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Mid-year Evaluations, A through D

The first half of 2013 is rapidly coming to a close and it seems like a lot of WWE superstars are on the verge of some changes, so I decided to go down the main roster alphabetically and share some thoughts on everyone's current state starting with letters A through D:

Alberto del Rio: I didn't think there was much to like about ADR as a face, but he slowly seems to be growing into the role. He had been on record as saying he wanted to be a face from the get-go, so he's probably more comfortable working as one. He just needs something more to tack his character onto; right now he just seems like his prior millionaire character slumming it.

Alex Riley: This poor prick. Blackballed for standing up for himself. He should really just quit because its obvious they see nothing in him, and I think he has potential. At the very least, team him up with Curt Hawkins and let them be a jobber team.

Antonio Cesaro: Lotta rumors surrounding old Claudio. The rap from day one was that Vince thought he was boring and HHH saw potential, so he got a chance. Then I heard some talk that HHH invited him to work out and Cesaro turned him down. I REALLY hope that's just some newsboarder's overactive imagination because otherwise, really? How dumb could you be? What little fragment of character they gave him was all about his strength and his unique workout routine. If your boss wanted to go share his favorite activity with you, obviously he sees something there and maybe wanted to learn something about your workout. Hello! HHH pushes his gym buddies, dipshit! Maybe its not true, but either way all I can say is that I wouldn't be surprised if we see another ROH match with Claudio Castagnoli in the future.

Big E. Langston: What do you call a big, ripped musclehead that you hire to be pushed as such only to find out that he has untapped reserves in the comedy department and great facials in the ring? Well you could call him Titus O'Neill, but Big E. is a little younger and a little better. Despite looking like some horrific House Party slashfic where Kid ate Play, Langston is probably going to be breaking out as a singles star soon, and won't be with Dolph and AJ much longer.

Big Show: Big Show's been having some of the best matches of his career, and I really think that he's cementing his legacy as a great worker and an all around professional. Unfortunately, Show's not getting any younger, and giants have shorter life expectancies than most of us. While he's barely touching his 40s, he could be in his twilight years very soon. I know its morbid and sad to say, but its the truth. I get the feeling it might even be like a Joe Paterno situation for him, where once he stops it all catches up to him and he won't make it much longer. That's why, even though Brock is being held for the bigger stars, I'd love to see him and Show have one match on PPV. Between their prior history, Brock's MMA style, and the fact that Brock is strong enough to lift Show and Show is believably strong enough to throw Brock around, we could feasibly see a 5 star Big Show match.

Bo Dallas: I'm not sure he really counts yet. Either way, being the new Freddie Joe Floyd might not be the best career move for him.

Bray Wyatt & the Wyatt Family: I was a mark for this character from the second I saw his first promo, and I called it by saying they should ditch Eli Cottonwood as his flunky and use Luke Harper. Husky wasn't a half bad worker and Brodie was a pretty great big man worker, so they should have good things to come. I haven't really seen Erick Rowan but his beard is excellent. And since their vibe is basically Max Cady leading The Devil's Rejects, we are in for some fun.

Brock Lesnar: All I really want out of Brock is for him to have great, bloody MMA hybrid brawls every once in a while and put people over. At this point there are tons of money matches with Brock: Big Show, Punk, Sheamus, Mark Henry, Ryback, a Cena rematch. How many of them we actually see is up to fate and Brock but hopefully he's done wasting time with HHH.

Brodus Clay, Tensai, and the Funkadactyls: Tons of Funk as the new Men on a Mission is okay with me. They can be a feel good team to challenge for the tag titles and make heel teams look good. Like Khali, they may not be serious threats, but it always means something to beat someone that big. As for Cameron and Naomi, they're going to have to face the facts that Naomi has a future as a singles Diva and Cameron is the Jannetty (Jannette?)

Chris Jericho: What more could you ask for? Add me to the list of people who'd like to see him get one last run as champ briefly, to eventually pass the torch to someone. God knows he's earned it, and he has a patina of fame around him, plus the crowds go apeshit for him.

