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Impact Live Thread

The Go-Home show for No Surrender. Lets see who will be the top four in the BFG series.


  1. Missed last week, are there any matches for the PPV besides the mini tournament? That is probably my main complaint with TNA right now. 

  2. They announced Zema Ion vs. Sonjay Dutt for the X-Division Belt and Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher online.

  3. That was a great video package.

  4. Finally its Thursday!

    The Fuj is in the building.

    FFoD update: Holy Shit Tony Romo put up 57 pts.

  5.  I missed last week as well, thanks for the update.

    One match before a ppv, heh, things have improved vastly, but they have to do a better job than that.

  6. Love how they put over the title as the top prize.


  7. Joe got his swag back.

    Im loving it!

  8. So the QB's aren't nerf'd a bit in the FFoD league, huh?  Whomever has Aaron Rogers I place my money on.

  9.  Yup, he's so f'n aggressive on offense it's awesome when he's 100% into it.

  10. I didnt nerf the QBs cuz its 16 people in the league.

    It was slim pickings after round 5

  11.  makes sense, I forgot there's so many dudes in it.  Eh, if there's an expansion next year (can't imagine you'd want more teams than 16), I'll thrown my hat in.  I was late since I haven't been around the boards so much lately.

  12. Another great thing about the BFG series is that Storm, Hardy, and Joe would all be great choices. Makes it unpredictable.

  13. No, the finals of the BFG series are announced so thats two matches, but I agree, its still not better.

  14. The funny thing, I had an extra 4 people but it was voted against expanding to 20 people. I was like the more the merrier.

    but i understood.

  15. Hardy...via submission?  Huh, after all these years, Jeff has expanded his moveset by one.  It's about time.

    That match didn't suck.

  16. Great match but god lord that might have been the worst submission move I've ever seen.

  17. I could dig Austin Aries as Jack Bauer.

  18. I dont think any other the highlughted matches in the BFG series have sucked.

    They have been 3.5 stars and for TV matches thats awesome.

    And given great time.

  19. They might have something in Magnus. He can cut a good promo and is decent in the ring.

  20. Christy Hemme is hot.

  21. ROBBIE E!!!!

    12 POINTS BRO!!

  22.  I like Magnus.  His english accent reminds me of Chris Adams a bit.  Does this eliminate Joe as a possible contender as the leader of the As and 8s?

  23.  It's been said before, but it deserves to be said again, Brooke is the worst "actress" in the history of pro wrestling and that's saying something.

  24. Probably. My pick at the moment is Joseph Park/Abyss being behind it.

  25. They should have never split the British Invasion.

    LOVED that team.

    But Im saying it right now. After AcesnEights, reform Fourtune with Roode/Kaz/Daniels/Magnus

  26.  That whole segment was cringe worthy. "Get out of my face." "No, you get put of my face." Uggh.

    Less talking, more Tessmacher booty.

  27. That was my guess weeks ago.  I would keep the multiple personality thing going though.  I like the idea of Joseph Park/Abyss not knowing their alter egos.

  28. Just got in. What's happening?

  29.  Missed a great match between Joe-Hardy then Magnus attacked Joe from behind during an interview.

    In the As and 8s front, there's supposed to be an encounter between Aries and one of them.

  30.  Hopefully there's some advancement.

  31. Uh, Claire would like to have a word with you...and so would WWE's AJ.

  32. I dont think Gail is long for wrestling...

  33. Dave Batista!

    PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE let this be foreshadowing.

  34.  +1 million for him as the leader.

  35. Does Bellator have a HW div? I wonder if TNA could get Spike to talk to them into signing Batista to a King Mo deal.

  36. AJ is the equivalent of Meryl Streep compared to Brooke.  Ok, Claire may be worse, you got me there.

  37. Still think Brooke is worse.

  38. I wasn't watching TNA back then, but why is Joey Ryan attacking Al Snow if he said yes?

  39. I thought there was a lil too much talky between the ref and tara.

  40. So is Joe out of the running for a Title shot, then?  I had to DVR the show and I'm away from home. 

  41.  This is what I was wondering.

  42. Cuz Taz is too fat to work a match.

    Al Snow can conceivably work a match when its time for Ryan to "get a contract"

  43. Thta Ass makes up for A LOT.

  44. my terrible spelling is one.

