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The SmarK RAW Rant–01.21.13

The SmarK RAW Rant – 01.21.13

Live from San Jose, CA

Your hosts are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler

Vickie Guerrero and Paul Heyman join us to start, in a show of solidarity. They’re both upset at the DEFAMATION shown by the Rock last week, and we replay the songs just to make sure everyone understands how defamed they were. So as a result, Rock is banned from the arena, and we head to the back where indy geeks guard him from entering. Rock makes the first “imaginary girlfriend” reference of the week (because he’s actually on the cutting edge of pop culture instead of 5 years behind like Vince) and pledges to find a way into the arena. Vickie notes that he’ll be singing “Jailhouse Rock” if he tries to get in. Even Heyman is impressed with that one. This was pretty great.

Beat The Clock Challenge: Antonio Cesaro v. Randy Orton

So the fastest winner out of the six guys gets to choose his number in the Rumble. I always like these matches, because it gives them actual stakes and guys trying to win. Orton gets a pair of shoulderblocks for two, but Cesaro controls with a headlock and gets two. Cesaro slugs away with forearms, but Orton gets the Thesz Press for two. Cesaro with a small package for two, but Orton dropkicks him out of the ring and follows with a clothesine. Back in, that gets two. And we take a break. Back with Cesaro slugging away on top as they fight to the floor again, and Cesaro gets two. Minor interesting point: The clock jumped ahead 4 minutes, but the Score only showed 3 minutes of commercials. Of course other times we get WAY more commercials during the break, but I thought it was interesting. Cesaro with a double stomp for two and he goes to the chinlock, but Orton makes the comeback with the powerslam and draping DDT. Cesaro reverses to a jackknife for two, however, and follows with the UPPERCUT OF DOOM for two. Cesaro runs him into the post to injure the shoulder, but back in, he walks into the RKO at 11:36. I’m pretty sure Orton’s not winning this thing with that time, but this was a HELL of a match. ***1/2

Big Show v. Zack Ryder

Brad Maddox joins us for commentary while Show KOs poor Zack at 0:40.

Meanwhile, Maddox continues annoying Paul Heyman, who promises to make him famous.

Heath Slater v. Ryback

If they don’t book a spot where there’s a bunch of deadwood jobbers in the Rumble for Ryback to come in and destroy, they have no business running a wrestling company. Ryback destroys Slater and the entire band in short order and finishes with the usual at 1:16. Ryback cuts a promo promising to kill everyone in the Rumble and go to Wrestlemania. Yeah, but without a sign to point to, it means NOTHING.

Meanwhile, the Rock continues his attempts to reason with the law, and discovers that one of the cops has a ticket for the show tonight and is a fan.

CM Punk continues reigning as champion and will not allow the Rock to take it from him. He’s not here to tell jokes and sing songs, he’s here to hurt people. HARD SELL. That’s what’s lacking these days.

Beat the Clock Challenge: Dolph Ziggler v. The Miz

Miz hits a quick dropkick for two, and a rollup for two. Another pair of rollups get two, and they trade reversals for near-falls before Ziggler dropkicks him for two. Neckbreaker gets two. He goes to a chinlock for a bit, but Miz goes after the leg and tries the figure-four to annoy me. Ziggler boots him out of the ring to counter, allowing Big E to get some damage in, and we take a break. Back with four minutes left, and Miz hits a big boot for two and makes the comeback. Corner clothesline and Miz goes up with the double axehandle for two. Dolph reverses the Finale into a rollup, but Miz reverses that for two, and Dolph DDTs him for two. Miz somehow manages to fuck up a figure-four even worse than Dusty Rhodes in his prime, but Ziggler makes the ropes anyway. Miz with another rollup for two, but the Zig Zag finishes at 10:56 to put Dolph in the lead. Another great Beat the Clock match! I heard these two had a great one on Main Event, too. ***1/4

Anger Management Ceremony: Yes, the time has come for Kane and Daniel Bryan to graduate, courtesy of Dr. Shelby. This affords the opportunity to argue over stupid stuff again, but Dr. Shelby demands that everyone in the arena hug it out, which draws a “Dr. Shelby” chant from the crowd, and we get a series of hugs from the announcers, Justin Roberts, and various members of the crowd. This was of course totally pointless and ridiculous, but I laughed.