Christian: Unfortunately, his prime has peaked. From the stories I've heard he's another hard luck case: strong-armed into appearing at Slammiversary last year as an exchange for the Flair deal when he really didn't want anything to do with them, and then looked down on by some people for not outright refusing to do it and appearing with the competition. Talk about damned if you do and damned if you don't. Couple that with age, injuries, and a lack of motivation from creative to find anything for him, and I think the writing is on the wall.

CM Punk: He can do no wrong. I just want him back on TV, although I'm glad he's taking time to heal. Anything at all will be great with him.

Cody Rhodes: His whole gimmick is having a mustache. I think they should have someone forcibly shave it, and then have him freak out and go back to his old Dr. Doom character. It'd serve the character even more to overreact to something so vain and minute.

Curt Hawkins: Lost cause.

Curtis Axel: Here's my problem with this chode. Besides the fact that he isn't a great wrestler, they're pushing his legacy of being Hennig's son. I'm in my late 20s, and I've been watching wrestling for over 20 years. Curt Hennig retired for the first time within a year of me starting to watch; he seemed over the hill to me most of the time I was watching. He's also been dead for a decade or so. So if he seems that old to an old fart like me, what does the average kid watching have to relate to? And if that kid did happen to bone up on his wrestling history and had seen Mr. Perfect's dvd or whatever, he'd be able to see how his creepy son doesn't match up. So its a lose lose scenario.

Damien Sandow: I like the darker elements they're adding to his character. Rather than just acting smart, he's using his intelligence to mess with his opponents. He's basically The Riddler, and that has lots of potential for great villainy.

Daniel Bryan: It's happening. They can't ignore the reactions he gets. He will be on top or damn near. Just you wait.

Darren Young and Titus O'Neill: The PTPs got a little crowded out of the tag scene, but they still have potential to impress. Since their comedic promos are their strong suit (and not so much wrestling) and since Titus is a little old, if I were them I'd just put a lot of focus into YouTube videos.

David Otunga: He's not gonna stick with this. Plainly his heart isn't in it, and he is stuck in the limbo of being untalented enough to suck as a wrestler but too jacked physically to just be a manager. Time to quit and go be a house husband.

Dean Ambrose: All they could do more with him is give him some more vignettes where he can fill in the background of his character like he did in all those excellent Moxley promos. The mysteriousness of The Shield is fine but there is more to him than that. But those are small complaints, and he is the top heel of the future.

Dolph Ziggler: If I were him I'd beat the piss out of Swagger when I came back. The biggest run of his career has lost all its momentum due to Swagger being a sloppy goof, and it doesn't make him look good that HHH is out there acting as though coming back from a concussion is just a matter of toughness. Dolph has a case of terminal bad luck, and he is starting at a severe deficit. It also says something that in the time he's been gone the World title hasn't really been missed too much.

Drew McIntyre, Heath Slater, and Jinder Mahal: 3MB are the three worst wrestlers on the roster, give or take a Khali or Ezekiel Jackson. And they don't really do much "comedy" per se by coming out and acting like rockstars. Heath is an effective JTTS but has no good offense, Drew is the dreariest wrestler I've ever seen, and Jinder is just awful all around. Scary to think that Drew was at one time supposed to be the "next big thing".

Stay tuned over the next few days for thoughts on the remainder of the WWE roster.


  1. The PTP are in a spot where I look at them and think they're exactly where they should be. They're a nice little act, but don't have the chops to be champions or anything. Kinda like the Bushwhackers or Kaientai.

  2. What's the story with Riley standing up for himself?

    Also, agree on Claudio. Reminds me of Winston in Ghostbusters telling Ray "If someone asks if you're a god you say YES!"

    "If HHH asks if you want to work out, you say YES!"

  3. .....the fuck?

  4. Agree with your ADR assessment...he's not nearly as annoyning as a face as he was initially after he turned. He's still not great but defiently see some improvements. At least he doesn't do that creepy smile all the time now.

  5. What was the backstage gossip about Alex Riley?

    I'd actually be interested in seeing a shoot amateur wrestling match between Hager and Nemeth, in fact. I presume Hager would win since he's bigger and had a more distinguished NCAA career, right?

  6. Alex Riley still gets good pops whenever he comes out. That Miz feud did wonders for him. Too bad he hasn't done anything since.

    I'd love to see a Christian vs. CM Punk match too. It'd be great. Just a one off on Raw and I'd be happy.

