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Monday Night Open Mic

Howdy Blog of Doomers...

I'm so far behind with WWE right now I'm just going to pick it up after Survivor Series. Is this month's main event Cena-Punk? If so I might watch that because it'll probably be a good match.

Enjoy the show, come out swinging but keep it clean :)


  1. Cable is out and I don't get to watch the show tonight. This shit blows.

  2. So you got this match between two of the few guys they let be actually bad asses and taking place in a Hell in a Cell. How do you get people to want to see this match? If your answer was a debate please send résumé to 1241 East Main Street Stamford, CT 06902. Thank you.

  3. We're back to the old comment system on the night of a live thread? That sucks. I was hoping to give my F5 key a night off.

  4. I find it beyond bizarre they are going to mock the political process when LINDA MCMAHON IS RUNNING FOR SENATE.

    Or, even worse, they're going to play it straight.

  5.  Ummmm, Linda McMahon doesn't work for WWE anymore, remember????

    I'm ready for them to say soon that she doesn't even speak to Vince anymore.

  6. Another Tuesday morning in Asia, another Monday night to watch vicariously through the Doom Buggies.

  7. I can't wait until the night before the election, when Vince runs ANOTHER skit that totally makes Linda look like an idiot.

  8. You're BONKERS, man! I, for one, CANNOT wait for Sheamus to put the verbal Brogue Kick on that Big Show fella. Hopefully, if we're lucky, Mr. O'Shaughnessy will regale us with colourful anecdotes about his freaky relatives in Ireland when making his undoubtedly articulate statements during this DEBATE FOR THE AGES! And he'll be SMILING while he does it!

    I'm SO pumped!

  9. JR appreciation night...that means he's getting beat up and kissing Vince's butt. 

  10. So I had a thought on how to turn Punk back to face. So let's get Baked!

    The night after HIAC, Brock Lesnar comes out to challenge Punk for the title at Survivor Series. During the buildup to the match, play up Heyman's connection to both guys leading everyone to wonder who's side he is on. End of the match, Heyman turns on Punk and Lesnar wins the title.

    Cena challenges Lesnar for the title at the Dec. PPV because he needs the rematch with The Rock, blah blah blah. Lesnar beats Cena and goes on to the Rumble to face Rock. Lesnar beats Rock after Cena costs him the match(similar to how HBK cost Undertaker the title to get him to agree to a WM rematch.) and Punk wins the Rumble.

    Brock vs Punk for the title and Rock/Cena 2 as the double main event for WM.

  11. So is it some sort of moral victory for Punk that they're letting him keep Chicago face-dom? Or will he be knocking Mrs. O'Leary's great-granddaughter out of a wheel chair the next trip though?

  12.  Want it, they'd never put Punk over Brock though and that's what I'd want for storyline purposes

  13. Could this crowd BE more quiet for an opening segment?!

  14.  Yeah, there is no other way to watch it.

  15. I have never been behind Punk and Heyman more than I am now. FIRE AJ!

  16. They would put Punk over Brock in a heartbeat, especially on his way out. The problem would be them letting Brock go over Punk, Cena, and Rock in a 3 month period.

  17. Cable is back and not only is AJ wearing pants but she's talking. Click.

  18.  Until they raise punk's hand in your hypothetical matchup, I wouldn't believe it. If Brock can keep the schedule, doubt he leaves, especially if he keeps popping buy rates. Even if he leaves, can see HHH or whoever not letting the "little guy" go over

  19. That beard is absolutely glorious.

  20. Hell No vs Punk/Ziggler?! Sure, why not. 

  21. This is like.....15 different angles in 1 segment.

  22. This is a train wreck. In a good way. Feels like it's leading to a 6 way HIAC match though. Punk/Ziggler/Kane/Bryan/Ryback/Cena.

  23. With six people already in the ring, I kinda want them to just do a 3-hour opening interview one week.  They can just keep introducing the entire roster slowly over the night as the ring fills until Cena is ready for his main event interview at 10:55.

  24. So Ziggler/Punk vs. Kane/Bryan tonight?

  25. You beat me to it.

  26. Nothing grabs that male 18-25 demo than a 5' woman bossing around men.

  27. Jesus Christ, just fucking form the new Dangerous Alliance already!!!!!! Have Dolph turn on Vicki and have Kane/Bryan/Punk/Ziggler/Heyman unit as a group already and have them cement their alliance by beating up Vicki and AJ in the ring at once....  

  28.  Then a simultaneous A.A. for the entire roster, Show/Edge style, just so everyone knows the pecking order, I like it.

