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The Only Review of Ric Flair & The Four Horsemen DVD That You'll Ever Need

Disc 1
Before we get started, let me just say that I predict that by the end of 2013, Dusty Rhodes will retire.

I love documentaries, I love wrestling. So when the two go hand and hand and are done right, there's really not much else I'd rather be watching. This documentary is perhaps the shining example of a documentary done right. They go over all the high points, we hear from every major player, and you're never left wondering “well, what about such and such.” It rings in around an hour and a half, but it flies by. Every morning when I start my day, I fire up the laptop, and put something on the TV. For the first four days after I bought this set, the documentary was the first thing I'd put on because it was that good. Plus, we get to hear from Paul Roma; that's reason enough, baby.

The extras on the disc are additional stories, with my favorites being Tully talking about a college kid they met while on tour who showed them a Rolex that he spent his life-savings on so he could be like the Horsemen. JJ's pre-War Games match is awesome as well, total classic heel work here.

Also, what's an odder piece of merchandise; JBL fishing lure, or Horsemen Vitamins?

Disc 2

Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson & Ric Flair vs. Pez Whatley, The Italian Stallion & Rocky King – NWA, June 22, 1985
The DVD menu says it's Tully Blanchard with Arn and Ric, instead it's their cousin Ole. I'd love it if the WWE or TNA did a show with a small studio audience inside a TV studio like the old JCP shows. It would definitely be a different look and feel compared to today's programming. As for the match, I was expecting a squash, and got quite the opposite. In typical Flair/Horsemen fashion, they went in with some nobodies, but did their damnedest to make the guys look good even when losing. It's truly a lost art. There's nothing really too great to speak for in this match, just an average JCP bout.
Flair slaps the Figure-4 on Rocky King for the win at 11:27 | **

Ric Flair [C] vs. Ricky Morton – Steel Cage Match for the NWA Championship – The Great American Bash – July 5, 1986
This is the match where Flair arrives in a helicopter. I love that they roll out the red carpet for him, as small touches like that give a match a big time feel, and let you know this guy is the CHAMPION. This was set up after the big attack on the R&R by the Four Horsemen in the locker-room, where they busted up Ricky's face and rubbed it into the locker room floor. Ricky's wearing the face-mask, which soon makes for great heel-fodder, as Flair begins to dissect Ricky's bandages, and parades around with the mask on. Morton is selling on a Mr. Perfect level here tonight, but it's believable due to how much a broken nose hurts, plus it really ramps up the sympathy. This match is classic Flair and NWA in the mid- to late-1980s. I was really getting into it near the end, and would have liked to see it go on for a little while longer, as Morton looks like he was just settling into some extremely violent behavior.
Flair pins Morton while his feet at 23:17 | ***3/4

Dusty Rhodes [C] vs. Tully Blanchard – First Blood Match for the NWA TV Title – Starrcade '86 – November 27, 1986
It's weird, on one side of Dusty's head he's written “Tully”, and on the other...I can't make it out, but it looks like “slut”. He’s playing some odd head games. Before the match starts, Tully tries to get away with wearing wrestling head gear, which they say no way to. I love heel tactics like that. Dillon tries to mouth off to Dusty, which only gets him a Bionic Elbow for his troubles, splitting him open. Great stuff so far, but this is how Dusty's matches always go for me; great beginning, and the rest is terrible. Geez, Tully stalled for so long, and the match took so long to get started I thought perhaps I accidentally paused the DVD. The beginning of this match is where all the entertainment is, and thankfully it didn't go for 20 minutes. Tully basically avoids Rhodes for the entire match until they trade a few blows, the ref is knocked out, Tully bleeds, but then gets fixed up by JJ and busts open Rhodes with a roll of quarters just as the ref comes to. 
The ref believes Rhodes to be the first one bleeding and awards the match & title to Tully at 8:39 | *1/4

