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The SmarK RAW Rant–08.12.13

The SmarK RAW Rant – 08.12.13

I think I’m done with Impact, and I’m switching to recapping the NXT/Vintage Collection starting this week. Just can’t take any more Aces & Eights or Bischoff/Hogan booking.

Live from Sacramento, CA

Your hosts are Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler & JBL

Daniel Bryan v. Wade Barrett

Barrett is without beard or entrance, and Brad Maddox is the guest referee for some reason. Michael Cole is in rare form, immediately talking about people “building momentum” and “getting into the title hunt.” All we need is something VINTAGE for the trifecta. Barrett tosses him, but Bryan comes back in throwing kicks and goes after the leg. Wade bails and Bryan follows with a baseball slide, but he charges and runs into a boot. Back in, Barrett pounds the ribs and runs him into the stairs, but Bryan makes a comeback before Barrett hits the chinlock. Bryan clotheslines him to the floor again and follows with the suicide dive, and a missile dropkick. Barrett gets a rollup and Maddox suddenly fast-counts him for the pin at 5:20. **1/2 Yeah, that’ll really jumpstart Barrett’s push again, I’m sure.

Randy Orton v. Damien Sandow

I can relate to Orton’s greying beard issues. Same reason I don’t grow mine in anymore. Sandow works a headlock, but Orton slugs away in the corner while Cody Rhodes states on commentary what we’ve all been thinking: The new MITB briefcase looks like a giant chocolate bar. Orton with a suplex for two. Clothesline out of the corner gets two. Orton dropkicks Sandow off the apron as we take a break. Back with Sandow working him over in the corner, and dumps him to the floor for two. Chinlock time and the ELBOW OF DISDAIN gets two, and it’s back to the chinlock as this thing just keeps going. Orton comes back with the usual to get the crowd into it again, and the draping DDT gives us our “vintage” from Cole. Sandow escapes the RKO and bails, suckering him into the post. Back in, that gets two as Cody tries to steal the briefcase again. Sandow is distracted and eats the RKO at 14:11. Orton’s not even at Summerslam, why bother putting him over? **1/2

Meanwhile, the Shield gets their first promo in a while, noting that unless Andre the Giant’s ghost is in the battle royale tonight, Ambrose won’t be losing the US title to the winner. Honestly, when they announced a battle royale for the US title shot, I had to think for a while about who the champion even was.

Meanwhile, Brock Lesnar gives a hell of a scary promo, throwing down the gauntlet to Punk. I’m pretty torn over who I’m cheering for on Sunday. Mailbag time!

Just a simple question for the blog. Who needs the win more at Summerslam: Brock or Punk?

One would assume Brock would get the first win if this is a series that goes to WM (and I'm miffed by the possibility that for the second year in a row, Brock's WM program will be a rematch of his summer feud, although I have no evidence that this is the direction WWE is heading in other than my own suspicions). Brock is 2-2 since returning, so I'm not sure he can take a loss. Yet I wonder if Punk will maintain the explosive babyface heat he's been getting if he fails to conquer the Beast. I know people expect Punk to lose and spend the fall tearing through an army of Heyman guys, but can Punk really afford the loss?

Who needs the win more?

Good question, because it’s one of the uniquely positioned matches where either guy could win, and neither guy can afford a loss, and that’s where you always get the best stuff. I think the loss hurts Punk the least, but you have to think the temptation to do the underdog upset is too big a fish to let off the line. I have no idea which way they’re going, and that usually makes for the best heat.

Natalya & Great Khali v. Big E Langston & AJ Lee

AJ goes after Khali for some reason, so Nattie beats on her until AJ comes back with a spinkick for two. AJ with a chinlock and a shining wizard for two. Natalya comes back with the Sharpshooter and AJ appears to be tapping, but Nattie breaks for some reason. That was really awkward. So she does it again and AJ taps again at 4:00. WTF happened with that finish? And why wasn’t Big E even in the match? What a trainwreck. DUD

Vince McMahon joins us, and he wants explanations from Brad Maddox. Brad is apologetic, but would like another chance, in the form of a job as referee for Summerslam. Vince is skeptical, but Brad pledges to be impartial, SCOUT’S HONOR. HHH interrupts and volunteers instead, then Pedigrees Maddox. Did we REALLY need this storyline interjected into the main event?

Kane v. Titus O’Neil

Kane slugs him down, but Titus comes back with clubbing forearms before walking into a big boot. Corner clotheslines and sideslam set up the chokeslam to finish at 1:48. Of note, Darren Young tried to distract the ref, but Kane wisely just held the chokeslam and let the ref do his job, then finished clean. I’ve actually never seen that as a finish before. The Wyatts come out for the beatdown, but Kane just walks around them during their elaborate entrance and avoids a fight. *

Meanwhile, Natalya challenges Brie Bella to a match at Summerslam. Now there’s the money match. So they put Natalya over the Divas champion to set up a match against Brie Bella?

