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Mark Henry Returns

It appears that Mark Henry has finally returned to save us.

The issue, of course, is that Mizark is a monster heel, and they have like 100 upper-level heels right now, with Orton set to go heel also. So where do they go with a guy who was one of their hottest acts? There are logical answers (Sheamus, Ryback), but they're about telling stories, not logic.

Yeah, my first thought would be Ryback as well if they want to do an unstoppable v. immovable type match at Wrestlemania.  I'm just hoping that Henry can keep up his motivation and quality when he's back from injury, because he can EASILY be slotted into the main event again now with so little depth on top.  


  1. Yeh, Henry definitely (finally) silenced his critics, me being one of them.

    Hope he can keep that fire in his belly.

  2. I heard a rumor somewhere that somebody was gonna get they ass kicked... but there was a conflicting report that said they were going to get their wig split... more as this develops...

  3. "Hope he can keep that fire in his belly."

    There is plenty of room in there!

  4. "... Mark Henry has returned to save us."

    And there isn't a trace of irony in that statement.

  5. Where's it coming from that Randy is turning heel?

    I mean, I hope he is, but where's this coming from?

  6. This was my question, so I'll add my perspective. There are three easy booking options immediately available to them:

    Sheamus: Henry is the one guy he's never beaten, and Henry can say "you're holding my belt", and their matches have been quite solid.
    Ryback: As Scott said, this is a natural fit, put over the young guy, since Henry will only be around for another year or so.
    Daniel Bryan: The most interesting option. Henry returns, takes out Kane, completes the face turn with a David vs. Goliath match at Mania.

    What will actually happen: Henry gets linked with the Prime Time Players because all black folk must be aligned.

  7. According to Meltzer and others, Orton has been wanting to turn heel for months. Vince is the only one keeping him face.

  8. Sheamus beat Mark with his kick on an episode of RAW before Henry took his injury hiatus.

    Of course, it doesn't really matter in hindsight.

  9. I must've missed that episode. Then again, I wouldn't say I've been "missing it"

  10. I would actually slot Mark with Cena, just for the reason that if Mark keeps that intensity he was showing during his last great run, John would HAVE to up his game (hopefully). Can you imagine a face-to-face with Cena cracking his silly jokes and Mark just glaring him down like the bad-ass he is? Cena would look like even more of an idiot.

    And yes, more matches with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan please. Mark had very enjoyable matches throwing them around and giving them hope spots, etc.

  11. It might have been during the run-up to Mania, actually. All I know is that Mark got pinned because he was putting dudes over while really hurt until he couldn't go anymore. That's a warrior, man.

    But I know what you mean. When Mark was building his monster persona, he was kicking Sheamus' ass but they had awesome power matches.

  12. Here's something: why not have Mark come back as a bad-ass face? No smiling, just ass-kicking!

  13. The thing with an Orton heel turn is that I hope he does SOMETHING to freshen it up from his last one. Don't really care to see Randy SLOWLY come down the aisle and just be a silent...yawn..."killer".

  14. I think they are gonna have to turn him face. I bet he gets a nice pop when he returns. He was already walking the line of being so badass the fans liked him before he left. Now you have months off and fans always like seeing someone come back.

    Personally I'd love to see him just DESTROY Ryback.


  15. Nope. Smiling is required. And bragging about charity work.

  16. Brilliant line. +1

  17. The Big Show is holding Henry's belt, not Sheamus.

  18. can someone please tell me where "Mizark" comes from?

  19. Slang for a wrestling mark.

  20. Also what X-pac called himself in the DX parody of the Nation of Domination, as a play on words.

  21. I should be used to it by now but I still feel like I've stepped into an alternate universe when I see internet wrestling fans talking about how great it is for Mark Henry to be coming back. At this point I'd just like to see how he upsets the apple cart, because he is definitely main-event juice right now.

  22. Always thought that was a really clever dig at Henry.

  23. It's just a matter of time , though.

  24. Trust me, I still double-take when I type something positive about Mark Henry.

  25. As badass as he was, he also had some great humorous moments too, like when he made fun of Show at the wrong time. "You take your HEH HEH heavy breathing!...and you take that drooling somewhere else! Now like I was sayin--" *gets KO'd*

  26. I really hope I'm wrong, but I'd put money on Henry coming back with another comedy push. They gave him his strong monster heel push and then he got injured. He's probably useless as far as Vince is concerned.

  27. What's awesome about it is that I can actually see Mark yelling that at Ryback. I remember he had a match with Cena and was screaming at him, "you ain't winnin' this one, HERO!".

  28. Yeah, just a couple years the reaction to this would have been somewhere between "Who cares?" and "Fuck!".

  29. Right the DX parody! thanks

  30. Henry's in ring dialogue (charisma) is half of what made him awesome

  31. Actually yes, I can picture Cena doing that...

  32. That's proof that anyone can get better, because when he first started out back in the 90s he was one of the worst mic guys ever.

  33. It really was crazy how much Henry managed to reinvent himself he went from punchline to must see TV in like 2 months

  34. Fuck, he could also run out and kill Big Show. Angry Tweener Henry?

    There really isn't any room for him in the world title scene with Ziggler and Ryback running around.

  35. Works for me. I enjoy a good hard-hitting power match every now and then.

  36. I just always figured X-Pac was following the Snoop Dogg school of add "iz" in the middle of words.

  37. He should just start destroying people, Incredible Hulk-style when he returns. No need for heel/face, just let the fans react to him and go from there.

  38. And besides, Mark Henry smiling is pretty bad-ass.

  39. Can we just have Mark Henry win a handicapped match against the whole roster

  40. i don't know, i liked his poetry

  41. I think a monster battle with Ryback is the most logical way to bring Henry to keep him relevant. And yes he has gotten so good with his trash talking. "MY HEART DON'T PUMP KOOL AID!"

  42. It feels like he beat him like a dozen times during the run up to Wrestlemania, but maybe it was just once.

  43. again... ill say this again.

    mark henry has been *over* since his ecw title run/pair up with atlas.

  44. over maybe, but beat randy Orton clean believably over, that was new, and impressive

  45. Well that's also old-school wrestling carny speak, for when they didn't want people to understand them.


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