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Jim Ross and Ric Flair Intoxicated?

There is a rumor going around that the WWE is irate at Flair for his behavior during the WWE 2K14 panel last night. Jim Ross was asked on Twitter if the rumors of him and Flair being drunk during the panel were true and he shoots them down. The link to the entire panel is below and Flair enters around the 38 minute mark and it gets nutty from there.


Dolph Ziggler sick of John Cena?

In an interview with Slam Sports, Ziggler had this to say about the WWE Championship Match at SummerSlam:

"Once again, I'm going to go with the guy who has a chip on his shoulder, something to prove. He's a smaller guy, he's not just a wrestler. Cena, personally I'm sick of him. Ten years, doing the same thing, same five moves, the crowd loves him, the crowd hates him, either way, he does the same thing ... I'm sick of it. I understand the awesome charity work he does, I understand what he represents, he makes a great face for our company ... I'd rather see his face on a WWE dollar bill than Daniel Bryan's. But I feel like we need a change, and as much as I feel like I'm that change, Daniel Bryan is in the position to actually beat John Cena. Not to go out there and go, 'oh, hey, he had a really good match, great, let's move on.' I don't know what's going to happen. I hope he wins."

The link to the rest of his interview is below. He seems to be in character for most of the interview so I don't know if anyone should read into this too much but Dolph has been outspoken in the past so who knows for sure what he meant by that.   

WWE Axxess Match Result

Natalya & Maria Menounos defeated Brie Bella & Eva Marie


New Gimmick for Primo & Epico?

It looks like these two are going to be repackaged as a matador tag team




  1. Flair fail sobriety? That's unpossible!

  2. Just got up here. The whole LA live area is buzzing, this should be a decently hot crowd

  3. Flair was fine.. Ross was RIPPED~! Sloshed out of his gourd.

  4. 100% agree with Zigs. No idea if it is a work or shoot. On one hand it isn't a stretch to think he really feels that way. On the other, I can't see anyone risking pissing off Vince.

  5. JR said when he's exhausted his Bells Palsy acts up and he wasn't drunk.

  6. You attending the show?

  7. If any other BoDites are here for the show I'm roaming around LA live in a lime green polo smoking weed with my buddy. He's not even a wrestling fan but I bought him a ticket because he has an office near by and I parked in his spot. Probably gonna go drink at the bar in katsuya till they open up the show at 330

  8. I knew JR was drinking when he came out right at the beginning and said he was drinking his "snapple". He was also doing the Flair strut when Ric came out.

  9. Yup. Just got up here. Should be fun. I'm planning on getting way fucked up for it

  10. Cool. The top two matches should be awesome. Have a great time, man.

  11. Thanks! Yeah I'm really excited. I went last year and had fun but this card is way better. I'm also excited for the rvd vs ambrose

  12. JR sounds pretty sloshy and he bullies Foley a bit over screwing up the Flair intro.

    Then Flair makes the same old "thumbtacks" comment he always makes about Foley even though Foley was right there beside him, trying to be cordial and introduce the prick.

  13. A matador tag team? Leave it to Vince to always go for the lowest common denominator.

  14. You should cheer the heels and boo the faces. If you want to be super cool!

  15. JR may not have been drunk but he was defintely buzzed or something.

  16. Who's the heel in cena vs db?

  17. Like just doing that out on the streets? Why don't they just go ahead and make it legal in Cali?

  18. Literally in walking among the fans openly smoking. I plan on bringing my weed e cig into the show to maintain my level. I'm using it inside the bar I'm in. But outside I was smoking actual weed from a pipe in front of everyone. Its basically legal here

  19. Big time Daniel Bryan contingent with lots of random yes chants breaking out near staples

  20. Jobber on the scene update: Two big fatsos across the street from the Japanese place I'm drinking at have a gigantic sign that says Big Benoit, with a-giant big Ben looking clock with a cartoon girl and little kid swinging from a noose on the long arm of the clock. I have a feeling that's not making it inside the building

  21. Reddit dude post any spoilers yet?

  22. I just want to show my buddy who doesn't care. I was telling him about the guy

  23. Just got to staples center; I'd say 50-50 between Bryan and cena shirts. 3rd is definitely punk. No other superstar even close

  24. Didn't Flair also fall on thumbtacks when he wrestled Big Show on that ECW episode?

  25. There is no Orton shit that I can see at all, and no orton support. That can't bode well for any cash in

  26. Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with people?!?!

  27. I don't think that video buffers quite enough for my tastes... like seriously, i'm on a hella fast connection and it's 2013. I feel like i'm watching a video on dial-up in '97

  28. I saw one on the train overhere

  29. Too many adults wearing cena crap. I can understand the kids. I haven't seen one kid wear a Bryan shirt.

  30. Try refreshing this site:

  31. Oh the heel heat for Orton cashing in will be off the charts. A Daniel Bryan screwjob, I'm half expecting garbage being thrown in the ring like at Bas 96.

  32. Anything that gets Tito Santana on RAW is OK with me.

  33. All the swag bags at axxess are fruity pebbles ads

  34. He sure did. And post-millennium Flair increasingly relied on blood and gory tricks to compensate for his inability to go like he used to.

    Eh, I've seen/heard enough from him over the years to comfortably conclude that he's a hypocritical blowhard.

  35. Yeah I guess he won't put them up right until the PPV starts. I wonder if they switch a finish just to fuck with guy since the story went sort of viral

  36. I just saw of crew of half dozen or so high school kids old enough to know better all dressed in identical cena gear

  37. There will be a bunch of crying kids if bryan wins and possibly a bunch of pissed off adults if orton beats Bryan

  38. Just saw a wwe loves Darren young sign. A bunch of us laughed

  39. Flair acting like a jackass? What are the odds.

  40. JR has stated that when he's tired, his Bells Palsy causes him to slur.

  41. Don't matadors try to avoid being hit? Epico and Primo wouldn't be very good matadors.

  42. That's hilarious.

  43. Matadors? Jesus christ.

  44. Primo and Epico still exist? I haven't seen them on tv in months.

  45. Fair point. That could have been it.

  46. Ross seemed drunk, not Flair.

  47. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 19, 2013 at 12:18 AM

    with special appearance by el matador chico santana?

  48. Not even close. Nobody's that invested in Orton.

  49. I wonder if Epico and Primo's repackaging as matadors mean that Ricardo Rodriguez is going to be their new mouthpiece?

  50. You're mighty cool.


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