Alberto Del Rio v. Kofi Kingston

I feel like they should stick Kofi in a tag team with RVD because it would probably be awesome, and RVD could do the mentor thing and probably set up a good program down the line. Kofi quickly slugs away in the corner and gets a forearm for two. Del Rio hangs him in the tree of woe and takes over with an inverted superplex for two. Kofi tries a comeback, but Del Rio swats him down and double-stomps him. ADR misses a charge and Kofi comes back, but Trouble In Paradise misses and Del Rio gets a backbreaker for two. Kofi with the SOS for two. Del Rio bails and runs into a rollup that gets two for Kofi. Kofi goes up and lands in the backstabber, and Del Rio finishes with the armbar at 6:08. This was fine. **1/4

The Usos v. The Real Americans

Yup, it’s another rematch-of-a-rematch tonight. Or as they call them, rubber matches. Swagger pounds on an Uso in the corner, and a Swaggerbomb gets two. JBL sums up the importance of a win here: It positions them to get in line to step up for a title shot. Do they have people actually writing crap like that? Swagger works over whichever Uso this is, and they hit a double-team into Cesaro’s forearm, but it’s hot tag to the other Uso. Even the announcers sound bored out of their minds by this whole “feud”. Jimmy with Cheeks of Fire on Swagger for two, and the Usos follow with a double dive onto the Americans outside. Back in, one of the Usos rolls up Swagger for the pin at 5:00. **

MizTV, which is apparently quite controversial according to Michael Cole, presents John Cena and Daniel Bryan. This ends up as a really strong promo, with Bryan calling Cena a parody, but Cena counters that he’s heard all the criticisms (including “Five Moves of Doom”, which I’ll add to my tab of unpaid royalties) but kids still fight through cancer and stuff because of him, and Cena has wrestled and beaten everyone else, and he’ll beat Bryan too. Man, when Cena is motivated, he can cut a HELL of a promo. Bryan notes that for Cena it’s just another Summerslam, but for him it’s the biggest match of his life, and he just wants ONE WWE title. And then HHH comes out to remind us that, yes, his involvement is a thing that is happening. That was a MONEY promo from both guys and it makes the HHH/Vince involvement look all the more ridiculous and cartoonish as a result.

Fandango v. R-Truth

Never happens, as they do a dance-off and then start fighting, which is apparently not what the ref wanted to see from them.

Meanwhile, Paul Heyman is having second thoughts about his match with CM Punk tonight.

Battle Royale: We’ve got RVD, Brodus Clay, Tensai (thankfully without face tattoos), Jinder Mahal, Drew McIntyre, Heath Slater, Ryback, Justin Gabriel, Fandango, Wade Barrett, Kofi Kingston, Titus O’Neil, Darren Young, The Usos, Antonio Cesaro, Jack Swagger, Mark Henry, R-Truth, and Great Khali. What’s with all the double duty? Poor Zack Ryder can’t even warrant cannon fodder in a battle royale now. This is spectacularly dull stuff as the low-hanging fruit gets picked off and we actually take a break. Are there gonna be a lot of people waiting through four minutes of commercials for a BATTLE ROYALE? Back with Mark Henry, Ryback, and a few other people who are not those two and thus don’t matter. Kofi has a great spot as he uses Cesaro to keep himself from getting tossed, but then succumbs to Swagger anyway. This sort of thing is becoming Kofi’s specialty. The Americans double-team Henry, but he casually dumps both over the top, giving us a final four of Henry, Barrett, Ryback and RVD. Barrett goes quickly, and Henry teams with RVD to eliminate Ryback in a bit of a surprise. So the last two babyfaces slug it out and the crowd is pretty into this, and then Rob fakes an injury and suckers Henry into charging, dumping him over the top to win the prestigious pre-game show title match against the lowly US champion at 15:00. Everything before the break was a waste, but the end was pretty boss. The Shield heads down to attack Henry and RVD, but the Big Show returns to make the save, apparently a babyface again now.

CM Punk v. Paul Heyman

Doesn’t happen, as Heyman brings out Lesnar after admitting that the match was a trap, and cuts a lengthy promo (complete with video package), before Punk pops out of the audience and lays out Brock with a camera. Well that probably answers the question of who’s winning on Sunday.

The Pulse

Not the worst show in the world, although really the only things that were any good were the Bryan-Cena and Punk-Brock segments. But since those are the two matches everyone is buying the PPV for, that’s fine. This show was fine.


  1. As a stand alone show, I thought this was a very meh Raw, but I thought Cena and Bryan did a great job selling their match for the PPV, and Brock/Punk continued their strong build as well, so I'd say it was a success.

  2. Don't worry. You'll be back to reviewing Impact again when TNA goes out of business and half those guys end up in NXT. Aces N Eights invades the Performance Center!

  3. I am sad that Scott didn't bust out a vintage "I don't rate battle royales".

  4. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 13, 2013 at 12:16 AM

    Jesus Christ, what is with HHH and having to barge in on every hot SummerSlam matchup? Hunter needs to channel his inner 2002 and GET THE F OUT

  5. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 13, 2013 at 12:16 AM

    Statler: "You fool! You fell asleep during the third hour!"
    Waldorf: "Who's the fool, you watched it!"


  6. Aww, Scott, at least wait until the Hardcore Justice show this Thursday before calling it quits from Impact. That Brooke Hogan turn promises to be one hell of a lowpoint to go out on!

