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Let's Not Jinx Anything, But...

From the new Observer...

"For those who think the company doesn't see Bryan as a main eventer, right now the penciled in main event for Money in the Bank on 7/14 in Philadelphia is Cena vs. Bryan, with Bryan not being a heel, as the title match. As you should be aware, everything is subject to change. It's pretty much a sure thing Bryan will be cheered in that match, given the city, and they are fully aware of that. The impression is they won't try and make him a heel but that's certainly something that can change. I sense the goal for the next two months is try to make Cena a "legend" by beating Rock, surviving Ryback and then having a match of the year with Bryan."

Now for the love of god no one talk about this so they don't swerve us because too many people know.  


  1. Yeah, that'll make everyone like Cena! Having him beat the guy most people in the crowd want to win.

  2. Spoiler: Cena wins!

  3. I love that their idea of making Cena a legend is by beating Rock, Ryback, and Bryan. lolwat

  4. Or Cody Ross.
    Or Patrick Kane.
    Or Ronde Barber.
    Or I need a drink.

  5. Tangentially related: So, I believe we know that some wrestlers read here occasionally. But do we know if WWE spies are in our midst?!

  6. Spoiler predictions: It goes over four stars and CM Punk makes at least a token "surprise" apperance.

  7. Make Cena a legend? He's undeniably already a legend. Surviving Ryback and having a classic with Bryan won't change that.

    But hell, if it gives us Bryan vs. Cena then I'm happy with that.

  8. They've never really played up Cena as "legendary," though, so it's kind of interesting.

  9. They just have to realize that Cena is never going to be embraced like Hogan, Flair, Austin, Rock, Bret, or Shawn.

  10. ...but he was in the film "Legendary" ;)

  11. It makes sense: he redeems himself against the greatest ever, survives a pair of wars against a monster, and outlasts the greatest technical wrestler in the world in (hopefully) a 5-star classic.

  12. Bryan does seem motivated lately.

  13. They've obviously long ago accepted the fact that Cena is going to be heavily booed in many markets and draw mixed reactions at best anywhere. It's not like they hide from it and in fact often play it up. Yes, they still present him as the superman babyface, but if the portion of the crowd that wants him to be a heel, or simply boo him regardless of his alignment, is gonna boo him anyway, they've gotten what they wanted.

  14. I agree on steps two and three, but I think they overestimate how much of a monster Joe Q. Wrestlingfan considers Ryback. They should have left him undefeated. As it is, do people view him as a bigger threat than Batista, Khali or Henry were?

  15. Touch em all joe!

  16. They not only filmed the feel-good go-home segment of Smackdown last week with Bryan, but then they aired it last Friday. Then, they replayed it on Raw. And then they basically said, "This man has the biggest testicles in the company sans Vince and HHH" with that performance this past Monday. That means someone--Vince, a major writer, HHH--is behind D-Bry and it has stuck for OVER a week. That's a morale victory in itself considering the constant turmoil the creative staff faces.

  17. My sources tell me the match will end in a double turn with Cena going heel and Bryan solidified as a never say die babyface when he beats the odds and wins the title.

  18. I'm crying right now.

  19. To cash in his MITB and become the first person to legitimately lose, when Cena taps him out. Making Cena more LEGENDARY than ever before. THE ODDS ARE OVERCOME!

    Seriously it has the potential to be a great match, but the way that was phrased, we know what the result *can't be*. That leaves you with a 1% chance of a non-finish. Big picture then... who cares? It's just the same old thing in a more attractive package.

  20. unfortunately, your sources are wrong.

  21. Your source is Jesse Baker?

  22. You just made me sad. And you left out Alex Rodriguez.

  23. Wait, if they find out...

    My sources tell me that Cena will cleanly pin Bryan with Bryan immediately turning into a crybaby heel.

  24. My new theory is the WWE thinks that their fans have the same memory loss that Guy Pierce had in Memento. John Cena needs to go over a new guy every month or the fans will forget that Cena always overcomes the odds!

  25. Well, now. Cena'll get hurt or turn heel and the next guy will come along and we'll miss Cena.

  26. Ok, I'll admit that I may be having a moment of insanity right now, but I think they may put Bryan over here. No one, not even Vince can be so blind that he doesn't realize that his #1 babyface right now is Bryan and that putting the full WWE machine behind him will help close whatever gap may exist in merch and the ancilary revenues.

