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Darren Young is very happy, thank you very much.

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Apparently, Darren is stealing Randy's gimmick.

From outta nowhere!



Well it's not like he could get any less of a push anyway.  I guess Black John Cena wasn't working for him, so now he's Gay John Cena?


  1. This ought to be an intelligent discussion.

    My two cents: I applaud him.

  2. Good for him, maybe they can let him be himself and have a non-cartoony gay character for a change. A person who jsut happens to be gay along witht he rest of there personality.

  3. Good for him for being open. This might actually bode well for his career because it gives you something to remember about him besides Black Cena. Weird though that the last two openly gay or bi male wrestlers in recent history were both stocky black dudes with Buckwheat haircuts.

    I also want more PTPs on the mic, just in general. And honestly I really don't think Darren is half bad in the ring.

  4. For whatever reason, I've had a feeling that an active WWE superstar or diva would come out of the closet soon. I've even had a few candidates in mind; Darren Young wasn't one of them. Alrighty then.

  5. Just curious, who were some of those candidates?

  6. Did anybody else find the TMZ interviewer really creepy and condescending? "You're gay, YOU'RE GAY, oh my god, you're the greatest hero the world has ever known and deserve a Purple Heart and oh my god I think I just saw you fart out an angel!" Darren seemed really annoyed by what a big deal the interviewer was making of it. It'd be like walking up to some random Muslim person on the street and gushing about how brave they are to be openly Muslim.

    As for Darren himself, good for him. No idea what this means for his career, though - he's a decent worker (during the first season of "NXT", he definitely helped some of the other guys keep their matches together), but not much in the way of personality. I wouldn't have been surprised if he had been released over the last few months, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's released in the next few. If that should happen, I hope it's for more legit reasons than being gay, though.

    Just a semi-related note: When people talk about the "conservative, dumb jock" lockerroom, I think a lot of people think of JBL as being one of the biggest instigators. However, JBL is good friends with Orlando Jordan; I wouldn't be surprised if JBL is a big factor in trying to stop any bullying that may come Darren's way.

    And now for the joke part: Well, he WAS dating Tamina...

  7. Good for him. Maybe the slightly increased attention on him leads to more PTP on TV? One can hope.

  8. Man, if they just leave him as the same DY, but throw in some very subtle hints, it would be awesome.

    Its too bad they're going to make him Fandango's homo stalker though.

  9. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonAugust 15, 2013 at 8:32 AM

    I actually thought it would be a Diva who would be that "yeah, I'm gay. So what?" gay person that game out instead of having a "I'm a stereotypical gay person using this as an angle" type of gay.

  10. I love the ptp so I really hope this leads to them getting any kind of push. Just move them above jobber and let them talk on TV at least. They are great.

  11. No it wouldn't. It would be completely ridiculous. WWE making his character gay is the exact opposite of what they should do.

  12. Definitely think The PTP could be a good face team, with this as the catalyst. Darren's openly gay, Titus is his straight friend that supports him. Imagine that.

    Hell, do a quick backstage skit at "Summerslam". Titus says that he heard the news, Darren confirms it, Titus hugs him and says "good for you".

  13. While I applaud him for "coming out" it does strike me as a little strange. What are the odds of the interviewer catching the one gay wrestler?

  14. I'm glad he came out, it almost sounded like he didn't want to but wasn't willing to pass up the opportunity to jest get it over with.

    As far as his wrestling goes, it'd be awesome if they did an angle where a couple of guys run their mouths about him and he and O'Neil kick the shit out of them in a match.

    And then heel out on the audience, because they still don't give a damn what the audience thinks.

  15. I hope he doesn't go along with anything that makes him feel uncomfortable or like a token.

  16. OF COURSE it's good that he came out. I applaud him.

    BUT MAYBE a bunch of fans will still chant "faggot" at him.

  17. When he hits the indy circuit, he is gonna get massacred in some places.

  18. I wouldn't be surprised if it was pre-planned, like he called TMZ and said I wanna come out or something, regardless though he came out.

  19. Which means it is what they will do. I should have been more clear. I would prefer that his sexual preference and his wrestling persona remain separate, but if they're going to do it - and I have to think they will - then doing it that way would be more awesome than making him a flaming homosexual.

  20. Reading a lot of stuff about how they should incorporate this into his character. Why? He actually has a very entertaining character as is, its just that he gets no TV time. I'd be sad if they repackaged him into some stupid gay stereotype gimmick. Straight wrestlers aren't forced to work their love lives into every angle they do, so I don't know why people would force that on a gay one.

