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QOTD - June 19th, 2013

Hey, guys. Thanks for all those who've been sending in questions. For those who haven't, the address is For today's question, we've got one that I've had in the reserves for a while, and I'm interested in finding out what everyone says.

Your last meal. You're on death-row. Why? Well, let's say you saw two people fighting at a sporting event and you broke it up. Anyway, what's the meal? You get the main course, beverage, and desert.

For your boy, it's gonna be a large, extra cheese pizza from Dominos, a liter of Wal-Mart brand OJ [I don't know what it is, but they make the best], and for dessert it's gonna be a Cinnabon cinnamon roll.

How say you?


  1. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJune 19, 2013 at 8:49 AM

    Thanksgiving dinner. I want some turkey, stuffing, mashed potato's, sweet potato's, all drowning in my grandmothers homemade gravy. To Lots and lots of vodka. Or Coke Zero if prison won't let me have booze.
    Second choice...A protein shake. Girl's gotta keep her figure.

  2. after this picture

    I took your advice and got a deviant art account.

  3. Scrambled Eggs. Because thats what I do

  4. What's your favorite brand of protein?

  5. It's funny I think about this a lot. Subconsciously I think I realize my life ends on death row.

    I'd go with an In N Out Burger(3x3 with extra, extra, extra spread), Starbucks chilled frappuccino Mocha drink, and a Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip cookie.

  6. I almost chose my special made muscle-chow of bacon & egg pitas. I scramble up about 3 whole eggs & 3 egg whites, along with 3-4 strips of pre-cooked bacon, and stuff it in two 8-grain pita halves. Fucking delicious.

  7. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJune 19, 2013 at 9:00 AM

    Optimum Nutrition. And you got the protein shake reference it's awesome.

  8. You'd think with my love of comics & martial arts that I'd be all about Iron Fist, but I never followed him. Good stuff, glad to see you finally got a DA account. I look forward to some new stuff.

  9. Well, her's was Slim Fast. Slim Fast taste like chalk.

    Man, I was so happy to see her freaking out over dying finally. I hated her. I'm 3 eps away from finishing the series. Fucking Shillinger better get it, and get it bad.

    My favorite brand is Six-Star whey isolate. It's micronized, so it mixes instantly with absolutely no clumps. For weight-gaining, I use to love ISO-MASS. But then I became lactose intolerant, and had to wave that good buy.

  10. yeah, i never liked him solo, but i saw these two ads with power man iron fist in my Xmen comics, i had to draw them both.

  11. The only time I've ever read any Iron Fist was when he appeared in Bendis' Daredevil. It did lead to one of my favorite images though

  12. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJune 19, 2013 at 9:13 AM

    Yeah I guess it was slim fast. It was pretty funny the matter of fact way she ratted out the guard though. Let me know what you think of the ending though.

  13. That Joker drawing is fantastic. Had no idea you could draw but you just gained a fan pal!

  14. Chicken katsu curry don
    Spicy shrimp
    Bottle of orange tango

    Fuck me im hungry

  15. Depends, cuz the Missus did a joker piece as well.

    Regardless thank you.

  16. In reality I probably wouldn't be able to eat because I'd be too anxious, nervous, etc.

    But if I could eat, Popeyes and Chipotle.

  17. Spanish omelette with black beans
    Lamb korma with chicken satay
    Meatloaf with sriracha subbed for catsup
    1 glass Laphroaig
    2 litres Sun Drop
    Dessert: rhubarb pie

    I'm going out FULL. I pity whoever has to clean the chair.

  18. My Mom's seafood Paella.
    Cold Beer.

  19. Pizza from the dominoes Lawler ordered from, if it never arrives I won't die right??

    But seriously I love short soup

  20. Jambalaya, but only if I can make it myself. Motherfuckers wouldn't know what they were doing.
    Coke Zero or Pepsi Max.
    A whole gallon of Reese's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream by Breyer's.

  21. It seemed to me HBO really screwed up Oz on DVD. I never watched the show on TV but the DVDs were missing multiple scenes because sometimes there would be flashbacks to previous episodes, things I never saw. Crazy good show, but I don't think I'd ever watch it again.

  22. Main course: Either this one really specific steak I had at a truck stop that was so good I almost went insane, and I'd want it to be huge, or a two foot sushi rainbow roll going from salmon to tuna to yellow tail to eel to shrimp, with a solid crab meat core.

    Dessert: Either pancakes from my own recipe (it's an old German recipe) or Oreo balls. They're like an entire bag's worth of Oreo deliciousness compressed into a sphere of dark matter. I'd dip them in Nutella.

    Beverage: Mexican Coke, with free refills.

  23. Cajun flavoured chicken, chips and stuffed crust meat feast pizza. Dessert would be a mountain of vanilla and strawberry ice cream. Might as well be a fat bastard cause I won't be suffering in the morning. To drink I'll have some ice cold Pepsi twist.

