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The SmarK Rant for TNA Impact–01.17.13

The SmarK Rant for TNA Impact – 01.17.13

Live from Orlando, FL

Your hosts are Todd Keneley, Mike Tenay & Tazz

TONIGHT! A wrestling wedding! Those always go smoothly, right?

Sorry I missed last week, as I got preoccupied with trying to reinstall Android on my Chi-Pad and was literally up all night going crazy, to the point where I forgot about Impact. Finally I took the coward’s way out and bought a newer, dual-core, equally Chinese tablet from and moved on with my life. Combined cost: Still less than a damn iPad.

Earlier: Spike Dudley and Tommy Dreamer (?!?) show up to offer congratulations to Bully Ray, while Brooke meets with her bridesmaids. So is Tommy no longer a WWE employee? Or is this what TNA got in the settlement? Because they really should have held out for at least Jack Swagger or something.

Jeff Hardy comes out to celebrate his big win at Genesis, but BAD INFLUENCE interrupts to hype Daniels’ title shot next week. Daniels notes that the fans aren’t Creatures of the Night, but rather creatures of habit…the habit of LOSING. That’s harsh. Jefferson wants to do it RIGHT NOW, but he gets beat down until James Storm makes the save. And we appear to have a tag team match right now.

Jefferson Hardy & James Storm v. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

The babyfaces clean house and we take a break. Back with Storm & Hardy working on the arm, but Storm gets caught in the corner, allowing Kaz to clothesline him for two. Kaz works him over in the corner and Daniels puts him down with a neckbreaker for two. He chokes Storm down, but a cradle gets two for Cowboy. Daniels holds a chinlock, but Storm fights out with a legsweep and makes the hot tag. Jeff hits the legdrop on Kazarian for two and the whisper for two. Daniels catches him with an STO and brawls out with Storm, and Kaz cradles Hardy for two. Twist of Fate finishes for Hardy at 11:49, however. Daniels lays Hardy out on the ugly belt afterwards. Solid formula tag match to set up the title match next week. **3/4

Meanwhile, Joseph Park offers Bully a box of cigars on the down-low (“Kayfab!”) as a wedding present.

Gut Check: Since there were two contenders last week, they first eliminate Brian Cage, who looks like the guy who should be the bigger star and thus he’ll probably stick around as an Ace and/or Eight. Tazz immediately gives him a no, so he gets to cut his promo. Apparently he uses JBL’s lariat and calls it the Boomstick, which gives him an automatic YES in my book. Shinobi the Black Ninja votes yes to build drama, and Rio Rodgers gives him a contract.

Christian York v. Kenny King

York dives on King and works him over in the ring, pounding away in the corner and using some KAWADA KICKS. King tries to scurry away and York pulls him back in, but King hits him with a spinkick. York escapes the Flush and hits a low kick from his back, then a backdrop suplex, but when he tries King’s move on him, King rolls him up with a handful of tights for the pin at 2:57. That was a pretty great story for a 3 minute match, with York actually pissed off about the results of the PPV match and being all sloppy as a result, then trying King’s move on him as revenge to cost himself the match. **

Meanwhile, Bully appeals to Sting, trying to win Hulk over somehow.

Sting is out to appeal to Hulk Hogan on Bully’s behalf, and Hulk is having none of it. Social media is standing up for his point of view, brother! Something’s just not right with Bully and he’ll never trust him. Sting, of course, will trust anyone at any time no matter how shady they are, and he’s totally Team Bully and thinks Hogan should just do it for Brooke.

Meanwhile, Gail Kim confronts Taryn about her shoddy refereeing.

Gail Kim v. Velvet Sky

I don’t get the thinking behind bringing Velvet back and then having her look nothing like she did when she left. And what the hell does “let the pigeons loose” even MEAN anyway? Velvet chases Kim out of the ring, but Kim comes back with a Nash choke in the corner. Sky with a pair of rollups, but Kim kicks her down and follows with a clothesline. Kim tries a neckbreaker but Velvet is off on another planet and doesn’t know how to take the move, so Kim has to walk her through it again. Sky comes back with a suplex where Kim almost literally does the move to herself, and then Kim chokes Sky down…and Taryn counts two! God, even the referee sucks in this match. Gail hits Eat Defeat, but Sky’s foot is under the ropes, and this time Taryn won’t count. So Sky comes back with a bulldog and flying headscissors, and some sort of terrible looking X Factor and a pedigree to finish at 5:52. Velvet is terrible as ever, although Kim’s professionalism here and more importantly, the frequent camera angles down Velvet’s cleavage, save this from negative stars. ½*

Meanwhile, Dixie and Brooke bond via their robotic acting.