  21. Why does his character have to be gay now?

  22. There is pretty much zero chance WWE doesn't botch this.

  23. We don't want a stereotype, definitely not. But I would love to see a non-stereotypical gay character in WWE someday. Someone who doesn't act girly or feminine or care about fashion design or hair care products and just so happens to have a boyfriend or something.

  24. I don't think they SHOULD, but I think they WILL. My post below was less "yeah, make him gay!" and more "I know you're going to do it, so try to be subtle."

  25. Thank you. His character was never straight or gay. Just a whacky heel. Why does he have to make this an angle.

  26. True, as I (and others) mentioned, it's a strange question to get asked all of a sudden.

  27. Why does it have to be a gay dude to play that character? A straight one could play that role as well

  28. I'm sure Uncle Zeb will have a tolerant response to this on Raw.

  29. I wouldn't be surprised if it is staged, but everyday now there is another soundbite from an athlete about this subject. Not really that strange to ask a wrestler about it.

  30. Best case scenario; token ptp push
    Worst case scenario; dy gets repackaged as a gay gimmick
    Probable scenario; status quo

  31. Yea you're right, just like Lee I'm more afraid they will turn him into a cartoony stereotype, when if they have to go that route they could take the high road and create a role model.

  32. I don't think he'll get released any time soon. It will be after this story has calmed down. Can you imagine the backlash if they DO release him in the next few months? Whatever reason they may have, folk will link it to his coming out.

  33. He'll be more of a role model staying as he is.

  34. "Who better than [Darren]?!"

  35. If this gets even the slightest amount of mainstream buzz, he will not be staying as he is. The question then becomes, how would we prefer they do it?

  36. But Darren Young? There are wrestling fans that couldn't pick him out of a lineup. I could see asking Cena, Punk, Jericho et al....but Darren Young? That doesn't seem like someone that anyone would ask such a question to at random.


    (seriously. bold move, brave kid, but he and Titus still kinda suck.)

  38. Everyone calls him Black Cena, my friends and I started calling him Nipples when he was on NXT since well, they're huge, you can't help but notice them.

  39. I find this really hard to believe.

    Nobody has multiple friends who watch NXT.

  40. Whilst it wouldn't shock me to see WWE do a sudden character change to "capitalise" on this, you'd hope they wouldn't. That being said, what's the over/under on a backstage PTP promo on Raw (or at Summerslam) where HHH walks past, says hi and then "Wow Darren, you're looking fabulous." I can see it so vividly.

  41. Nobody who has multiple friends watches NXT.

  42. The Love-Matic Grampa!August 15, 2013 at 9:00 AM

    It always surprises me to learn who is actually tolerant (Nash, JBL) and who turns out to be decidedly less so (Styles). You just never know...

  43. Yeah, I wish I didn't know that about AJ Styles. I've always liked Nash though so I knew he couldn't be all bad, haha!

  44. TMZ: Are you gay?
    DARREN: Actually, yes I am.
    TMZ: Okay, quick follow-up: Who are you?

  45. "Of course, wrestling is a little different, particularly because of how
    physical it is, and how little clothing is involved -- but Darren is
    completely unfazed. Watch the video to hear why."

    That's some condescending, stereotypical bullshit. He might as well have said "Hey you love the cock! Ever think about molesting your co-workers because you are a fag and that's what you people do!"

  46. I'm sure they would have much rather got a quote from any of those guys, but Young was the one they caught in the airport.

  47. Yeah, really.

    "Darren....DARREN!! Is every day at work like Christmas for you? How do you keep from sporting a chub when you perform a waistlock?"

  48. TMZ are awful? Who knew?

  49. WWE will take advantage of this, because of BE A STAR. You want to teach them there young 'uns that it's OK to be gay, and tolerance and acceptance is the best thing for everyone. WWE will even have a Did You Know piece, where they reveal that 82% of their target audience is homosexual ( I fall in the 18%, by the way). It was all their idea for Darren to come out. And then we'll hear about it on every show for two weeks. On a side note: bring back my cousin, Orlando Jordan, so they can create a weird, freaky stable. They can have a character like The Gimp from Pulp Fiction. Hell, gays like parades....bring on the floats for the ring entrance.

  50. I was going to ask what your opinion on this was... and would you find it offensive if they treated it the way they are most likely to treat it (poorly, stereotypically etc...)...

