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A Different Kind of Plot Twist

Hey Scott,
I just noticed that WWE posted a video from back in 2000 when Cyrus "cancelled" ECW from the Network.  That got me thinking.  Wouldn't that be a great plot for the current state of Raw?  I mean we all know that Vince is getting frustrated with the ratings and he could turn it into an angle.  Have say on the next Raw, the main event end (just for the sake of it, make the match Cena vs. Dolph) and then cut to the announce table where a stunned Michael Cole says we have footage that we would like everyone to see.  Then it cuts to the never seen "Gorilla Position" showing McMahon with his headset on.  A guy in a suit comes up and says to Vince that USA is cancelling Raw.  This leaves a cliffhanger for the next week's Raw, where it can be announced that the WWE has until the end of the year to increase ratings and make the network happy.  Vince can go all crazy and start firing people left and right and doing other stuff to try to keep Raw on the air.  At the end of the year, the network executive announces that Raw will be cancelled and a the final show would be next week.  Have a big "Tribute to Raw" show and make it look like this is the end of an era.  Then at the end of the show, have Vince in the ring thanking the WWE Universe for over 1,000 shows of Raw.  Then, the executive comes down and then announces that the network had a last minute change of heart.  Raw will be able to continue on USA under on condition.  And that McMahon hires the person that USA wants in charge of Raw as General Manager and that this person cannot be fired by Vince.  Vince of course agrees as he doesn't want to see Raw end and then the executive announces that new General Manager of Raw is...Paul Heyman.
This can then work on many levels.  Paul can then announce that Raw will be going back to two hours, Brock Lesnar will be announced as returning to take part in the Royal Rumble match, and can increase Punk's heat heading into the Rumble match against Rock.
I don't know, that's just one man's thought on something to make the show interesting again.

I really don't think that telling the audience that your show is terrible and on the verge of cancellation is a really great way to make the audience want to watch it again.  Plus it would add yet ANOTHER layer of figurehead to the already convoluted power structure.  Sorry, no buys here.


  1. Holy hell I don't know if there's ever been a worse idea in the history of ideas. Just awful.

  2. But then USA SWERVES them by actually cancelling the show, and Vince blows up in his limo

  3. Baked... or BURNED?


    That had to be the worst fucking idea in the history of marky mark ideas of all time! RAW sucks... okay we know this... Now you are gonna blend reality with fantasy by having corporate suits say this show sucks and will be cancelled.


    Obviously the OP. cuz to he/she, this is BLACK GOLD, TEXAS TEA.

    Its fucking retarded on so many levels. I can not stop laughing at this.

  4. haha I must be a mark then because despite seeing the pitfalls, it'd kind of be a fake replicate of some sort of BATTLE to make Raw work harder for ratings, even if it's gimmicked. I'd take booked 'chaos' over not a great deal happening, which is what we have now.

    Like I said, again, I DO see the pitfalls, but i'd take it. I just don't see Raw as must-see anymore, and this fake storyline would at least mean in kayfabe, they'd have to 'step it up'.

    It's also a play on reality, as people know the ratings are stinking up the place.

    But, this is the same guy that'd genuinely be happy if Russo took the book again, so, yeh, I get you.

  5. Mr. Emailer, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this blog is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

  6. Also, I just need to add, I thought the original angle with Cyrus was impeccable. Apparently he's just a moron backstage (according to Kevin Kelly) and had lots of heat, which is, I guess why we don't see him again these days. Such a shame, I thought he was a fantastic colour commentator and played his part to perfection.

    To have him as the USA (whatever it is) rep would be incredible. A very natural talker and a heat magnet (on screen, forget backstage).

    Like I said, i'm a guy who'd take Russo booking on his own over the 20 Hollywood shmucks we got now, as SOME THING would actually happen on Raw.

    You can't expect people to tune in for 3 hours a week to watch not much actually happen.

  7. Russo. Can't. Write/Book.

    Everything he touches turns into an unwatchable trainwreck that pisses off everyone involved.

    The "something" happening on RAW would be four hundred promos, three minutes of wrestling (with Run-ins!), and stupid Inside comments over shit nobody cares about.

  8. Speaking of the end of the year, December 31 is a Monday this year...what are the odds that the WWE will squeeze a 4th hour out of USA to do their own bullshit New Year's special?

  9. Sell. Slippery slope telling the audience how bad your show is and how unhappy the network is. Not only is it a bad idea, Vince would never actually do it. Plus, wasn't this already done to some extent by TNA, much to everyone's indifference?

