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BoD Daily Update

SummerSlam Notes

As far as how things are standing now regarding the Bryan vs. Cena match, it will lead to a major storyline involving the McMahon Family. Also, Randy Orton is expected to be involved in the finish but no word on whether or not he will attempt to cash in his MiTB Briefcase.

The cast of "Total Diva's" are being followed by camera crews all weekend long.

The pre-show match between RVD and Dean Ambrose is expected to lead into a match involving the rest of The Shield and Mark Henry & Big Show. Also, the Diva's match at Axxess might lead to something on the PPV.


BFG Series Update

At last night's house show in Roanoke, VA, Austin Aries defeated Mr. Anderson in a BFG Series match.


WWE 2K14 Legacy Mode Roster Released

The rest of the roster will be released at some point tonight


  1. "WWE 2K14 Legacy Mode Roster Released
    The rest of the roster will be released at some point tonight."

    In related news the whole TNA roster is also expected to be released soon.

  2. I wasn't going to buy this game, but now that Miz is in Legacy Mode I may have to reconsider.

  3. Brie Bella is gonna wrestle twice in one day? I guess those intensive workout sessions with Daniel Bryan are paying off...

  4. I know there's probably going to be over booking and maybe a schmooze finish in the main event, but I'm damn excited for Summerslam. It's probably Punk-Lesnar.

  5. No way. Bryan/Cena is definitely main eventing.

  6. Maybe I didn't construct my sentence correctly. I meant that Punk-Lesnar is probably why I'm so excited. Very curious as to what kind of match it's going to be.

  7. Threadjack

    Heard about this video yesterday and thought of the blog. Paul Scheer has a new show where he and som friends do verbatim Arsenio Hall reenactments with little changes thrown in. This is Arsenio with Ultimate Warrior played by Rob Huebel.

    And for the hell of it, the original...

  8. If we had to bet right now on the top few matches for WM, what would they be? I have no idea...its refreshing after knowing a year ahead of tine the past 2 manias.

  9. Slightly confused...every article keeps saying it's the "Legacy mode" roster and that they'll release the regular roster later. Why differentiate it? Does that mean you can't use any of these guys in the regular game unless they're also on that roster? Or will all of these guys be available in the regular mode, and they just felt the need to release two seperate rosters because shut up?

  10. it seems like they just wedged a mini-Legends of Wrestlemania into this game. But without that atrocious control style.

    I wish they'd do a full on 90s game. I know they had the Attitude Era thing on 13 but i'd love a modern game with everyone from the peak period in WWF, WCW and ECW. At least everyone notable. Monday Night Wars, The Video Game, basically.

  11. I'd guess Cena VS Undertaker. Beyond that, I honestly don't know. We don't even know yet if Austin is going to wrestle at it or not, that makes a huge difference. You figure guys like Punk, Brock, Rock, and Austin will all have big matches (if Austin and Rock are going to be there). Plus I guess HHH, but he doesn't really fit with any of those guys.

  12. How about Monday Night Claws, and all the wrestlers are bears.

  13. Wouldn't be shocked to see something like that next year. They already did the "WCW" one, the "Attitude Era" one, and now the "Wrestlemania" one including a lot of legends. Something with a lot of WCW guys and ECW guys, with the main story being the Monday Night Wars, wouldn't shock me.

  14. As long as they consult Daniel Bryan.

  15. Id assumed theyd go Cena/UT also but have no idea. I could just as easily see them keeping Punk away from the title till mania then going Punk/Cena for the belt.

  16. Revenge and No Mercy.

  17. How about Monday Night Doors. It's like WWE '13, except The Doors are always playing.

  18. Threadjack but Chael Sonnen cuts a better money promo than probably anyone in WWE besides Cena, Bryan, Heyman and Punk.

  19. His submission moves are much more realistic, as well.

  20. The WrestleMania III arena doesn't have the carts. Don't know about the WrestleMania VI arena.

    Strike one for WWE 2K14.

  21. "The rest of the roster will be released at some point tonight"

    Shouldn't they wait until after SummerSlam to wish everybody their best of luck in their future endeavors?

    (Oh, wait, you're talking about a video game release...)

  22. Cause he main-evented Wresltemania that one time.

  23. Captain Obvious to the rescue! ;-)

  24. But maybe not really, and almost definitely not buried in Paris.

  25. Dunno about his punches though.

  26. I love the contols on those games but have you played them recently? The graphics are blocky and cartoonish at times. I want something that looks and sounds more realistic.

  27. Why would you be able to use, say, Brodus Clay in Wrestlemania? He's never fought in Wrestlemania...but he's likely going to be a part of the regular game mode.

  28. "Why would you be able to use, say, Brodus Clay in Wrestlemania?"

    Because it's a video game?

  29. Brie (and the other Bella) are on that Hip Hop workout video starring Nelly and Andrew Bynum... so it is possible.

  30. I probably wasn't clear enough. What I mean is, why not just announce the full playable roster, and just say "In Wrestlemania mode, you can reenact these matches...". The whole "Oh, this is the roster for THIS mode" makes me wonder if you won't be able to play as some of these guys outside of the "Wrestlemania" mode. I doubt that would be the case, but I guess it just seems like a weird way to do it.

  31. Fire Pro Wrestling for PS2, but it off the PSN store and then grab one of the dozens of save files. I got a great one that covers 1980s and 1990s, all sorts of great stuff. Everyone from Hulk, Warrior, Andre, nWo, Sting, Flair, ECW stars, Demolition, Rockers, Harts, Von Erichs, and over 600 others. Best damn game ever made......ever.

  32. Any game from WWE that doesn't have Duke "The Dumpster" Droese or Bastion Booger in it will not get my hard earned money..

  33. Once more than CMPunk!

  34. He was in Alberto's corner at Wrestlemania 27 though...

  35. The three of us do!!

  36. Miz, Myself and Irene. Starring a depressed Jim Carrey.

  37. CM Punk won out in the end though. (I think)

  38. Exactly. Why would you have Mario fighting Pikachu, Zelda, and the Wii Fit model? Because awesome. That's why.

  39. Can't wait to see the reddit spoilers!

  40. No blindfold match from WrestleMania VII? *Goes off and riots*

  41. Everything is fine just #AskDixie

  42. See the double standard on here... this got tons of upvotes when someone said it earlier.

  43. Is your money legit hard earned?

  44. One wrestled the Rock at two straight PPVs, the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, and is wrestling Brock Lesnar tonight at Summerslam. The other was barely in the Rumble for five minutes, wasn't on the Wrestlemania card and is only hosting tonight.

    Something tells me main eventing Wrestlemania two years ago didn't really do anything for Miz.

  45. Miz can still say he main evented wrestlemania. Punk cannot.

  46. So can Chris Benoit, King Kong Bundy, Bam Bam Bigelow, and Lawrence Taylor.

  47. Bigelow and Benoit can't.

  48. 1) The other comment was funnier than mine, IMO.
    2) The other poster was first (and I should have read the comments before hastily posting mine) so a bit of dinging for lack of originality seems fair to me.


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