Kaitlyn v. Alicia Fox

Fox attacks and runs her into the turnbuckles as Tamina Snuka, daughter of Jimmy Snuka in case you weren’t aware, watches from backstage to show that we’re really down to the dregs of the division now. Fox throws Kaitlyn around by the hair and gets two, then goes to a chinlock. Kaitlyn comes back with a spear to finish at 2:05 and nearly pulls a Brooke Hogan in the process. DUD

Paul Heyman has words for the Rock, in small syllables for the benefit of the stupid fans, but that only brings out the Rock (with ticket in hand). Punk is in a skybox, so Rock cuts a promo on him from afar and promises that tonight is Punk’s last night on RAW as champion. After another great promo, the lights go out and the Shield attacks. Rock takes the powerbomb and he’s coughing up blood while Punk cuts his jerkass promo in response. You have to love this.

Beat the Clock Challenge: Wade Barrett v. Sheamus

They trade facelocks and Sheamus gets a clothesline out of the corner, but Barrett clotheslines him out of the ring and we take a break. Back with Barrett working on the arm with four minutes left, but Sheamus comes back with axehandles and the forearms on the apron. Suplex back into the ring gets two. Wade tries the pumphandle, but Sheamus escapes, so Barrett boots him down for two. Second rope elbow gets two. Barrett tries the Wasteland, but Sheamus reverses into White Noise and sets up for the Brogue kick. This brings out Dolph and his posse to run interference, and Sheamus walks into the Bossman slam for two. Wade loads up the elbow while Sheamus loads up the boot, and they knock each other out as time expires, giving Ziggler the win. That’s the first time I can remember where you got three long matches out of this deal. Another entertaining match in a series tonight, with some real drama at the finish. ***

Meanwhile, Vickie gives us the TWIST, as Dolph’s choice is either #1 or #2. Ouch.

Meanwhile, Punk and Heyman meet up with Vince, and both are still denying any involvement with the Shield. So Vince threatens to strip Punk of the title if the Shield interferes, which takes away that backdoor in theory.

Alberto Del Rio v. Tensai

Tensai attacks and pounds the shoulder in the corner, then hits a pair of pump splashes for two. Del Rio comes back with a rana and a sick german suplex, then gets the crowd to chant “Si” before hitting the enzuigiri and a moonsault for the pin at 1:27. I’m kind of digging babyface Del Rio.

Bob Backlund is your next Hall of Fame inductee. That’s long overdue.

Main Event Interview: John Cena is out to telegraph winning the Rumble and nearly kills my enjoyment of a great show thus far by rambling about fucking NOTHING for about five minutes. I mean, he’s talking about playing video games and getting drunk on Saturday night or something. This brings out a bunch of guys who also want to win the Rumble, triggering the requisite brawl to end the show.

The Pulse

Well the final segment was a massive failure, but the rest was probably the best of the three-hour era I’ve seen. Three great TV matches, the Rock and Punk in old-school SELLING THE SHOW mode, what more do you want?



  2. "John Cena is out to telegraph winning the Rumble and nearly kills my
    enjoyment of a great show thus far by rambling about fucking NOTHING for
    about five minutes."

    Lol. Five Minutes.

  3. See that's what I'd like to see from Beat the Clock. Usually I see Beat the Clock and assume we'll get a multitude of 3-5 minute matches(that's rare huh?) because so many guys are involved in the matches. Here you only have 3 of them and thus are able to give them more time. They should have done a tag team one too with Rhodes Scholars vs. Team Hell No(they wrestle weekly anyways)

  4. Rock spitting up blood was fucking awesome. This is one of the best feuds I've seen in a long time. Bash on the silly shit Rock says all you want, but when the dude seriouses up, the whole thing becomes gold. Isn't it funny how only Rock has been the guy to show Punk respect? Can't wait for the Rumble.

  5. I thought Orton was leaving? If so, they should write him off TV by having Cesaro put him out of action with a particularly devastating chinlock. This would set up Orton's dramatic return where he plows through the rest of the roster with his own predatory chinlocks to set up the rematch.
    I guess what I'm saying, Randy Orton and chinlocks.

  6. Vince is only 5 years behind the cutting edge of pop culture? You're mellowing, Scott. ;)

  7. "Tamina Snuka, daughter of Jimmy Snuka in case you weren’t aware, watches
    from backstage to show that we’re really down to the dregs of the
    division now."

    I thought that was Layla.

  8. I dunno, ask Bully Ray.

  9. what more do you want?