  10. Thread jack: the nfl might have a benoit situation on their hands this morning. Some unnamed kc cheifs player shot his gf and then killed himself at the team facility. If concussions are involved this is going to be a major deal.

  11. or here is an Idea, Raw runs WRESTLING angles about WRESTLERS wanting Championships and leave corporate politics out of it. Just a thought

  12. Just saw the story on the ESPN website, as usual most of the comments there are pretty disgusting.

  13. That's JUST what wrestling needs! Even MORE suit-in-power angles! Because they're always engaging, big money making angles.

  14. Agreed, Russo's garbage. I'll take 50/50 booking and storylines written by Hollywood rejects over constant worked shoot angles, a total loss of kayfabe, bait-and-switches (baits-and switches?), and matches that never last longer than 5 minutes and 12 run-ins, often from people that have nothing to do with the angle in question.

  15. When Vince retires/dies and HHH takes over, maybe it will happen. Or with Steph gaining more power it might get a hell of a lot worse...

  16. According to deadspin the guy killed himself in front of the gm and coach

  17. If it was really USA they'd demand Hogan. Seriously, about five years ago they really needed to have Hogan come back win the title, cut a promo that he is the only real talent in wrestling - squash all the wrestlers on the way out and vacate the title. Then WWE vacates all the titles admits they have no real talent anymore, but admits is is all hey have left so please accept it because they don't make real talent like Hulk Hogan anymore.

  18. Yeah, that's what it says on ESPN too.

  19. What about Funky Bunch ideas?

  20. He's now been named: Jovan Belchar. Never heard of him.

  21. This actually sounds very WCW in 2000. They were constantly reminding the audience that they sucked!

  22. Seriously, you're an idiot. You've been saying the same thing for the past few years and it's still as retarded as anything Charlie Reneke, MRobert or Dougie ever write.

  23. What the...? I don't even.

  24. That was serious??

  25. Yes. He's been writing the same thing for years.

  26. I don't think we're too far off from seeing an Edward Cullen-like gimmick.

  27. Apparently his gf mom witness her get murdered along with a couple of Chiefs personnel witnessing Belcher kill himself.

    Just tragic all around.

  28. Palmer Canon, you're back in!

  29. Seth Mates one good twitter idea was JBL buying Raw. Now that he is back in the fold, I hope they try it.

  30. I have to agree that saying that the show isn't good and/or hasn't been good for a while isn't quite the greatest idea, and in my opinion sort of takes the attention away from the wrestlers and more on an over arching story focusing on management and figureheads, which I'm not exactly a big fan of (not saying it can't be done).

    Though, gun to my head and had to do something like that, say if they went in a different direction and say that USA and Vince have come to an agreement over recent economic/financial changes and spending overtures on the McMahon's part that they're cutting back the costs on Raw.
    And since it's wrestling, some wrestlers will have to fight for their jobs or be laid off (taken off tv) allowing a tighter focus on certain wrestlers. Others with larger contracts such as world champions don't wrestle on tv since they demand a larger fee as per their contract for doing so so more of a reason to pay for pay-per-views. Hell, why not say you can't always do more name vs name talent matches so you have to "hire more local talent" and you suddenly have back jobbers and enhancement matches.
    Sure, this idea really does suck and I pray for anyone reviewing a three hour show that consists of this, but at least thinks it makes a little sense.

  31. Further proof that despite smarks complaining about the shitty booking, they can come up with even worse shit. I felt like I dropped IQ points just reading that.

  32. "The people at home, all they did was grab their remote, and change the channel to the WWF, and watch Stone Cold – a person you and your own friends got fired from here, 'cause you're a jealous old bastard!"

  33. Just got home from work and read it on ESPN. Holy fucking shit.

  34. God dammit pall, that would never work!

  35. To be fair, Steiner's attack on WCW was given in the context of being a member of the NWO.

  36. RAW is 3 hours long. With that much time they should be promoting (showing clips from) house shows, Smackdown (to be fair, they do this a little), Main Event, and NXT. Instead, all of those programs show clips from RAW. It is a simple rule in entertainment: don't overexpose your product. If you do, pull it back until interest resurfaces. They have the roster and the resources to broaden their product; in addition, they have an unusually strong roster, if they would let them perform. So Scott is Right (c) because RAW is one hour too long as currently constituted.

