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Tracklisting for latest Bret Hart DVD

This looks like a gang-busters release, personally. There's a lot of stuff I haven't seen that I'm really looking forward to.


A Real Privilege

Untapped Resources

My Backyard

2-out of-3 Falls Match for the British Commonwealth Jr. Heavyweight Championship
Bret Hart vs. Dynamite Kid
Stampede Wrestling • December 1978

World Tour

Bret Hart vs. Buzz Sawyer
Georgia Championship Wrestling • September 1979

A Lot of Promise

North American Heavyweight Championship Match
Bret Hart vs. Leo Burke
Stampede Wrestling • January 1983

The Best It Gets

Bret Hart vs. Dynamite Kid
Capital Centre • September 14, 1985


WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Hart Foundation vs. The Islanders
Philadelphia Spectrum • March 14, 1987

A Sign of Respect

Bret Hart vs. Andre the Giant
Milan, Italy • April 10, 1989

The Right Formula

Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect
Maple Leaf Gardens • April 23, 1989


This Is For Us

Hart Foundation vs. The Twin Towers
Duluth, Minnesota • May 17, 1989

The Greatest Super-Card of All-Time

Bret Hart vs. Tiger Mask II
WWE / New Japan / All Japan Wrestling Summit • April 13, 1990

Change of the Guard

Intercontinental Championship Match
Bret Hart vs. Ric Flair
New Haven, Connecticut • November 13, 1991

On the Threshold of Greatness

Bret Hart vs. Undertaker
Madison Square Garden • January 31, 1992

The Best Big Man

Bret Hart vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Milan, Italy • April 25, 1993


Evolution at That Time

WWE Championship Match
Bret Hart vs. Diesel
King of the Ring • June 19, 1994


No Holds Barred
Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart
RAW • March 27, 1995


Bret Hart vs. Jean-Pierre Lafitte
In Your House • September 24, 1995

Time Off

Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Sun City Superbowl • September 14, 1996

Simultaneously a Hero and a Rat

WWE Championship Match
Bret Hart vs. The Patriot
In Your House: Ground Zero • September 7, 1997

Wrestling Injured

WCW United States Championship Match
Bret Hart vs. Booker T
WCW Monday Nitro • January 25, 1999

Misjudging Sting

Semi-Finals Match for the WCW Championship
Bret Hart vs. Sting
WCW Mayhem • November 21, 1999

Trip Through Memory Lane


Dream Matches

Travel Schedule

Sleeping on a Plane

Survivor Series with Bob Backlund

Masked Man

Trumpet Sound

Customs with Owen

Lost at Sea

Prized Possession

Two of the Best in Japan

Super Skilled, Super Athletic

WWE Championship Match
Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna
White Plains, New York • November 29, 1993

Doing It Old School

Bret Hart & British Bulldog vs. Owen Hart & Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart
Albany, New York • October 19, 1994

A Good Soul

Bret Hart vs. Hakushi
RAW • July 24, 1995

Cement Truck

WWE Championship Match
Bret Hart vs. Vader
Friday Night's Main Event • August 29, 1997

The Artist



  1. There are some interesting matches on here that I've never seen. Two Dynamite Kid matches I've never seen sell me on this instantly.

  2. Nice. I like the inclusion of house show matches. Seems a shame not to include the insane Steiners/Harts tag match from '94(?), or has that shown up somewhere else recently?

  3. Seeing AJPW on WWE releases is kind of surreal. Awesome looking set though, gotta get it.

  4. ANOTHER release for a fucking mid-carder? Geez when do we get a three-disc set of Tito Santana or Savio Vega?

  5. In all seriousness, I wish Bret and Owen had teamed up longer than they did.

  6. I liked it better when scott posted it a week or two ago. . .

  7. It was on the Hart & Soul set released a couple of years ago.

  8. I love watching the old stampede cards, him and dynamite kid were the shit in the late 70's early 80's in Stampede.

  9. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJanuary 21, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    That Bret vs Austin match could be a gem.... Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that dated prior to Bret's actual comeback? Bret/Austin at survivor series 96 one of my all time favorites.