The Four Horsemen vs. Dusty Rhodes, Steve Williams, Lex Luger, Nikita Koloff & Paul Ellering – War Games – The Great American Bash – July 16, 1988
Dillon looks like a Harlem Globetrotter in his wrestling attire. Dusty & Arn start off. Soon, after both men are busted open, Barry Windham joins in and quickly applies the worst finisher of all time, The Claw. Dr. Death soon comes to his rescue, clearing the ring with double-clotheslines and 3-point stance tackles. Ric soon comes in and evens things up with a low-blow on Dr. Death before sending him face first into the cage. Luger evens things up by bringing with him his Crab Flex Pose. He's soon followed by Tully, then Nikita. Paul & JJ are the last two before The Match Beyond. Once it gets to that point, the match ends pretty quickly. Look, I know I'm gonna take a lot of heat for this, but I just don't see the big deal with War Games. I was hoping this match would change my opinion, but it didn't. I found this to be a pretty mediocre match, where there's too much going on to focus on anything, no real technical wrestling to be found with no decent hardcore to take its place. Every War Games I've seen is the same, and they always fail to catch my attention. 
Dusty locks JJ in the Figure-Four, getting the submission at 21:08 | ***

Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Sting & Nikita Koloff – NWA Tag-Team Championship - The Great American Bash – July 10, 1988
Nikita has to be one of the worst promo men in the history of the business, simply because of his TERRIBLE accent. He sounds like the Russian bootleg version of Batman Begins. Crowd is absolutely on fire for Sting & Nikki, they're getting Austin-in-his-prime style of pops for moves as simple as clotheslines. Anderson is in first, and can't get a lick of momentum on either Nikita or Sting as they keep him down until he's able to get Tully in there. This match is booked in a very odd manner, because the faces are working like complete heels. They have all the momentum, turning each tag between AA & TB into a hot tag, they're cutting the ring in half, and doing things like smacking their hands together while the ref's back is turned so he thinks a tag happened. Over all, the match certainly isn't terrible, but it's not nearly as great as I expected. I believe this is the show where they were each paid $2,000 and JJ made $3,000, so obviously they were on there way out and phoning it in.
Time-limit draw at 20:00 | **3/4

Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard [C] vs. Barry Windham & Lex Luger – NWA Tag-Team Championship – Clash of the Champions – March 27, 1988
This was soon after Lex was thrown out of the Horsemen, for having the gull to want to challenge Ric Flair for the WHC. Much like the previous match, crowd is absolutely white-hot. I can say with ease that this has to be one of the fastest paced matches I've ever seen. All four guys work at such a quick pace that they cram a 20 minute match into 10 minutes, maintaining the hard-hitting nature all four are known for, and never being sloppy. Crowd was standing the whole time, and all four guys gave 'em a show.
Arn runs head first into a chair that JJ was holding, allowing Luger to get the pin at 9:33 | ***3/4

Arn Anderson vs. Ric Flair – Fall Brawl 1995 – September 17, 1995
This PPV is completely representative of the contrast between Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan's career. Here, Ric has a great storyline with great history, and is ready to offer up a great match. Hogan? Well, it's War Games against The Dungeon of Doom. There are few things better than when Ric is on his knees, hand raised in surrender, giving out a “Noooohohoh...” This match so far has been classic Anderson family tactics, as Arn has been focusing entirely on Ric's left arm. He eventually gets the momentum on his side by heading outside and trading suplexes and back-body drops. From that point on, no one really gets the advantage for too long, it's great stuff as they trade comebacks. Of course the match had to end like it did, but still some great stuff. Of course, people were expecting more, I believe, and I think had it gone into a few more matches we would have seen that classic. Oh well, Flair begging Sting for help then turning on him is just as good. 
Arn nails Ric with the DDT at 23:05 | ***3/4

Promos -

The Elite – NWA, November 16, 1985
Flair comes out and makes comparison to him being Superman, and then introduces Tully, and the Andersons. Everyone has a belt, but the party is interrupted by Dusty, TA, and Dusty's perm. Just before the Horsemen enter the ring, the Road Warriors show up, causing The Elite to back-off and cry foul. Great stuff.

The Four Horsemen Make It Happen – NWA, July 12, 1986
The group is finally intact as Dillon is here, along with Cornette, who for some reason is dressed like a Cuban pimp. God, he looks odd. Ole Anderson starts off by saying Dusty is going to retire in 1986. Really, Ole? Is he gonna retire? Should I go down to the bank and bet on it? Is he gonna retire in 1986? You've never said that before. I imagine you'll never say it again. Anyway, the rest of the Horsemen get their speeches in, and Flair ends it by saying the Horsemen have it all, plus they're the studs of pro-wrestling.