  51. He must be so mad he never got the Bronco Buster from XPac

  52. I can take a joke, I enjoyed the whole Billy & Chuck stuff as a joke, but it would be nice to have a normal gay character in wrestling someday, and not just Billy, Chuck, Goldust, Lenny, Lodi, and such.

  53. They could tag team him with Fandango, imagine the heat they would get slow dancing to the ring together and staring into each other's eyes during tag matches, which ultimately leads to surprise roll up losses

  54. So apparently dating Tamina Snuka (Daughter of WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Superfly Snuka) and putting up with her Superfly squelching in the bedroom can turn you gay!

  55. I guess if you need a beard, can't go much wronger than a big muscular ugly chick like Tamina. (And truthfully, a lot of couples who have straight relationships to hide there sexual orientation are a gay man and gay woman.)

  56. I'm gay and I'd never want any parts of X-Pac coming that close to me . . .

  57. With the way WWE handles things like this, there's no way Darren doesn't end up playing a bitchy queen in season 2 of Total Divas.

  58. True equality - nobody of any preference wants X-Pac's twig and giggleberries near their face.


  59. For some reason, despite knowing she is married to a dude... Nattie is the first Diva that popped to mind for me.

  60. The dude's been with Chyna. Getting within five metres of him has you risking contracting any number of STDs I'm sure.

  61. Makes me thing that he could have been working the reported to see how far this goes.

  62. It's vaguely inappropriate I guess, but I don't think that it's really that bad.
    If I got some sort of glorious job where I was hands on with an endless parade of half naked women, I think that many people would joke about how good I had it, and I wouldn't take it as an insult, or that I was being accused of being a molester in any serious way.
    If I'm gay and I'm hands on with an endless parade of half naked men, the same joke applies, and is no more insulting.

  63. It's the newest form of "X-Pac heat". Straight and gay say "Keep away!"

  64. I would like to see one where it is known that he is gay... and that's it. Not part of his gimmick, nothing changes, they don't highlight it etc... it gets acknowledged enough that people know it, but it doesn't affect the gimmick or his career at all... but I doubt they would ever do that.

  65. "Like Terry Garvin at a boy scout camping trip, Darren Young is UNSTOPPABLE"

  66. Understood, and agreed to a point... but I know that there is this stereotype that gay guys are all sex crazed fiends that would fuck any guy anywhere at any time. I have a gay cousin and he often complains that the most annoying thing is when some fat ugly guy finds out that he is gay and says "Now don't get any ideas!" as if him having a penis makes my cousin auto want him any more than the other guy would want a fat ugly chick.

  67. I like the PTP!

  68. Just an observation, but you seem pretty fascinated with straight men shoving body parts into gay men's faces. It's blatantly latent.

  69. Ugh . . . a little too beefy for my tastes :P

    I'll let Bryan Kendrick do the 10-count punch on me with his crotch in my face though.

  70. Fascinated is a strong word. Are you projecting?

  71. "Straight wrestlers aren't forced to work their love lives into every angle they do"

    Except Lita

  72. So....Tamina's a chick?

  73. You may want to look up the word projecting.

  74. Except Chyna at one point.

  75. Really? That is who you think is hot from wrestling? I find that very surprising...

  76. True. Although Chyna's preference is "breathing" so, I'd have to say she's a statistical outlier.

  77. TMZ is nothing but a bunch of glorified college newspaper reporters sitting around and talking about how they came *THIS CLOSE* to Celebrity A (or in most cases Celebrity D). If TV came with a douchebag filter, TMZ would cause my fucking TV to explode. Celebrity news is the LOWEST form of media reporting. flying...fuck.

  78. Brad Maddox and Alberto Del Rio.... ohhh yeahhh!

  79. Maddox? Sure. But I have found to prefer Ricardo to Alberto. He seems submissive.

  80. I apologize if I made any remarks that can be contrued as insensitive. I'm not gay, so I'm not in touch with my feelings or the feelings of others.

  81. Well see that depends on if you're a top or bottom lover. If you're a top you want someone like Ricardo but if you're a bottom you need a handsome strongman like Alberto to pulverise you

  82. As a straight man who enjoys parades, I don't appreciate your comments.

  83. Betcha Orlando Jordan wishes he got this much pub.

  84. No. The daughter of WWE Hall of Famer, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka. That's all we have been told at this point

  85. Now he's gonna get millions of dudes! Millions of dudes! Millions of dudes!
    seriously, though,I hope they don't change his gimmick. I like PTP and don't thi k they should give him a stupid pink boa gimmick so he'll get heat in Alabama or whatever godforsaken place.
    I was just at an indy show where a couple guys do a flamboyant gay gimmick and I was pretty impressed that only like 1 or 2 people were calling them fags or whatever. The boos were mostly for their heel actions.