Austin Aries & Bobby Roode, the greatest frenemies in wrestling today, are SICK of all the crappy champions in TNA, and they object to the wedding. This brings out Chavo & Hernandez for the brawl, and hopefully Roode & Aries get the belts off them.

Meanwhile, Sting makes one last pitch to Hogan on Bully’s behalf, although he’d better hurry up because there’s only 15 minutes left until Bellator!

Main Event Wedding: Brooke Hogan marries Bully Ray, and Hulk does show up because he always does the right thing. Especially if it’s filing frivolous lawsuits for millions of dollars. Brooke and Bully exchange vows without incident (“She’s the worst actor ever. She sounds like she could be ordering a pizza” notes my non-wrestling fan wife), and no HHH out to object…but just before the priest makes it legal, Tazz objects…and reveals an Aces & Eights vest underneath his jacket. And the WEDDING MASSACRE is on. Well you knew they’d try to tie their two big storylines together somehow.

The Pulse:

Nothing really great in the ring this week, and I think everyone was just waiting for the Aces & Eights attack at the wedding. It was entertaining enough, but way too much talk and not enough rock this week.


  1. Did you miss the puppies, Scott? I did too the first time around, but thankfully was able to rewind Bellator before an hour had passed.

  2. Let the pigeons loose refers to a breach of the undergarment by an aroused male member...

  3. What do Game of Thrones and a dyslexic RVD have in common?


  4. Taz...

    Fuck this company.

  5. The Taz turn did legit catch me off guard, I'll give it that. Wether it will work or not (probably not), I was legit surprised.

  6. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJanuary 17, 2013 at 10:50 PM

    Dreamer hasn't been employed by WWE for awhile... His appearence last month was a one off but they discussed using him again (he would be a good agent). He is a free agent

  7. All I have to say is:

    That will never not be funny to me.

  8. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJanuary 17, 2013 at 11:03 PM


  9. The ending to the show was bizarre. You have an anti-climatic turn followed by a very abbreviated beat down to bring the show to an abrupt end. I felt like they were trying to make us laugh by throwing as much absurd shit at us in one segment. Wedding, outlaw biker gang, color commentator turning on your company's top faces, random cameos from people no one cares about, and THE BALL PEEN HAMMER OF UNCERTAIN DISCOMFORT! Are we sure Vince Russo hasn't gone all John Malkovich on Bruce Pritchard?

  10. If it gets Tazz off commentary it will be the best thing to come out of this angle.

  11. Opening tag match could've used some Teddy Long.

  12. Best. Video. Ever.

  13. Scott, I'll be very disappointed if you don't refer to Daniels as the "Thursday Night Delight" from now on.

  14. Weighing 248 pounds...TAZZ!

    It's Tazz!

  15. Hell yes!!! Absolutely nothing is better than a surprise non-wrestler turn! That was even better than when that guy from Dinner and a Movie joined the NWO. WWE had better be ready to put Josh Matthews in The Shield or their viewers are going to defect like it's 1996 all over again.

  16. Tazz as a heel mouthpiece training the prospects could be interesting, and could make sense of the jobs they are doing right now..

    Overall though Impact has really gone downhill since BFG hopefully they kick it into high gear now that the whole Hogan/Bully/A&8 has coalesced..

  17. Tbf, Dinner and a Movie joining the NWO was completely awesome.

  18. this is the best comment on this thread by far!

  19. That was a thing? Seriously?

  20. So now the fat midget who is terrible at commentary and can't wrestle is a member of your big bad heel stable. O...k.

    This is the perfect example of why you shouldn't book week to week. The idea behind the turn actually was kinda cool but because they didn't put any thought into it, the only choices were Taz, Dreamer, and Spike.

