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Grantland -- Daniel Bryan, Accidental Superstar

> Another great piece from The Masked Man, and some terrific insight into Daniel Bryan, who readily admits he's wired much differently than Cena and Punk and that wrestling doesn't owe him, or anyone, anything.


  1. Daniel Bryan , No Accident

  2. The thing is, with the exception of Mania 28 WWE never did anything to actively stop him from becoming big. Creative can only do so much for you, if you have no personality or charisma you can't succeed on a national level. Bryan realized he couldn't just rely on his wrestling skill alone and worked on having people actually notice how charismatic and funny he was.

  3. 'If wrestling were "real," then the answer would come with the ending of
    the match, but if we take wrestling to be entirely scripted, then the
    answer is self-evidently "yes"; otherwise this wouldn't be the story
    line in the first place'

    This is the kind of good writing that makes me jealous and angry in the best way.

  4. I like Shoemaker, but every single article he writes has to be about "wrestling's reality" for some reason.

  5. It's entirely possible that ascending to WWE main eventer will be the worst thing to ever happen to Bryan Danielson.

  6. May I ask how? Just curious.

  7. Hi, my name is R-Truth!

  8. I wonder if there are cases where the ending of a match isn't decided until the match starts and they can see how the fans are reacting? Tonight seems like a good night to do that. If the fans are just sorta into Bryan, go with Orton beating him with the cash in. It might garner enough sympathy to increase Bryan's heat and it makes a new heel out of Orton.

    On the other hand, if Bryan gets nuclear face heat (and I think he will), they are stupid to stick with Orton going over. The stars have alligned for one of those rare instances where a major star can be made in one night. You had it with Punk at MITB 2011. Had Punk lost to a ADR cash in after his victory, I think a lot of his heat would have been killed.

  9. R-Truth had some bad luck because he happened to start getting over right before Summer of Punk.

  10. Plus the fact he did something insanely stupid.

  11. Refresh me, I don't even remember.

  12. His drug charge in late 2011.

  13. oh, well, Hi, my name is RVD!

  14. Punk/Cena are different circumstances. Now you are right that Del Rio cashing in on Punk would have been the worst outcome but in Cena/Bryan's case Orton cashing in would work IMO.

  15. People like Bryan are just happy to be able to get by without having a real job.

    Being a WWE main eventer means having a permanent place onthe McMahons speed dial...which is like having three real jobs at once.

  16. Well I guess that's true but he'd be paid will for his trouble.

  17. Didn't ADR cash in on punk at the next PPV?

  18. Perhaps.But not this case.

  19. For some people, once they can support themselves for the rest of their life, money is surprisingly unimportant.

  20. Yeah, but even if with the follow up being weak Punk still made it out of the whole angle as a top face in the company.

  21. I said "a" top face, not "the" top one.

  22. Then your statement is too vague to mean anything without further definition.

    Regardless, after the MitB launching, being simply *a* top face just a few months later cannot be considered anything but a disappointment.

  23. I didn't say the aftermath wasn't disappointing, just that Punk still came out of the whole thing with his popularity intact, plus he got a huge WWE title run after it.

  24. If Bryan gets nuclear face heat they absolutely stick it to him with Orton's case. That's how they roll.

  25. What is everyone's deal with the Bryan love affair? Is it because he was in ROH? The guy seems to me to be boring in the ring, very awkward on the stick and just doesn't have a good look for a wrestler. You look at John Cena and you look at Daniel Bryan and it is obvious which one wins in a fight.

    But then I also don't get Owen Hart… why does everyone love that perennial midcarder? Is it because of the family name? Just don't get it.

  26. I'm not going to call you an idiot, instead...I'm going to ask you some questions to try to understand your...difference in opinion.

    What wrestlers do you like?

    Why do you like them?

  27. I dig your approach here, Phrederic -- Here's my take on Daniel Bryan:

    John Cena: "I'm cool. And you have to like me. Kids do."