  45. Joey Ryan is pretty fantastic, I got to say.

  46.  It's the mustasche! :-)

  47. Didn't Snow mean to say "you're going to sports entertain with me"?

  48. I don't know Joey Ryan, but this guy has charisma.

    Can he wrestle?  Anyone know?

  49. watch a couple tube vids, he is money.

    He isnt a great technician, but he can work.

  50. Backstage segments that help gets talent over for their in ring talent and emphasizes the tag division?  You don't say!

  51. Joey Ryan was great.

  52. The WORLD tag team champions of the WORLD will prevail!!

  53. Is Bully Ray's theme a riff on Sabu's theme?

  54. Has anyone ever had a longer babyface run than RVD? He has been a face since 1998.

  55.  He was a heel by association during the Alliance, but the fans popped like he was a babyface, so yeah, he may be the longest running face.

  56. Yeah, I wouldn't count that. It didn't last long and he was never booed anyway.

  57. Fwiw he had far and away the best gut check match so far.

  58.  One of the better West Coast indie workers, which would make him a middle of the pack East Coast indie worker.

  59. After that Joe-Magnus segment I wonder where their going with the BFG card.

    That seems to suggest Joe vs Magnus
    Which would leaves Aries to defend against Storm? Face vs face?
    But how does Bobby Roode fit in to it? Do they do Roode vs Storm and Hardy wins BFG and run with Aries in the main event?
    Sting will wrestle of course in a high profile match though I assume he'll have aces and eights to deal with in some capacity. 
    And the Abyss/Parks deal is still lurking around too.

    I'm so into TNA right now its not funny, but they really need to blow the door down with an Epic Bound For Glory.

  60. I forgot it was Thursday. Damn holiday threw me off.

    Anyhow I wanted to share a random story: I got Homicide to lol a comment I made on his Facebook where I bashed Davey Richards about something I read on ewrestlingnews. I think I win Smark Bingo!

  61. Claire Lynch and aj are in her league but brooke was on hogan knows best, you'd think she would at least be half passable for a wrestling show. Nope

  62. Wow 20 would have been intense. I didn't vote in that one but I would have been pro 20.

  63. Thank god I got brady!

  64. Heel during Alliance... kinda...

  65. I miss Big Dave. He had the genuine cool factor, the "look" and could bring it in the ring. They cut his balls off moving him to Smackdown when he was top dog back in 05. 

  66. What's with Hogan over enunciating every word?  Cracking me up.

  67.  I'm pretty sure this is against the law what Aries and Hulk are doing.

  68. Big fan of the christy hemme full body close up every week.

  69. I'm assuming that whoever called Hogan blocked his number.  Maybe he's the same person who told Nash to stick Punk.

  70. Damn and your back on top. All this hot potato-ing of the title is really devaluing it

  71. Its hard for a high flyer to work heel.

  72. Hogan: "Either you talk or you have to ride shotgun with my son Nick.."


  73. They are protected under The Del Wilkes Act.

  74. kind of a shame too, because cocky, arrogant RVD is..... pretty much his face character. Guess Robs just too cool to hate on.

  75. I've always thought brooke was hot

  76. I asked the same thing. But Taz has a bad neck and can't wrestle.

  77. I'm assuming either you're young or just forgetful, b/c Ricky Steamboat says hi a million times over.

  78. He did fine with it in ECW.

  79. He's talking about Brook Hogan..not Tessmacher.

  80. Bring back the Notorious 187. Fuck Chavo, LAX is where its at. LAX vs Angle and AJ would own. 

  81. I don't think tito ever worked heel either.

  82. Totally forgot about him. But it's actually kinda close. RVD would only have to be a babyface for 4 more years to match Steamboat.

  83. Yeah but wasn't he ecws biggest face by the time he beat bam bam?

  84. It's reaching 24/7 Era Hardcore Title levels of changes at this point.

    Is it weird that I think of myself as the heel in this scenario, even though I'm the grizzled old veteran and you're the cocky young upstart around here?

  85. Not even close. Sandman, Dreamer, and Taz were way ahead of him.

  86. BTW - I thought it was funny how Brooke was accused of getting rid of the workers in the KO division when the chicks that left/released sucked in the ring.