  29. As I typed before, just run to the ring at 8:10, and AJ will throw you in the main event.

  30. More quiet than last week's Ryback reveal and Cena pulling out the lead pipe?

  31. Ok, those matching masks/tights combos are fucking awesome.

  32. Wow...WWE has a full blown tag division

  33. Brock's favorite key.

  34.  I like that idea way more than Punk/Cena again.

  35. I'd rather they do Rock vs. Lesnar at this point.

    The money. Itself it prints.

  36. Bryan twirling his mustache was the highlight of that opening segment.

  37. I'll stand for a lot of bullshit WWE puts me through. Denying me Rosa's entrance is not one of them.

  38. Only half paying attention, and just noticed a masked guy in the ring. As I'm wondering to myself is that Cara or Rey, he botches an arm drag... Oh, it's Sin Cara.

  39.  For some guys, that is a fetish.

  40. Even though they are passing up MILLIONS of dollars by not releasing the Attitude Era DVD set just so her opponent can't use footage against her(they formally said this was the reason)

    Man Vince is going to really have to answer to his stockholders on that decision

  41. Just for fun, whoever's on top can knock Sting out of the rafters for his first ever WWE appearance.

  42. It'll be on Youtube later tonight, ask if you need a link

  43. Victor Rodriguez JrOctober 1, 2012 at 6:37 PM

    poor JR, he's fucking up all over the place

  44. are they boozing in the production truck tonight? can't blame them really.

  45. It's like they asked themselves, "How can we make this debate as terrible as possible? I know! Let's make Booker T the moderator!"

  46. Yes, let's beat women up because we don't have enough misogyny in the world.

  47. Victor Rodriguez JrOctober 1, 2012 at 6:41 PM

    whoa, disqus just changed formats suddenly

  48. With little over a month til the election, I wonder if they'll be able to fight the temptation for GM Flair with driver Booker T and AJ the Maid before the big day. Which will be comedy gold when she becomes Mrs. Flair the 6th IRL. (I've already credited him with Fifi as wife and divorce #5 for those scoring at home)

  49. They are really putting over JR's ceremony. Which can only mean he will be covered in pigs blood at the end of the show.

  50. WOW....welcome to the JOB squad Brodus.

  51. F you, Brodus, don't get any comedy gimmicks over on me. You're damn lucky Sapphire's dead. ~Vince

  52. You'd think when you get to 3 marriages and each one ends faster than the last you'd just give up. I never really understood the point in getting married if you're going to sleep around anyway. Just be single. It's not like being single is anymore embarrassing than anything else about his personal life.

  53. There's football on.

  54. I wonder if Saturn ever checked that chick's head for Moppy.

  55. I'm pleasantly surprised at Cesaro squashing Brodus. See WWE, you can get finishes right sometimes!

  56. Victor Rodriguez JrOctober 1, 2012 at 6:47 PM

    kaitlins hair drives me irrationally crazy!

    Pick a god damn color! She looks like shes wearing a blond wig on top of a black wig for jeebus' sake.

  57. I can't believe they are blowing Punk/Sheamus on their shitty ion show....

  58. Main event on some channel that will be cancelled in 3 months: Sheamus vs Punk
    Main event on flagship show: Wacky tag team match
    Main event on PPV: Beats me.

  59. But that would turn Punk into a money player, and that has clearly never been the goal.

  60. can this much suck fit in one ring?

  61. OK, I just got here. How many times has McMahon humiliated J.R. on "J.R. appreciation night"?

  62. Larry King. Today's "Do you know our demographic? We don't" Trivia answer

  63. Larry King is stooping himself to this? Ugh...

  64. Ok, let's let Zack get a woo woo in before jobbing

  65. Seems they're serious about pushing him. They dropped the Aksana thing quick when they realized it wasn't working, and now give him an easy win over Brodus. Unfortunately, tonight's crowd appears to hail from Mark City, so still not much of a reaction.

  66. That might be the point, nobody is going to watch it.

  67. and there we go

  68. I need to go back and remember how WWE could possibly have been ran before Twitter.

  69. You know what the sad thing is? Someone in the back actually thinks that putting Sheamus in a pointless feud with ADR, followed by the Big Show, and using a DEBATE to hype their PPV match is the key to a strong title reign and legitimacy with the fans.

  70. Hey, let the champions beat up jobbers... Well done, WWE.

  71. Seth Mates ‏@SethMates
    Sheamus, are Triple H's bags heavy? #SheamusShow

    God, I hope they use that one.

  72. Victor Rodriguez JrOctober 1, 2012 at 7:00 PM

    ratings tanking? start the second hour with a debate!

  73. I wonder why this isn't a "VERBAL DEBATE" like it was the last time they thought this was a good idea to do (Elimination Chamber, I think?). Perhaps they will engage in fisticuffs?

  74. If the crowd wasn't slightly moving, I'd swear they were N64 No Mercy style bitmaps.

  75. A debate?

    Remember when WWE used to book exciting shows?