  7. shoot names?

    you're so inside...

  8. Langston: im not seeing it.

    Not tall enough and too black.

  9. 2OT threadjack (tangentially related because of the photographic evidence that he's often as drunk as Murphy):


    Partying like it's 2010. Bring it, Boston.

  10. Damn, that's racis...oh wait.

  11. i got re-vitilago like uncle ruckus...

    no relation.

  12. Cena supposedly pulled a mean-spirited rib on him, he got angry and said something instead of taking it, and suddenly there was a dearth of light bulbs across the country due lighting fixtures being adequately filled.

  13. I know you aren't voicing your opinion but rather your opinion on his prospective push, so don't consider this a dissent but I'm digging the dude. Like Murph said, great facial expressions. He seems to get the little things.

  14. Who is Hager? Is this who you're talking about?

  15. Bartender, I'll have two more. Nah, make that four. Five.

  16. I'd never seen a moment of Stampede Wrestling, and Stu retired before I was born. But being a part of this famed wrestling family that the announcers treated with respect always made the WWE Harts seem legit when I was a kid.

  17. It's so brutally obvious what to do with Cesaro (bring up Ohno and reunite the Kings of Wrestling, albeit with a different name) that I'm surprised the 2x4 Sledgehammer of Don't Be an Idiot hasn't hit them enough yet.

    Jericho deserves the babyface title run that he's never had and that they first c0ckteased us with THIRTEEN YEARS AGO. (Bastards.) (And no, the two week cup of coffee with the WCW title doesn't count.)
    Damien Sandow's a guy that I could see becoming a great unexpected top guy if they give him the kind of shot out of nowhere that JBL got in 2004. Unquestionably he's the most interesting heel on the entire roster, IMO.

  18. I could definitely get into a big show/lesnar program. Show really has been killing it. This was a great read

  19. Sandow should go over sheamus and then get a program against ziggler and aj. That would rule.

  20. Miz's character was gold during that 18-24 month run. Bryan got over for the second time in WWE by taking the US title off him. The first time he got over was opposing Miz's character on NXT. He moved away from Miz and lost his heat for a few months. Riley got over through Miz. Then they went their separate ways and Riley isn't even around. Morrisson got the best reaction he had in years through his mini program with Miz.

    I know most people online aren't a fan of that character but when you look at how much it enhanced face characters it did some serious work. Why they don't just go back to that instead of lukewarm face Miz is beyond me. He's a natural douchebag (although he's supposed to be a super nice/genuine guy to fans you can tell he just likes being an antagonist) just let him go out and be himself and it works.

  21. If they were to turn both Del Rio (back into an aristocrat heel) and Ziggler (into a Jericho-ish cocky face), their feud over the title could be a lot more interesting than what it's been so far.

  22. The only thing Jericho has earned is to come back and put over the Fandango of the week.

  23. btw... i wanna give a shot-out for Ryan being one of the better contributors here.

    great read, and im looking fwd for the rest.

    Sobriety helps.

  24. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJune 9, 2013 at 5:53 AM

    What happened to Bo Dallas's push at the start of the year? He debuted as part of the main roster at the Royal Rumble, eliminated Wade Barrett and it seemed he was going to feud with Barrett over the Intercontinental title for awhile. I can only assume he was cut short and sent back to NXT because people backstage realised he wasn't quite ready yet, but that hasn't stopped them before pushing guys who weren't quite ready.

    Personally I think Bo would be better served by turning heel and aligning himself with his brother Bray Wyatt and his family. With his greasy hair and that persistent smile that I actually find really really creepy I think he could fit well as the mentally-disturbed brother of Bray Wyatt. After the Wyatt family debut they could redebut Bo Dallas as a face again for a few weeks, only with his brother Bray stalking him and demanding he come join them. After this goes on for a few weeks give Bo a match with Bray that he loses completely with very little offense against Bray, only for the family to drag him to the back. Few weeks later Bo appears aligned with the Wyatt family as a manically sycophantic brother to Bray seemingly deprogrammed by the Wyatt family. Think of Bo as Salacious Crumb to Bray Wyatt's Jabba the Hutt so to speak. Just sits there grinning during Bray's promos before laughing like a lunatic at the end. After a while Bo should take the brunt of Bray's anger whenever he or the family loses and at times becomes a sacrificial lamb when the Wyatt family find themselves in situations with other wrestlers where they're outnumbered or on the losing end. Build it up till Bo finally has enough and snaps turning on Bray and the Wyatt family, and then hopefully the fans accept him this time. The only real problem with this fantasy booking scenario and also with the real life booking of Bray Wyatt and the family when they debut is that I have a feeling the crowd is going to want to cheer them at first because of how different they come across compared to most of the roster.