  87. Storm should obviously go after Hardy.

  88. Maybe not in the ring, but he was a heel at heart.

  89. And don't forget Dusty ('73 - '98), Bruno (always?), and Hogan ('81 - '96)

  90. I guess that means Bully signed a new deal...

    ...although this IS TNA, so it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't.

  91.  Douglas Williams deserves better. Then they pulled a switcheroo with Douglas Williams and Desmond Wolfe/Nigel McGuiness and stuck Williams in Fourtune and put Wolfe in that random team with Magnus, London Brawling. I guess they figured one British DW was as good as another.

  92.  LAX cannot exist without Konnan as the mouthpiece. 

  93. Impact still is great.

    Havent rolled my eyes at a segment in like 4 shows.

    The main event is established
    They have 4 teams that are established in the tag ranks.
    They have 4-5 girls that are established.
    Now they need to work on that mid card...


  94. I see myself as a cena-esque virtuous baby face matched up a tweener face (like a really drunk scsa)

  95. Magnus coming out and interrupting everyone being fake sincere guy could be awesome.

  96. What about Doug Gilbert?

  97. It's one of those weird floating perspective deals where something I've been present for the whole time seems shorter than something that happened before I was born or involved, but it seems crazy to me that Rob Van Dam has had a longer career than Ricky Steamboat at this point.

  98. good evening to everyone

  99. Well, at least it's tag team wrestling.

  100. Got tix for the house show Saturday night.  I'm pretty stoked.  This will be my first live show since Rumble 02

  101. You're a virtuous pot-smoking babyface. You're basically RVD.

    Although I will say, lately, since I quit driving for my job, I've been smoking again. Stoned Murph posts are much less conspicuous than Drunk Murph posts, but they've been pretty frequent lately.

  102. I know right. It's like that match they have when two guys face two other guys who don't like having to team up, only these guys seem to know and like one another. And have belts? Odd.

  103. no RVD had a heel run on the WCW alliance in 2001.

  104. The house shows are cool. A lot of interaction. I bought a toy X Division belt and got the majority of wrestlers that held it to sign it.

  105. I will now make my weekly plea for either TNA or WWE to take to two muscle heads, give them rip off LOD facepaint, and let them crush people 5 minutes at a time.

  106.  And as has been pointed out in the past, it's amazing how the shows have flown by recently. I can't believe it's almost 10 p.m. already.

  107. That would be the Smoking Crack and Child Rape Act.

  108. you're a lucky guy

  109. OMG Chavo... working so fucking light and off time with the other guys.

  110. ...or they take a team that has chemistry and the fans like them and break them up and make them feud.

  111. Chavo is like Kris Lewie out here.

  112. I can't speak much for the current roster, but expect a lot of interaction and very little in the way of effort from anyone not named AJ Styles. Going to a TNA house show without Don West walking around pressing the flesh and hocking merchandise wouldn't be quite the same though, I think. 

  113. Anybody else see how lean Batista looked in that promo? I wonder how his ring work would look if he came back and wrestled at that size.

  114. Daniels and Kaz should just start using some of the old MX double team moves.  

  115. And it fucked Magnus cuz Wolfe wasnt "cleared to wrestle" (my guess he has Hep C, cuz it was never explained why he couldnt wrestle again.)

  116. Thanks. I just need AJ Styles and that Ion dudes sig and I'm pretty much done.

  117. rocket launcher FOR THE WIN

  118. Always been a huge Hernandez fan. Surprised WWE never snatched him up.

  119. This is a great match. The double teams have been sick.

  120.  If there was ever a guy who could be paired up with ADR, it's Hernandez.

  121. dumb question now but who was the coolest wrestler that signed in the belt

  122. Or go the other way with Rey. 

  123. McMahon: "He's getting paired with Hunico and you'll LIKE it."

  124. Is Captain America sponsoring No Surrender?

  125. lol, when all else fails, just throw Daniels, Kaz, Styles and Angle in a match.  Guaranteed to rock.

  126. the problem is his post LAX run was extremely bad,and mexicam-american run sucked too.

  127.  That would rock as a tag team with the obvious big man/small man dynamic which usually rules.


    Styles/AJ v Kaz/Daniels.