  7. Damn. I haven't seen that one in forever

  8. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 13, 2013 at 12:18 AM

    Seconded. It's like a sundae without a cherry.

  9. I don't know, but I'm soured on the whole thing now. Like I said in a previous thread, I'm fine with Triple H and McMahon rubbing their asses together by themselves, but when they involve innocent bystanders like Bryan, I shake my head while I literally feel the excitement drain from my body.

  10. She should have turned months ago... But that's one of the problems with these guys.

  11. I feel like Brooke Hogan trying to channel Stephanie McMahon is going to be one of those epic trainwrecks that's worth waiting for.

  12. I just want to say whoever came up with the "I won't slap you because you're not a wrestler" line just earned WWE $54.99 or whatever these things cost these days. I was probably going to buy this one anyways but I'm off the fence. They got me again.

  13. If Orton is turning heel and taking the WWE belt, I think Punk has to win his match with Lensar so a face wins in the other main event.

  14. I'd bet you that $54.99 it was Bryan himself.

  15. It's looking like a heel heavy show.
    Shield should win all their matches for their belts.
    They can't job out Bray Wyatt on his first night, somehow he's winning and doing something zany to Kane afterwards.

    According to the law of 50/50, Lesnar's winning now.
    And somehow the show is going off the air with Vince sneering and raising Orton's arm.

    I guess Sandow can do the honorary holder of the Smackdown MITB job and the diva matches can be won by the faces but it doesn't look like this show is going to balance out.

  16. Yeah I was thinking that but whoever came up with it, it worked. Got a reaction out of me.

  17. It looks to me like they're set on recreating the 2011 Summerslam storyline, right down to having HHH as the ref, so who do you think plays the Kevin Nash role and costs Bryan his newly won title? Wade Barrett? The Miz? Scott Hall?

    I actually think it could be The Miz, There has to be a reason he's the "host of Summerslam."

    I'm just making up nonsense... But who predicted Kevin Nash would show up two years ago?

  18. Since it was my question, I might as well offer an answer of my own:

    If they have a separate program in mind for WM with Brock, then he needs the win here.

    But if this is a one-off or if, for some crazy reason, they're blowing off the Punk/Heyman feud here, then Punk needs the win more.

    But I'm guessing this is going to be a series, so it would make no sense to put the babyface over in the first encounter. Then again, I figured the same thing when they had the Bane angle staring them in the face with Brock/Cena, and they didn't pull the trigger, so who even knows? Especially when Vince co-opted the woman's prerogative to change her mind.

  19. Wow Darren Young couldn't be more useless if he were a member of 3MB.

  20. He's like Urkel, and we're all the Winslows.

  21. Shawn Michaels was announced as a pre-show analyst, so he'll be in the building.

  22. Lesnar won his last match against HHH, didn't he? I don't see why he needs to win again.

    Plus they can advance the story by having Paul recruit some more guys into his stable to go after Punk.

  23. I think the story is too good to have Punk win. If he wins then where do you go from here. Axel being Heyman's dragon or do you just end the story completely by having Heyman get his from Punk.

    It just feels like there's too much left for Punk to win. If they're going to build to something more, I feel like Lesnar has to win here, possibly even clean.

  24. It appears we will now see Henry/Show programmed against The Shield for the tag titles. I've got a sick feeling this ends in yet another pointless Big Show tag-title reign. If only Rollins was better at shaking hands...

  25. If nothing else, I might finally respect Stephanie McMahon as an actress now. That will be a weird feeling to have.

  26. It's definitely possible but that would feel like a step down. Go from beating Lesnar clean to Heyman's heels for hire? I mean yeah they could turn Show or recruit the Shield but it still feels like a step down.

  27. Could this be the fastest turn around on a general opinion of a show ever with Impact? It seems like only a month or so ago that Impact was getting pretty good reviews, now it won't even be watched? Just my two cents here, and it might sound minor, but I think Impact needs to do more shows in areas with large amounts of smart fans, such as Philadelphia, New York, etc., where you have more of a chance to have a breakout moment with a rising star that catches fire, much like how Daniel Bryan has got over in WWE. I might be way off, but didn't Bryan start getting over with the whole yes thing in smarter areas? An actual bona fide breakout star could be one of the things that might save TNA from the garbage heap of history.

  28. I agree, but if it's a series, it almost has to terminate at Mania, and I just feel like there are better things both men could be doing when WM30 rolls around. But if they can manage to keep the angle as compelling as it is now, and not shit the bed like the HHH angle did (assuming that angle ever really got out of the gate), then I don't think I'd mind at all. But they really aren't maximizing the money they could be getting out Brock if they make it a habit of putting him in three-match grudge series. Then again, I do like that they're mixing him up with full-timers again, and if it came down to it, I think I'd prefer Brock and Punk at Mania over Brock/Taker.

  29. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 13, 2013 at 12:36 AM

    'I feel like they should stick Kofi in a tag team with RVD'

    too bad that kofi isnt from jamaica anymore

    if you know what I mean...