  37. Did any other NWO members name-drop the opposing show or their biggest draw?

  38. Didn't they do that with Trump, which then lead to the shitty Guest Host Era?

  39. I'm sorry, wresters want championships? Since when?

  40. Yes, and they got into trouble with shareholders over it, plus it didn't make any sense.

  41. And get a 2-week suspension because he was shooting?

  42. I don't understand why they don't just make NXT the first hour of Raw, seeing as how it doesn't have a TV deal. That or just have more actual wrestling instead of recaps of shit from earlier and shameless social media pimping.

  43. We didn't need to be reminded, believe me.

  44. The only way this works is if "The Network" forced an annoying heel on us in most of the segment to "get the ratings".

    In other words, this idea only works with MORE CENA. lul

  45. I've argued this before, but when they had two hours back in the late 90's, early 2000s, i swear the shows had more content than what they're giving us now.

  46. Everyone that's dumping on this idea, be honest - if they marketed a certain episode as the "series finale", every single one of you would be sitting in front of the TV, waiting with baited breath to find out what the shocking twist would be.

    Whether that twist is actually GOOD (such as when Vince replaced Bischoff with... Bischoff!) is another story, but the electricity that night would be absolutely off the charts, it'd be a story-line unlike anything they've ever done before, and we'd all be on the edge of our seat, waiting to see which direction they go. Personally, I wouldn't go with the Heyman/Brock reveal, as that's actually somewhat small potatoes compared to what it could actually be: does the show end with Punk giving a victory/retirement speech as the last WWE champion ever, only to be interrupted by Austin returning and challenging him for the title at WM? THAT'S the kind of *MAJOR* climax it would need, and is exactly what would get people to actually watch the show in an effort to get as many eyes as possible on the product specifically BECAUSE the company would be setting their major WM plan in motion that night.

  47. Oh yeah, no doubt about that. I used to (and still do) get pissed about about stuff like 20 minute promos instead of actual matches, but at least those promos help further angles and what not. I would think all those constant recaps have to a part of the shitty ratings for the 3rd hour, after seeing the opening segment for the fourth time I'm sure some people just say "Fuck this, let's see how MNF is going...". Kids having to get up for school isn't helping either, I'm sure. I've never seen anything like it, a wrestling show where the ratings go down towards the end.

  48. There are a lot of bad ideas that get floated through this blog, but you just made Jesse Baker look like the smartest man on earth. Your Hogan gimmick was tired 2 years ago, get a new schtick.

  49. Yeah, you're right. But you don't have to use Hogan. Use Rock. Have him win the title, retain it and then retire it with a shoot promo that he is more entertaining that the entire roster. You should never bury your talent, but that's the point.

  50. The problem is it's impossible to suspend disbelief long enough for this to work, unless the plan includes cancelling ALL of the TV shows. Am I supposed to be expected to tune in to Smackdown to find out the future of the WWE? Why? I barely watch Smackdown as it is, why would I start now?

  51. He got suspended with pay, was that really a punishment?

  52. Hell, find me ONE good GM they've had since Eric Bischoff.

    And shouldn't that laptop that was GM for a year be at the very top of their convoluted power structure just based on longevity?

  53. I can think of three people that would be even worse suited for that role: Dixie Carter, Rob Black and Duke Doherty.

    Can you imagine Doherty cutting 20 minute promos every week with that voice?

  54. "I really don't think that telling the audience that your show is terrible..."

    Not to be THAT guy, but isn't that what Michael Cole did as a heel for the past two years?

  55. Funny story...back when he was in DSW, Palmer Cannon saw me in the wrestling section of Book-A-Million down in McDonough (about 3 exits away from the Deep South Wrestling facility) and tried to promote that weekends show to me. It was right around the time Miz was crowned the first DSW champ.

  56. Vince himself has also said that the product (or at least, some aspect of the product) sucked a few times - I mean, how many times has he fired some GM for creating boring TV? Bischoff, Vickie, Regal, they were all accused of creating a boring product at one point or another.

  57. See, I don't think you have to suspend disbelief at all - just like any storyline, it doesn't have to convince you that it's real, it just has to be compelling fiction.

    If they said "this is the final episode of 'Raw' ever", a good chunk of the audience wouldn't actually believe it to be true, they'd just be interested in seeing where the angle goes. Kind of like when they name a new GM, we all know that the person isn't REALLY in charge, we just want to see if it's an interesting twist.


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