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Main Event Thread

Talk about the show so exciting that it broke fucking Disqus again!  Can Randall Orton's movie career handle yet another job?  Are they seriously doing Sheamus and Big Show in a Cell match?  All this and more tonight on some stupid network no one has heard of!


  1. Damn. I have att u verse for a cable co. And it doesn't have a hd ion...bullshit

  2. I won't watch this show until it does well in the ratings.

  3. Get in the mood, new and classic style!

  4. I assume you're not watching Impact either, since Main Event is kicking its ass in the ratings.

  5. "Kicking ass" = one week and 300K more viewers. That's a weird definition of ass kicking.

  6. Is Ion an offshoot of the CW? I want to say the logos are similar.

  7. The main event is Orton/Big Show. I'm thinking its awesome streak ends tonight.

  8. The Apex Predatory Viper cannot fail; he can only be failed.

  9. A show that debuted on a largely unknown network with little advertising got twenty percent more viewers than an established wrestling show on an established wrestling network.

    Ass. Kicked.

  10. They'll be fine, if they work WWE Main Event Style.

  11. Great Big Show hype video!

  12. WWE Main Event shows what can happen when you go through the trouble to make a match seem important!


    First, the original post was not meant to be taken seriously since I was making fun of your douchiness for talking about ratings. Secondly, it's mighty impressive that the world's largest sports entertainment company was able to pull in a big rating for it's debut show with "little" advertising, unless you count the advertising shown during its flagship show that reaches ~4 million and it's B-show that reaches another ~3 million, plus the advertising on its web page that reaches over a million eyeballs every day.

    Douche. Bag.

  14. You mock that which you envy.

  15. Nah, not really.

  16. It's too bad the Yankees won in 2009 because I would've loved for A-Rod's legacy to be having never won a World Series, or having a decent playoff run. I'm a Red Sox fan, but my new found hate for the Blue Jays softened me on the Yankees. But I still hate A-Rod.

  17. My sentiments exactly, if you replace A-Rod with King James.

  18. I'm not a big fan of him either, but I ended up in a huge debate about him the night the Heat won the championship so I don't bring it up. But basically I'd like it noted that after years of failing to lead his own team to a championship he left to join a guy who already lead his team to a championship.

  19. Strong finish with Kofi and Miz. That was like a verbal chess match, each jockeying for the upper hand, with Kofi ultimately forcing Miz into offering to put his title on the line.

    Main Event has proven that it is not a one-hit wonder. The legacy of the greatest television show in this business grows by the week!

  20. I think that was a good match. I like how they are building this up as a show that centers around the matches, and that the matches themselves have relatively clean finishes.

    Now, will they go all-in and feature a title change next week?

  21. We're giving whole dedicated threads to the best good god almighty wrestling show ever produced, thank you very much.

  22. Don't get me wrong, I HATE the way James left Cleveland. I wanted to see him choke like no one's business. But the way he HANDLED business this past June? It's hard to argue against that kind of performance, carrying Wade like that.

  23. This format of match build-up might work on Raw. You know, if they actually booked Raw's main events in advance, instead of in the first 20 minutes of every show.

  24. My thoughts exactly.

  25. Speaking of ratings the RAW rating is in: 2.78.

    That's better than the awful 2.54 they got last week, but not exactly an incredibly encouraging rating given them throwing Vince and such into the show. And once again, the first hour was the best hour, dropping almost a million viewers between Hour 1 and Hour 2 and dropping some more for Hour 3.

  26. OK, seriously, WWElvy?

  27. His legacy will be shaped by how many more he wins. If he has a good career and gets 3-4 more then people will mostly forget that he would have won 2 more championships just simply by not quitting (2010) or choking (2011). People give Magic a pass for his "Tragic Johnson" year and how he whacked his coach just because he won enough.

    Heaven help Lebron though if that's the only one he gets as an elite player. People talk about him being the new Jordan but if he can't squeeze at least 2 more out of this Heat team, he becomes the new Wilt. And that's not a good thing.

  28. Couldn't have said it any better.

  29. Not understanding humor is not a strong suit on this blog.

  30. This guy gets it.

    I'm thinking that WWE Main Event is a prototype for the RAW of the future, testing the waters to see if actually focusing on wrestling matches gets ratings. If they spend time with high-quality produced videos hyping what you're about to see instead of endless replays of what's already happened, put on quality matches of 15-20 minutes in length, and let the wrestlers talk about the matches as if winning and losing were important to them, then three hours will seem like a blessing instead of a curse.

  31. Sensible build to a Kofi/Miz match WITHOUT the assistance of a GM. That's all I could ask for. Too bad Miz retains on a cheap win or a DQ loss since Kofi's already gotten the advantage over him twice this week alone.

  32. All the matches have had fairly clean pinfall finishes thus far. If the ratings go up this week, I think there's a chance that Kofi goes over for the title to keep the momentum going for this show.

  33. What humor am I missing then?

  34. Ibanez is a beast.

    That is all.

  35. We need a "This guy gets it" thread.

  36. In order to fully maximize this new gimmick i feel you should do this

    juF ehT

    embrace the troll.

  37. No, you had it right in the first place. Things that you post are humorous; things that other people post are slanderous attacks against you.

  38. If only I could grow a goatee...

  39. It's not a cable network, it's a broadcast network with affiliates in different cities. If they have an affiliate in whatever market your network channels come from, then it is probably on your cable system, you just may not know it. According to they have 67 affiliates, so if you live in or near one of those cities, you probably have Ion.

  40. Sorry, you'll have to go to DailyMotion to get your fix for now.

  41. Yeah, but the Bachelorette gets better ratings. So based on your logic I am going to watch it instead.

  42. Yeah, but the Gangnam Style video gets more hits on YouTube, so you should watch that instead.

  43. Funny, I don't remember saying anyone was slandering me.

  44. I thoroughly enjoy this show. The one thing the WWE loves to do, almost as much as I, is reminisce.


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