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Stephanie sells a mighty fuckload of stock

I believe that's 65% of her company stock sold. Is that.....good?

You're asking the wrong guy about that.  I still don't really understand their whole stock system and how they can sell millions of shares and still be majority shareholders.  Maybe she needed cash for a new boob job or leather protector for her skin?  


  1. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2013 at 1:52 PM

    Bane's behind it.

  2. Vince owns the bulk of WWE stock. Maybe he's the buyer.

  3. It looks like she's dumping Class A stock, which is the stock the regular folks buy. I would assume she still has a good amount of Class B stock, which has far more voting power than the Class A shares.

    Apparently a few months back Vince converted 450,000 shares of Class B into Class A stock as well. According to the SEC filing when that happened he owns 56.9% of Class A, 87.2 of Class B, and 81.8% of total voting power in the company.

  4. This gives me hope that Stephanie McMahon is money hungry and will eventually sell the company once Vince croaks. I can picture the talks that are going on with him these days.

    "But Dad, the company is losing value by the day! Soon it will be worth nothing! You need to sell!"

    "NONSENSE, WHORE! We'll just raise ticket prices and push John Cena harder by having him defeat Brock Lesnar and any new guys... we're trying *snicker* to... heh... BUILD AS LEGITIMATE THREAT BAHAHHAHA!!! Anyway, we'll also throw in a DX reunion or six and have Triple H steamroll the roster again. Everything will be fine."

    "Dad, you can't seriously believe that will work..."

    "Shut up, Steph, and listen to your all-wise, all-knowing father. He knows what's best for this business. Look at Hulk Hogan! Look at Lex Luger! Look at John Cena! I mean, no one in the WWE Universe *snicker* shows more "emotion" *snicker" for anyone else than him! Hahahahaha!"

    "Whatever. I have to call my stockbroker."

    "For what, my little anal queen?"

    "What did you just call my wife?!"

  5. Which WWE app does he hafta use when he votes?

  6. Good breakdown. Thanks

  7. Where's Scott Steiner to explain it to us?

  8. Check Stephanie's phone records - if we see any calls from an I. Schyster in Washington, DC we know there's some foul play.

  9. What on earth.

  10. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 14, 2013 at 2:20 PM


    to the tune of that baby come back song

    i know we already talked about it but you not bein' biscuit makes me sad

  11. Most important question.

  12. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 14, 2013 at 2:21 PM

    he was already here brah. he came he saw he conquered.

    its like he said 'vini vidi vuci'

  13. You see, normally, when you sell a share of stock, you get 100% of its value. But I'm a genetic freak, and I'm not normal, so I get 222 1/3% of its value. And then there's taxes. So you take your 100% and subject 40%, and that means you only get 60% of your money. But if you take your 60% and add it to my 222 1/3%, that means I'm getting 282 1/3%. You could try to sell it to your brother Shane, but he knows he doesn't have as much money as me, so he won't even try.

    See, Stephanie, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you and your bank account.

  14. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 14, 2013 at 2:22 PM

    i bet she sold it to that consortium again


  15. You know what rhymes with Bane?



  16. Holla if ya hear me!

  17. I'm sad you had this buried somewhere in your mind.

    Very sad.

  18. It was a bad idea drinking water while reading this comment. At least my sinuses are cleared out.

  19. THE CONSORTIUM ... *elbow drop* WAS ME!

  20. Me at the time: What the hell is a consortium?

  21. If only we could get awesome gems like this again:

  22. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 14, 2013 at 3:20 PM


  23. The rationale doesn't make much sense given that she's an insider. Large moves made ahead of the dividend announcement can signal either that the dividend would be smaller or larger than expected (large sale should signal a downward trend in dividend earnings). Or it could also signal that some news is going to come out that is going to bring the stock price way down (WM buy rate being considerably lower than earlier announced; WWE network plans scrapped for good).

    But again, since she's an insider if anything extremely negative about the business comes out in the next couple weeks, the SEC is going to have a word with her. The way insider trading rules work, this sale CAN'T mean anything or she's going to jail.

    A possible rationale that doesn't involve jail time would be selling shares to invest in something else company related like transferring cash to a syndicate operation which will buy back the shares at a later time giving that operator more voting power, possibly in an attempt to force a takeover. But since Vince still has absolute voting authority this isn't possible either. She could be generating cash to buy something media related to roll it into the WWE umbrella. We wouldn't know about that for years though.

    Or it could be something far less romantic or dramatic and that she and HHH are just cash poor right now.

  24. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 14, 2013 at 3:21 PM

    any time golbergback comes into the arena in the ambulance sirens i keep waiting to hear "big poppa pump is yer hookup holla if ya hear me'

  25. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 14, 2013 at 3:23 PM

    but like what if she knew daddy mac was gonna retire or something cuz he talked about it but it hasnt been announced to the public yet. would it still be insider even though it's open knowledge to the company

  26. Insider, because it's not known to the stockholding "public".

  27. "WWE shareholders meeting minutes: Vince McMahon made a motion to continue pressing on with the WWE Network launch, Paul Levesque voted to increase funding to the NXT program, Theodore Long filed a formal request for a tag team match wit da Undertaker, playa."


  29. In my head, I want it to be Flair and Hogan quietly buying up shares through various fronts whenever it becomes available.

  30. She was selling her shares of stock to either Lucille Ostero or Stan Sitwell...I just know it'

  31. And if she's got repeated messages left by the Repo Man, we'll know why she needed to liquidate.

  32. The use of 'subject' is my favorite part

  33. Any knowledge you gain through inside/closed information that isn't available to the public (which you have to prove in a filing) is insider trading and you are subject to any of a handful of penalties, generally whichever is strictest.

    The way the law is written (currently) the SEC can go after you whenever they want. Basically any transaction by any insider can be interpreted as a sale or purchase that came in advance of xxxxxx news coming out which gave you an unfair advantage. If numbers used in public filings are inaccurate you also get Sarbanes-Oxley thrown at you which is essentially overkill.

    It's rare that the SEC unleashes the dogs on you in full effect though. But like I said in the first post if it's something really big like Wrestlemania buy estimate coming in 250k lower or WWE network plans completely scrapped, then she's in trouble. For smaller stuff, even smaller relevant stuff like 2q earnings lower than expected she'll probably just slip under the radar.

  34. Flair and Hogan can't buy a tandem bicycle at this point.

  35. Well done, sir. Well done indeed.

  36. Sally.... STICKWEEEEEELL!

  37. I know where he's hiding it...

  38. Irwin thru his friends at the NSA probably know anyhoo

  39. can blame it all on me.

    Player: the most underrated band of 1979.

  40. It's hard to see this as a positive. WWE isn't the dividend behemoth that it once was, but that's still about a million dollars a year in dividend income she is parting with.

    Of course, after the recent QE∞ runup, taking some cash off the table isn't a bad idea for any stock owners at this time...

  41. Buried? Shit was almost breaking through my frontal lobe.

  42. this... is comedy.

  43. just wanna say there's gold in this thread.

    kudos to you all.

  44. Almost sprayed the keyboard reading that. Well done.

  45. Genius.

    (No, NOT the one who spouts poetry.)

  46. A year from now, VKM and Stephanie will come up with an angle where a horrible heel faction of SEC lawyers and their hired guns will try and wreck the company and tear it from the hands of HHH and the McMahons, people who love and respect This Business.

  47. I have to disagree with this scenario. Stephanie agrees with any angle that involves HHH winning.

  48. Hey I'm just hoping that their stock goes from "don't buy" to "risky"

  49. Stephanie: "I've made a huge mistake"

  50. Triple H: "I've made a tiny huge mistake"


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