    CM Punk: "I'm cool. And you should like me because I know that you know that I'm cool."

    Daniel Bryan: "You like me? Cool..."

    I've had limited exposure to Punk and Bryan but I'm impressed with what I've seen from both -- And I like what Cena has been able to do over the years -- His character might be a bit stale but it endures -- I'm guessing it's partly because the man behind the character isn't a fraud (unlike his 80's counterpart) and even his detractors, I think, should appreciate that.

    And judging who would win in a fight based on physical build is rather lazy -- Kurt Angle beats the shit out of Brock Lesnar and Sid Eudy (see also: Jericho vs. Goldberg and Sid vs. uh, just about anybody).

  28. I like Cena, Brock, Angle, Jericho, Bobby Rude, Rick Rude, Taker is pretty awesome...

    Cena is charismatic as all get out and looks like he can legit kick ass. Ditto Brock and Angle (like I have to explain Angle) Bobby Rude just had that IT factor. Rude was a great character and looked like he could legit kick ass. Taker is just an all around bad ass and showman.

    Guess im lazy, but I think that if you don't look the part...then who's the lazy one?

  29. Must be because of the family name -- Who doesn't love Smith and Keith?

  30. Who is this Bobby RUDE that you speak of?

  31. Its a guy in TNA. Pretty good wrestler, good talker. Was really big in the tag scene up until a year ago.

  32. Are you talking about Bobby ROODE? Damn, I should've made the connection sooner -- I guess I was just being lazy...

  33. Yeah him. Its cool, I'm sure you have other things on your mind, like work, family, maybe school. I wouldnt go so far as calling you lazy because of it. Though even if you were, its no biggie.

  34. Right on the money. That pretty much sums up the differences between Cena, Punk, and Bryan. I have a piece I've been kicking around that kinda builds on that, I think its time to write it.

  35. I appreciate your understanding...

  36. Who are Smith and Keith?

  37. No worries, bro :)

  38. If anybody didn't already, check out the Angry Wrestling Guy article he linked to in the middle, too. Very interesting and well written.

  39. This has gone sideways on me and I'm getting my ass kicked...

  40. My apologies, in advance, to the CAPSLOCKMAN...

    be boring in the ring, very awkward on the stick and just doesn't have a
    Bryan and it is obvious which one wins in a fight. NOT SO OBVIOUS TO ME -- WHO ARE EACH OF THEM FIGHTING?

    But then I also don't get Owen Hart… why does everyone love that
    perennial midcarder? I AGREE -- LOVE SHOULD BE BETWEEN EVERYONE AND PERENNIAL MAINEVENTERS -- IT SAYS SO IN THE BIBLE Is it because of the family name? Just don't get it. NO, NO YOU DON'T

  41. Judging from your response, not sure you do either.

  42. At this point, I'm pretty sure I don't...

  43. ...anybody on the current roster you like that hasn't been in the company for a decade?

  44. ...Darren Young? Brock's only been around for like a year. Husky Harris is kinda cool. I can't really think of anyone that's new, honestly. A lot of these guys are pretty green too so it might take them a few years to develop. Mason Ryan I think has a big future. Ryback! Ryback is pretty awesome. Roman Rains.

  45. Yeah, I don't think you started liking Brock in 2012. He was around in 2003, remember?

    I'm saying that all the guys you like are the big stars/veterans. And from what I've gathered, you're a big fan of gigantic personalities in gigantic bodies. Bryan not appealing to you makes sense.

    You're not a Punk fan, are you?

  46. Punk is fun on the mic, but I just don't believe he can beat anyone other than a diva. And no I was a Brock fan from UFC.

  47. It's funny how we're still doing this.

    Jose Aldo, Demetrious Johnson, Urijah Faber are just some of the names of tiny dudes who if you met at a supermarket or even a bar, you'd think they couldn't fight, yet, I'm pretty sure they could kick my ass and your ass probably at the same time.