  25. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJune 9, 2013 at 6:02 AM

    The thought Hager was a typo and he meant this guy!

  26. You forgot to mention his huge ass

  27. I also think that should have a chick like the sexy chick in devil's rejects.

    just to cover all bases.

  28. Thanks yo. I'm like the Lester Bangs or Hunter S. Thompson of the BoD.

  29. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJune 9, 2013 at 8:42 AM

    Thanks dude it feels good for my fantasy booking to be endorsed by The Fuj. Hopefully this rub off a BoD main eventer might mean my perennial jobber days are over!

  30. The 3mb bit was great. How crazy is it Drews ex wife is more over than him and even a better worker

  31. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJune 9, 2013 at 9:31 AM

    Even though I think Gail Kim deserves a lot of credit for that match being as good as it was Taryn came across as so enuthiastic, willing to take bumps and displayed a nice level of in-ring charisma that I would go as far to say that she could be the closest to becoming the next Trish Stratus. Seriously though it's remarkable how much better women wrestler's come across in TNA then they do in WWE. I wish there was a way TNA could trade Velvet Sky and Mickie James to WWE for Natalya and Paige!

  32. Agreed a thousand times!

  33. um i never noticed but, have at it.

  34. Say what you will about Miz's in-ring skill, but he's one of the best heel promos ever.

  35. This is only to your trade proposal: NO.

    Velvet and Madison for Natalya and Paige, sure. But Mickie would be so out of place with no one to really compete against after such a deal. But there isn't any Knockout, other than those two IMO, that would be:

    1: Expendable to TNA
    2: Wanted by WWE

    Mickie, much like Tara, just would not fit into the Diva scene. Not without being horribly misused.

  36. I would much rather see Mike Haggar wrestle than Jack Swagger. Or pretty much anyone else, really.

  37. At this point, Ohno might not want his career tied up with Cesaro's, sad as that is.

  38. Really like this idea and am looking forward to the rest of it.

    That said, I think you're selling McIntyre short. I honestly thought he improved a lot before they gave up on him. I was enjoying his squashes on Smackdown and Superstars, at least. I'm kind of amazed he's been so thoroughly jobbed out, given how they've stuck by the other guys he came up with.

  39. Absolutely Gail deserves that credit.

    But its not hard to become invested in Taryn when you are out there every week in the greatest referee outfit ever.

    I wish Kong would go back to TNA for another run. Kong/Kim at this point with the roles reverse would be kinda cool.

    I also think they need someone from SHIMMER who can anchor the division. Gail is cool for now but she can flake at any moment cuz she is married to that rich chef i believe.

  40. I disagree with a great many of your wrestling opinions/evaluations, it seems, but this was an entertaining read.

  41. EVER?! Oh lord, how I disagree. He cut the exact same promo (the EXACT. SAME. PROMO.) for two years!

  42. From what I understand, Hager would smoke him. Much more accomplished.

  43. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJune 10, 2013 at 4:57 AM

    My only reason for sending Mickie to the Divas division is that I really don't care much for her, her work in TNA hasn't been all that and I find her quite sloppy as a worker.

  44. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJune 10, 2013 at 5:06 AM

    I had been thinking that maybe signing up Mia Yim and introducing her as Gail Kim's prodigy could work... and I know most people reading this will think I only thought of this because they're both Oriental-looking and the last names rhyme... which I won't lie was part of the reason, but also like Fuj said Gail could conceivably leave wrestling in the near future so it would be best to build up and transition somebody into that role by teaming them with Gail. Hell this is wrestling we're talking about so might as well rename her Mia Kim and introduce her as a younger relative of Gail's.

  45. So he's an amalgam of Riggs, Saturn, and Hammer?


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