JJ Dillon's Ring – NWA, August 16, 1986
Cornette introduces the group, who's thankfully not dressed like he's about to tell Clark Griswald to go fuck his mother. Ole has one of his awesome shirts on, the Evil, Mean, & Nasty one. Ole starts off by, sit down, because here it comes; he's gonna retire in 1986! Did you know that? Did Flair bet him $50,000 that Ole couldn't say that 10,000 times in 1986 or something? Flair says that each member of the Horsemen put in $10,000 to get Dillon a ring. Pretty nice little number, too. Hey, he should take that ring down to a booky, and bet on Dusty's retirement!

It's An All Night Ride – NWA, December 13, 1986
Tully's here in his NY Giants sweatshirt. Dillon says that when the Horsemen get together, it's a special occasion. Arn is pissed, because he's naked. He's got no title. Flair gets on the mic and gives one of my favorite promos “If Arn wants to slap Road Warrior Hawk [smack] HE DOES IT!” as Arn is mimicking all of his descriptions, awesome stuff. Also, if you're a female and want to know where you stand, well, take a ride on the Horsemen.

We Are The Horsemen – NWA, December 20, 1986
Arn is standing here naked again. He's less pleased than last time. Tully is in his NY Giants sweatshirt again. Flair gives the usual.

The Four Horsemen Give Sting The Boot – Clash of the Champions X, February 6, 1990
Flair's hair is in its absolute prime right here. He looks like Kip Winger. Ole says that Sting is no longer a Horseman. He's really got a presence about himself, as he tells Sting “shut your, calm down, there's three of us, and one of you”. I love that. He's being kicked out because he wanted to face Ric for the title. I think it's because of the rat-tail, personally. Ole keeps talking about how they've held off from beating the shit out of him a few times, and you know it's coming here, you know it. Flair finally cocks back and levels him, as the Horsemen hold him, allowing Flair to scream in his face. Great stuff.

We Are The Original Gang – Nitro, August 5, 1996
Anderson talks about how the nWo in the Bible means it's the beginning of the end of the World. He says that WCW is their World. How appropriate, really. The rest of them get their speak on, as Flair keeps on beating the hell out of The Bootyman. Naturally, this angle went nowhere, as Hogan beat up Booty at Hog Wild. It would have been nice to see Horsemen vs. nWo in a place booked where the nWo didn't run the backstage. Arn's use of Connery's quote from The Untouchables is a nice great.

Flair Going Off On Bischoff – Nitro, December 7, 1998
He finally gets to let Bischoff know how he feels, although it's not as great as the one coming up.

The Unveiling Of The Four Horsemen – Nitro, September 14, 1998
One of my all-time favorite moments from Nitro. So genuine. Everyone knows this one.

Arn Anderson's Drive – Fall Brawl, September 17, 1995
No shock that this is another great promo from Arn.

Showcase Showdown: A damn fine set, really. I think we were short-changed with just two discs though. There's a million more matches, moments, and promos that we could have seen. However, the first disc is awesome, and one of my al-time favorites. The documentary is almost 2 hours, covers everything in detail, and leaves you wishing you could have been part of it all. The loyalty, camaraderie and respect for each as well as the business really shines through. Best of all, we get to hear from Paul Roma! It really makes you wish there were more official releases where wrestlers would talk shit about one another, it's hilarious. In the end, this is a set I'd make sure to grab if my house were on fire, if for the documentary alone. It's only $6, brand new on amazon, you can't beat it.
4-1/4 Head-Butts out of 5.

Thanks to my editor, Steven Ferrari. There was a time once when I was out scouting on the remote ice planet known as Hoth. Well, as luck would have it, I was captured by a monster and my Ton-Ton was killed. So, after I escape the monster's cave, I collapse in the blizzard. Steve shows up, his Ton-Ton dies, he cuts it open with my light-saber, and shoves me inside to keep me from freezing to death. 

