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The Only Review of Slammiversary XI That You'll Ever Need

Before we get started, I'd just like to state how stupid the name 'Slammiversary' is.

Chris Sabin vs. Suicide vs. Kenny King [C] - X Division Championship - Ultimate X Match

Tenay tells us this is the 30th Ultimate X match in TNA's history. Outside of that fact, it's a pretty standard X-Division Match, to be honest. It's fast, as usual, but it feels like a match that's happening for the sake of happening more than any of these men desperately wanting the title. Once the match gets going, there' are some great spots that are as crisp as they get, my favorite being Kenny King leaping across more than half the ring to deliver a Blockbuster on Sabin just as he was about to powerbomb Suicide. Match ends as Sabin and King are fighting it out in the middle of the ropes, and King drops, allowing Sabin to grab the title, marking his first reign since 2007. It's a perfectly fine opener, but it won't be making any MOTY lists. 
Sabin grabs the X-Division Title at 15:25 | *** Fine way to open a PPV, but nothing spectacular

Hogan comes out, because this PPV had been running a bit long without an appearance from him. He honestly takes Chris' moment and makes it about him. Anderson, Brisco and Bischoff come out to confront Hogan. He goes on a tear, calling them 3 pussies in leather, and says Bischoff is a bitch, and so is his father. This sets up the following match;

Anderson, Brisco, Bischoff vs. Magnus, Joe, and Hardy

I see that the one thing you have to do when you join Aces is dye your hair. It's all Nash has ever wanted in life. Magnus and Joe are still crisp as ever as a tag team, helping to keep the momentum on their team's side for the first few minutes. Anderson breaks that stride, as he, Bischoff and Brisco tag in and out, each taking their turn on Magnus, keeping him on their side of the ring. The last few minutes of this match really make it, with near-falls and quick action from all six-men. Of course, my complaint about it is the same that's been about most things involving Aces, they're never booked strong. I don't think of dominance when I think of Aces. I feel like they can't compete with TNA, because they're constantly getting beat. Match ends when Jeff Hardy hits a Swanton on Brisco. Wasn't terrible by any means, but should have been left for iMPACT. 
Brisco eats the pin after eating the Swanton at 10:08 | **1/2 Not a show stealer by any means, but helps the PPV move along at a fine pace

Backstage, Knox & D-Von beat the hell out of Joseph Park. 

Jay Bradley vs. Sam Shaw

Why on Earth this was on PPV is beyond me. I have strong reason to suspect that Sam Shaw is getting a chance with TNA because of the oldest adage in wrestling: Nepotism. This is a whole lotta nothing, and Bradley wins with what he calls The Boomstick, which is nothing more than Clothesline From Hell. I mean, it's literally the exact same move. I also feel like he should call himself Jack Action. 
Bradley wins with the Boomstick at 4:57 | * The best thing I can say is thankfully it's quick

D-Von Dudley [C] vs. Joseph Park - TV Championship

Park doesn't show up, Abyss does. I don't understand why they put Taz into Aces, because he's exactly the same goof, except he talks about Aces being super sweet. This match isn't much, as D-Von controls the entire thing, except for Abyss hitting a chokeslam and Black Hole Slam. So far this PPV is decent, but nothing worth people paying money for. 
Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam, pinning D-Von & winning the TV Title at 4:50 | *1/2  Nothing wrong with it technically, but it was short, one-sided, and boring

Dixie comes out to announce that Kurt Angle is next to be inducted in TNA's HOF. His joining TNA was a huge moment, and really surprised the hell out of everyone. People often talk about his series with Joe as well as AJ, but he's also had damn near 5 star matches against Sting at BFG, and Anderson at Lockdown. If you haven't seen either one of those, check 'em out, great stuff. 

Bad Influence vs. Roode & Aries vs. Gun-Storm vs. The Stereotypes - TNA Tag-Team Championship

I don't get it. Is there some sort of new, unspoken rule in wrestling that all returning people that come back as babyface must have a beard? Hernandez is everything that's wrong with pro-wrestling. He'll always have a job because of his genetics. It doesn't matter that he's talentless, or that he has the charisma of a young David Sammartino. I mean, the guy is so versatile and entertaining that he's been in THREE different tag-teams that were all exactly the same thing. I will definitely say this about TNA, they've really got the market on fantastic tag-team wrestling. Plenty of crisp goings-on here. Great double maneuvers from the likes of Bad Influence, and even Hernandez & Guerrero. They're also the first two teams out, as BI is DQed thanks to Daniels being caught using the title on Guerrero, and AA pinning Guerrero immediately afterward. Gunner and Storm have perhaps the sickest double-team move I've ever seen, as Gunner catapults AA right into a DDT from James Storm. Incredible move. Soon after, A Double gets hit with a Superkick, and then taps out to the Gun-Rack. Ah Gun Rack? Gunner doesn't even own AH gun, let alone enough guns to necessitate an entire rack. I wish they would have gone with some heel champs here, as James Storm is about as played out in the babyface realm as Cena. Either way, this was a great match, and one of the better tag-bouts of the year. 
A Double taps out to the Gun-Rack at 16:43 | ***1/2  I'd say track it down, because you don't see a lot of 8-man tag matches that deliver. 

