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Now streaming: Guacamelee! over on Twitch TV

Come watch me be bad at video games over on twitch TV as I play a lucha libre inspired video game.


  1. I fully endorse this awesome game.

  2. This is a fantastic game an well worth the purchase for PS3 or Vita owners. The final boss is insanely hard though.
    Ducktales Remastered is also worth getting.

  3. The Masked ReviewerAugust 15, 2013 at 1:11 AM

    Yeah I've been holding off on Guacamelee for awhile but when it finally made it's way to the PC, I had to jump on it.

    Also if anyones looking to get Ducktales on PC. You can get it for 20% off on greenmangaming using a promo code.


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