  24. Would you really want to live forever on death row? I'd rather get it over with.

  25. There's a certain brand of cheesecake I've found at Safeway & Wal-Mart. It comes pre-cut and is in the bakery section as opposed to the frozen desserts. Anyway, it's the best I've ever had. Insanely good. Like, so good you wake up in the morning and think it'd be pretty awesome to have a piece.

  26. I've never had Mexican Coke. They create it with actual sugar or something to that effect, no?

  27. Yes, it's made with real cane sugar rather than High Fructose Corn Syrup. Worth a try and definitely good, but they seem to disappear really quickly, which is a shame considering what they cost.

  28. Steak, made by Anderson Silva's wife... medium rare.

  29. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 19, 2013 at 10:27 AM

    'I've never had Mexican Coke.'

    i totally read that ina different contact cause i didnt see what you were replyin' to

  30. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 19, 2013 at 10:28 AM

    your name is misleading this case

    but still awesome

  31. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 19, 2013 at 10:32 AM

    my pops sirloin wrapped in bacon, medium rare

    my moms beer bread
    steamed or grilled asparagus (not dbry's dog)
    plenty of hollandaise sauce for everything
    warm rum cake with vanilla ice cream


    my moms tgiving dinner plus assorted desserts

  32. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 19, 2013 at 10:33 AM

    i was always weirded out by iron fists tights that stopped at mid shin and what look like ballet slippers

  33. Eh, I've only done coke once. And it sucked. I hate stimulants.

  34. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 19, 2013 at 10:41 AM

    'cept the stimulatin' discussion here on the blog o' doom

  35. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 19, 2013 at 10:42 AM

    i had some of the mexican non-union equivalent of mt dew a few weeks ago and it was amazing

  36. Seaweed Salad, two spicy salmon rolls and a california roll from Hamachi House (sushi), on ---> MORRIS STREET, HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA
    A can of diet mug root beer.
    4 subway macademia nut cookies.

    All over the board I know, but like the current pop hit says, I don't care...I love it.

  37. I love all forms of cheesecake, it's my one of my vices. I'll give your recommendation a try.

  38. A 22-ounce ribeye steak cooked medium rare, garlic mashed potatoes and roast asparagus. To drink, a bottle of 2004 vintage Cloudline pinot noir. For dessert, Sofia Vergara, naked and ready.


  39. Beef Bourgignoun. From a good French Restaurant. Preceded by Escargots and/or Clams Casino.

  40. mmrngghme i think it might be better than being dead...maybe? i dunno. If I believed in an afterlife then this would all be a lot easier

  41. "For dessert, Sofia Vergara, naked and ready."


  42. She's so hot the only word I can use to describe it is "ridiculous".

  43. Norwegian rack of lamb with a burgundy wine sauce
    Wild rice
    Rolls from Golden Corral ducking smothered in honey butter
    Sweet tea
    Pecan pie

  44. Something that will make me violently shit once my soul has exited my body.

  45. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 19, 2013 at 12:11 PM

    One of those platters of shrimp you see at parties, a magnum of Grey Goose, and we can forget dessert seeing as how I'll be dead after chugging 1.5 litres of vodka in about 5 minutes. Fuck that shit, I'm going out on my own terms.

    Why would I be on death row for breaking up a fight?

  46. You broke up the fight by killing (and then raping because you're a sick fuck!) both participants. I hope you're proud of yourself, mister.

  47. Somehow looks better in her 40s than in her 20s.

  48. It's a joke from The Office. Although not death row, jail.

  49. I agree. When I saw her for the first time a few years ago, I thought "She looks like the Spanish girl from the first episode of season 4 of Entourage, but hotter." Then it turns out it was her.

  50. The Mexican Cokes are excellent. Real sugar, not corn syrup. I could do without any Mexican coc though. Bad drug.

  51. You wanted to get married?

  52. Agreed. Which is why I'd want free refills.

  53. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 19, 2013 at 2:09 PM

    Macaroni n cheese with chili, shredded cheddar, and sliced up hot dogs, with some Mt Dew and a hot fudge sundae for dessert.

  54. Anchovy pan pizza OR a really good ribeye, medium rare. Cherry coke zero or a diet peach snapple. I'll take ice cream or carrot cake for dessert (I'm not fancy).

    Also a nail file to break out of jail. I'm not stupid!

  55. Anchovy pizzas rock.

  56. Threadjack! Speaking of Death Row, looks like the XBone is trying hard to get off it by reversing all of their polices regarding DRM.

  57. A McRib and a Shamrock Shake.

  58. I was seeing on MSNBC's Lockup that they don't really do last meals anymore. People were abusing the concept by ordering elephant steak and such. Violent criminals with nothing left to lose making a mockery of things; who would've guessed?

    Not to be a buzzkill or anything, I'll play along. Lobster, a nice stout beer and Baked Alaska.