  76. Freddie Young ‏@fredthewolf
    Hey Sheamus, are you sad that Chumbawumba broke up? Do you think they should get up again after getting knocked down?#SheamusShow #RAW

    (Sorry, these tweets are better than the segment will ever be)

  77. Debates = Ratings!

    *May be a lie.

  78. I don't know if USA would consider it but when they finally decide to cancel three hours, I kinda wish they'd consider 8-10pm as the time. Was a nice sweet spot time wise when Nitro used to run then.

  79. Usually, WWE will take something that worked once and pound into the ground until no one cares about it anymore(see: Contract signings)

    When the fuck has any debate been great tv?

  80. Wow, YEAH SHOW!

  81. "This debate is ridiculous!"


    Another Big Show face turn!

  82. I wonder what would happen if they put their "we're going to make you like him" energy into someone who the fans naturally liked? Has it ever been done? It could change the business.

  83. Khali should tell Sheamus the dot usually goes higher up on the head. And that it's really in poor taste.

  84. I'm not watching, but I'm going to throw a guess out there - the debate is designed to make Sheamus look good. The segment bombs, the crowd either doesn't react or reacts negatively towards Sheamus, and if it's a really good crowd they just shit all over the whole thing.

    How close did I end up?

  85. Well at least Sheamus didn't mention Show's problem with diarrhea....

  86. No reaction so far.

  87. The only time "we're going to make you like him" has EVER worked was with Brock Lesnar. The biggest stars were made in SPITE of WWE's best efforts, guys like Bret, Austin, Rock, Cena (when he had a gimmick of being a white rapper), and Batista.

  88. It's bad enough the show is falling apart, now the podium has to join it...

  89. "I think we need to see a tout!"

    NOOOOOOOOOO! Fuck you, Sheamus!

  90. No minority is safe from Sheamus.

  91. Wow what a train wreck

  92. What's even sadder is based on Sheamus' mentioning Show's weight in the tout, they planned on him breaking the podium....good grief

  93. New low for Sheamus with the Mysterio mask on.

  94. They have turned Sheamus into a complete cartoon character.

  95. The sad part is I bet Sheamus and Big Show have some crazy chemistry together and I'm interested in seeing the match. But then they do shit like this and I lose interest.

  96. oh look at that. the big show spends 10 minutes trying to be intimidating, then it turns out he's just a BIG PUSSY. this show is not a waste of time at all.

  97. Show was actually winning me over there too.

  98. Are they still pushing that? What's wrong with Celtic Warrior?

  99. I think that's what's keeping Sheamus from really making it. If you want to be a top guy in the wrestling business you have to learn to accuse your opponent of smelling like poop or pooping their pants.

  100. Is that Big Show Sheamus matching going to be in the Cell? Or is it just going to be a normal match at the Hell in the Cell show?

  101. Official verdict: You are correct, SIR! They're killing Sheamus with this goofball gimmick, rather than him just being an ass-kicker, which is what got him over in the first place.

  102. It'll probably be a regular match inside of the Cell.

  103. So they dropped VanDamberg going after Miz or does Miz get a PPV squashing?

  104. Why can't a crowd shit over all over this show for a 3 full hours? I would kill for a "boring" chant through garbage like the debate.

  105. As of this, Ryback has 10 followers... make that 11.

  106. Just pair Tensai and Brodaus up and make them a big man team.

  107. Isn't that every Hell In A Cell match now? Shit, did Taker and Triple H even the Cell in their supposed "show stealing match" (that's sarcasm by the way) at Wrestlemania?

  108. I wonder if Albert stood in the gorilla position with a single tear running down his cheek saying "this could have been me" about VanDamberg

  109. After that thunderous ovation he got for confronting Punk, they moved him on to better things.

  110. and....Rybak can't get Tensi up. haha

  111. Sure but it only took him a whole month to get those 11 followers

  112. Well that will put a dent in The Ryback.

  113. Goldberg got the Giant up in the Jackhammer... just saying.

  114. Who would have thought Goldberg in RVD's tights would get over?

    I don't like Ryback's finish, and the evidence was right there. He couldn't pickup Tensai for it. Use a spear or something you can hit on anybody.

  115. I swear, as soon as I saw Tensai was the opponent again I thought 'wouldn't it hilarious if he couldn't get Tensai up for his finisher on live television' after doing it easily on the taped show last week.'

  116. Ooops... probably should've kept that match on SmackDown (like it was last week), so they could've edited that out.

  117. I wonder if Tensai will get the blame?

  118. Next week...The Ryback/Tensai water cannon fight.

  119. There goes the Ryback/Big Show feud.

  120. They need to stop putting the word "team" in front of every team. It wasn't Team The Midnight Express or Team The Road Warriors. I guess it's another thing we can blame Twilight for.

