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  1. TV 14!!! Please, put Raw back on the cutting edge of TV :(

  2. First thing I saw when I flipped on the TV: Murphy projected to defeat McMahon.

    My response: YES! YES! YES! (repeat a few dozen times). And I voted Romney. I'd have voted anyone but the Oaken Actress if I lived up there. EVEN a 1970's-80's Communist candidate.

  3. $100 million. Still no senate seat for Linda McMahon.

  4. Linda's Senate hopes are falling faster than Raw's ratings.

  5. Less than an hour after polls close no less and she's already done! Can we get an Attitude Era rebirth already? This whole exercise made the XFL look like a smart financial venture.

  6. "IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMNIT!" - Stephanie McMahon

  7. Linda seemed like a nice woman who wanted to follow her own dream after decades of supporting Vince. But there's no way a McMahon should be an elected official. It's just wrong.

  8. Get ready CT. 2016. Unknown Challenger, the masked Midnight Rider will run again.

  9. Maybe to some extent, it is true that in America it's who spends the most that's wins elections, but the people in Connecticut have show that this does indeed have limits.

    Maybe if she hadn't displayed arrogance befitting a McMahon, and tried running for a lower office first, she might have actually been successful.

  10. That's a big issue. She spent about 3 minutes on the state Board of Ed then just started shooting out money like an ATM.

    Plus, much like Gore shunning Clinton in 2000, hated how she pretended WWE didn't exist. People that wouldn't like her for wrestling weren't going to vote for her regardless. Meanwhile, if she embraced her past, she could have actually played up the rehab program, and maybe not alienated those that already knew her from wrestling.

  11. I dont know Linda personally and for all I know she is a nice person but we simply cannot have someone trying to buy an election, and Im glad the people of Connecticut kept her from doing that.

  12. Looks like that already started tonight, Chris Murphy has Linda barking like a dog on all fours.

  13. From @MotherJones:

    Linda McMahon spent more of her own money in pursuit of federal office than any American in history. She lost twice:

  14. Its not all bad, WWE has to be very happy tonight......Linda McMahon is Trending on Twitter!!!

  15. Anyone watching rhe live smackdown? We got a miz v kofi rematch

  16. I won't really know what to think of this until she touts her concession speech.

  17. I have a feeling the McMahons arent watching Smackdown tonight.

  18. Hey c'mon its adr vs orton ina falls count anywhere match!

  19. We all know she's just gonna try again

  20. Hey anytime you can spend 100 million losing a election an hour after the polls closr while having your lifes work thrown back in your face you gotta do it.

  21. If only Teddy Long would have showed up and booked Murphy in a match with the Undertaker. Playa.

  22. It wouldve had to be the obligatory Tag team Main Event if Teddy was running things.

  23. Eh, it's a flawed argument. I mean, hell, in the 2008 presidential election, Obama spent more than double the amount McCain spent. Did he buy the election? The person who spent the most money isn't necessarily the wrong person for the position. Don't read too much into that comment -- I'm not saying Linda was the best person, or that Obama was the best person.

    Maybe it just comes down to whose Kool-Aid tastes better :P

  24. Difference was Obama was already in politics, Linda just jumped from being the CEO of a wrestling company to trying to be a US Senator. I hope for Vince's sake that Linda gives up her political aspirations.

  25. But has Murphy earned Linda's respect? That's what he should really be trying to win.

  26. To put this in perspective, for about $1 million dollars Vince could have bought the Pontiac Silverdome and after spending an extra $10 million on renovations, he could have had a great place to hold Wrestlemania or Summerslam every year and that's not even taking into account the extra revenue he could have made off of concerts, major sporting events, etc.

    Vince and Linda spent close to $100 million dollars and couldn't even get so much as a day in the Senate. And Vince wonders why people think he's out of touch and insane.

  27. Now that Eugene is done running Linda's campaign, I wonder if he returns to WWE.

  28. Really hoping Raw's creative team is writing Linda's concession speech. Needs more poop jokes.

  29. The story of Vince Russo's career: "How To Lose $67 Million In Just 12 Months".

    The story of Linda McMahon's career: "How To Lose $100 Million In Just Two Election Campaigns".

    On the plus side, this makes Linda qualified to run MGM.

  30. Well, this is awesome. Tomorrow I wake up and my drive to work won't be punctuated with LINDA signs. Plus Linda lost.

    I anxiously await Jesse's theory of how John Cena will now unseat Chris Murphy, win everything at Wrestlemania, and remains an egotistical selfish maniac.

    (Are there any "Linda Screwed Linda" bumper stickers?)

  31. Wait... you missed one of the "baked" talking points... Who does Cena hire to go after and weaken Murphy before the final victory?

    Kane's out (Libertarian, would kill both on principle), Murphy would convert Brodus Clay and/or Mark Henry (for differing reasons, strangely and thankfully neither have anything to do with race)... so do we use Big Show? No, NOT another turn for the Big Slow...

    (... even in a "safe" political state, this election has me baked.)

  32. It's the lie people don't like. For instance, compare Obama and Clinton on their drug use. Obama just admitted it, whereas Clinton denies "inhaling", although he did smoke weed apparently. Clinton's statement is a big story, whereas Obama's is a non issue.

  33. Not defending Clinton, just saying Gore was going to sink or swim because of his time as Clinton's VP, so to play down their time together was silly, imo. Gore lost Clinton's home state, flip that, he's president. I just don't see him losing that many votes by embracing Clinton. People that had issues with Clinton wouldn't have voted Gore anyway.

  34. If there is a god, Vince McMahon jumps to TNA as the leader of Aces and 8's. He wouldn't have any actual power mind you, just as an on-screen character.

  35. Looks like WWE finally decided to stop with the 50/50 booking.

  36. Linda lost. I'm assuming the sun set in the west as well.

  37. I think they're at a point where they have money and nothing to do with it. So Linda runs for senate and Vince can finally tell the fans to fuck off and give them the show he wants them to like.


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