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Punk/Austin sit down interview with JR
Thought I'd try and get your opinion on this before it gets taken down. Basically a shill for WWE 13, but with some additional commentary on the current product.

JR kind of lost me at "Greatest game in the history of technology."  Still, obviously there's some chemistry between Punk and Austin if they can work something out for Wrestlemania.  Punk can have Heyman point at the sign for him!  


  1. Austin was 'on' in this interview... it actually made me badly want to see Stone Cold back! Punk was quite reserved, though I think if he did it in his current heel persona it would of been more confrontational. They need to make this match happen now! You can't tease the fans like that and just sell it as a great match.. to play on a computer game. 

  2. Well, Stone Cold can still make me want to see a match. JR is past his prime on commentary, but he would a massive asset to the WWE doing these kind of interviews. How about instead of 20 minutes of having people aimlessly interrupt each other, give that time to two segments like this one, to really get over a feud.

  3. That's quite the entertaining commercial. Nice to see Austin can still bring the profane crazy. And make it all about the belt at the same time.

  4. Didn't they do something like that on World Championship Wrestling during the mid-80's?  I recall being bored out of my gourd a couple of times as Bill Apter was doing these boring sit down affairs with guys like Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes.

  5. Fuck this shit. The only way I can see this working is if it's Punk basically treating Austin like a washed up old fart and Austin loses to Punk and never gets any sort of advantage over Punk in the lead-up to the feud. And then have Punk forever taunting Cena that Cena got his ass kicked by the Rock but Punk defeated Austin flawless victory style as far as another reason why Punk > Cena.

    If they have have Austin win the feud, then just do Cena/Austin as far as allowing Austin to make Cena his personal bitch leading up to the match and the match itself, while cursing out everyone for being stupid as fuck to cheer a dickless tool like Cena and tormenting Vince over the issue of him hitting the motherlode as far as finding a supreme asskissing syncophant in John Cena to be his corporate champion.

    Several weeks of Austin running wild ala 1996/1997 in the early days of SCSA, terrosizing Cena and Vince/AJ and basically forever pointing out what a dickless tool Cena is would be glorious.

  6. Austin went out on a perfect note, against Rocky in a great match at Wrestlemania.....

    ....but goddamn, a Punk vs. Austin feud would be the shot in the arm the main event scene needs.

  7. Austin really does have the crazy eyes.  I think Punk came off great though, the straight man is just, if not more, essential to a duo.

  8. I've never been more convinced that this match is happening. Fuck being overshadowed by Rock-Cena II, Austin-Punk main events 29 if Steve's knee allows it. If not, definitely at 30.

    Austin doesn't need to do shit like this. We know perfectly well that he doesn't play along when he doesn't want to. He was having the time of his life there, and went all out. If that wasn't a promo building to a match, then I don't know what is.

    Just awesome stuff. I was pretty pumped for Rock's return last year, but I couldn't give two shits about Cena. This is my dream match, and I'm fucking stoked.

  9. I don't even think it would be overshadowed. especially because we have seen Rock vs. Cena before but we have never seen Austin vs. Punk. add the fact that Austin would also be returning to the Ring after nearly ten years.

  10. "Steve, I see you looking at this. ... I'm not looking at your watch. I don't want your watch, I don't want anything you have. But I see you, I see you looking at my title." - awesome.

  11. Screw the opening 20 minute interview segment on Raw next week, just play this.

  12. That's what I meant. Not like, "Fuck being overshadowed, do it anyway." More like, "Fuck the consternation of it being overshadowed, THIS is a main event on any card."

  13. Making bitches making bitches making bitches!

  14. It reminded me a lot of the rock austin pre wrestlemania 17 sit down interview.

  15. Between this and Punk yelling "STONE COLD!" a bunch of times on Raw, I'd be pretty happy if they actually used it to build to a match instead of wasting it.

  16. Can of Pepsi works better, but I like that scenario.

  17.  Yeah, it sounds like a good idea until you realize that there's actually very few people on the roster who could make a 20 minute interview interesting.  I mean sure, J.R. sitting with Austin or the Rock for even 10 or so minutes could be great, Punk could probably make it interesting,  but what do you do the next time?  Have Zach Ryder come out and go "Woo Woo Woo" for 10 minutes? 

  18.  Fuck this shit. The only way I can see this working is if it's Punk
    basically treating Austin like a washed up old fart and Austin loses to
    Punk and never gets any sort of advantage over Punk in the lead-up to
    the feud. And then have Punk forever taunting Cena that Cena got his ass
    kicked by the Rock but Punk defeated Austin flawless victory style as
    far as another reason why Punk > Cena.

    This is fucking stupid.

  19. Minor threadjack, but speaking of Punk I saw his new dvd's documentary portion last night and it is quality.  The amount of footage and time spent talking about his pre-WWE career is kind of amazing for a WWEProd film.

  20. Poor Punk was 10 years too late.  He would have been the greatest Attitude Era heel and the perfect foil for Austin.  They could have printed even more money than they already were.

  21. This was awesome. Not only does it make you want to see them fight, but it makes you want to se them fight over the title. In 10 minutes Austin did more to make the championship seem important than John cena has done in his entire career. Seriously, let Rock and Cena have their little singalong/rap battle rematch, THIS is the match that would break PPV records.

  22. Since Punk started talking about the belt...

    would they possibly let Punk take the belt all the way to Mania to defend it against Austin?

  23. Cena/Punk vs Rock/Austin would kill all of the things. That would be the end of times in the best ways. Would help cover Austin's physical limitations too. Plus both teams would have tension within themselves. Make it one of those, "whoever gets the fall is champion" tag matches. Money. Printed.

  24. Personally I always wanted to Steve Austin face John Cena - wanna be tough guy Cena getting the piss beat out of him by Austin for 20 minutes would be priceless. I'd go up to $100 to see that on pay per view.

    But Punk/Austin match up better character wise. Very alike in a way, but polar opposite in other ways.

  25. I don't necessarily think you should do these type of things EVERY week, but I do think this would be a good way to give the non main eventers some type of direction.  I think a lot of us complain over directionless characters, at least interviews like this could give them a "reason to be" in WWE.  For example, Kofi is a black guy who wears lime green outfits and has cool music...what else do we know about him?  What are his motivations?  Does he care about winning the world title?  Some additional info to make people be more invested in him.

  26. And the video was pulled before I had a chance to watch... great.


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