  30. Jamaican me crazy, Asshole!

  31. FWIW, my assessment of TNA has never wavered.

  32. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 13, 2013 at 12:39 AM

    i just spent a bunch of time reading through the live thread comments.

    some of the best stuff in a while. cabs was particularly in fine form

    well-played, brahs

  33. They have hyped up the Orton connection so much that I am now convinced that he's NOT cashing in at Summerslam.

  34. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 13, 2013 at 12:40 AM

    its like rain on your wedding day

    wait, what?

  35. I thought the whole Cena/Bryan confrontation was great, particularly the whole not slapping Cena thing because he wasn't worth it. It's one of the few times I've actually seen Cena sell anger, rather than just have that shit eating grin plastered on his face.

  36. I was at the show, so you can imagine my shock when Kaitlyn actually a fairly loud pop for her Superstars match.

    Sacramento is usually one of the places that go crazy for Cena and the fact that the reaction he got was very mixed is......telling.

    The Wyatt Family's entrance live= Awesome

  37. I agree, usually WWE hypes up the "anything can happen" mentality with the MITB and the fact they're doing the complete opposite makes me think the same.

  38. Orton won't be winning the title now at Summerslam with a cash in. Too obvious and telegraphed. I say he comes out as if he is, but instead shakes Bryan's hand, and does a ' i want a title shot at the next PPV' deal. In the interim, Vince goes on about how much he wants Randy to be champ, and tells him about all the money and respect he'll get, and how easy it will be for Randy to win.

    Then, when Randy loses the title match, he snaps, attacks Bryan post match, punting him. That's the heel turn.

    As to Punk/Brock, how many matches does Brock have left this year? I'd have Brock win after Shield interference. Punk goes after the Shield for a few months, and then fights Brock at a Winter PPV in a main event to get his win back. Its too hot to finish at their first encounter.

  39. After all of the things that Cena has laughed off over the years, and the thing that finally sets him off is someone NOT slapping him in the face?

  40. They could call themselves Too High. You know, as in they fly too high when they jump off the turnbuckles, and uh, yeah!

  41. Yep. Cena retains is my call too.

  42. Just think how Cena would have reacted if Bryan had told him that, one day, he would have a bigger walk in closet than Cena, with TWO elevators, instead of just one. And that, perhaps, on that same day he would bang BOTH Bella twins!

  43. I figured out the perfect way to measure how good Raw is:

    Would you rather
    a) watch Raw, or
    b) coat your balls in peanut butter and have the dog lick it off

    If you answered b), Raw was shit.

    If you answered a), you probably ran out of peanut butter.

  44. It's like salmon without licorice.

  45. No Stadler and Waldoff tonight? :(

  46. Look down further.

  47. Cena would have laughed it off. And rightly so, as those words would be stupid coming out of Bryan's mouth.

  48. It's like that time I gave the prophet Mohammed a salmon hat.

  49. I just realized how the Cena/Bryan Summerslam match will end, it will be a reinterpretation of how the Megapowers exploded. But, instead of Miss Elizabeth getting knocked out, it will be one of the Bellas, probably the one that's with Bryan. She'll get accidentally knocked out in a schmoz at ringside, Cena will rush to help her, and, in a fit of jealous rage, like the Macho Man, Bryan goes nuts and beats Cena. Randy Orton then cashes in and beats Bryan....then Orton shits in both of the Bellas bags. Well, maybe not that last part, but I wouldn't be surprised if they go with the rest of it, it would tie in pretty well with Total Divas.

  50. True, but Cena basically laughs off everything. He practically ruined his feud with The Rock because he smiled the whole damn time.

  51. Soooooooooooooooooooo.......

    What was the deal with Steph bullying AJ and Kaitlyn a month or so ago now? Was it one of those dumb things where something happened backstage and they felt the need to put AJ and Kaitlyn in their place on TV?

  52. You killed the golden goose!

  53. The Mixed Tag Match mystifies me, too, because clearly Natalya thought that was the finish and let go of the hold, but the bell never rung for some reason (the ref never called for it, and turned around suddenly like he was distracted). I think it was the ref's fault, because he was clearly more confused than anybody, and nearly held up Natalya's hand before letting her just put on the hold again.

  54. Is Smackdown that much of a non-entity program?

  55. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 13, 2013 at 3:06 AM

    It's there, but everyone's in a downvote-y mood =(

  56. Matt Morgan. ;-) Yesterday I thought: Hey, Summer Slam has a good build-up and they are trying if a big PPV without Triple H would work... but now... ;-)

  57. I'm sure some fans want Cena to win.

  58. I think Sabin is supposed to be TNA's answer to Bryan, except his "breakout" wasn't nearly as organic and crowd-driven as Bryan's. It was like TNA's writers watched WWE during Bryan's "weak link" phase and decided, "Hey, fans like this regular-sized underdog thing. Who do we have like that?" Then they decided to push Sabin to the top and see if he'd catch fire.

  59. Maybe Orton goes to cash in, and Batista makes a big return and fucks him up or something? Or is he not in talks to come back anymore?

