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Greatest baseball card ever (Randy Savage)

I've been laughing for an hour.  Please read the text near the red arrow:

Someone knew he was gonna be the man.

suspect some photoshoppery, but that's still awesome if real.  


  1. It's legit:

  2. (From the B-R link)

    How did I not know Savage went to SIU? That's awesome. I knew I loved partying there for a reason.

  3. I'm still laughing 2 hours later lol

  4. Speaking of wrestling and trading cards, my buddy managed to unearth a pack of Wrestlemania 3 themed Topps cards, still in the original package and with the gum in it and everything. I didn't figure it was worth too much so I opened it to check them out, but I was careful not to tear the wax or anything and I taped it back up when I was done. So then I leave them around and my kid manages to get ahold of them and shred the packaging. The cards all look fine but the gum is nowhere to be found, which concerns me since I was younger than she is when that shit was made. She seems fine though. Still, ain't worth nothing now.

  5. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 20, 2013 at 1:18 PM

    Card's been debunked for awhile, but still good for a laugh

  6. I completely forgot he played baseball. He was in the minor leagues for the White Sox until he hurt his arm, right?

  7. It doesn't seem plausible that he could look like that as an adult. The road was rough on him.

  8. Card is faked. Topps only had 660 cards that year, and that's card 661.

  9. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 20, 2013 at 4:25 PM

    My favorite card from around those times is of Rusty Kuntz. Could not have a funnier name when misspronounced.

  10. Any idea what they were worth before the seal was broken?

  11. Too bad Dick Pole retired before Kuntz made his big league debut.

  12. Probably not shit, my buddy found them at a thrift shop for like a quarter.


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