    I get that pro wrestling is built more on perception and heavyweights usually tend to draw more, but I wouldn't disregard what some of the smaller guys can bring to the table.

  48. Take a good look at José Aldo and then take a look at Punk. Not in the same universe even. Look Punk is entertaining (which is more than I can say for Bryan) I just don't buy him as a competitor. He doesn't look like a pro wwrestler.

  49. Cena does not look like a fighter. He looks like a bodybuilder. Name one professional fighter with the build of Cena.

  50. Dude, Cena looks like if he punched Bryan, Bryan's head would come off. Fighter? Wrestler? Not a guy I'd bet against.

  51. Cena looks like a guy who can't raise his arms above his head.

    Look at that guy. He's 5' 7", way less than 200 pounds. And he could punch somebodies spleen in faster than you could blink.

    No real fighter has the build of John Cena. He's a living gorilla.

  52. I'm thinking you haven't been in many (or any) fights -- Am I wrong?

  53. You are exactly right -- There aren't any fighters with Cena's build -- Hell, there aren't any high level athletes with his build -- Too much mass, too stiff...

  54. Competed in shotokan until I discovered girls.

  55. Yet he performs at a world class level...amazing. But you know his body better, I'm certain.

  56. It's incredible that he can do what he can with the build he has. But still, Cena in the ring is clunky and somewhat injury prone. He's strong as fuck, but I dunno why people think Strong=Good At Fights.

  57. He's a world class performer/stuntman. Not a world class fighter.

  58. Are girls like kryptonite to shotokan fighters? Makes sense, I suppose -- And I'm pretty sure girls haven't discovered you...

  59. I think we'll always be doing this in some form or other :-) -- Though it isn't even remotely as important as it used to be, the ability to shoot is still a respectable quality in a wrest.. Uh, I mean "Superstar"...

  60. Well, Nate, not sure if anyone told you this, but there are 24 hours in a day. At the time, barring school, I had o make a decision. I could spend that time in the soho (which is considerable) or I can spend it chasing girls. Or I could do like you and just watch wrestling…

  61. Stuntman is a good way to describe wrestlers… never thought of it that way.

    Theres an easy way to solve this… would you rather get punched in the head by Cena or Bryan? Yeah thats about right

  62. I admire your spunk, Jr. -- Phrederic beat you up pretty good and Flair4dagold schooled you up a bit and you still keep coming -- Here's a bit of perspective for you: I wrestled D1 in college and still managed to "chase girls" and watch wrestling at the same time -- And then I managed to marry a hot 4 time NCAA National Champ runner (I obviously couldn't chase her, she just happened to run into me) -- Hopefully you end up as fortunate as I have...

  63. My point is who's more likely to land a strike to my head. After all, Cena might hit harder, but Bryan might actually have the form and flexibility to actually hit me.

  64. Brother, I've seen pictures of your wife...I mean, to each their own right?

    And I applaud your time management skills.. Clearly I either lack them or prioritize differently.

  65. You're being more than a little facetious saying that Cena wouldn't land a punch to your head. Anyway, just saying it doesn't look plausible for Bryan to be able to best Cena. Why is this controversial when in reality you wouldn't put money on Bryan?

  66. Yeah, all you badass shotokan fighters attract all the really hot girls -- Us pussy wrestlers had to take what was left (I don't know if I should be flattered or creeped out that you took the time to look at my Facebook page for pictures of my wife)...

  67. You project alot and are quite hostile. No one made mention of shotokan vs wrestling but you...define inferiority complex.

    And genius, check your avatar picture. I wouldn't even know how to find you on Facebook. You're not the brightest lad here are you?

  68. Check my avatar picture? The pretty girl in the picture isn't my wife, she's my 14 year old daughter, you dumbass -- How old are you anyway? I'll hand it to you, you managed to give me my first laugh of the day...

  69. Lovely? Look out, its the face that launched a thousand ships.

    Still hostile, still projecting, still exhibiting an unimplied inferiority complex. And still not too bright.