  60. Watching the Sandow-Orton match I realized that I don't know what Sandow's finisher is, because from the time I started watching WWE again (around WrestleMania), I haven't seen him win a match clean. And with SummerSlam likely being heavy on heel victories (Ambrose, Bella, Brock, Del Rio, Wyatt), I'd guess Sandow will be losing to Rhodes to balance things out a bit.

  61. Because it SUCKED!

  62. In 20 years, John Cena will be banging Aurora and battling Triple H for control of the company.

  63. Batista's movie career is actually taking off.

  64. They need to have a moment in which CM Punk tosses Heyman around a Steel Cage ala Bobby Heenan to end the feud.


  66. Are we talking just physical pleasure, or do we also take the shame factor into account?


  68. I've got that grey beard thing happening too, but I'm wearing it with pride.

    It's uh, salt and pepper, like Clooney!

  69. Johanna LeVesque is singing the National Anthem? They couldn't find a REAL McMahon to do it?

  70. The ref in the mixed tag match was the same ref in the Fandango/Truth match that never happened. In both cases, the announcers seemed to focus more than usual on the ref screwing up or losing control of things. Hopefully this isn't leading to a "bad ref" story line where Vince and HHH argue over who has the power to fire people.

  71. Caliber_Winfield_The_3rdAugust 13, 2013 at 5:41 AM

    Ah c'mon. You can suffer through it. You must make some coin off the iMPACT reviews. Ever since I got rid of cable your reviews have been how I keep up. Please, PLEASE don't make me read some bullshit over at 411, with 6 paragraph recaps of a 2 minute match and use of "Bazinga!" as a legit attempt to be funny.

  72. He was using a kind of straight-jacket neckbreaker thing he called The Terminus. Now he uses something that looks like Matt Hardy's Side Effect that he calls The Silencer.



  75. I actually thought Heyman's promo seemed to go on, and on, and on... for a really obvious pay off. Pretty meh finish to a good build for that feud. This was the most boring RAW in quite some time though.

  76. Ah, I skipped that one.

  77. ZING ZING ZING! A little creepy, but I understand the premise. Very funny!

  78. I think it'll be more like the Demolition/Powers of Pain double turn

  79. Take this for what it's worth, but in the Boston area they're advertising a house show on August 31st that features a Champion vs. Champion match of Del Rio vs. Cena. I know cards are subject to change, but just thought I'd put that out there.

  80. Just wait until he wins the US title.

  81. I'm not sure he was joking...

  82. I thought it was a money promo from both guys.

  83. The fish or the color?

  84. Impact (sorry, iMPACT, gotta do it like the cool kids!) sucks so bad, you couldn't even pay Scott to watch it anymore.

  85. The only thing that will save TNA now is getting rid of Hogan and Bischoff.

  86. I love that after a tremendous Miz tv segment last night, I checked out the live thread during the break and all the commenters were out of their minds with rage.

  87. It's worth nothing.

  88. I love how they spent all this time hyping RVDs return, and then forgot to give him any sort of storyline, feud or motivation. Why is he here? To gain momentum?

  89. To make money, win championships and entertain the fans.

  90. A simple 2 minute promo could have explained that. It just comes off as more lazy writing.

  91. It's why everybody's there bro.

  92. My favorite thing about the Summerslam main event? Once you get rid of the (actually, relatively minor) McMahon bs you have a pretty classic WRESTLING story: Daniel Bryan thinks of himself as a wrestler and that the focus of the wrestling show should be wrestling. Bryan doesn't respect John Cena as a WRESTLER and in order to prove that he's the best Bryan wants to win the title.

  93. In the storyline Bray Wyatt is there because the devil hollowed out Husky Harris and put a demon inside.

  94. I heard Cena's elbow is more messed up than originally believed. I wonder if they decide to get Bryan over huge by having him win and then beat Orton with a small package when Orton tries to cash in.

  95. I think it was being called a parody. Everyone knows John Cena has never been funny.

  96. It's the entire reason the McMahon nonsense HAS been interjected, Vince with his aversion to anything that resembles classic wrestling. As popular as Bryan is, you knew he would only have but so much faith in the program without sticking his (or HHH's) dick in.

  97. Oh no! Did I do that?

  98. You're worth nothing. Bro.

  99. That's why he's silly.

  100. That's not nice.

  101. Hurts, don't it?

  102. If D-Bry must lose Sunday, I want him to challenge Cena to a $5000 a punch match for Survivor Series.

  103. Vince is letting it main event the second biggest PPV of the year. I think he has faith in Daniel Bryan.

  104. Yeah but he doesn't have faith in wrestling without gimmicking it up.

  105. And Bryan feels Cena doesn't respect him. It is good booking which is why it is so pointless to add the Vince/HHH crap.

  106. I'd like to see Bryan challenge him to a "No signature move" match. Bryan can't use the Yes Lock, Cena can't use the STFU or FU.

  107. By having HHH ref? And what about the other main event which is pretty wrestling-based?

  108. My prediction for Bryan vs Cena at Summerslam: Bryan beats Cena for the title, HHH turns on Bryan, Orton cashes in and takes the belt.