  86. As far as Stuart's proposal, it actually does go a long way towards conveying the proper message. I would do it on Raw instead, with a bigger audience, and then not mention it again. A one-and-done to show some level of acceptance.

  87. I can admit when I have been caught, and I have been caught.

  88. *snicker* yeah, right....."daughter". You California just passed a law where he can choose any bathroom he wants.

  89. Wasn't Orlando Jordan gay? Or bisexual?

  90. Bisexual? More like "fooling himself".

  91. He is bisexual, can't remember if he officially came out while under WWE employment or after he was released. I think it was only rumored when he worked for WWE.

  92. I think if the wwe wanted to do that the best thing to do would be to issue a press release or put a statement up on their website. They could show support and give him kudos without shoe horning it into the on air product for no reason, or for the (IMO) awful reason of turning him into a gay character just because he happens to be gay.

  93. Let's be real.....Is it really that big of a shock??? (Oh *bleep* here come the jokes lol)

  94. Cenas 5 knuckle shuffle?

  95. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 9:53 AM

    aint nobody got time fo' dat!

  96. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 9:53 AM

    he was an angry young man?

  97. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 9:54 AM

    built in feud:

    white straight cena vs black gay cena

  98. "You've been *two fingers running* SNEAKING across our gender lines!"

  99. I was wondering if he was being a little coy with the gay & happy double meaning, but it looks like some people in WWE are already on Twitter congratulating him on coming out. So, I hope this wasn't some type of joke or stunt.

    But, yeah, I'm with the rest of you on this: I hope this doesn't become a dominant character trait even though I'm pro-gay rights. The bottom line on Darren Young, the character should be: He's a good wrestler who happens to be gay, not a GAY wrestler who is GAY (did I mention he was GAY yet?).

  100. Those press releases always come off as condescending, though, and no one who watches the show actually reads them.

    I don't think they should incorporate it into a character at all, either. But I do believe making a brief mention of it on the flagship show, having it be accepted and not a linchpin for an angle and then not beating the audience over the head with it (that's definitely directed at team old king cole) shows the audience a good amount of ACTUAL acceptance, not the Be A Star bs they push on us.

  101. Totally agreed. Good for Darren. WWE should leave his personal life out of his professional life.

  102. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 15, 2013 at 9:55 AM


  103. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 15, 2013 at 9:56 AM

    Too bad Jim Ross no longer does commentary

  104. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonAugust 15, 2013 at 9:57 AM

    NEGA Cena LIVES!!

  105. Oh, Hulk Hogan just commented: Let me say this one more time just so we're perfectly clear...if you actually think...if you ACTUALLY think that he's just the right gay at the right time...

  106. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonAugust 15, 2013 at 10:04 AM


  107. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 10:05 AM

    take home message from the interview:

    add "man" to every other sentence when interviewing someone

    also, anyone notice the interviewer fired dyoung at the end? he wished him the best in his future endeavors

    also, lol @ stephanies tweet, which reads 'congratulations on being gay!'

  108. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 10:06 AM

    'mah god hes broken in half'


  109. "Titus O'Neil is tougher than a two dollar steak, and his partner is queerer than a two dollar bill!"

  110. So basically like 99% of everything they do.

  111. To all the people wanting his love life left out of his character ("he's gay, move on"), while I understand not wanting a Goldust/Orlando Jordan in TNA kinda thing, I think this is a great opportunity. Come on, there hasn't been 1 legit gay relationship shown on WWE programming EVER, and hetero couplings is a well WWE goes to quite a bit.

    He seems to be the go to example, but Omar Little really is the template. Yes he's gay, no it's not a big deal, *but* they don't shy from it. I think letting DY have a boyfriend would be a great first step. I'd like it to be gradual and handled delicately, but at some point this has to happen, right? If the goal is 50 years from now there being same-sex couples on WWE programming along with hetero ones and no one blinks, why not start now.

    HOWEVER, only if DY is comfortable with incorporating this into his character. And yes, I do think it's important for the first homosexual WWE character to be gay in real life.

  112. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 10:17 AM

    hes pulling an eva marie!