  70. Who's worked up? You've made some rather ignorant statements in a public forum and been taken to task by a few of us for them -- I don't claim to be too bright but I do know the difference between a 14 year old girl and a grown woman (who's immature?) -- And for the sake of maturity, I'll ignore your veiled insult of my daughter...

  71. No, judging from your tone and your hostility, you are certainly getting worked up. Or you don't know what worked up means...

    Ignorant comments? I suppose saying "I don't get why this guy gets praise" or "this guy looks like he'd take off the little guy's head" (which so far, pretty much everyone I've asked agrees with so not sure why thats controversial) I'm pretty sure if you looked over your posts you'd find many more ignorant statements. Starting with your usage of the words "gorgeous" and "pretty"

    And so glad you didn't say you were bright. Would feel particularly upset to find that you were lying too. I'd go a step further and say you're actually dumber than shit. Literally. If you were on Jeopardy, facing off against a turd, the turd would win. Hands down.

  72. Thanks for the heads up regarding Jeopardy -- I was just about to apply -- Never used the word "gorgeous" -- And taking shots at a guy's wife and teenage daughter show extremely bad form, even for a misguided youngster such as yourself ("Check your avatar picture" -- Uh, I did, that's a 14 year old) -- Who knows, maybe we'll finish this conversation in person some day as I travel for work quite a bit (though I doubt it, as I rarely eat fast food and I wouldn't want to bother you at work)...

  73. I wouldn't worry about bugging me at work, keyboard warrior. We get smoke breaks.

    Utter cliche...

  74. He's not even a youngster....

  75. Wow -- Thanks for sharing -- I read for about 30 seconds and that was enough -- I understand completely now...

  76. No sir, pretty fucking old.

    And uh...yeeeah. That's me! Cool.
    Why does that guy have less gray hair than me? Probably an old picture.

  77. It's controversial because I really don't think Cena would win. He doesn't throw punches like a guy a who knows how to throw punches. He doesn't have flexibility or the speed or the physique of a fighter.

    Seriously, are you going to tell me that Kevin Nash would beat Mayweather?

  78. Yes that's exactly what I'm saying. Not even Mayweather would dispute that. All it takes is one hit. One hit. Its why they call it a Puncher's chance. (Or slugger's chance) Anyway, if you really think that Bryan looks like he could beat anyone over the age of 16, god bless you. I just don't buy it. Just like I don't buy that Urijah Faber would stand a chance against Junior dos Santos. Remember weight divisions? They're important and there's a reason they have them.

  79. Of course there's a chance that I could knock out Brock Lesnar. The likeliness of that isn't high however.

    And if we're talking wrestling here. Remember that Andre got his ass-kicked in Japan by...Riki Chosou (I think?).

    I understand that you think bigger equals better. But do you realize Stallone is shorter than Bryan? Does that make the Rocky movies unwatchable?

  80. So, we're pretty drunk now, waiting for the early show (bonus: free booze!) And there's a few of us, so pardon if we ramble. But we can't figure it out - did you just find the first person named Dan B? Nevermind that my name isn't Dan, we'll go with it.

    No, better idea - what can I do to convince you that that's me? You should friend that guy! I'm going to as soon as I figure out ow. We should totally spam him and post screenshots. Just don't say it was my idea. I wantt screenshots dammit.

  81. Yeah well, no one said I had good form. Not since shotokan anyway. And… forgive me if I'm wron… didn't you bring your wife into this?

    It sucks when you play with fire… you get burned sometimes. Now ring up your granny and see what I o with that.

  82. You're just taking the piss now, aren't you? If you really got that from what I was saying… jesus, I wouldn't even know where to I have some idea. Are you built in anyway close to Brock? Weigh anywhere near him (in MUSCLE jackass.) I don't von know where you got height from the argument. Fill that blank for me? ("Well shit, when you were talking about weight differences I thought for sure you were talking about height!" Is that how it came to be?)