    They should have just retconned Bully as the leader last night. After he says I do, he takes off his jacket to reveal the vest and him and the others beat down Hogan, Taz, Dreamer, and Spike. Bully forces Brooke to be in the group because they're married and they terrorize her every week. And you even rip off HHH/Steph and eventually reveal she was in on it too. Do a shitty TNA version of the McMahon-Helmsly Era.

  21. Yeah this show sucked. The only redeeming qualities were all boob related (Velvet, Brooke nipple slip) and Tessmacher looking like she does. I didn't care for any of the matches or the stupid shit angles.

  22. If it gets Tazz out of the commentary booth, I'm all for it.

  23. It won't though. They'll probably keep him in the booth to be Aces n Eights propaganda guy. It's not a bad idea in theory but, a. Taz sucks and b. I don't want to hear about jobbers in masks when I'm trying to enjoy a James Storm match or a Daniels match.

  24. I still say Velvet joins Aces and Eights.

  25. Pretty sure he went back to teaching full time which is why he's rarely around wrestling anymore.

  26. Remember when saying it was a thing wasn't a thing?

  27. So wait, is he not the leader then? The live thread seemed to think Tazz was being revealed as the leader of the group?

    We still don't know who leads it? How long has this been like four months?!

  28. Remember when saying remember saying it was a thing wasn't a thing?

  29. He should ONLY come out and commentate Aces and Eights matches.

  30. Hulk: "Go check on Bully..
    Brooke: "My boobs are out..."

  31. What are places you never got to in high school

  32. I still say the worse thing they could have done with the wedding and the Aces and Eights angle was to go all Vince versus Stephanie on it and revealed Brooke Hogan as the secret leader of Aces and Eights!

    "This is for all those times you embarrassed me on Hogan Knows Best and for not helping me more with my singing career daddy!"

  33. Definitely not the leader.

  34. I have a feeling that no matter who else they reveal as potential leaders of Aces and Eights (D-Von, Taz and D'Lo soon as I assume he's the fat hoody-wearing member of Aces and Eights) it'll still probably end up in the end as Eric Bischoff and Jeff Jarrett. Even though that seems predictable it also makes the most sense for those two being behind it due to there grudges in storyline terms against Hogan and Sting for turfing them out of TNA. Also Jarrett's involvement might also explain why possible Aces and Eights members Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco seem to be targeting Angle by toadying up to him. If this is the case then it seems TNA is trying to book enough twists and turns in the angle so we forget where they are obviously going with it. To be fair though I know I've watched enough movies where I know the good guys are going to win, save the world, get the girl, etc but I still enjoyed most of those films and I still feel invested in the Aces and Eights storyline despite the dubious developments along the way so it still has my interest for now..

  35. Actually scratch that... worse thing they can do with this storyline is to reveal the leader of Aces and Eights to be Claire Lynch!


    Ok that's too stupid even for TNA!

  36. Yeah, they've kind of established that the big dude in the long-sleeve black sweatshirt is the leader, and he was in the brawl last night. The fact that this has been going on since May and we still don't have any real answers to the key questions is bugging the crap out of me. I crave longer-term storylines as much as the next guy, but the only real year-long angle in the Wrestlemania era is Hogan/Savage, and this is NOT Hogan/Savage.

  37. The turning point where I went from really excited about where the company was going to realizing it's the same old TNA was at the Sept. PPV, which I think was No Surrender. The story seemed to be pointing towards Storm/Roode for the title, so I assumed Storm would win the BFG series and Roode would somehow goad Aries to put his title up for grabs and be the guy under the mask to beat him ("The Armbreaker" I think DOC was billed as before he was unmasked). But they went with Hardy, crapped on Roode/Storm and A&8's have been floundering ever since.

  38. Yes! "OK Playas... it's gonna be... Christopher DANIELS.. teaming up with KAZARIAN... versus... James Storm... and his partner... Jeff HARDY!"

  39. It won't. What else is Taz going to do?

  40. How awesome is it that he was beat up by the Shield on Dec. 17 and beat up by A&8s on Jan. 17?

  41. Not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but Jay Bradley is the former Ryan Braddock from WWECW.

  42. Best. Digression. EVER.


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