    Do it Vince!!

  27. "Lately"? Dude's been killing it since he lost to Sheamus. But you're right, he's been carrying Raw lately.

  28. I don't even know what this means.

  29. Put Ryback over Cena at Payback, but Bryan over Ryback at MITB, the night after Punk returns, attacks Bryan and shaves his beard off. Punk/Bryan at SS. It should be a no brainer.

  30. The last part is where they lose me. They've never slotted Bryan as the greatest technical wrestler in the world in front of the vast majority of their audience. Punk has gotten that slot even though he's not even on the level that Bryan is. If they make a concerted effort over the next few months to really showcase what Bryan can do in the ring, then the rest of the "universe" can realize what us IWC nerds already know, Bryan is a beast in the ring.

  31. It's an empty platitude.


    You accomplish several things there too. You finally get Ryback some credibility by actually winning not only a ppv match, but the title against Cena. You use that clout to push Bryan over the top. Then, you immediately heat up Punk again by attacking the #1 babyface.

    YES! YES! YES!

  33. Can only hope for "Crybaby Match II: Dying for a Diaper", the long awaited sequel to Razor Ramon vs. 123 Kid.

  34. Or just skip Ryback, have him feud with a newly face Ziggler for the WHC and have Bryan vs. Cena Title vs. Beard

  35. Does this mean we'll get Triple H vs.. Daniel Bryan @ Summerslam.....

  36. Having him face Ziggler, with the latter as a face, splits your audience. Ryback is already a heel. You need more main event stars. He needs that win over Cena. Then, it's an easy move to have Bryan go full face (without required goofy WWE smile) against Ryback. No need to complicate things here, the story is right there.

  37. HHH has to vampire heat from someone...

  38. If Triple H really wants that last great match we will. Bryan could carry him to 4 stars easily, 5 stars is HHH is on his game and motivated.

  39. Seriously. Beating Ryback also plays into his recent storyline. At Payback, Bryan loses again to the Shield, comes out next night on Raw to challenge Ryback based off what just happened on Monday. And then finally gets over the hump and beats him at the PPV.(Or fuck it, do the switch the next night after Payback, Kane the fuck out of Ryback)

    Punk is going to get babyface reactions, shaving Bryan's beard puts him right back in the ultra hated heel mode he was in before WM.

    With the expected babyface reactions Punk is gonna get, it will even seem like another heel turn. Punk comes out to congratulate Bryan on winning the title, do the whole respect/handshake thing, similar backgrounds blah blah blah. Punk asks for the title match, Bryan gives it to him and THEN Punk plants him a G2S and shaves him.

    But I'm like 92% sure whenever Bryan does get a title run, they are gonna Rey Mysterio the fuck out of him. Sigh.

  40. I do like Cult's beard shaving thing. That just sounds awesome!

  41. Not only will put a lot of steam into the feud, it will also put a stop to the stupid goat jokes every week on Raw.

  42. cabspaintedyellowJune 5, 2013 at 6:09 PM

  43. I thought Steph was the only one allowed on HHH's "game."

  44. cabspaintedyellowJune 5, 2013 at 6:11 PM

  45. What makes you think they're capable of booking a face without the goofy smile? They did it to Punk.

  46. I think it's because a lot of guys in the back are aware of where he's at and what's he's capable of. Maybe they're like, "Screw it. Go out there and knock their socks off, brother."

  47. This is fantasy booking, not reality. Nothing makes me think they would actually do it.

  48. I will never miss John Cena's character. His ring work, maybe. But NEVER his character.

    To use your terms for Orton, I HATE John Cena (the character).

  49. This is an excellent point.

  50. Possibly the funniest thing ever on this blog...

  51. They could transition Punk to Ziggler; especially if they want to neutralize Punk to keep him from upstaging Saint Cena.

    Expect Punk to win the belt from Ziggler and some bullshit excuse is churned out to permanently exile him to Smackdown as that show's champion, where he's pretty much ignored and his belt treated as being beneath Cena's....

  52. cabspaintedyellowJune 5, 2013 at 6:20 PM

    Thank you! Only my second attempt at memeing.

    That memegeneokerlund site is glorious, if for no other reason than it provides the templates, a la memegenerator, so it's a breeze.