  109. There is also the spectre of Orton looming over the match and whether Vince will get involved.

  110. I said he has faith, he just only has but so much of it...gimmicking it up proves that pretty succinctly.

  111. I dunno, 3MB actually does stuff from time to time. Darren Young can't even distract a referee effectively. Kane just politely waited until he was done with the ref and then chokeslammed his partner.

  112. You mean a tremendous segment of Cena & Bryan having an awesome face to face promo, with Miz grinning in the background adding absolutely nothing? Is your point really that Miz did anything worthwhile last night?

  113. Then Batista comes back (Or you get some random up and coming big guy. Reigns maybe?), and Shawn comes back in a managerial role who doesn't wrestle but can do the occasional Sweet Chin Music and you can have "Devolution"

  114. Eh, I'm so sick of these long running series feuds. I really hope they do a one and done with Punk going over (as I said last night, after losing to HHH/Rock/Taker the last few years Punk desperately needs a decisive win against a part-timer to be taken seriously) and both men moving on.

    Even with Punk winning they could easily continue Punk-Heyman. Have Heyman scurry away at Summerslam, and then he hires Shield to protect him against Punk from now through the Rumble.

    As for Lesnar, I don't think his value fluctuates much based on a win or loss here. They've already destroyed his invincibility via the Cena and HHH matches, so he basically is what he is: a famous huge dude who wrestles twice a year. Even after a loss to Punk, I think they could easily let Lesnar sit on the sideline for 6 months and come back in January to set up a Mania match against Rock, Taker, Bryan, Sheamus, whoever. (Personally, my vote is both Brock and Sheamus return at the Rumble, double-elimination setting up a crazy ass war at Mania that really puts Sheamus over.)

  115. They don't have enough time to kayfabe the Bellas in.

  116. 100% agreed. I think either Punk wins or Bryan leaves with the title. Both those guys losing could really turn off a big part of their audience.

  117. At the beginning of the Cena/Bryan promo, Cena said something to the effect of "I can't think of anyone better than HHH to be the referee." Really? The same guy who missed your foot on the ropes two summerslams ago and screwed you out of the WWE Championship? I know I shouldn't be mad/surprised at lack of continuity like this, but it's so ridiculous....

  118. You forgot Wrestlemania Moments (TM).

  119. Take a shot every time Scott writes "for some reason" in a recap.

    First part of the show annoyed me. They were booking guys in matches at SummerSlam to lose, and that awful botched finish in the mixed tag match.

    Show got better after that though like Scott said, with the Punk/Lesnar, Cena/Bryan anchoring things.

    Annoyed that Triple H will be the guest ref, expecting him to screw Bryan, but we'll see.

    Both Brock and Punk can afford losses. They are made men, what, if they lose they suddenly won't be bought as threats or be over anymore? Come on.

  120. Brock Lesnar's involved, it's different. Plus it's not the MAIN main

  121. You guys won't drop this despite the Shield being pushed in the last month since that bs story came out.

  122. Did I say that Miz made the segment?

  123. Not really. Doesn't bother me that you're a miserable person.

  124. He waited his whole damn life,
    To have that fight,
    But when he was told to lay down
    he thought, "Well isn't this nice."
    And isn't it Ironic.

  125. I think it's ridiculous to get bummed out by wrestling storylines but the Vince/HHH stuff is a letdown on two fronts:

    1) It's 2013.

    2) If HHH/Vince is fated to be the focus of 30, then weekly RAW viewers have to deal with this stuff for another 8 months.

  126. Did Andre The Giant's ghost ever show up in the battle royal?

  127. I bet if you compiled some of the different promos over the years, you could make a valid argument that John Cena's character is incapable of comprehending what is happening around him, and could possibly be mentally ill.

  128. I know John Cena will never turn heel because of his work with the make a wish foundation... but why should MAW kids matter to WWE... they aren't going to be long time watchers!

    (You guys will come visit me in Hell right?)

  129. With the inferno match being declared a 'Ring of Fire' match, I immediately think of the shitty interface of the inferno match in ECW Anarchy Rulz for the PSOne.

  130. It's not an Inferno Match because you don't win the match by setting your opponent on fire. The first is only around the ring to prevent interference.

  131. It's just that a Big Show feud seldom goes well for anyone and the backstage story doesn't add to my confidence. The Sheild hasn't been depushed per se, but the do seem to be in wheels spinning mode at the moment. Then again, they could break the pattern and go over the the big man super team for once.

  132. Bonus points if it means the return of the crossface chicken wing.

  133. YankeesHoganTripleHFanAugust 13, 2013 at 8:36 AM

    Don't worry I mentioned the other day that Beniot jobbed to a Lat Pulldown machine because he was tired after winning a handicap match against Nancy and Daniel yeah I will be right there with you.

  134. We'll do pulldowns and grant wishes!

  135. YankeesHoganTripleHFanAugust 13, 2013 at 8:39 AM

    I'm surprised Ambrose put over Andre like that. The Giant was moving pretty slow toward the end of his career. Wouldn't he be one of those "living on past accolades" guys that Ambrose was referring to?

  136. They already went over a Big Show team at WM, its not far fetched to think they would again.

  137. When I started watching the Battle Royal this morning, my first thought was, "I don't rate battle royals," so mildly disappointed now.

