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Best Of Nitro Vol. 2 match listing

Looks really good with a nice mix of classic matches and somewhat obscure stuff. 

I didn't see the first set, but then 99% of this stuff would be new to me anyway because I hardly ever had a chance to watch Nitro, especially in the pre-Wolfpac era.  I kind of like the format of a sampler rather than a strict "best matches" idea.  


  1. Is the La Parka/Savage match the one where DDP dressed up as La Parka?

  2. That is what I hope for myself as it was one of those great what the hell moments

  3. As big as I was a WWF fan back then, as much do I love the WCW sets today. :-)

  4. Damn. That how you throw together a DVD set.

  5. Wow, they included a Jeff Jarrett match? Parka vs. Macho Man? lol

  6. Oh, I was thinking they actually ran Macho vs. la Parka. lol

  7. Steiners vs. Road Warriors could be worth a YouTubin'

  8. I believe that's the DDP unmasking match. It was a pretty big deal.

  9. Awesome set. Loved the first one, and I'll buy this one on the first day.

  10. I'm super pissed they left the Flair - Jarrett title change from 2000 off AGAIN. It was Flair's last world title win and actually a fun little brawl. Also Sting - Goldberg seems like a rather glaring omission. Hopefully there is a 3rd volume.

  11. The Luger/Hogan title change on the Blu Ray is up on Classics right now. Kind of a meh match but the finish is one of the best of all time.

  12. Damnit, still no Nash/Sting title matches from 1998. Those matches were GOOD, I tells ya.

  13. That's been released on DVD before.... I want to say the Monday Nignt Wars DVD from 2004, when they were beginning to realize they could make a little money off this DVD fad.

  14. 2 jeff jarrett matches? U got my money

  15. I'm pretty sure Flair doesn't even acknowledge that reign.

  16. it was awesome when it happened live

  17. It was a HUGE deal, I remember everyone marking out for it. Most over Luger would be during the Monday Night Wars.

  18. I don't think I ever saw Booker T vs. Randy Savage, I hope that goes a few minutes!

  19. This Sting-DDP was a little over a year prior to the more famous, more highly regarded match from volume 1. It did, however, feature the same finish. DDP was a face, too.

  20. It was on the Greatest Superstars of the 90's set.


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