerSlam.  So this way, Big Show screws Cena out of the title and Punk out of winning the match.  Weak, I know, but it does play into the story.

  31. They have mentioned Cena cashed in and failed. Numerous times.

  32. because winning and losing doesn't matter anymore. Daniel Bryan lost his rematch against Sheamus on ppv but still competed in a #1 contender match for the other title (and won!) just one night after that.

  33. Threadjack, WHO CARES ABOUT THIS GAGA.

    I AM BEGGING YOU TO PLEASE STOP FUCKING CATS, YOU CAT FUCKER. FUCK YOU. RT @SmithHart1 I can understand where Kevin Nash is coming from, bu 

  34. You know I found it interesting that after Cena lost his MITB my dad, who is a casual fan, commented, "you know Cena sure is being the goat a lot recently." I think maybe they are slowly building to this going somewhere. Maybe if you look at the show from a distance and aren't dissecting it every week there's a big picture sort of slowly creeping in that Cena's not quite superman anymore. It seems a bit like the Austin storyline from late 2000-2001.

  35. I was going to post. I don't need to now. This guy. THIS guy.

  36. sorry

    I really hate to thread jack, but madden again slays it with his oppinion on brock/hhh n summerslam.

  37. It gives the illusion of Superman Cena not being Superman Cena because he was the person to win MITB and not become champion out of it.

  38. Title matches doesn't matter anymore. I remember in the good ol' days when I was super pumped waiting after the PPV ended who's going to be the next #1 contender for the WWE Title, who's the next in line, but now you are #1 contender for nothing. Look Randy Orton, 60 days off, returns and will probably be in the World Title match at SummerSlam without any purpose. The same happened to John Cena years ago when he was out from an injury, and out of nowhere, his return match is for the World Title against Chris Jericho. This days you get World Title matches for no logic reason.

  39. I do the same except I like to watch Hulk Hogan or Triple H matches. Then the IWC gets mad at me because I am a fan of Hulk Hogan and Triple H. Then scott gets mad at me because I said IWC. Tough times indeed.

  40. You deserve a bucket of Godwinn slop.

  41. I agree, obviously they could have given the case to someone else and still had Cena challenge Punk at Raw 1000 anyway but I think they thought this was the best possible way to promote the main event at their biggest tv show in years

  42. Yeah, I mean, compare him to the erstwhile other top babyface, Sheamus.  Cena traded losses with Tensai, Sheamus beat him twice, Cena gets knocked-out, Sheamus gets injured and still kicks a dudes skull off.  Even when Sheamus was at his most vulnerable, against Bryan he still kicked his ass every time they fought. I'm not saying "Oh, Sheamus is overpushed" I'm saying they don't need to protect Cena now, so let's give the Cena booking to Sheamus, a guy who can really run with it.

  43. I actually don't mind that Cena won the match by DQ because it reinforces the fact that Money in the Bank cash-in matches are under regular rules even though the match could take place anytime there is a wrestler and referee around even when the wrestler is not in at his best (provided he was medically cleared to wrestle before the event).

  44. You wanna fight Night81? Ok gets go...I guarentee it'll be the Harley and me and you and the tree.

  45. Threadjack, but I just looked over the ratings.

    July 30: 4.06, 4.71, 4.70
    August 6: 4.00, 4.64, 4.44

    This is probably Daniel Bryan's fault. 

  46. Owen Hart having a Twitter would have been the greatest thing ever and would have drove everyone in the IWC nuts!

    He would have been tweeting the same shit Nash would.

  47. Dude, I'll kick your Nintendo.

  48. No it was Eddie loved to buy a dime.

  49. I respect that Milhouse but I'm old school so after Nintendo we're going Pong.

  50. I would have liked to see Jericho win the Raw MITB briefcase, if only to disappear with it for months immediately following since he's leaving soon anyway for another extended absence til at least next year it seems.  It would have been fun to see him take the case around the world, not knowing when he'd return with it - basically what we all assumed Punk would do with the WWE title last year before returning 8 days later.

  51. You know what annoys me about Punk's wins over Cena? Both times Cena has an "out". It's not a completely clean win, so he's protected. But then they talk as if Punk just beat him. So if you're going to act like Punk is capable of beating John Cena cleanly why not just have Punk beat him cleanly?

  52.  You'd think one of the tired, beat up guys about to get cashed in on would just low blow the guy or something.

  53. To be fair, Terry Funk got a world title match at GAB for coming out of retirement and sneak-attacking the champion.  Not that I'm complaining.

  54. You know what always has good storylines?  Almost every actual sports league ever.  Because they have scheduled games/matches, and someone wins or loses satisfactorily in almost every game, meaning win-loss records that matter a lot are bound to change every week, as competitors seek to win a championship.  Ah well, I guess they can't apply that type of thing to wrestling.

  55. Where the fuck is this Eddie hate coming from?

    Nash pissed on the guy's grave, and now you guys do too?

    No fucking class.

  56.  The purpose was that now they can have guys lose their MITB cash-ins without it hanging over their careers.  Only one guy could be the first loser and not really suffer for it, and it's Cena.  So when Ryback cashes in and loses next year, it won't be as big a blow to his career.  I thought it was a smart move.

  57. This is too conservative. We need more chaos, Jesse.

  58. Oh chill out it was a joke. I liked Eddie just fine.

  59. You weren't the only one doing it. I guess the others had malicious intent.

  60. Or have Lesnar win it and also vanish with the briefcase, which would allow him to take these months off and still be a looming threat.

  61. Uh, he won it so they could set up a ppv level match for raw 1000 and promote it ahead of time. Is that so mysterious?

  62. I like the idea of a "MITB" PPV, but wish they'd change it to just one actual MITB match - have four guys from "Raw", four from "Smackdown", and hold qualifying matches on TV beforehand. Make the briefcase/contract good for either title. Then, you make the match the main-event of the PPV (similar to how the "Rumble" is generally the last match on its PPV), and it looks like a big deal.

  63. This is exactly what I thought.

  64. And if they did the reverse, where Punk won by DQ, everybody would just be saying "why didn't they let Punk at least get the pin?"  And if he got the pin, they'd say "why couldn't it at least be a clean win?"  Where more than 10 guys have succeeded, Cena failed.  And you're annoyed that he was protected?


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