  53. Also, if they work in a forced shaving in the mix, watch Cena do it because you just know he'll want the pleasure of doing it so as to further tell fans to fuck off by shaving off Bryan's beard (and full head of hair) in a god-awful comedy segment where Cena plays with the hair while Bryan pouts like a sore loser who has to be tied down to the chair for added insult......

  54. No way will Cena give up that moment up to Punk, given how that would give Punk further juice. Cena will get the "honor" so he can turn it into another nail into Bryan's coffin rather than a moment where he gets sympathy and fans wanting to see him avenge his humiliation.

  55. Bryan could carry it off since he has a sort of childish tint to is character interaction ala Mick Foley. And given his character is supposed to be kind of unhinged, it would not be forced

  56. Also, if anyone REALLY needs the heat towards shaving Bryan against his will, it's Miz. Like Orton and Punk, Miz has a longstanding unresolved bloodfeud with Bryan and is floundering as a babyface. Get the belt on Bryan, then have Miz attack him/force shave him as Miz turns heel and resumes his evil vendetta against Bryan in terms of Miz being a jealous little shit who hates how everyone loves Bryan and hate him.

    Put Miz with Heyman and run with it since they would have great chemistry in terms of being assholes together, plus they can have Heyman fire Punk as a client in favor of Miz and later Orton. And when Orton tries to kick Bryan in the head to make him have to forfiet the belt, Punk makes his triumphant return and saves Bryan, giving us Bryan/Miz and Punk/Orton in the fall.

    Bryan/Miz would make for a great feud, especially since as with Punk, even if Bryan DOES get the belt, no fucking way will Cena ever let him actually be the top guy. He'll be stuck in the mid-card while Cena prances around with Ryback or Kane (who will suddenly forget all about Bryan) and maybe even Brock or HHH.

  57. on his "game"...

    ha, I see what you did there.

  58. Miz is terrible and belongs nowhere near the main event.

    On the bright side, you and Dougie actually have something in common, you both like Miz. Go figure.

  59. The only problem with all of this is that NO ONE wants Miz in the main event scene. Most people are sick of Miz in general.

  60. All of this talk about Bryan as the top face is almost enough to get me watching Raw again. Almost.

  61. Only downside is that I think they should try to get back to Punk/Cena again fairly soon based on how great they are together and they could still build up a definitive blow-off match.

  62. The thug life character will get some love. The Cena/Punk feud will get some love. But his character generally just sucks. He's like a bastard no-selling, smiling, superman combination of '91 Taker, '99 Nash and late '80s Hogan.

  63. Do that after Summerslam while Bryan and Kane are feuding.

  64. Same person.

    Dear god, the rabbit hole is deep.

  65. Isn't Shawn Michaels a huge D-Bry supporter? Shawn plus legit crowd reactions plus HHH taking on a bigger role in creative would seem to equal a recipe for success.

  66. How is Brock Lesnar a cunt?

  67. Do you still hate Scott, thinking he's just a puppet of WWE, angling for a job?

  68. Because forced shaving drew SO much heat when done to Tenta and The Legion of Doom.

  69. I hate to be Negative Nancy here, but the focus looks to be on Cena, and not Bryan. If the last decade has taught us anything, it's that the company has lost the ability to effectively tell two stories at once. There's no way in blue Hell Bryan makes it as a face when they've set the groundwork up for him to go heel. This is a flavor of the month thing to hold over until Randy Orton prepares to challenge at SummerSlam.

  70. I really think they should hold off on Punk/Cena. Have Punk win the Rumble, and have a Punk/Cena 60-min Iron Man match as the Wrestlemania main event, while having Bryan fight Taker.

  71. Obviously the WWE saw my comment on the Raw rant.
    It's going to be pretty awesome when even the kids turn on Cena after he goes over Bryan. Kids LOVE Daniel Bryan.

  72. Vince: "Bryan and Cena sounds good, but you know what sounds great? A BELLA IN EACH CORNER!"

  73. I would think that would be the final necessary piece that could turn Cena heel. If the chants are "let's go Bryan", followed by "let's go Bryan" might be time.

  74. Well Bryan did start out at HBK's school so, yea. Still can't believe what an amazing class of wrestlers came out of there, Brian Kendrick, Daniel Bryan, Paul London, Michael Shane, and Milano Collection A.T.