  113. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 10:17 AM


  114. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 10:19 AM

    well, brah is totes right on the 'b a star' thing, cause thats EXACTLY was wwe has done:

    'Today, in
    fact, Darren will be participating in one of our Be A Star anti-bullying
    rallies in Los Angeles to teach children how to create positive
    environments for everyone regardless of age, race, religion or sexual

  115. Gradual and delicately? What are these words you speak of? I watch WWE.

  116. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 10:22 AM

    cesaro vs dyoung: instead of a nip up, they can have a nip off

    that sounds like an snl ad, like when they had the one for getting rid of extra digits. this can be for krusty's superflous third nipple

  117. Not if he's a bottom.

  118. Who you calling nega???

  119. Their idea of gradual and delicate would be to have him wait until hour number 2 on Monday to morph into the new incarnation of Fat Adrian Adonis.

  120. 2-to-1 odds his next gimmick nickname is "The Man's Man". They already have the theme music.

  121. I don't know... I mean, good if he is, don't get me wrong, but how fortunate was it for the interview was it that he just happened to ask Darren Young about gay wrestlers and he decided it would be the perfect time to come out? I don't know how seriously to take shows like TMZ, to me this could just as easily be the start of something as it is Darren legitimately making a statement.

    I think if it's acknoweldged, it's more likely an angle. And if it's not (and really, does it need to be? Because every on-screen character in WWE isn't in a relationship.) then good for him for coming out.

    Although I just did conceive a funny scenario in my head where AJ starts throwing herself at Darren Young and he's all "no thank you" so she gets Big E. to beat him up.

  122. His character was straight. He had a crush on Tamina.

  123. At some point you need to have a homosexual superstar don't you? Why not DY? (Assuming he's cool with it)

  124. I'm all for WWE creating a gay character from scratch and bringing up someone from NXT.

  125. I disagree. I think the first gay character should be gay in real life. This person is going to be a symbol, and will probably spend time in the community to erase the stigma of being gay in a sport like wrestling (if they're not comfortable with that I don't think they should be the first one). I think it's disingenuous to have this role performed by a hetero man/woman, and more progress can be made with an actual gay wrestler.

    Imagine a kid getting a pep talk from that guy. It may help, or the kid might be thinking "Yeah, great for you. You get to play pretend and wear a 'gay mask', but you once you leave the building you're straight again. I have to deal with this 24/7."

    I understand your thinking, it shouldn't be a big deal to be gay. It shouldn't matter. But it *does* matter (to a lot of people), and we're not where we need to be. Young, at-risk gay youth need positive role models to look up to and to show them that what they are is normal. You don't get that by ignoring DY's homosexuality, maintaining the status quo of numerous hetero hookups but no gay ones. And you don't get that (or at least not the full effect) by having straight people pretend to be gay.

  126. Their finishing move would involve a reach-around of some kind..

  127. I have done some freelance stuff for websites and it wouldn't suprise me if he did call them. I have a friend that works for TMZ and a lot of celebs and their reps call them up to let them know where they are gonna be.. Pretty convenient how empty the airport luggage center was when Darren was interviewed.. I'm assuming they were at LAX (a TMZ hotspot) and I can't see it being that empty unless it was staged.

  128. Me: I'm happy for Darren if he's happy.. but the conspiracy theorist in me is wondering if he didn't plant this story. We've all heard the rumors on how Darren woudl probably get fired if the PTP were ever split up.. what better way to NOT get fired than to leak that you're Gay.. WWE would face so much scrutiny for firing him.. people will assume it's for his sexuality.. Really at this point, Darren had NOTHING to lose by coming out. As long as he doesn't test positive for steroids. he's probably got a job for the next few years...

  129. So now I'm expecting Titus to turn on him because he came out.

    Or I would, if creative gave a crap about either one of those guys.

  130. It's interesting to see mainstream sports/media personalities take on WWE. Patrick Burke of YouCanPlay (probably a bigger deal in Canada) said they've had something in the works with WWE for a little while. He also mentioned how they don't get enough credit for all the charity they do. The Be A Star campaign is also a big hit with a lot of people too.

  131. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 11:05 AM

    hulk hogan we comin' fo' you!

  132. He didn't believe it.

  133. So he could use SLOBBERKNOCKER in its original context

  134. They could do a double pin where Fandango covers the opponent and Young butt fucks him in time with the ref's 3-count

  135. No one has asked the most important question yet...

    How does Pancake Patterson feel about all of this?

  136. this is sarcasm right?

  137. "Congratulations on being gay! Did you know that 9/11 was almost as bad as the time the government came after my dad?"

