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Hall of Fame

Hey Scott,

I'm a huge fan of your rants and daily reader of your blog. After reading on your blog today that WWE is potentially building a Hall of Fame in got me thinking. Why are they investing so much money in their new Performance Center and possible Hall of Fame and restaurant in Florida? Aren't they worried about a hurricane completely destroying their HOF items? I mean they have their fucking tape library in a bomb-proof mountain in New York. It seems like Vince is super protective of his property. Just curious your thoughts on that.

And if you could be so kind to offer me a plug? My good friend recently developed hypnosis mp3 files that you tap along with and really help to eliminate negative thoughts and emotions. Eliminates fears, phobias, improve confidence, etc. And the mp3's are completely free. He's trying to help the world. Here's the link

Thanks Scott!


I'm pretty sure that potential hurricane damage is low on their list of priorities with these projects.  Clearly we should be more worried about SHARKNADO as far as awesome natural disasters go, anyway.  


  1. Sharknado is gonna resurrect Tara Reid's career.

  2. I tried to watch Sharknado....I really did. It felt like little microscopic sharks that were blown in by my AC unit were gnawing at my brain matter. The one redeeming thing about the movie was John Heard using his barstool to ward off sharks.

  3. Isn't Orlando pretty well inland? How often do they get hit hard with the hurricanes? I mean, other than when Gregory Helms is around.

  4. The threat of a hurricane in Orlando is pretty minimal. It'd be a whole different story if they built the thing in South Beach or Key West.

  5. I'm pretty sure the building was built to withstand the winds of a hurricane. If anything there would be some roof damage that could easily be fixed. The biggest threat would be flooding, but at the same time I'm 99.9% sure they have the building insured.

  6. You shouldn't plug something that eliminates negative thoughts and bring up a potential natural disaster as a reason not to build something. Just saying.

  7. Yup, I live in Orlando and this is spot on. It can suffer impacts of hurricanes, of course, but hasn't ever fallen victim to something like Hurricane Andrew in Miami-Dade in the early 90s.

    That being said, this is a state that also just sentenced a black woman to 20 years in prison for firing warning shots after being home invaded by her abusive husband and could be on the cusp of acquitting George Zimmerman, so it's still a very awful place full of policies created by awful, reactionary conservatives.

  8. Nobody who says "Just saying" is ever just saying.

  9. If anyone deserves a career resurgence in this day and age, it is Ian Ziering.

  10. Way to work in a political rant ( that I totally agree with btw) even where it doesn't apply.

  11. This must be the weirdest thing you have ever plugged...

  12. thank you! though it IS related somewhat since the tax rate and other economic indicators are likely involved in why WWE chooses to expand here

  13. Serenity Now...insanity later.

  14. Even though these buildings SHOULD be in New York, it makes sense in that Florida has better weather, lower taxes and a tourism economy that can handle the increase in visitors. With this and the Simpsons theme park opening I may have to go to Florida.

  15. Your_Favourite_AssholeJuly 12, 2013 at 1:12 PM

    thats what she said

  16. Your_Favourite_AssholeJuly 12, 2013 at 1:13 PM

    jus sayin', tho, right brah

  17. So there's a chance Shane Helms might be able to get into the Hall of Fame after all...

  18. That phrase irritates the hell out of me.

  19. If they are moving to NBA City ay Universal, I am pretty sure that is a little uphill in the way the city walk is laid out.

  20. Yes it's quite clear that genius didn't look at a map or have a clue of how Hurricanes are formed and their travel path.

  21. The problem is that there's really no good spot in New York City to put the thing other than in Times Square and there's no way Vince is doing that again. It's almost impossible to make money in Times Square unless you've already been there for forty years and own the building.
    I could see them putting it up in Greenwich, but Florida absolutely makes sense from Vince's perspective. Very few people would go to the WWE hall of fame alone. If they're down in Orlando, the WWE Hall becomes a nice calm day in the middle of your vacation.

  22. I think that's the best possible tactic for them.
    Not many people would be likely to travel just for a WWEHOF, but as a relatively quiet day in the midst of a week of Disney insanity? Much more likely.

  23. Orlando is pretty far inland but it can definitely take a beating from hurricanes. Just ask any of us that were there during Charley, Francis, Ivan, and Jeanne in September 04. But in general, these places are built to withstand that kind of thing. Orlando is the perfect place for it, due to the tourist population and it being a huge wrestling market anyway.


  25. sharknado trailer


    Coincidentally, this is also how Orton got his job.

  27. I've successfully overcome my approach anxiety with girls using PSTEC. It's been around for years. Just saying.

  28. Not to mention that New York/New Jersey just had a hurricane blow through and cause billions of dollars of damage.

  29. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJuly 12, 2013 at 6:39 PM

    Wait wait wait... 20 YEARS? What the FUCK is going on down there?

  30. Thanks for that plug, Scott. As I've said below, my friend Tim developed these mp3's and it helped me to overcome stuff like nervousness around asking girls out.



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