    Rock not doing his own version of poopy jokes

  10. Prediction: Ziggler wins the RR at #1 and turns face, and the Benoit storyline from 2004 is recycled. Of course, he STILL has the MITB briefcase, so who the fuck really knows?

    Also, I too am digging face Del Rio.

  11. Team Hell No and the Rhodes Scholars need to feud over the heels stealing the cap n' gowns.

  12. Another big difference between Rocky and Cena: Rocky gives the Shield a huge rub with the beatdown instead of OVERCOMING THE ODDS and destroying their momentum with the obligatory comeback.

  13. Demos needed to be in there years ago..

  14. Threadjack, but I finally got WWE '13 with my GameStop gift card XMas haul and I'm loving the shit out of it. The Attitude Era mode is mark-out city, but I became a believer during the Badd Blood HBK/Taker match when I went for the HBK Elbow Drop only for Taker to catch me and turn it into the Tombstone. Holy shit that was off-the-charts awesome.

  15. Well, I read somewhere there is consideration of turning Ziggler face.

    But for the moment, when AJ called him Ziggy, was I the only one who had visions of his face challenger somehow working the comic strip into the feud?

  16. Wasn't clever then, isn't clever now... let me show you the door..

  17. I don't know. I kind of disagree with Scott here. This felt like a show that was written with minimal effort. The "beat the clock" angle always provides for interesting matches (especially with the talented workaholics featured), but this felt like a show being on cruise control at its worst.

    Other than the Rock beatdown, there weren't any other moments on the show that made me think, "This is an interesting development...let'" Everyone and everything else were wheels spinning in place. What happened to character development? Everyone's been hitting the same notes for weeks (besides Rock and Punk). It all came to a head in the last segment when no one looked like a true individual, just part of some ensemble cast doing what they "should" be doing and participating in a makeshift battle royal.

    It was a "paint by the numbers" Raw that should be taking more risks with more potential eyeballs on the product with the Rock's return and Rumble/Mania season.

  18. Wait, Ziggler has momentum? The same guy who has jobbed to Cena 3 or 4 times since late November while using every new finisher and cheating tactic in the book?

  19. Rocky basically mades lemonade with the lines he's being fed by WWE creative, if he's being fed anything at all... Whereas Cena as a person doesn't bring anything to the table, and when it does... it's usually dead on arrival. There's your problem.

  20. I wasn't sure if I heard that right. And now I'm wondering if this means they're going to rip off the ending to Doink vs. Crush again.

  21. Glad he was bothered. That shirt combo was the worst.

  22. Apparently Orton has made headway on getting the heel turn he supposedly wants.

    Presumably, if Cena DOES win, we can expect Randy becoming his big feud from April through however long Vince pushes the two down our throats.....

  23. Thats exactly what i thought...

    Rock is TE'OING!!! I saw that on GOOGLE!!!!11!!!

  24. If they had four events that they treated as seriously as Wrestlemania, then that would do it.

  25. Did You Know? In the past week, Eric Clapton has gotten a bigger push than 80% of the roster.

    In other news, The Miz does such a crappy figure four that David Flair looks at it and goes "Now that's a crappy figure four!"

  26. Backlund needed to be in there 15 years ago.

  27. If Rock is back only to service the bastard that is Cena, why bother doing shit? Hell, one can argue that Rock and Punk themselves have been half-assing stuff because they know that their match at RR means jack shit: Rock's losing the belt to Cena at WM and more than likely won't be at the elimination chamber PPV (I can totally see Cena pushing the idea of Rock not defending the belt, so he can attack Rock as a sell-out and bring up the bullshit "he's a part timer, I'm a full timer so fucking cheer me instead!") and as soon as the PPV is over, Punk's going to the bottom of the card as we build back up to Cena taking the belt and crowing about how he's THE man. And hell, as some have already speculated, want to bet Cena ends up keeping the belt LONGER than Punk so Cena can take take away the bragging rights from Punk about havng a longer title reign?

  28. TLDR: the fact that Rock is winning at RR/Cena is beating Rock at WM for the belt, has completely killed the writing team and the wrestlers not named Cena, from wanting to do shit or advance any major storylines since Cena's impending return to the throne has pretty much sapped the will from the writers and wrestlers from giving a fuck.

  29. As was the fake mustache

  30. Someone needs to make a David Flair style titantron with Miz doing Imitation Flair moves followed by the Disappointed Ric

  31. Was Rocky legit hurt during that beatdown or did he just bite his tongue or something?

  32. Much like Linda running for the Senate.

  33. I think he means Kaitlyn plans on playing a scientist in a shitty "Piranha" ripoff.

  34. My hope for the Rumble is that Mick Foley, not over being Rock Bottom'd last year (continuity nod!), costs Rocky the match and sets up The Rock vs. The Boulder at 'Mania.