For any and all things Caliber, follow the links...
Str8 Gangster, No Chaser - Recently updated with 12 Reasons Why Die Hard Is The Best Christmas Film Ever, Man Movie Encyclopedia - American Ninja, and a ton of great stuff from the last 3 years. Throws all other websites right out the window for having no ticket.
WCW In 2000 - Recently updated with a Monday Nitro that features the 6th and 7th title change in 22 days.
The Man Movie Encyclopedia Vol.1 - My book. Has an average rating of 5 stars, endorsed by Scott Keith & Maddox, and even fellow Bod'ers themselves have given it the thumbs up. 

Caliber's acoustic hip-hop - I thought I'd include this for the hell of it. I'm a musician as well, who created a style of music that's mostly acoustic hip-hop. I also have some songs where I just straight up sing. Honestly, it's pretty good stuff, I think you'll be surprised. - mailbag, or requests, just let me know there. Or the comments section if you prefer. 

- Caliber Winfield


  1. It is an honor to have this in my collection.

  2. I loooove flair and the horsemen but part of me feels like they were shit draws (not that it matters to me.) I feel like everyone there paid to see flair but the crowds were pathetic. So I guess they were draws, but shitty draws.

  3. This is easily one of my favorite documentaries the WWE has released, if for nothing else the ripping of Paul Roma. "The job guy from WWE? Really?"

  4. Depends on how they drew compared to the other NWA/WCW stars (Dusty, Sting, Magnum, Nikita, Road Warriors, etc.)

  5. Couple hundred people here and there basically

  6. "the
    ref is knocked out, Tully bleeds, but then gets fixed up by JJ and busts open
    Rhodes with a roll of quarters just as the ref comes to.

    The ref believes Rhodes to be the first one bleeding and awards the match
    & title to Tully at 8:39"

    the heel booking and psychology of Crockett back in the day was second to none. They really should just rip off some of the shit they did back in the 80's today. the statute of limitations has far passed imho.

  7. What's considered the best flair v morton match?

  8. No ones watching the tna ppv? That storm v Daniels match was way good buuuuuttttttttt...kenny king jobs to york, parks jobs to devon and samoa joe jobs to fucking mr Anderson????? Wtf

  9. Poor Samoa Joe.

  10. Main and Daniels/Storm match were really good. Everything else was average or worse. The King/York match looked like it was in slow motion or something.

  11. After King skipped out on ROH without dropping his title I hope he never wins a match again.

  12. Jeff Hardy's amazing streak of matches continued tonight. The main event was very good and I loved the fact that it was a triple threat under elimination rules. Made the tired 3-way formula much fresher.

  13. Hardy is on fire right now. Might be time for him to jump back. I would love to see him comeback and fight punk again.

  14. the only thing that makes it ok in my book is it makes the aces a tad stronger than the jobbiest of jobbers that they been.

  15. Good stuff Caliber, again I really like your style, play by play is nice but sometimes it's just better to highlight the main points and the overall feel of the match. Going into the special feature interviews was a nice touch too. And who doesn't like some Horsemen action, I kinda wish with Flair back in with the WWE they would do another Horsemen DVD, no doc just three discs of matches and promos with Flair and other Horsemen talking about them in between.

    By the way, you guys should be checking out this message board:
    Its a pretty nice little board, good people and solid topics. And hey, you can read about Caliber trying to get with his best friends sister, a women pissing on somebody's nice chaise lounge, me getting my ass kicked by a good friend, bad relationship advice, talk of terrible jobs, videos of crazy angry nerds going batshit over Spidey 700 actual intelligent convos and much much more. So yeah, check it out, hell there's more activity on that forum than Scott's message board honestly.

  16. Why? He didn't do anything wrong. ROH was the company dumb enough to put a title on a guy that wasn't under contract, so King went and got the best deal for himself, taking advantage of leverage.

  17. I have to agree with you about the Wargames, it never really clicked with me either. Still love the moment that Sid powerbombed Pillman unconscious. I mean it sucked for Brian but it was just so brutal in a cool way.

  18. Are you crazy?! The Horsemen kept JCP afloat from 85-88. Once Arn/Tully left it was over.

  19. thats cuz you have no soul.


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