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TNA Live Thread

Right at the buzzer. I want to share a funny story here to start out: one of my clients at work that I talk to about wrestling a lot was telling me the other day that he doesn't like Raw or Smackdown anymore, because they've gotten too boring. TNA, on the other hand, he thinks is awesome. Moral of the story: even the developmentally disabled know that TNA is better than WWE right now. Just sayin.


  1. Off topic, but I just wanna get this out there. I've had my ticket for the Wild Card game for weeks, and I'm pumped. Should be an awesome atmosphere. Go Braves!!

  2. im pissed i got forced to work ot till 9 tn... luckily im sure there wont be a big revelation of the aces n 8s...

  3. and wow the jobber has a one post lead over "our favorite bod alchoholic" ryan murphy. GO JOBBER!

  4. Lol, good stuff Ryan.

  5. Is Robert Irvine going to make an appearance? He's a big dude.

  6. I do feel like I should explain so I'm not making a cheap shot at my buddy's expense here: the guy does have a social adaptive age of about 13 or so, so it's not like it's that hard to imagine he could make a critical comparison like that. Shit, when I was 13 I'd have probably tried to argue that Tommy Dreamer was a better worker than The Rock, so really he's doing better than I was. 

  7. Hollywood boyfriend, Scott Baio?

  8. I'm not a follower of MMA, so I have a question. Why isn't King Mo in UFC if he's such a famous fighter? Is he too old? Not good enough? Just wondering...

  9. Tara had a nice outfit.

  10. Joey Ryan personifies douche. What a great character.

  11. Look out Impact, WWE Main Event is coming to take your spot as the IWC Darling of wrestling shows.

  12. fuck am i missing joey ryan??? hwo's his segment going??

  13. The more good wrestling shows the better says I.

  14. He's definitely good enough to be in the UFC. He's a former Strikeforce light-heavyweight champ, a great wrestler with power in his hands. I wouldn't consider him a Top 10 fighter right now but he could definitely be in the mix.

    He's got a bit of a...mercurial attitude, though and after his contract was up, he was insulted by UFC's offer to him. Plus he's always loved wrestling, even talked about it quite knowledgeably during interviews when he first got some recognition. I'm not surprised he's giving it a go.

  15. Daniels' head popping up out of nowhere.  lololololololololol.

  16. I think another playoff spot in baseball is great...but one game? You play a 162 game season and fight and claw for the postseason and it all comes down to one game. Add another playoff spot and make it a best-of-five.

  17. I think Joey Ryan has been hanging out with Taz.

    "Apologement," LOL.

    Also, Daniels popping his head from around the corner near the bottom of the screen = WIN.  Wearing a Marvel comics t-shirt no less.

  18. I love Daniels in this role.

  19. I don't like the idea at all. Four playoff teams each was perfect. They play 162 damn games. The best teams are at the top. It's just a ratings grab because fewer people are paying attention to baseball. That being said, I'm gonna be there having a blast (hopefully).

  20. Yeah, he's awesome.

    I'd love a feud between The World Tag Team Champions of the World vs I Am The Tag Team Champions. How great would that be?

  21. I think Joey Ryan said "Apologement" at one point.  Screw up or not, that's sort of awesome.

  22. Proceed with caution Kids.

  23. Woah, the crazy ass Diaz brothers? They're the MMA equivalent if the Briscoes. Hopefully that'll be interesting.

  24. zanadude do you watch tna??

  25. Why is TNA's Locker Room bathed in darkness? Is this Star Trek Generations?

  26. "legalize sleaze"

  27. Sorta fits with the realistic approach. Those areas are not lit for tv.

  28. Since Star Trek was on Sci-Fi earlier... I'd rather the darkness of Generations over saving the fucking whales in The Voyage Home.

  29. Not pertaining to anything, but I want a teamto be formed called "the Legion of Douche". Who should be the members?

  30. So far, so good for the first hour. One more to go.

  31. I like how it makes winning the division more important though.

  32. Leading the group, a freshly heel Austin Aries. Along with Mr. Anderson, Joey Ryan, and Robbie E as the "bitch" of the group.

  33. I have no idea what they do with Bully Ray at BFG. I think the best option is making him the ref for Aries/Hardy.

  34. So I turn on my TV and see the perverted cameraman with the super-zoom on Christe Hemme.


  35. No.  The ratings suck.

  36. Replace Anderson with Kaz and I agree.

  37. If Kaz can bring Daniels with him, sure. Legion of Douche can use a good tag team...

    Oh, and add Zema Ion to the mix.