  35. I thought it was pretty hard, but I was attributing that more to the fact it was the first thing I was trying to do. It took me a long time to beat him, especially the way I needed to beat him to get all the bonus material (by submission). I think Smith starts out with the finisher b/c that's how the original match starts. I actually thought it was kind of awesome because it was trying to mimic the home field advantage Bulldog had that night.

    OTOH, the Jack/HHH match was IMPOSSIBLE to get right. I think it took like 20 minutes for me to get HHH through the table, and even then it was something ridiculous like a Russian Legsweep caused the table to break in a way that wasn't even remotely physically possible.

    But I am absolutely LOVING this game.

  36. It took me a few tries (the dive to the outside is what kept screwing me over; Bulldog would keep countering it by rolling/blocking), but I actually found the Badd Blood match harder. I was stuck on that for about a half-hour since you start with a weakened HBK against a relatively healthy, near-Signature'd Taker, and I play with the difficulty cranked. Still, I'm happy for the challenge (I was pretty elated to finally take down the Deadman with the assist from THAT'S GOTTA BE KANE!!!) after years of punchless AI in the last few iterations. The CPU is giving me a much tougher fight in matches, which is great for later on once I unlock everyone and start setting up my own shit in Universe.

  37. Caliber_Winfield_69420BoobiesJanuary 22, 2013 at 5:07 AM

    Are you incapble of ever writing anything ever that isn't fantasy booking? I mean, when you apply for a job is your resume full of scenarios of John Cena losing a match to El Generico in negaitive3 seconds at WM?

  38. We are coming up on the 20th anniversary of kicking your leg out of your leg, so why not?

  39. "If Rock is back only to service the bastard that is Cena" DON'T like Cena?

  40. I am not going to lie i felt a little dirty when i had to be HBK in Montreal against Bret

  41. Rock and Punk have enough sway to write their own lines I'm guessing. There's no way the writing staff is coming up with the Boxing with God promo or the Free at Last promo.

  42. Yeah. I thought it was going to happen after Andre. I never knew why they waited so long.

  43. Oh and also. Ziggler wins using heel tactics twice. Genius! Also, making out with AJ in front of Vickie was surprisingly hilarious.

  44. They acknowledged it though, sort of. Heyman began to say that just having a ticket does not mean you get to come down the ramp.

  45. Cena is fucking a Bella?

  46. The best part for me was the Rock getting a hope spot in during the beatdown. Thats some classic pro wrestling sht right there and I loved it.

    I am ordering the Rumble for the first time since 2010. They are going to really have to sell me on Rock-Cena 2. I just have zero interest in Cena at the moment.

  47. I wasn't watching for a while, but wasn't Orton uncomfortable being a heel for many years? Did the partnership with Edge change that?


  49. I'm calling the "Heyman" bomb or whatever he called it in his promo before the Rock rudely interrupted him is that Brock will cost the Rock the match versus Punk.

  50. Considering respect is all Punk wanted... now he drops the belt?

  51. Dolph Ziggler standing at the service counter of a department store (beneath a sign that says 'complaints'): "I wish I was taller."

  52. Oh boy I can't wait for the tantrum this place throws at the end of WrestleMania! How many people are going to say they'll "never watch this show again until tomorrow"?

  53. I apologize for the consequent Jesse Baker rants that I helped cause. I take full responsibility for my actions. I'm sorry.

  54. I'd be more excited if I weren't so sure Rock was going to win and we were building to Cena-Rock II: Crowd Shits Over Everything.

  55. Maybe he'll kick his leg out of his leg as well.

  56. Man, they really do treat celebrities differently.

  57. I have to appreciate the irony of Shawn having a hard time beating the Bulldog. Dave Stewart and Roger Clemens was a more competitive rivalry than Shawn and Davey Boy.

  58. Agree 100% on ADR. If there was ever a stale heel in need of a face turn, it was him. Plus, he's one of the few guys with enough pre-WWE experience to know how to effectively work as a face or heel, so he's actually able to pull it off.

  59. I would absolutely pay to watch a wrestlemania that was Cena-Punk and Brock-Rock.

  60. I suspect it will be a ref bump and Brad Maddox will come out and either count the pin on Rock or try to and get rock bottomed before Rock wins.