Gail Kim vs. Taryn - Last Knockout Standing

I'm actually looking forward to this. One of these days, these two could form a tag-team known as The Hip & Assless Connection. Thankfully, Taryn shows she's more Gail than Velvet in the ring. They earn themselves a "holy shit" chant when Taryn goes for a Steamboat-esque top-rope cross-body that connects, except Gail is holding a chair against her chest. Kim later sets a chair up between the turnbuckles, but ends up flying into it head first a few minutes later. She's really bumping like crazy to get this match over. Case in point, after doing some battle on the ramp, Taryn grabs Gail and hits her with a running RKO off the ramp to the ground. Hell of a bump. Gail can't answer the 10 count. Honestly, this is one of the best women's matches I've ever seen. They really got physical out there and bumped like hell. Gail proves she’s easily the best female wrestler by a country mile as far as the big two are concerned. Taryn also showed that she can hang, and could actually become quite good on her own. 
Taryn answers the 10 count before Gail, winning the match at 10:21 | ***1/2  You definitely need to look for this one, fantastic match

Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles

I'd just like to say that anytime AJ isn't doing the "Ready to fly! I'm a good guy!" type babyface, I find him 1000x more interesting. He works Kurt's injured knee, the highlight being him flying over half way across the ring to drop kick the injury. Later, Kurt has an equally great moment as AJ rears back to kick his knee, Kurt explodes from the ground with a clothesline that turns AJ inside out. He keeps trying to flip the momentum, but AJ has his number right when things look its brightest. Another great moment comes when AJ is about to hit a moonsault, but Angle runs up the turnbuckle, and delivers a German suplex to AJ, who back flips out of it, lands on his feet, then charges Kurt who catches him with a bell to belly suplex into the turnbuckle, fucking fantastic. After that, they have some great ending sequences until it comes down to Angle catching AJ with a double-leg pin. It's no surprise that these guys went out and tore the house down again. However, AJ losing makes no sense. He's supposed to be the guy who finally gets rid of Aces, yet here he is losing. Although he did have Angle’s number the entire match. Absolutely fantastic match that I feel is second to their Last Man Standing from a few years ago. They really ramped up the intensity with some fantastic sequences and great false finishes. If AJ has to lose, at least it was in a fluke sense. 
Angle pins AJ with a double-leg take down at 19:45 | ****1/4  Definitely worth tracking down. Anytime these guys wrestle it's worth the price of admission alone

Bully cuts an awesome promo where he says he's not gonna rip Sting's arm off, tear his throat out, gouge out his eyes, or break his legs. He's gonna defeat him with the piledriver. A move no wrestler tries anymore. It's brilliant that he's putting the piledriver over like that, because it really is a dangerous and taboo move these days. 

Sting vs. Bully Ray [C] - No Holds Barred - TNA Heavyweight Championship

Sting explodes on Bully right from the beginning, holding the momentum until he tries a running splash outside and Bully answers back with a clothesline, turning the tides right then and there. They trade beatings with a steel chair until it's mangled. Bully hits a piledriver as promised, but Stinger kicks out, prompting Bully Ray to set up a table and powerbomb him through it. It only gets a two. Bully then starts tearing up the ring, exposing the planks beneath it. Another piledriver on top of the exposed wood gets 2 and a half. Pretty inventive, I'll give them that. Stinger hits a Death Drop on the planks, and had this been 1997, I would have declared Bully Ray DEAD. DEAD. Aces show up to make the save, and after fighting them off, he returns to Bully. An off the top rope clothesline blows up in his face as Bully catches him with a hammer shot on the way down, earning the three. This was a decent match, and exactly what his match against Hogan in 1997 should have been. It really started to have the big fight feel, with Sting trying to bring down the house of the Aces, only for it not to be. I would have liked some blood, and a little bit of variety with the weapons, but they did just fine and delivered a worthwhile main event. 
Bully Ray hits Sting with a hammer for the pin at 17:23 | ***1/4 It won't be talked about for ages, but it's definitely a satisfying conclusion to a solid PPV

Showcase Showdown: Slammiversary once again comes through for TNA as a fantastic PPV. The few matches that weren't much to speak of were kept short and sweet, and those that delivered did so well and good. The whole PPV was built on variety, with no two matches ending up the same. This gets the highest of recommendations from me, as it's one of the best shows of the year so far, and one that everyone should check out.