  59. Yeah, and why did Teddy Long care if Big E took his burger. He had another perfectly good one sitting RIGHT THERE! There was even a close up of it at the start of the scene on Smackdown.

  60. A gallon of ice cream and diet soda. Lol. I do it too. But why are you drinking diet soda minutes before your demise? At that point I'd go Classic Coke.

  61. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 19, 2013 at 3:34 PM

    coke zero is the real thing babee.

    not family enough with cherry coke zero, wanna say it still feels "diety" to me, but regular ol coke zero is the tits

  62. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 19, 2013 at 3:35 PM

    id like to see ryan shamrock's shake.

    it brings all the xpacs to the yard

  63. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 19, 2013 at 3:39 PM

    i bet you like, dont sleep the night before.

    its an early morning deal, and youre all like 'no, gimme 5 more minutes, i'm tired!'

    i wonder if they have like a last wank.

    i also get the feeling itd be nice if your last poop* is a really good one where you feel 5 lbs lighter

    *last poop while alive, not the one you have when you die

  64. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 19, 2013 at 3:41 PM

    hey i wanted to say this while watching raw but forgot but caliber mang talking about dominoes made think something:

    if that patrick dude who runs dominoes ever disappears, i think they oughta look at that manager as the prime suspect.

    especially if it happens on a thurs

  65. You're getting food from Halifax and don't spring for the donair?
    For shame, Sir!

  66. I actually like the flavor of diet drinks, moreso than the regular these days.

  67. Delmonico steak with a peppercorn au jus, shrimp scampi alfredo, wild mushroom risotto with spinach puree, fried cabbage noodles, and corn on the cob with salt and honey butter, mixed berry cheesecake for dessert with Kona coffee light organic cream, pumpkin spice, and confectioners sugar. I know most prisons don't alow alcohol with a last meal, but if they did, a bottle of 70s or older Courvosier. If not, some locally grown artisanal sparkling grape juice.

    FWIW I wouldn't eat Dominoes for my first meal, let alone my last.

  68. Eight ounce sirloin cooked medium, asparagus, lobster pie, garlic mashed, two jumbo cocktail shrimp and a brownie sundae for dessert

  69. Threadjack: RIP James Gandolfini

  70. You see because they don't have McRib and the Shamrock Shake at the same time! ZING~!

    Although in Texas they seem to have the McRib year round.

    As a man who loves Rib, I feel the McRib is a crime against humanity.

  71. The Sopranos theme is turned all the way the fuck up.

  72. Big thick Milk Shake.

  73. In lieu of a last meal, I would rather make a request as to how I would like to die: bullet to the brain in my sleep, without telling me in advance the night it will be done.

  74. I wonder what James Gandolfini ate.

  75. Dominos? And its a cheese pizza...smh that's awful dude

  76. I'd eat 100 hits of acid and wash it down with 800mg of oxy and bindle of dope. I don't think I'd have much of an appetite for food if I was being executed in hours.

  77. "I ordered something for the table" :(

    I'm gonna go eat some onion rings in tribute. Great actor

  78. "You don't shit where you eat. And you certainly don't shit where *I* eat."

    Sad day.

  79. McRib - fuck yeah

  80. Perversely, they can't kill you if you're too sick...

  81. The Indian food that gave him the shits from Season two?

  82. Can't upvote this enough.

  83. Seriously? That's pretty hysterical.

  84. There was a hyperobese man on death row in a state that lets the cojdemned choose from one of several forms of execution. He chose hanging, then successfully argued that, with his weight, there was a clear danger that the procedure would decapitate him before he died, which would be cruel and unusual punishment, so they couldn't execute him as a result.

  85. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 19, 2013 at 9:26 PM

    Am I the only one that thought The Mexican was a good movie? He was great in that, and in The Last Castle.


  86. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 19, 2013 at 9:33 PM

    Some comedian (Carlin, maybe) did a bit about how when people are executed by lethal injection they still wipe down the spot where they're going to put in the IV with the alcohol pad, like the guy is going to be alive long enough to get an infection. He has a point...

  87. I looooove the last castle, and he's great in it. Definitely showed some acting range going from Tony to that warden

  88. cheese, stupid. but dominos is pretty good. especially since they changed their pizzas about a year ago or so. of course i don't live near any homemade pizza places or anything but their new crust is tasty.

  89. I'm not a fan of fast food but if someone had a hot pizza from there I wouldn't say no to slice (assuming it wasn't a cheese pizza). However if its for your last meal it seems like you oughta get a real pizza.

  90. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 19, 2013 at 9:48 PM

    See I live in the world capital of neighborhood pizza joints, and to me all the chain places are just horrible. Even the worst two-bit local pizza shithole blows away anything from Dominos, Pizza Hut, Papa John's or anything else. Though Uno is damn close.

  91. A DQ Blizzard

  92. I've only done acid once, and it was a blast. oxy? Yeah, when I was young I did that more times than their are stars in the sky.


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