  75. Cena/Punk ironman at WM would be phenomenal.

  76. Anthony RatcliffeJune 5, 2013 at 8:01 PM

    Eh, I'd buy it.

  77. I was hoping they would do a program with Bryan and Dolph. Such a easy program to book: Dolph making fun of Bryan as weak link, Bryan challenge Dolph, Dolph refuses and tells Bryan to go thru Big E first, Bryan beats Big E (Dolph can blame Big E to setup a feud between the two) and faces Dolph on a PPV match.

  78. So he's HBK's protege, practically Cena's brother in law (they're both still dating the Bellas, yeah?), Punk's friend, Sheamus and Ryback's travel buddy, Kane's partner, and one of the people to get the most over under HHH's leadership. And meanwhile, every crowd loves him and he's amazing, and he's willing to do media and appearances. And yet for some reason every smark seems to think he is gonna be held back, just because we like him. Meanwhile the only people making "he's too small!" Comments are people on smarkboards. You people don't know what you want sometimes.

  79. Anthony RatcliffeJune 5, 2013 at 8:05 PM

    Can we please have Punk playing Flair/Perfect in '92 to Cena's Warrior and Bryan's Savage? I know there are logical holes, but it would be mighty fun.

  80. I buried the hatchet with Scott ages ago.

  81. What about Bunkhouse Buck?

  82. Everything you wrote could have also been written about Mysterio when they put the title on him.

  83. Mysterio was dating a Bella? What did his wife and kids think about that?

  84. Seems like a waste of Daniel Bryan.

  85. She's open minded

  86. Didn't regal do all the actual training? HBK just cashed the checks.

  87. Don't get me wrong, I loathe the character of Cena. Between Cena and Orton it's the choice between getting punched in the balls or raped by gorillas. I'd rather not have either. In fact, all WWE faces are terrible characters.

  88. He tried to bury it with me and Kurt Busiek too but we just laughed.

  89. How does any of that make HHH look strong?

  90. On a scale of "Sting as the Third Man" to "Miz-Taker at WM 29", how wrong are they?

  91. I'd take a punch to the balls. Not generally by choice, but in this scenario it's kinda obvious.

  92. How about if they pull a Muto, and Daniel Bryan snaps into his alter ego Bryan Danielson?

  93. It could be mulitple PPVs. Great matches against a top heel.

  94. His kids got bigger problems. I mean his son isn't even his and then his dad put him on the line in a wrestling match, and he brought his daughter to a show so she could be threatened by a lunatic cult leader. If I were his wife, I'd divorce his ass.

  95. He did his early, learn how to run the ropes and call a match type training wiith the Michaels Wrestling Academy (with Kendrick and Cade, although Rudy Boy Gonzalez and Venom did most of the actual training, but from HBK's curriculum), and then trained at the Regal dojo thing (along with Chris Hero and some others) later on. Of course, Regal is in good with HHH too, supposedly.

  96. Dolph Ziggler is not a great heel.

  97. This would legitimately be a WM13 situation with equal heat if they actually turned Cena during this match. Hell, even if Cena stays a face, at least make the finish Bryan passing out after two minutes of struggling in the STF but not giving up.

  98. "he won't be snapping into any alter egos I don't own the trademarks to" - Vince

  99. Yeah, that was my point. Orton is getting raped by gorillas for me. Cena's pretty awful but he can back it up in the ring, same with Sheamus. I just find Orton completely mediocre-at-best.

    But look at the WWE faces: Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Jericho, Miz. As characters they're all terrible, terrible people. Look at Sheamus and Jericho on Monday. Awful, terrible heelish actions.

  100. DON'T TURN HIM HEEL. Doesn't matter if you put Cena over Bryan or not, just DON'T TURN BRYAN HEEL. If Vince wasn't seeing the dollar signs in his eyes after Monday night with Bryan just as he is now, then he's foolish.

  101. That would be awesome. I don't think there are logical holes, if anything Punk in the role makes more sense then Flair/Perfect did.

    Punk's beaten Bryan a bunch, and he's beaten Cena a bunch. In fact, he beat them both at Money in the Bank! So he can play this up as being the guy with the one guy needs to get past the other.