As always, infinite amount of respect to my editor, Steven Ferrari. He and I met when I found out I had a long-lost half brother, which turned out to be him. He owned a car company, he let me design one [all horns played LaCoocaRacha], I ended up ruining his company, so he became an editor. I think it all worked out 

You can find more Caliber at...
Str8 Gangster, No Chaser - Recently updated with reviews for Pain & Gain, Hangover III, & GI Joe: Retaliation. Also, The John Kreese Guide To Raising Children.
WCW In 2000 - Just updated with the New Blood Rising PPV. Goldberg doesn't go up for the Jacknife as planned. So what are the wrestlers suppose to do now? Improvise?!
The Man Movie Encyclopedia Vol. 1 - My book about action films. Endorsed by Maddox & Scott Keith. As well as many here at the BoD. It has an average rating of 5 stars, and only 2 of the accounts I created.

Questions for the blog, requests, whatever, find me at

- Caliber


  1. These Slammiversary shows are strange. Last year's Slammiversary and this year's Slammiversary have had one thing in common : on paper, not a very appealing show. But when the show actually happens, turns out to be pretty damn good and worth the buy.

    Last night's show was a fun show - even though on paper looked bad like last year - but surprised me and turned out to be terrific. Thumbs up from me.

    Good review, Caliber.

  2. Thanks, Weyer, I appreciate the kind words.

    Yeah, Slammiversary was their first show without Russo last year, and it took everyone by surprise. Hopefully they can keep the quality up.

  3. Your_Favourite_AssholeJune 13, 2013 at 9:39 AM

    i think you were pretty spot on with your snowflakes, mr vance winfield. i mighta gone a touch higher in some places like the x division match and the knockouts match, but overall i think you did a good job of showing that its a show that a fine way to pass the time

    i thought angle goin over was odd but i guess they wanna keep him strong for not-mr t

  4. If you're going to make the piledriver out to be a MURDERDEATHKILL before the match, you probably shouldn't have 2 piledriver nearfalls.

  5. I thought the event was fantastic. Best American PPV this year.

  6. Are you sure about that?

  7. The women's match stole the show, IMO. A great blowoff to a good feud. Those two were bumping like crazy.

  8. I wouldn't bet money on it, but I do recall thinking "What a surprise, first show after Russo leaves and it gets rave reviews and the wrestling is awesome."

  9. Thanks, I appreciate it.

    I also agree. If I had to show someone just one match from this show, it'd be the woman's match, even though I rated Angle vs Styles higher.

  10. Meltzer wrote in the Observer yesterday that Taryn earned a ton of respect after his performance and rightly so. That match surprised me the most, in a good way, out of any other match in recent memory.

  11. Sexist. Taryn is a woman dammit!

  12. "big two"

    There is a big two?

  13. So if I read this, I don't have to read anymore reviews on this show?

  14. Raw and Smackdown.

    Just kidding. Even WWE doesn't think that highly of Smackdown.

  15. In 1998 if you told me that 15 years later Sting would be wrestling Buh Buh Ray Dudley in a pay per view main event, I think i'd have been like "Jesus sideburns, Sting's still gonna be wrestling in 15 years?!" And if you told me the angle would revolve around Hogan, i'd have probably just quit watching wrestling.

  16. Exactly! This is what I do as a service to the good people. One and done.

  17. What if I told you that you'd miss Mark Henry and wish he could stay healthy b/c he's awesome?

  18. I miss the days of a piledriver and DDT being totally deadly maneuvers. Now they're just transition moves.

  19. Missing Mark Henry? Madness.. I say.. Poppycock!!

  20. More like Raw & the Raw Overrun

  21. That's the way it goes. Wrestlers used to win matches off of the Atomic Drop, dropkicks and suplexes too.

  22. Good review man. That women's match was seriously unexpected and excellent.

  23. Heh-heh- "Hips & Assless Connection". I remember when some reviewer commented on Gail's lack of ass years ago, and it never left me. I'd still do her, of course, but funny nonetheless.

  24. Raw & Tout?

  25. I would too. Honestly, her talent is a big turn on. On looks, she's still very attractive. But her talent I find super hot, and that's the first time that's ever happened before.


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