  138. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 1:01 PM

    'His character was never straight or gay. Just a whacky heel with a sweet afro.'


  139. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 1:02 PM

    i wonder how much of the audience will now try chanting some kind of epithet at him

  140. And how does Pat Patterson feel about this?

  141. And how does Pat Patterson's penis feel about this?

  142. You're confusing me.

  143. Now when they say "You Suck" it'll be both opinion based and factually accurate.

  144. They could do a variation of the Dudley Boys "Wassup" and just have Darren's face linger in their opponent's crotch for an uncomfortable amount of time..

  145. Dave Meltzer had a great update on his situation, and he's right. What's the big fucking deal when Pat Patterson was not only openly gay, but at different points in time the #2 guy backstage?

  146. Yea, its all a little strange that he chose to randomly come out to Tmz in such a spontaneous way. I dont think its an angle but would bet my life that Vince will use this for good PR in some fashion...lets just hope Vince doesnt go all Vince and cross tge line into "tacky"

  147. Exactly. Not saying he's lying, but he's just made himself bulletproof.

  148. Sorry about Jordan luck.

  149. So... does #2 mean the top or the bottom?

  150. He just locked up a job for life. Good for him.

  151. Dude, it's 2013, be more progressive. They'd obviously ask if he wants the D.

  152. I have to be honest, i'd probably laugh if he did that.

  153. Honestly, I don't think they release him ever because of this(unless he gets popped for drugs or something but even that would hardly slide). When someone comes out, it's not a one and done thing, it's in the public subconscious permanently.

  154. Because the general public didn't know. Despite the on-air jokes, it was never outright stated. This is the first time a full-time in-ring worker for WWE has publicly outed himself. Bret Hart already pointed out that wrestling has been accepting of gay people for years, but I'm more interested in the audience's reaction.

  155. I think he's saying WWE is going to botch this.

  156. It could be as simple as he'd been contemplating coming out for a while and it was weighing on his mind, the TMZ person asked him a question, and in that moment he just decided, "Why not now?" Doesn't have to be a well-planned announcement.

  157. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 15, 2013 at 5:01 PM

    anyone wanna feel me?

  158. He's already a black guy with a comb in his Afro.

  159. "Why does his character have to be gay now?"

    It doesn't HAVE to be, but it'd be something new and different.

    As many have said, it'd be nice to have a character that is multi-dimensional, where they are more than the sum of their parts; just like how he happens to be black, but it's not really part of his gimmick (in the same way as, say, "Cryme Tyme"), why couldn't this just be one more aspect that happens to be in the background?

    Where I said above about doing a quick backstage skit, I probably should have added "and then it's never mentioned again".

  160. Its the same as when JBL talks about Eddie and Hispanic wrestlers in general - he comes across as so respectful. I know he was only playing a character on TV but given what we know about it his politics it always jars. Not sure about Styles, but everything I've seen about Austin Aires suggests he is a massive douche in real life.

  161. He's not a bad wrestler...not great, but y'know. He can go.

  162. I've heard Aries is a douche from pretty much everybody.

  163. They're also one of the best organized and quickest news organizations on the planet. Funny how that works.

  164. I'm pretty sure even Austin Aries would tell you Austin Aries is a douche.

  165. I have a hard time believing he has a job for life now, but it should help him avoid being one of the guys they cut because creative has nothing for him any time soon.

  166. Maddox might be the most attractive man to ever work for a wrestling company.

  167. Darren's the workhorse out of him and Titus.

    Which isn't saying much...but he does have cardio and a decent moveset. He's a good jobber.

  168. I'm not gay but fully comfortable in assessing who I think is a handsome fella and I think Kendrick's a good lookin' dude. It bums me out that he never achieved more, he had a lot of upside.

  169. Yeah that's about it. He does a few unique moves (well not fully unique, but unique to anyone in WWE) and that's about all it takes to stand out. I wish the eleventeen guys doing Flatliner variants would take notice.

  170. They did that with Joey Ryan on WRP apparently, not sure how it came across.

  171. He's got decent cardio as well.

    I dunno, he seems like a career jobber or tag-team guy. Maybe he'll revolutionize himself and become a super charismatic mega-worker...but I really don't see that happening.

  172. Nothing wrong with being a career tag guy. He may not have main-evented a PPV, but we ALL know, say, Arn Anderson's name. Will Young get there? I wouldn't bet MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on it, but I've been wrong before.

  173. Yeah, I could see him as that. I think he still needs a little more...umph. But he could get there.


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