  61. Well, he was still ACTIVE when Andre was inducted, for one thing. :)

    I think Vince just hates acknowledging those transitory years before Hogan.

  62. If they can swing it (what with the various lawsuits that'd inevitably pop up), they might as well put Owen in there. It's been long enough.

  63. Get over it, Rock vs Cena II IS for the WWE title. People need to stop trying to change something that ain't gonna change no matter what they say.

  64. I agree. It's boring at this point.

  65. It's sort of the Sheamus thing all over again, only Del Rio actually had the sense to change his style immediately as a face. It took Sheamus about six months to really figure it out (adding more playing to the crowd, etc.) Del Rio went right into the "Si" stuff and busting out a flashier finisher.

  66. They are paying her a salary of a an uppermid card guy so they have to use her a lot to half way justify it.

  67. I hope all the people crying last week about rock shitting on vickie watched the opening promo. She's a despicable heel who deserves any and every comeuppance

  68. Yeah I don't get it. Why not just make a post disagreeing/trashing the other poster?

  69. I loved the Kane/Bryan segment. Seeing Kane with a personality is awesome, I mean remember last year when he EMBRACED HATE? Rock-Punk was amazing including an assist from Paul. It's sad Rock sells better than the whole roster though. And of course Cena sucked again, his lame promo should have happened in the first hour.

  70. yea the rock's performance made me cringe way more than cena's did.

  71. So apparently WWE is taking part in "No Name Calling" week.

    There goes 100% of the Rock's material!,-Miz-May-Get-a-Youtube-Show,-Del-Rio-Poses-With-Baseball-Star.htm

    - WWE has announced on their Facebook that they will be partnering with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network to promote next week's "No Name Calling

  72. I love how how people are voting down the simple statement of a fact.

  73. Calling it now:

    Dolph eliminates Cena from the Rumble.

  74. Agree with Scott's assessment. Man, that last segment was brutal though.

  75. Haha, yeah Bulldog took me some time. Right now I am having a bitch of a time throwing Bret Hard towards the announce table, hoping to conquer that tonight.

  76. If downvotes moved the post down (you know, so their delicate feelings could be spared from having to read an opinion that disagreed) then maybe I'd get it, as it is it does nothing but make people laugh because WE NOW KNOW FOR A FACT people are getting cranky about what we say, which just feeds the luls.

    I <3 my downvotes. It means what I say is working exactly as intended. :)

  77. Don't expect them to remember their outrage from an ancient time like seven whole days ago.

  78. yes! more seinfeld is needed on the blog imo!

  79. So butthurt that boyfriend is dropping the belt.

  80. It reminds me of Kane's 2002 babyface run, which I really liked a lot. Even better than Show, Kane can do both unstoppable monster heel and fun babyface equally well.

  81. What about Hall, Nash, and Hogan? nWo style?

  82. Only one of the Bellas have implants? Pics or didn't happen.

  83. I'm butt hurt my taxes went up. I'm mildly annoyed cena v rock 2 is main eventing mania.

  84. Wow I can't believe people actually think Ziggler has a shot in hell of winning the Rumble.
    I would be legit shocked if Cena doesn't win.

  85. I didn't say Ziggler would win it.

  86. Brock/HHH is probably gonna be where the crowd shits all over it

  87. Oh man, Triple H going over Brock and Cena going over Rock will be hilarious. The crowd is going to demolish them.

  88. Only Nash is in the game and it's 2011 Kevin Nash. The game's Attitude Era only reflects the WWF side.

  89. Maybe I was just in a bad mood last night, but I thought last night's show was terrible and moved at an absolute snail's pace. Cesaro/Orton and Sheamus/Barrett were good, but I was really surprised by your rating for Ziggler/Miz - they seemed to be blowing spots left and right, including Miz flying out of the ring from a tap on the knee, and that "Rockshooter"-level Figure-Four.

    I also thought that pretty much all of the promos were lacking; even the guys that usually cut great promos (Heyman, Punk) weren't up to their usual standards, and Cena's was just downright painful.

    I can't even remember the last time I was so horribly bored through an entire episode. It was almost like that episode "The A-Team" hosted a few years ago, only without the awesome "Nexus" debut.

  90. Usually, I prefer a "Rumble" that doesn't have an obvious winner, especially when there are several top-level guys in there (in this case, Cena, Orton, and Sheamus are the biggest stars in the match); in the past, it created great unpredictability for the match and could branch-off into great feuds for "WrestleMania".