  129. Very fun match.

  130.  I'm with ya. I mentioned in a previous Impact thread that I would have liked to see him get a run with the belt a while back. He's got a good look, can handle himself in the ring, and always struck me as a guy who has "it." I'd like to see him get built back up over time and re-enter the title picture at some point.

  131. A lot TNA PPV were saved by Angle last year.

  132. Easily Brian Kendrick. Dude stayed longer than anyone and signed EVERY autograph. 

    True story: He was signing autographs and Shannon Moore walked by. A little girl wanted his autograph. She asked Brian if he saw Shannon around the ring. He said "No, but give me your photo and I'll get it signed for you." He took the photo, ran to the dressing room got it signed and brought it back to her.

  133. I love how Hogan and Aries always puts over the belt.

  134. who was the biggest asshole

  135. Christopher Daniels is just a fantastic professional wrestler. 

  136.  He did, later on, say that it was due to effects from concussions. He's got some severe depression and has a reputation for constantly harping on what's wrong with wrestling, so I imagine he was thought of as a flake. I dunno where the Hep C story came from but it was never confirmed or denied.

  137. Beat him with a chair like the Rock did Foley.

  138. Exactly. Konnan as the spokesperson was a huge part of what made them awesome.

  139. That guy is BIG.

  140. Anyone else hoping that the Mike dude bit into a cyanide pill before Aries got him to talk?

    And did anyone else notice someone in the production truck (maybe Borash) say, "thank you everybody" as the TNA 10 logo rolled?

  141. And then he turns on Rey for selling out and becoming too Americanized. Rey can bump all over for him. Then Hernandez takes aim at Cena for being the embodiment of America holding down Latinos. Becomes the Mexican John Cena, run the ppv matches in strong Latino areas, get that Bret Hart in Canada dynamic. Make him an extreme version of Cain Velasquez.

  142. Reminds me of when Kidman gave Rey the SSP twice while Rey was strapped to a backboard (WWE).

  143. The Arm Breaker is a great wrestling name, hope they keep it.

  144. World Tag Team Champions of the World vs. The Phenomenal AJ Styles the The Phenomenal One AJ Styles?

  145. I really hope someone form Aces & Eights is revealed at No Surrender

  146. The Armbreaker, eh? Somewhere, Larry Zbyzsko is throwing a massive fit.

  147.  I was at Rumble 02, also!

  148. Your probably right, but if they give them any extended length of time, Joe vs Hardy or Storm vs whomever wins that match could potentially take match of the night honours.  Looks like another cracking PPV on paper. 

  149. I was hoping Batman was going to show up and say, "He's a paranoid schizophrenic, former patient at Arkham. The kind of mind the Aces and Eights attracts. What do you expect to learn from him?"

  150. my dvr cut out at 10pm on the dot. i need to set it for a couple of minutes after.

  151. Jay Lethal. Stood at ringside and didn't sign autographs. We are from the same town and I brought some kids down to meet him. I walked over to him and told him that. He said, "Is that so?" and walked away.

  152. Now that would rule. The team break up angle would be amazing too. 

  153. Was that Luke Gallows?

  154.  OK, I'm ready to pay for that "pronto".

  155. He certainly was tall enough to be Gallows, although I don't remember him being so "wide".  Either way, I like Gallows as a power wrestler so we'll see how it plays out Sunday vs. Aries.  Could be a helluva match with Aries bumping all over the place.  I expect shenanigans though after the match.


  157. I'm watching this MMA Unleashed and the host is a fucking asshole.

  158. Although it was only some short brawling, he looked like he could move a little bit out there. I remember Gallows being decent in the ring. I'm sure it has to do with how small Aries is, but he looked MASSIVE out there.

  159. my guess would be angle they say he is a cocky guy but did you manage to get autograph with angle? he was also a x-division champ,if you manage it how was it?,jay lethal an asshole that i didn't saw it coming.

  160.  Huh, it's funny he comes off that way to people. He did an autograph session in my town that a friend of mine put together, and it was pretty sparsely attended so we all basically stood around talking to him for a while, he was really cool. The girl who owns the tattoo shop it was held at told me later (while she was doing my sick ass arm piece) that she thought he seemed really rude, and she liked Jesse Neal a lot better. Which was weird because, while Jesse was pretty cool, he had more of that cocky "wrestler" attitude, I thought. But I guess you caught Lethal on a bad night.