  138. 2nd summerslam in a row I'm going to and 2nd year in a row hhh has shoe horned himself into the main event to my horror. Last year I took part in the you taped out chants, this year I might not have the stomach to sit through the huntor wank fest but if the show ends with hhh holding up Bryan's hand to leech that heat I'm booing

  139. So what was your point? Everyone here seemed to love the Bryan-Cena promo exchange. Not the HHH involvement, but the promo for sure.

    Anyway though, I jumped the gun there. I guess just seeing it referred to as a "Miz TV" segment, as if Miz had anything to do with anything good that happened, seemed bizarre.

  140. Sounds like he has the same disease Sting suffered from while in WCW.

  141. Pot calls kettle black. Film at 11.

  142. To be fair, I think you could say that for almost every wrestler in history. Just think about all the nonsensical turns during WCW's nWo era. Or anything booked by Russo.

  143. I really really want the show to end in a soundwave of Yes chanting while Bryan holds up the title, because that'd be an awesome star-making moment for a guy that deserves it... but I also do want to see HHH turn heel because A) I can't stand the guy, so it'll be fun to finally see him get booed again, and B) Heels always get it in the end so that means HHH would finally have to lose, right? RIGHT?

    I think either a clean Bryan win or a HHH heel turn would be acceptable. The worst case scenario would be a total replay of 2011, where the face (Punk now Bryan) gets screwed yet somehow HHH stays face and beats him anyway. HHH either needs to go full "Mr. McMahon" and put guys over, or stay the fuck away. His face character buries guys way worse than HHHeel ever did.

  144. If it's not an Inferno Match Kane might actually have a shot at winning it for once...

  145. Agreed. I love Heyman on the mic, but that promo seriously dragged to the point where I was tuning out after three hours of brain melting raw.

  146. I'm hardly miserable.

  147. You should read the live thread.

  148. He beat MVP in one

  149. It's always a little shameful to watch Raw, of course.

  150. I always wanted to see Andre or Show or someone just shoot lay down in the middle of the ring during a Battle Royal and basically say "you want to win? pick me up and throw me over the top while I sandbag"

  151. Vince: "Harumph. Why cater to the fans that only watch for six years!?"

  152. But he doesn't use those! He uses the AA and the STF!

  153. The only way Hunter's losing is if it's one of the "you lost but we respect you SOOOO MUCH" moments... he's tried it twice and failed both times.

  154. You should participate in the live thread.

    And how the fuck were the commenters "out of their minds with rage?" Most people loved Cena/Punk's awesome promo and were bemused that Miz was standing there looking like an idiot.

  155. From my eyes, it looked like both times Nattie lost her grip on the hold before AJ could tap out.

  156. It was there and it was funny!

  157. I want that to happen SO much.

  158. Three downvotes for complementing people? Tough crowd.

  159. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 13, 2013 at 9:32 AM

    'you taped out chants'

    brah, dont be hatin' on him just cause he had a tapeworm :(

  160. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 13, 2013 at 9:33 AM

    how much does dis ghost weigh?

  161. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 13, 2013 at 9:36 AM

    wade barrett has the reed richards look developing too

  162. A Punk/Sheild feud would be pretty awesome, since Punk's the one who started paying them off in the first place. They could make it so Punk has a hard time finding partners to help him and add Ryback and Curtis Axel to the mix on the Sheild side.

  163. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 13, 2013 at 9:36 AM

    will sebastien do a surprise run-in?

  164. Punk or Bryan has to win for a big babyface reaction in one of the main events. I think it's Punk.

  165. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 13, 2013 at 9:39 AM

    nah, its just that ive got super devoted 'fans'

    maybe i'm the cena and/or ddp of the bod? people love me, people hate me, they'll never forget me

    but i can rest so so comfortably at night knowin' that whenever i get downvotes, its (most likely) not cause i said anything really stupid or tardulated, its just my fans expressing their love

    ergo, I'M INFALLIBLE!!!!


  166. Or Vince has Orton come down and we repeat MITB '11. Either way, point is gotten across. They've built up both the small package and DBD making Cena tap.

  167. Likely. Just another pathetic display for a McMahon/Helmsley to make themselves seem awesome and totally in control.

  168. You won't review TNA anymore, yet you still review this crap.

  169. I agree with most of this but I have a strange feeling that the Shield could end up losing their matches. They've started to become a bit stagnant as of late and maybe losing their titles will result in a different direction for the Shield, even if it's them trying to regain their titles. It really does show how the secondary titles don't do much for wrestlers now and just seemingly places them in midcard purgatory where all they do is exchange wins and losses with other midcarders with nothing meaningful to get the audience into it behind it.

  170. Those make a wish kids have a lot in common with the jaded members of the IWC, since John Cena is the LAST wrestler either of them wants to see.

  171. Cena was also confused Show helped Jonny Ace, forgetting that Show once threw Cena off a stage into a spotlight.

  172. I don't generally watch the show live. Plus I don't want to be surrounded by complaining about how everything sucks.

  173. No one really complains about how everything sucks. Way to generalize. You and Chandango or whatever he's calling himself this week should start a book club while his kids drown themselves in the pool because no one is paying attention.