    Oh, the promo work there would be amazeballs.

  102. Cena v. Face Bryan in Philly? Did tickets go on sale yet?

  103. Yes, I will actually buy this PPV if that's the Main Event. If Bryan wins it'll be the most marking outist moment of all marking outs.

  104. Isn't a platitude an empty comment?

  105. Lets go Bryan.... Daniel Bryan... lets go Bryan

  106. Finally replacing the now thoroughly depressing end of Wrestlemania XX.

    That would be nice.

  107. Maybe they can retcon the Nexus Invasion to say that Daniel Bryan was fired for spitting in Cena's face.

  108. Him, not so much. Nobody in the Eastern conference was going to stop the '01 Lakers.

  109. He [Bryan] is the most over guy since last years Wrestlemania... so let's run with it! :-)

  110. For some reason, I don't think that's out of the realm of possibility.....

  111. Well wouldn't a full-fledged fuck you heel Daniel Bryan already shave though?

  112. Is there anyone out there who doesn't absolutely fucking love Daniel Bryan? He satisfies every criteria as a worker, is super versatile, media friendly and at this point even his size is working for him. I said from ages ago that the Yes thing could reach Austin 3:16 levels of fandom, they even tried to turn it into a NO ffs and a year later he's still the most over guy in wrestling period. I imagine HHH & Cena are also dying to get in the ring with him as they know they would have quality matches and actually Bryan is probably the only person I don't mind seeing HHH wrestle right now. I will forgive WWE everything I've ever disagreed with if they manage to pull this off

  113. I hate that idea, except I agree that Miz/Heyman would make a good pairing. Though the mic time ratio might be a bit difficult to get right with those two.

  114. Bryan is pretty much the only person I would like to see HHH wrestle

  115. Money in the Bank 2011 already did that.

    to quote something from a few months later: "Two Indy schmucks didn't do so bad, eh?"

  116. what did Cena do to you again?

  117. The Fuj: "It was me, Doomers, it was me all along!"

  118. Kurt Busiek and I still have heat from about 7 years ago. The man is absolutely bullish.

  119. And knowing WWE, they'll SWERVE us, putting the wrong Bella in each corner (I have no idea which Bella is dating Bryan and which is dating Cena, and I really don't care...)

  120. Fuck, they are SO going to do that. They are going to incorporate that stupid diva show somehow so the wwe universe know's the Bella's date them and us true fans just have to enjoy the roller coaster ride

  121. HHH would like to siphon off his heat and suck it dry like a vampire.

  122. i think in the moment we are very hard on Cena but after 5-10 years of him being gone we are gonna look back at the entire body of his work and go... "yea it was stale... but he put on some great fucking matches. that had real of most surreal emotion ever."

  123. Milano too ?

    nice... he wow'ed me in one match.

    Super X cup 2008 Team TNA v. Japan v. Mexico v. Europe Victory Road.

  124. and the title switches hands during all that time?

  125. so either dougie/jessie has been arguing with himself this whole time?

    The first of the BoD is you dont talk about the BoD.

  126. In terms of hated-in-Philly, however, he's at the top now that JD Drew retired.

  127. its true, he is not a great heel.

    he is a bump machine... but what has he done thats "heelish"?

  128. texas wrestling academy.

    get it right, mark :D

  129. im a fan of bryan, but i have no faith he will be the guy "that gives Cenna good workrate matches"

    it happens almost ever year.

    He fights a established guy or monster... then fights a smark darling.

  130. Or they could just fire the miz

  131. It would be a bad match. Hhh can't work at all anymore. He had a 20 minute match against punk two years ago and it was 2.5 stars

  132. In the last two years vkm jobbed punk to hhh, let Kevin Nash get the best of punk with out ever giving him back any heat, ran cena vs rock 2 with no build and had rock raise cenas hand in front of a smark crowd, is pushing Curtis Axel as a monster by cheap count out wins, and used lesnar to feud with huntor. Vince is "telling" cenas story. He could give a guck what the fans want

  133. Bryan is better at carrying people than Punk, and if HHH let him plan the match, it could still be good.

  134. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 6, 2013 at 10:40 AM

    Nah, don't fire him, just turn him into a Ryder-style jobber.