  10. its a house show I think.

  11. Later that night, at the hotel, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels and the ghost of Randy Savage appeared to see the dvd, and with tears in their eyes, confide in Bret that his dvds were always their favorite to watch.

  12. It does. I didn't know he had any matches prior to Survivor Series. I think he had a couple on a tour of Europe (he's very popular there) after WMW12 but I didn't know about this. Curious to see the finish, Bret beat Austin clean with the Sharpshooter a few times that were ignored.

  13. Caliber is now stealing Scott's own blog posts.

  14. Hey! I'd buy a Chico Santana set any day. Seriously.

  15. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJanuary 21, 2013 at 3:18 PM

    Yeah I had no idea Bret wrestled prior to survivor series. Would love to know how long that match is

  16. Caliber_Winfield_69420BoobiesJanuary 21, 2013 at 3:35 PM

    C'mon, my remake is way grittier. Plus, I show how the tracklisting became the way it was, via a mother who strips, and having William Forsythe for a father.

  17. I would too. Santana was always underrated

  18. I think it's actually from a tour of South Africa he was booked on in the Fall of 96 well before his contract expired and he agreed to comeback.

  19. And of course, Scott posted his musings on the set, with a supplied link to the content listing. You removed the middleman and just posted the list of content. You evil, evil prick you.

    You should have just posted about Cena turning heel, which is freah and original.

  20. Threadjack:

    Twitter is down. WWE has issued a crisis meeting for a full rewrite of tonights show.

  21. Just looked it up on the history of, it was a house show in South Africa and televised on some sports network.

  22. "Well Vince, we could always promote our Facebook page-

    "What the fuck is a book full of faces doing on Internet?"

  23. The Bret/Austin houseshow matches prior to their Survivor Series showdown were nothing special, just both guys going through the motions.

  24. It's weird seeing Bret vs. Tiger Mask II (just before he unmasked as Mitsuharu Misawa) on an official WWE release. The match is no great shakes, but it's interesting from a historical viewpoint.

  25. Just run a tribute show highlighting memorable tweets and superstars favorite twitter memories. Mark Henry can write a poem.

  26. If Heenan was on commentary for all his matches i'd buy it.

  27. I'd love to hear a poem from Mark Henry.

  28. I've heard this joke a lot, but where did the whole "so and so confided in Bret" come from? Did Bret say it in an interview or his book and it kind of caught on as a running joke? I feel so left out!!

  29. Imagine if Bret and Misawa had faced off in, say, 1995 instead of just when Misawa was coming into his prime.

  30. Misawa would have elbowed the shit out of Bret, and Bret wouldn't have liked it.

  31. I do believe that's our first Buzz Sawyer sighting on a WWE DVD release. Probably first for Leo Burke, too.

  32. Had no idea footage of that Bret / Austin match existed. Awesome!

  33. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJanuary 21, 2013 at 6:05 PM

    Good to know. Thanks..... That is the match that jumped out but there is some good stuff here.

  34. I thought he was only talking about the match he had with Davey Boy at Summerslam.

  35. That's a lot of opening matches.

  36. Only if it comes with a free taco.

  37. It's unreal considering those two were arguably the top two wrestlers of the decade, each in their respective "home base" as it were.

  38. I figured it had to be something like that, I just didn't want to jump to any assumptions.

  39. Nah, there's even a point around 1990 or 1991 where he writes about thinking about leaving for WCW because Flair promised him more money because Bret was having trouble with his travel expenses.

    The thing is, when Jimmy Hart gets wind of it, he runs up to Bret, tears in his eyes, and proclaims that Bret is the greatest and he can't believe that the WWF would let him walk away.

  40. Caliber_Winfield_69420BoobiesJanuary 22, 2013 at 4:59 AM

    Honestly, I tried to fix it like 3 times, but blogger is a BITCH sometimes.

  41. Yeah, I've heard that before from others, so I know what you mean.

  42. Intercontinental Championship Match
    Bret Hart vs. Ric Flair
    New Haven, Connecticut • November 13, 1991

    Finally!! Have a really bad copy of it. Best match they had, in my opinion.


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