    No, I don't remember when Andre (the giant, right? ) got his ass kicked by Riki Chosou (you think. "Hey remmeber that time that i think happened?")… I have a hard enough time remembering my act, I need to remember wrestling trivia? Jesus.

  83. Your point seems to be that power trumps all. Rumble in the Jungle anyone?

    Stallone doesn't weigh more than Bryan either. The question remains...why, in a fictional medium, do you care about how somebody looks? I understand credibility, but Bryan didn't outpower Cena. Bryan had better technique and finished Cena off with a knee to the face. I fail to see how this is unreasonable in any narrative.

  84. Credibility is still credibility… and he first time Cena popped him in the head it should have been over. By the 10th time, this guy shoulda been dead.

    Look, don't feel bad, I'm not picking on your guy. I Wouldn't believe that Rey could beat Big Show (is it ok to not like Rey Mysterio Jr? Is that frowned upon?) I didn't buy it when Mayweather beat Big Show either. (Is it… nah its always ok to dislike Mayweather) Is it possible that he can beat him? Yeah anything is possible. (Jet packs are going into production in New Zealand..its possible) but would I bet on it? Bryan doesn't even look like a contender. (Whats with the beard anyway?) I just said that I don't get the guy, I don't see the attraction. He's dull, cuts a cookie cutter promo and looks like a kid. If he had the first two qualities, I'd suspend disbelief with the third… but c'mon.

    If you were to offer me $7 million on the condition that I either let Cena punch me in the head or let Bryan knee me in the head… I'm picking the knee 9 times out of 10.

  85. I understand that sometimes people just aren't liked. But if you don't get Bryan, it really is your loss.

    And I'd also like to say that by your logic Brock shouldn't be booked like a beast cause one shot to the gut should kill him.

  86. Yup. Which is why wrestling is hard to watch.

  87. "It sucks when you play with fire... you get burned sometimes." -- And you accuse me of using an "utter cliche"? -- Went back and read some of your previous posts on the BOD (yeah, I drink a lot and had some time on my hands, plus your insult of my daughter just doesn't sit well with me -- Guess I'm not that mature) and you seem to be guilty of most, if not all, of the things you accuse me of (projecting much?) -- You're gay, correct? At least from your previous posts that's what you state -- So why would you say you studied shotokan until you discovered girls? No problem at all with you being gay, you seem to be an asshole regardless of who is unlucky enough to attract your affection -- But why be disingenuous about it?

  88. Sorry flaif4dagold -- I should be a better man about this but I'm just not wired that way

    "It sucks when you play with fire... you get burned sometimes." -- And
    you accuse me of using an "utter cliche"? -- Went back and read some of
    your previous posts on the BOD (yeah, I drink a lot and had some time on
    my hands, plus your insult of my daughter just doesn't sit well with me
    -- Guess I'm not that mature) and you seem to be guilty of most, if not
    all, of the things you accuse me of (projecting much?) -- You're gay,
    correct? At least from your previous posts that's what you state -- So
    why would you say you studied shotokan until you discovered girls? No
    problem at all with you being gay, you seem to be an asshole regardless
    of who is unlucky enough to attract your affection -- But why be
    disingenuous about it?

  89. You don't have to apologize to me, but you replied to me by accident.

  90. Nevermind, I see that you were just alerting me.

    It's ok, Mr. Bizzle has been on thin ice for a while now. He complained about the site and how it may not be for him, but he can't help himself, he keeps coming back (like some others). I say, be a man, and live up to your word and don't return.

    Anyways, it's fine.

  91. You're a pretty cool guy -- Don't need to meet you in person to know that -- That being said, I alerted you because you alerted me (he says that's not him but the shoe seems to fit) -- Mr. Bizzle might be right; I probably do project -- I tend to treat the BOD as if I am sitting at a table in person with whoever I might be speaking (posting a reply) to believing that whatever is typed is typed with that frame of mind (that's why I use my real name and picture; a chickenshit "keyboard warrior" I am not) -- I firmly believe that you and I or Fuj or Mar Solo or Phrederic or Scott or even maybe TraitorAlex and I could probably have a drink and a conversation about a number of things -- DanBizzle? probably not...