  174. I can't look through the thread now as this shitty format makes it impossible on mobile, but at the time it was 'Cena is burying DB' ' you suck Cena' 'hhh is ruining things' 'omg orton argh' etc etc.

    And I'm not from Philly. I'm from the Philly area.

  175. In light of Sheamus' injury, someone needs to be around to kick people in the face. The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels returns to Monday Night Raw this , and Stan returns from vacation.

    Tune in to find out if they explode!

  176. There's a shit-ton to nitpick when it comes to WWE (jobbing out promising midcarders, all the rematches, the McMahons etc) but overall I'd say they've gotten a LOT of the big picture stuff right since Mania and the shows have had loads of awesome stuff. The Bryan rocket push and everything Punk/Lesnar/Heyman have been excellent, and the match quality is consistently really good.

    On the other hand, TNA is just a total mess creatively. Aces & 8s, the AJ-Styles-as-Sting storyline, the Chris Sabin sorta-push, Main Event Mafia, Hulk & Brooke Hogan—— all of that shit is tanking and is unwatchable. What's the reason that anyone would want to watch TNA right now? Who's worth rooting for? They had a little run last year when it looked like Storm or Aries could be big deals, but now... it's garbage. TNA is just non-stop dreary garbage with no likeable components.

    Is WWE at the best it's ever been? No. Is the 3-hour format still dragging things down? Yeah. But even so, the comparison between the two products right now is a complete joke— TNA is getting blown out of the water in every way possible.

  177. I want to see Brock win and Punk do the comeback win down the road (Hell in a Cell or Wrestlemania?). If only because they abandoned the Rocky/Knightfall thing in the Lesnar-Cena feud.

  178. Well, TNA is the same company that refused to push Alex Shelley even though he could have been their answer to CM Punk so TNA continually backing the wrong guys should be no surprise.

  179. Oh, so you're one of those suburbanites who turn their noses at city people. Bunch of uptight Lower Merion snobs who never worked a day in their life. Good for you.

    I didn't read any of those comments. Then again, I left for the bar halfway through Raw. The Triple H hate is understandable though, as there's no reason for him to be a part of the match.

  180. Big Show also managed to kill two stables in the span of a few months so it's also entirely possible that he could kill The Shield deader than Cory Montieth in a Vancouver hotel room.

  181. Nope, it's the woman from Total Divas.

  182. That's pretty impressive that you can get so many things wrong in one post.

  183. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonAugust 13, 2013 at 12:11 PM

    I picture him beating the kid in a WWE video game first before they die like that Dave Chapelle skit to prove that he won't job in any ring anywhere.

  184. It's 2013, Triple H doesn't need to be on television anymore. He doesn't move the needle in the right direction, which is why he loved using the "wrestling is cyclical" excuse when he couldn't explain why suddenly the buyrates and ratings went into the toilet in 2002 when he was the focus of the company.

  185. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonAugust 13, 2013 at 12:13 PM

    You mean do something smart in a Battle Royal? (unlike the dumb-ass wrestlers that climb to the top rope or run at their opponent.)

  186. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonAugust 13, 2013 at 12:14 PM

    "Facesous trustanyoneitis."

  187. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonAugust 13, 2013 at 12:21 PM

    He did do something right. He stayed out of the fucking way and was quiet.

  188. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonAugust 13, 2013 at 12:22 PM

    I would not be adverse to licking her naked body.

  189. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonAugust 13, 2013 at 12:25 PM

    Brie gets jealous that Nikki's man is living in a mansion while Daniel Bryan is in a log cabin, so she screws Cena out of spite.
    Pretty simple.

  190. I was referring to the first paragraph. I'm not Kobe Bryant.

  191. 7 foot four...500 lbs

  192. I think they are gonna have Brock win. Then they'll have a no DQ rematch that Punk will win. Then Heyman will be all about how Punk needed weapons to beat Brock and the rubber match will be something like HIAC.

  193. Yeah TNA is a wreck, but if you know nothing about the backstage stuff the shows are STILL better than when Russo was in charge by a large margin.

    I watch both shows but I can tell you I fast forward a lot more of Raw than Impact.

  194. Yeah that stuff is right up there with "Try to climb out of the cage when it would be easier and faster to walk out of it" or "Fold up and take down the ladder to use as a weapon as opposed to climbing it (non slowly) to victory."

  195. So instead you'll just mis-represent what happens in the live thread to make ridiculous points? Okay then.

  196. Paulie needs her to change her name. His niece Johanna is causing a stink and The Game can't have that because THAT'S NO DAMN GOOD!

  197. I put my money on THE DREADPIRATE ROBERTS, BECAUSE HE LEAVES NO SURVIVORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  198. That was originally the dark main last night, but instead we got Shield vs Bryan, Henry, and Show.

  199. Hahaha very true. I also loved when Bryan threatened to punch him in the face and the crowd popped HUGE. (While Miz stood there and took it.) Yup, bigtime popular babyface they got there.

    As boring as Miz was the last year or two as a heel, he's been a million times worse as a face. They need to turn him back pronto, and just have him be a heel manager or something.

  200. How would we ever know if he did?


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