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Wrestlemania: The Poster

\Begin baseless speculation...NOW.


  1. So, tune in January to find out what these people are up to?

  2. Never before, Never AGAIN... Redux?

  3. I think it means they just threw their three biggest draws on a poster. And that all three will be wrestling on the card.

  4. We'll find out 2 weeks before when the matches we dont want get merged into a 3 way or 4 way..  I guarantee there isnt one person on the writing staff who knows the plan now.  Bet Punk's pleased with this poster!

  5. Probably be a three way in order to skirt the issue.

    But yeah, if I was Punk, I'd be pissed off. Or demanding Undertaker as an opponent/being the one who ends the streak given that he's (allegedly) being set up for the fall so that the asshole Cena can get his big rematch/world title win over his biggest IRL critic.

    No wonder Punk is punching fans in the heat of the moment, if he knows that he's being sacrificed at the alter of the asshat Cena....

  6. I'd bet this is just a placeholder poster until we actually get matches announced. It might be the last chance for WWE to use Taker, HHH, Brock, and Rock for a WM. Card could be epic, hoping they don't fuck it up.


  8. I'm sorry John ran over your dog, but it's time to move on.

  9. Ok, we get it. You think Cena is the most despicable man on earth since Stalin died. Why are you still watching id you hate the product this much?

  10. I know someone is going to complain that Punk's not on the poster, and someone else will say that doesn't mean anything because he's the top heel, he's all over the show, he's the Champion, etc....but he's the WWE Champion, has been for almost a year, and when they put a poster out to promote Wrestlemania he's nowhere to be seen. That's what the Punk supporters are complaining about - that his break out last summer and everything that seems to have been coming from it meant nothing in the long run. He'll probably have a nice career, and he's certainly better off now than he was prior to re-signing but they've made a conscience effort to not allow him to break through to that next level of WWE Superstar.


  12. Maybe Punk's not on the poster...because they want to turn him face?

    I mean, if you basically prove all of his accusations right, then you basically turn everything else heel, and thus Punk is a face?  Whoa...

  13. Even as baseless speculation, I'd skip it.

  14. Yeah, Punk is just suffering SOOO badly right now. Good thing he didn't get passed over at a job where he's making less than six figures, he'd be gunning down pedestrians right now.

  15. Does met life have a retractable roof?

  16. I honestly think its because he's not tall and muscular. Straight up McMahon is glad he's over, but still 'doesn't look like a Superstar'...going all the way back to the orignal WWE Superstar: Billy Graham. One of Vinces favorites, and I think the catalyst for the 'Vince likes big men theory'

  17. Where's the alternate poster with Punk, Bryan and Austin?  That's the triple threat I'd want to see.

  18. Yeah there is just no sense in doing 'Never before, Never again'...again. Like why call it something dumb like that if you're going to have round 2. But I guess there was no sense in doing Taker/H III after Taker won the first 2 matches. Like what fight has a III after one guy won the first 2? But they sure did it again.

  19. This. It will be my first WM in person and I still don't care enough to start watching before January.

  20. No, they are taking a chance on NYC weather in mid-April.

  21. I"m guessing those three will all be at the show in some capacity?

    That being said, this has a chance to be a good WM, regardless of the current product right now. Cena, Taker, Punk, Lesnar, Rock, and Bryan will all bring it and be good for solid-great matches. Throw in the rest of the mid-carders like Ziggler and Rhodes in some filler matches and this will probably be a good show.

  22. ROH is now doing WWE posters?

  23.  I'd go a step further and say it's not a theory, it's a fact.  Vince loves big guys, period.  It's weird how wrestling survived for nearly 100 years before Vince came along with a range of guys at the top. 

  24.  I'm not going to defend Jesse here because it is time for him to just move on, but making money is not the only answer.  Athletes aren't satisfied with just being highly paid, but they also want to be the reason why their respective teams are doing well and/or starting.  I don't know what you do for a living, but if you love what you do, you def want to get paid the top wages possible, but I would think you also want to be a part of how things run.  With all that said, Punk is doing fairly well right now as he is featured on a weekly basis.  Things could be more fair for him, but I think he understands that things with Vince will be a certain way and he'll always prefer a certain type of professional wrestler.

  25. Wait, THOSE guys are in the WWE?  Why don't I ever see them on Raw or Smackdown?? 

  26. Nothing says this will be the final poster. I see Undertaker and probably Punk (and Triple H, if he ends up wrestling) being put on the poster by the time WM29 gets here.

    I see the double main event as Rock/Cena/Punk for the WWE Title and Undertaker/Brock.

  27. If you were smart enough to stop watching wrestling circa April 2003 and you saw this, you might think you missed literally nothing for an entire decade. 

  28. Once  before, never again unless the Rock wants to shill another movie.

  29. Punk is an artist.  I don't think it's just about the money, he wants to be the greatest of all time.

  30. I think it's more of an issue of Vince having a lot of success with a big guy.  And he's just going back the well over and over again.