  121. Well he did try to block it. Twice!

  122. Now now....we have absolutely zero proof that Stephanie and the rest of the booking team watch "Twilight".

    Oh wait.

  123. WWE. Putting more cancer survivors on TV then my facebook wall ever could.

  124. On the other hand, we have plenty of proof they don't watch wrestling.

  125. It's too racist. The Great White at least doesn't sound like something a Klan member would use.

  126. I noticed how Albert kept his leg behind Ryback's like he was going to kayfab block it.

  127. The Diva's division is so small now pretty soon Eve will be picking random women out of the crowd to defend against.

  128. See, that's why you stick to debates.

  129. WWE debates. 0-0 MNF games. No House or 24.

    My Mondays used to be so much better.

  130. Will Tensai and Sakamato enter the tag tournament as Team Future Endeavored?

  131. I believe they may have leaned against it to catch their breath. That's something.

  132. She's just making her rounds by jobbing to everyone on her way out. It will be a matter of time before VIckie pins her.

  133. And here for a moment I was thinking that this Divas match was going longer than usual, and then it just ends.

  134. Yep, Fox really dropped the ball developing something for Mondays.

  135. Why is it that a wrestler isn't scheduled to wrestle they still come dressed in their ring gear?

  136. As shocking as this may sound, this show already feels SO long and there's still 90 minutes to go.

  137. Where did the like button go? Cause like x1,000,000.

  138. Still interesting pecking order. I'm shocked they haven't given Cena the Where's Poochie treatment. I guess that's reserved for HHH's "retirements" these days

  139. CM Punk hasn't raped Jim Ross yet.

  140. Victor Rodriguez JrOctober 1, 2012 at 7:34 PM

    exactly what i was thinking. sad.

  141. Actually, it will be funny when they chop out 4 full wrestling matches, so they can squeeze the debate into the Hulu version

  142. I came in 90 minutes late. Good to see I haven't missed anything.

    Except a debate...that they pretty much played straight...holy shit...

  143. The Cena-Less Raw slogan: Rise Above 3.0 Nielsen

  144. Well played sir.

  145. Lets just spend an hour speculating how they can make Punk more of a heel during the JR segment.

    I will start with Punk bringing out defib paddles "just in case something goes wrong".

  146. Sounds like a typical day of work for me, but I digress...

  147. +1 on the quote.

    - 0.8 on the rating.

  148. Seriously, is NOBODY allowed to have an entrance tonight?

  149. JBL's biggest shock about reaching the top of the mountain? No soap.

  150. This is the first time we've seen Drew McIntyre on this show in months. Remember that losing streak angle he had six months ago? How'd that work out for him?

  151. JBL had the mountain deported after he climbed it.

  152. ..what they have in common is that they SUCK, J.R.

  153. How is Heath Slater NOT using the Alabama Jam?

  154. Hey, guess what? They're still jobbers and they still suck.

  155. Such a random grouping of guys. Team Job Squad

  156. They are trying to save time for all the wrestling.

  157. Bring back Al Snow with T-shirts. Pin me, pay me!!

  158. Hmm, this might rock? (bad pun)

  159. This has to be the most random thing I've ever seen.

  160. Heath Slater is the leader of a faction. This is what the wrestling world has come to in 2012!!

  161. These guys are the jobbiest jobbers that ever jobbed.

  162. "I'm the one man band... (but I'm in a new stable...)"

  163. My bet is that first segment went way over on time.

  164. Somebody REALLY likes the color cheeto orange, tights, hair, skin

  165. You mean other than Scott Steiner and Christopher Nowinski debating the war in Iraq?

  166. Yeah, this would seemingly contradict his very persona.

  167. Cool. We have a new faction, that would take 3 jackhammers from Gillberg.

  168. They just need one more random person and they can call themselves the Beat-Alls.
    (Sorry, was watching Powerpuff Girls with my counsin)

  169. too bad it instead sounds like a gimmick for one of the goofballs from the Dungeon of Doom.

  170. Well played. Especially if McIntire grows his beard out like John Lennon.

  171. What is that thing on Sheamus' nose?

  172. I think you vastly overestimate how closely stockholders pay attention.

  173. I like how they're not blowing through the tournament in one week with meaningless 3 minute matches.

  174. Yeah, but Paul's gotten even bigger since then.

  175. Hey it could be worse. They could have brought back Scott Steiner.

  176. Somebody had to say it.

  177. If we're having verbal debates tonight, I like to think we're only a step away from Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow in a beard-off.

  178. Just ONE MATCH over 2 minutes without a commercial. ONE MATCH.

  179. I'm looking forward to next week. Greater unintentional comedy: Raw or the New York Jets?


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