  92. Thanks man. Unfortunately, it's the internet and there's always a Bizzle lurking around.

  93. Holeee shit…
    Let me see if i got this right…
    A week later and you're still on about this? Guess you're a Sinatra fan… "I got you, under my skin… "
    Listen, hungover and not quite in the mood to explain the complexities of human sexuality, but in terms you'd understand, when I was 12(particularly in my neighborhood) I thought I as straight. At 46, i know I'm not. Ask a gay guy, they'll explain it better if that didnt make sense.
    I didn't say what you wrote is cliche, I said You're a cliche. One that gave me 6 minutes of material over the past week so cheers to that.
    And barring the fact that you were personally offensive long before you introduced your wife and daughter to the equation ("waaaah, I insulted the guy and he insulted me back, how unfair!") I didn't really say anything particularly bad about the girl . All I said was, if she inherited your brains and with a face like that, I'd prep a really nice dowry. Consider it helpful advice rather than an insult. We're all about the love here.

  94. No, I can't help myself. Something about you just really lets me write to my style of humor. Eh, professional danger, I suppose. But let's get back to the really important stuff… who SHOULD be world champion and when will they start calling it a belt again??

  95. … I don't think you know what the word project means...

  96. If you were intellectually capable of explaining human sexuality to anybody you'd be a millionaire and not slumming with the likes of me (hell, I'd buy your book) -- And yeah, you did insult my daughter (and you just did again -- You also gloss over the fact that you mistook her for my wife in your zeal to insult me -- You are such an asshole)-- Nice of you to try and half-ass rationalize it; but it just makes you even more of a douchenozzle -- What kind of dowry dost thou think I should offer up? Methinks five goats, ten chickens and an ox should suffice for a lowborn lass such as my girl -- I could be wrong but I believe one is born homosexual with no say in the matter -- It is too bad that you had to think you were straight at 12 and that your support system seemed to be lacking -- I have two boys and if either (or both of them, they are only 8 and 11 so puberty hasn't hit yet, thank Jebus) are gay or straight I hope I help them become a better person than you are -- And this is something I would say to you in person -- Can you honestly say you'd say all of these things to me if I was sitting next to you?

  97. I travel the country to work on projects that my company takes on -- And, apparently, I also project hostility toward you -- Am I using the word project in the proper context in both instances?

  98. So "humor" is what he calls what he writes? To paraphrase Inigo Montoya: I don't think that word means what he thinks it means...

  99. … didnt I say that to you earlier? Is that what its come to? You repeating what I say? Define "hack" cliche on two legs.

    And I don't call it humor, I call it my point of view and a way to get free drinks. My paying audience calls it humor. I Don't get it either.

  100. ? Why wouldn't I say it to you in person?
    Don't think that dowry is gonna be good enough to pawn off lil' Nash… do you have anything better?
    Re: sexuality… you really don't know or have ever spoken to a gay person before have you? Pretty ignorant stuff. Look, in lieu of talking to a gay person, just google for a while. You'll learn something… if you're capable of that. Wouldn't hold my breath.

    And i never insulted your wife, my little wannabe victim…i think you being the best she could do is far more insulting than anything I could say. But… lets just say, if I were straight… I wouldn't fuck her with a stolen dick and you pushing.

  101. Doesn't mean you know the meaning of the word. In either context.

  102. I have no one blame but myself -- I should have just quit after you asked who Smith and Keith are but I couldn't help myself -- You have an awful lot going on inside that head of yours (I saw your reply that either you had the good sense to self-sensor or Scott or somebody saw a line crossed and removed it) -- I've stayed up way past my curfew -- Good luck to whatever personality of yours happens to be the one that reads this...


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