  31. John Cena wasn't a main-eventer in 2003.

    And what's your point?  Brock's in his mid-thirties and Rock's forty.  That's your peak and a little over your peak as wrestlers.

  32. I can't be sure, but according to Tobin's Spirit Guide, that formation would make Rock the Keymaster, Cena the Gatekeeper, and Brock the newest chosen form for Gozer the Gozerian, thanks to Ray. 

  33. Hey, you leave Stalin alone! Just because he had an amazing handlebar everyone paints him as this big meanie... I mean, the constant killing of his people didn't help, but still! 

  34. Maybe WrestleMania will feature a leaked sex tape involving Rock, Brock and Cena. Hey, it'll be better and less gay than the Chyna/X Pac sex tape.

  35. Cena's first "main event" was against Brock at Backlash 2003, and Rock was in the actual main event there against Goldberg.. And of course Brock had faced Rock a few months earlier at Summerslam. This picture just reminded of that whole time period and made me realize the guys who were basically on top then are the top Wrestlemania draws 10 years later. That's all I meant. 

    I hope Brock makes Cena, Rock, HHH, and Undertaker all tap out in a five-way elimination match to end Undertaker's streak, just for the record. 

  36. Yeah.  So it's not exactly a "WRESTLING NEVAH CHANGES" thing.  For all the love the 80s gets, Flair was basically the man for a decade plus.  Anybody bitching about that?

  37. It was a joke, dude.  Lighten up.

  38. Tickets go on sale 5 days after my birthday...? Hmmm...

  39. I am wondering how will get the "wankfest" spot this year.

  40. I thought Vince loved cock?

  41. Ray, when someone asks you if you're an MMA fighter, you say, "YES!"

  42. I think all this poster really means is that they are going to have lots of big floating heads on the waterfront.

  43. They'll revise it once they sign Austin/Punk.

  44. Exactly my point, but much more succinct.  :-)

  45. I didn't mean that Punk should just accept his position when he could obviously be a bigger part of the success of the company, I just meant that Jesse's line about "punching fans in the heat of the moment" is a little ridiculous. Like that's just a natural reaction and nobody should bat an eye.

    That'd be like saying "no wonder he shot a bunch of innocent people, he was bullied in school".

  46. Seems kind of dumb. What if it's snowing? Or freezing cold. It's been a long time since I lived anywhere that had bad weather but I grew up on the east coast and early April is still wintertime IIRC

  47. That would be pretty awesome actually.

  48. The three guys on the poster are the three biggest stars employed by the wwe. Punk is awesome, DB is awesome, I like sheamus, but they aren't Cena, a movie star, and the former ufc heavyweight champion

  49. I don't get what more Punk could be doing. He's on the show more than anyone. He gets the upper hand frequently, and he is booked to beat everyone. (He just beat sheamus on main event, and has a bunch of wins on cena, took out the rock etc etc). Punk is the star of the show, he gets the most segments, the most interview time, etc. Yeah babyface cena wrestling kane, rock, ace, big show etc is fighting the last match on the ppvs, but in the build to the ppv punk gets more or as much tv time. I don't see what the big deal is about having Cena go over at the end of ppv to send the crowd home happy, while still featuring punk as your champion.

  50. "I couldn't help it... it just popped in, I thought of the most harmless thing I could think of! Brock Lesnar!"

  51. So they're keeping the NYNJ in the logo and not putting XXIX or 29 anywhere in it? Weird.

  52. I like that they used to the tip of the Empire State Building to cover up Brock's penis tattoo.

    Also, bets on the theme song? I've got money on "Empire State of Mind". 

  53. Aw, you're such a charmer.

  54. And?

    You're an obnoxious hypocrite who has a completely idiotic stance on ratings.

    Oh, it's just a joke.  Lighten up dude.

  55. probably a good guess unless some other NY centric song hits big before then. 

  56. CM Punk isn't going to like this....

  57. Not to mention that's not even in New York!

  58. They better hope we have a Winter like we did last year.  Last year it was unseasonably warm during April.  They'll be lucky if that happens again.

  59. I don't really buy it.  Punk's more or less the same height and build as Austin, Hart, and Michaels.  For every big, hulking person that has been the face of the company (Hogan, Cena, Rock, Triple H) there seems to be a smaller, more natural looking person that has also gotten a shot on top.

  60. It's an interesting thing.  On the one hand, I just watched the Punk DVD and (not giving anything away) the thing that struck me was how everything they said about Punk's disastrous first World Heavyweight Championship reign can be applied to his current reign   But on the other hand, if everything about his current reign was done exactly the same way, with the only difference being that all of his PPV matches went on last, most people would consider this the most epic title reign in our modern era.  Great matches, good stories, clean wins, and a long, long reign.

    So does going on last make THAT much of an impact?  It's scary to think that it does, since it's not as if Punk was relegated to opening 3 matches like the World Heavyweight Championship.  It's odd.

  61. I just don't get this sense of entitlement that Punk and his fans seem to have.  


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