  135. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 6, 2013 at 11:59 AM

    The fact that someone brought up the possibility of a future Miz vs Bryan feud made me want to check out a match I haven't seen since it aired, which is Miz/Bryan at NOC 2010:

    Anyway, watching that:

    1) I tell ya, Miz's act was actually pretty fun around this time. He was nver great in teh ring or anything, but around this time it at least seemed he was dialed into the character and had his moveset compliment it well. As opposed to now, where Miz's character (dick-ass face?) makes no sense and his matches have no heat.

    - Alex Riley really added to Miz's act. They really cut that off too soon. Hell, they should STILL be together as two douchebag frat boy heels.

    - Miz and Bryan have some good chemistry. Sure Bryan is doing most of the work here selling the hell out of that arm and bouncing all over for the highspots, but still— they make a good combo. Miz is so naturally unlikeable that he makes Bryan even THAt much more sympathetic.

    - That said, I actually would be down for a Miz heel turn and a short feud with Bryan. I think the heat would be really good, and again, their natural characters are such great opposites.

    - Holy fuck 2010-2011 Cole was a nightmare. I get what they were going for and yeah, Cole probably did succeed in getting heat on Miz, but wow he made broadcasts really tough to listen to. "Daniel Bryan is boring!" Fuck.

    - Even in 2010 the crowds were into Bryan.

  136. Scream09_HartKillerJune 6, 2013 at 12:17 PM

    While his matches were fun, I'm not a huge Rey Mysterio fan - I like watching him jump around but I don't really cheer for him - and it all traces back to how much I wanted to slap him during the Filthy Animals. I've never wanted to tell someone on television to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up so badly.

  137. More likely storyline-wise, Cena's been harboring deep seeded desires for payback against Bryan for his role in the attack against him and biding his time for revenge since storylinewise, Bryan wussied out and quit Nexus after the attack.

  138. Yeah, over at my WCW site we're into the month of August, and the FA are all over the place. It's unbearable.

  139. It's ironic that people who call themselves "smart" to the business don't know the first thing about psychology.

  140. Twice. Cena loses it to Ryback, Ryback loses it to Bryan.

  141. in how many months?


    After basically hot-shotting the title from Punk to Cena from Jan-Apr?

    So in 8 months the title goes Punk-Rock-Cena-Ryback-Bryan? and the back to a feud with Punk?

    What i tell you about your ability to book?

    Its terrible.

  142. Yeah, putting the title on the hottest guy in the promotion is so terrible.

  143. But you like Big Bang Theory, you have horrible taste in general.

  144. "Scott's Blog of Fuj" sign.

    DO EET!

  145. He isn't essential to anything the WWE does, that is why he is perfect. He doesn't need protecting, there is no long term plan with him, he is a monster of the week.

  146. Bryan beating Cena does SO MUCH better than beating Ryback. Money in the Bank has become a hot PPV.

  147. I'm dyslexic, so it'll end up being a "Blog's Fuj of Scott" sign.

  148. so lets make someone who isnt essential to anything the WWE does... the WWE champion.

    i cant make this shit up.

    you are terrible at this.

  149. sigh... oh well...

    Smackdown knows that Scott fears me.

  150. I guess that means Vince McMahon is too because he has done time and time again.

  151. MITB is a hot PPV but it isn't a hot time for the WWE. Save it for next year so it's a bigger deal.

  152. and look at the returns for his "epic reign"...

    did it hurt ADR?

    Was he heavily protected not to hurt his heat?

    was it a triple threat match?

    was it a triple threat in a cell?

    you keep missing the details of what im saying, you can not have someone cold like Ryback going over Cena only to lose it to Bryan. ADR wasnt un-over or cold going into that match. He wasnt built back up after that.

    You keep missing that part of the discussion.

    Oh wait, you're only gonna state the part that satisfies your end.

  153. "year of the dragon"


  154. Yeah...but just main eventing with Cena is a huge deal, and if he can hang in the main event and give us a classic, it's only good news for Bryan.

  155. If rocky was shoved in our faces for 8 years in a row...everyone would have hated him too. Heck he's been gone for 8 years and still tons of people show just as much hatred at times for him.

  156. Having been to most of the Raws in Philly in the last few years, I don't think that Cena will be entirely booed out of the building. There are a ton of little kids at the shows. And they do love Cena. But I hope I'm wrong.


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