  38. No Zema, you're about 108th on that list. Right below Taeler Hendrix and right above Dixie Carter.

  39. Less Bruce Prichard on my tv screen please. Unless he is painted red and wearing jewelry.

  40. He's not douchey enough. He's just annoying. Anderson can be an alternate.

  41. Prichard acting like an ass....could he be part of Aces and Eights??

  42. King Mo definitely has the look and can cut a promo. If he is even decent in the ring, he'll be a star.

  43. Yeah, Abyss is coming back soon. As Bobby Heenan once put it, "But whose side is he on?"

  44. I do like the Matt Morgan sighting... "hey, why has he been off TV the last five months?"

    Now unless this leads to: Morgan returning (isn't he headed to WWE though), or Morgan being removed "with cause", it's a waste.

  45. Just because I like to torture myself by watching Raw, doesn't mean I like to watch actual torture.

  46. It was reported Morgan re-signed a few weeks ago. His WWE deal fell through because of the lawsuit. If I was Morgan, I would have just waited and signed with WWE. They would have pushed him to the moon.

  47. Small Hidden Highlight:

    Bully goes to pull one of the others back into the ring. He goes to pull the hair, sees it's Aries (no hair to pull), and goes for the chin/beard instead. I approve.

  48. If Russo were still booking: Aces n Eights filmed Hulk and Bubba's wife. 

  49. ... And that pick SUCKS. ... ... sucks.

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! Thank you Aces and Eights.

    Plan B? B for Bully Ray? I approve.

  50. So beating a jobber gets the spot, but not beating the number one contender?

  51. Whew, good thing Anderson got taken out...just a tease to lead to Bully.

  52. What in the fuck is with those Impact mutants love for Devon?

  53. Oh, and Hogan's shirt worries me. "Authentic 4 Life"? Sure...

  54. Is Hogan Jamaican?

    "De Sting Mon."

    Bad flashbacks of Mike Adamle calling Kofi's matches

  55. Jim Helwig is the partner?!

  56. My head just assploded from the awesomeness

  57. As campy and predictable as TNA can be, that was an incredibly fun two hours of TV I just watched.

  58. What was funny was that there was that split second where you could tell he was like "...dafuq did I just say?"

  59. Anyone else look at Anderson laying there moving his mouth around and think, "I think he's really just taking a nap"

  60. That shirt is awesome. I want one.

  61. He's been doing that a lot lately hilariously enough.

    He also once said that Sting "rules with a sperm hand."

  62. After giving him a stuttering gimmick the first time, I wouldn't hold my breath.

  63. I would LOVE to see the Warrior as the leader of Aces and Eights. But not in all the facepaint. Have him come out in a suit and tie all calm and occasionally show signs of spazzing out like the old Warrior.

  64. I make no opinions of my own. I only watch what others watch. Watching Impact takes away from those Two And A Half Men reruns. That show had great ratings, so I watched it regardless of whether I think its funny.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go read the new JK Rowlings book. It is the #1 book, which is all I need to know.

  65. I don't get it either. I mean he's a nice guy and all but I don't see the big deal.

  66. That is one of Hogan's better looking shirts for sure. Not as cool looking as his nWo Hollywood Hogan shirt, but in this day of ultra lame John Cena T-shirts, you take what you can get.

  67. For all of the times TNA has been compared to WCW, perverted cameramen is one thing TNA has that WCW never had. By comparison, whenever a hottie like Midajah would walk near camera range, WCW would do a quick cutaway, which pretty much meant that WCW did not know their audience.

  68. That was a hilarious story. No, really!

  69. What year were you 13? Cause you might have had a case if it were 96 or 97.

  70. So why even click on a TNA thread then? Do you charge TNA rent for all of the real estate it owns inside of your head?

    Oh wait, you're just another one of the generic trolls that resides here, carry on.

  71. I think that had more to do with Turner standards and practices more than anything, as WCW was supposed to be a family show. They cut away from many Wolfpac and DDP crotch chops back in the day

  72. Ah looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this post

  73. He's said before that he'll only watch it when more people start watching it. It didn't make any sense. 

  74. It looked like he was trying to spoon with that wooden crate

  75. What's the deal with his weird little "Gambit from X-Men" gloves?

  76. i seriously think its just insincere. Anything to piss off the bully after all

  77. he's just the resident WWE apologist, thats all. Dude actually said RAW has been on fire since Night of Champions, LOL

  78. Oh dear lord, is there any single wrestler on the planet more gullible than Sting...ever?

  79. I really don't need this image on the day Hogan's sex tape leaked.


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