    Kendrick is, however, an awesome guy.

  161. It would work....provided that McMahon lets Supermex WIN some matches against Cena.

    Bonus points if he attacks him for using the "Juan Cena" gimmick.

  162. kendrick looks to be a cool guy,he just needs to stop smoking pot.

  163.  Problem is he's not really as tall as he comes off on TV, somehow. Once you stand him next to people that aren't X-Division sized you really get a sense that he's just slightly larger than average.

  164. im not buying that cuz if i couldnt wrestle due to.brain swelling thats it. not a problem.

    if i cant wrestle cuz i got a condition that affects not only me but puts other wrestlers in jeopardy then imma be a lil more gunshy about exposing myself to the world.

    concussion dont affect others. hep c does.

  165.  Watchmen reference? You win, sir.

  166. It would be a great visual if he put the mask on a unconscious Cena.

  167. Am I crazy or would a rip off of the Watchmen story work as a wrestling storyline?

  168.  Hurm. It depends, how would you go about it? It'd be hard to have all the nuance with the guy who gets revealed as the mastermind at the end being right about everything, just because it plays so hard with the face/heel dynamic. Like, he did something evil, but it was in the name of good, and the theretofore supposed good guys would have been proved wrong for challenging him.

    I'm also probably in the minority that, while I think the movie had tons of problems, I actually like the ending better with Dr. Manhattan agreeing to take all the blame for Veidt's plot. It put a better point on all the "Manhattan is God/Jesus" stuff from the book, plus it paid off his arc in the movie of learning to care about humans to the degree that he sacrificed himself for them. I know it's blasphemous to not think the comic was better but in the end, Veidt's plan is so unlikely to work. Although the movie really suffered for not having all the Black Freighter stuff to pay off as an allegory for Veidt's guilt at what he'd done.

  169.  BTW Styles is a dick IRL. If he signs your belt (which he might not, he tends to only do those "buy a figure & I'll sign it" deals) he probably wont even look up at you while he does it.

  170. I could see Gallows being "Arm Breaker".  In the first Rocky movie, Rocky was a leg breaker, so it would fit for him being the muscle that does dirty work for the group.

  171. Well that's your perspective, but he's a big worrywart and a big anti-concussion crusader, and that's a lot of why he decided to retire. He talks about it on Colt's podcast.

  172. I thought I would never say this, but Hogan is doing a great job.  He's giving the belt and Aries a rub every week.  He treats Aries as the champion and the center of the company.  Take note WWE.  I have no problem with Hogan in this role, just wish we'd gotten here two years ago.

  173. YES!

    It reminds me of the that one guy from the Mad Max movies... that I cant recall right now.

  174. He was the Cruncher, but I smell what you are stepping in.

  175. It should be good, but I kinda wish Chavo/Hernandez got the rematch.  I was digging that match.

  176. Give him a couple more months.  He's gotta get "WWE Style" out of his system.

  177.  I can't stand Craig Carton. He was a sports talk host here in Philly a number of years ago, and he came across as a smug prick.

  178. Bully could just be putting over Storm on his way out.

  179. I too like the movie ending better. I love the movie, but I think if it would have taken more liberties it would have been better. Almost no movie works as a straight adaptation. Have you seen the Ultimate Cut? It puts all the Black Freighter stuff back in. 

    As for the wrestling version, maybe just do it in a very broad way. Cena is Doc Manhattan/Giant Squid Monster, Punk is Rorschach, and Bryan is Ozy. Just don't know what the plan/conspiracy would be. Maybe Jesse Baker can figure it out.

  180. He wasn't really a heel though.  He was playing the face who was loyal to ECW.

  181. I thought Joe Vs Magnus too, but then Magnus went after RVD too.

    What is great is that I could see any of the 4 guys winning.  Bully is red hot and has history with Aries.  Storm has been the favorite all year.  Hardy would pair up well with Aries and is maybe the most over guy in TNA right now, and Joe is Joe.

    I'm thinking the finals will be Storm Vs Joe though.

  182.  I don't think this world can handle Jesse Baker fantasy booking WWE in the context of The Watchmen. 

  183.  I wasn't thinking of Hernandez as big as in tall, but rather big as in wide and muscular; but I get what you're saying.


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