    This year, though, there isn't a single "top guy" that I actually want to see win the match and main-event WM. I don't want to see Cena, Orton, or Sheamus win, nor do I even want to see any of them feud with one another. By that same logic, I have no interest in seeing, say, Taker, Trips, or Brock win, but at least their inclusion(s) in the "Rumble" would lead to some interesting pairings and spots in the "Rumble" match and could potentially lead to an interesting WM feud or two (especially Cena/Taker). Same with Rock - I wouldn't want to see him win, but at least it could make both the "Rumble" more interesting and lead to a more interesting program than Rock/Cena II.

    Ziggler's the ONLY guy that I'd like to see win the "Rumble" this year, because he definitely deserves to be a main-eventer, but what's the point of giving the win to a guy that's been booked like a chump the entire year? May as well give Zach Ryder or Epico the win.

  91. In WWE-logic, that IS momentum.

  92. Cena ISN'T virtuous. He's basically Hulk Hogan, with all of the worst elements of Hogan as a good guy amplified by ten to the point that even Hogan at his most selfish as a good guy can't hold a candle to Cena's douchebaggery

  93. Great crowd, I thought. They were into everything (including, sadly, Face Miz - who I despise). The beat-the-clock stuff always gives a focus and structure to the show and you really can't complain about the match quality.

    I genuinely forgot that ADR was World Champion. I think that says more about belt than the man, because aside from his bizarre personality change, he does alright as a face. Some swanky additions to the moveset too.

    Can't wait for the PPV.

  94. '94, if you count his runs as Isaac Yankem and the Fake Diesel.

  95. If Trips goes over Brock then everything is going to fall to pieces, Cena going over Rock will just be gravy

  96. Down votes DO move the post down on the default setting of disquss till you change to Newest or Oldest first in the settings at the top

  97. Doesn't your whole, Theire faking they won't stop watching thing fall apart when you realize the ratings suck and people like myself have stopped watching

  98. DANIEL BRYAN FOR RUMBLE WINNER 2013 (i wish...)

  99. I downvote when I get tired of making the same point over and over again.

  100. I thought about watching last night but decided it probably sucked


  101. Not at all, I specifically mean the guys that post here screaming they'll never watch the show again but are right back in the live thread seven days later.

    I'm sure lots of people have stopped watching, none of them the lifelong addicts that come here. (Or at the very least, none of the addicts that make a huge production of being ~~OUTRAGED~~ at something Vince did or did not do)

  102. Yeah but you can pretty much download them from the Community Creations online, along with almost every conceivable wrestler & arena from wrestling history.

  103. Crazy how great the Shield has been booked so far, yet they're possibly one John Cena smirk away from ruining their entire momentum and making everything suck. *prays to AJ not to let this happen*

  104. "Miz somehow manages to fuck up a figure-four even worse than Dusty Rhodes in his prime"

    Really? Correct me if I'm wrong but I could've sworn Dusty Rhodes in his prime weighed about 150 lbs. less and hadn't feuded with Flair yet, at that point. Unless were just going for hyperbole, then disregard this comment.

  105. Pfffftttt, we said the same about Cena at Wrestlemania 22.

  106. Nah, they didn't give a shit with Brad Maddox either. Man, why aren't more people jumping the rails, with all the continuity logic? Oh wait, they're just trying to tell stories.

  107. There goes 100% of anybodies material. But at least the raw roulette could be enough of a distraction to make people forget about it.

  108. Yeah and NOBODY else in wrestling becomes a parody of what they are, NOBODY! A stale Rock is still better than 95% of the WWE's stuff today.

  109. Most People does not = Lerxst_Pratt, The Fuj, Shough, etc. Get over it.

  110. Ziggler as a face= No Buys. There's a reason why he always seems to be involved with some chick. It's because without it people wouldn't give much of a shit about him.

  111. Or I wish I had a better last name.

  112. The ONLY WAY that match would be justifiable is by having Cena go back to his 2003 persona and cutting out all the smiling crap.

    I think Hayes was right about Cena back in 2003 in that he should've been channeling Stone Cold more for his act than The Rock. The sucking up to the crowd stuff is just something he can't pull off IMO.

  113. Not everyone worships the Rock and find his act to be tiring rather quickly. You get over it.

  114. You haven't proved that those MANY people are anything but a minority. No matter how vocally whiny they may be.

  115. Its still better than what we get now.


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